QC CKI in Action

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Newsletter 2 of the 2011-2012 service year









CKI in Action Vol. 2

WELCOME to the 2011-2012

Service Year!!!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had an

amazing summer and are preparing for a successful

new school year! Along with hitting the books for

the semester, you should leave room for some fun

with circle k. We board members are working hard

to plan fun and productive events in leadership,

fellowship and service for our community. But only

with your help can we make that happen. We hope

to reach our goals of making this club bigger and

better. We hope to get more students at our

wonderful school involved in this great club. We

hope that all can feel the joy of working with our

peers to accomplish something more than just

experiencing college life and making friends.

Instead we hope you build bonds and friendships

that last a lifetime and learn something valuable

with every event. In this club we do more than just

community service, we work as a team and

become leaders. There are endless possibilities of

what can be learned in this club.



Get to Know the Clubs !!

This club is for elementary school kids from ages

6 to 10. In this club kids foster learning skills

through numerous community service projects

like helping the elderly with chores and food


Builders Club for junior high school students. Here,

students hone leadership skills as well as become

great team members in working together in

events like march of dimes and boys and girls


In Key Club high school

students work together to

serve their communities

and schools as well as

build dreams and goals

for bright futures.

These students participate in services like park

clean ups and organizing food and clothing


Circle K involves college

students from all over the

world to lead and work

together in service projects

from fundraising for special

causes to beach clean ups.

In this club we make a huge difference in our

community while gaining experiences and

making friendships that last a lifetime.

In this club, adults with

disabilities come

together to serve and

gain friendships,

interact, communicate

and build relationships with members and the

community. They participate eventls like fund

raising and park clean ups.

Kiwanis international is

more than just a club, it

is the entity that brings

all of the clubs listed

here together. This

organization is what

creates a drive for service within the clubs

by sponsoring them and encouraging

them to do what they do to serve and

build a family.


Kelly Chan Would Like to Say…..

Hello my amazing home club!

My name is Kelly Chan and I am serving as your club president for this service year. I am super

excited for this new school semester and academic year because I know that our club will SOAR to

such great heights with you as our new members! In case you didn't know, the Circle K year runs from

April to April which means that although school is starting now, the Circle K year is not. We have been

working hard to ensure that this year, our year, is the best yet.

All our officers are doing an amazing job thus far and I know they will keep it up to make sure

that you, the members, the most vital part of the club, fall in love with Circle K just like we have. I

wanted to share with you my CKI experience in Virginia Beach, VA this past June. As you are learning

about our amazing organization, you are learning that we are international. This means that there are

clubs just like us all over the world- we have over 500 clubs in 17 different countries! This June, I had the

opportunity to attend our organization's international convention (ICON). At ICON, I had the incredible

chance to meet members so many members from different clubs and districts (a district is comprised of

a state or a few states- we are the NY District). Although we were only there for a week, I felt that I

really got a chance to get closer with so many people, it felt like we knew each other for so much

longer. We attended different workshops, listened to inspiring speeches, played different ice breakers,

shared meals, and did so much more together. Along with building fellowships, I had the chance to

elect the new international board of officers to represent us as an organization for this service year. I

had a say in who I wanted to be president! I also had a chance to vote on the amendments and

bylaws that govern us an organization; this is what gives us structure and because we all get together

and vote on these choices together, it truly shows that we are student-led and truly student servant-


Although I did have some knowledge of CKI politics, I learned so much more from ICON and

although you may be incredibly confused right now, do not fret because you will learn soon enough!

Now, I would like to tell you about three days leading up to ICON... these days consisted of an event

called “Large Scale Service Project” (LSSP). These were three days devoted to building fellowships and

doing service together. We took part in a murder mystery fellowship event in which our International

President was murdered and we had to solve the case of who murdered her and under what motive.

We were broken down into different teams and we worked together to find out who it was. While we

enjoyed these fellowships events, we cannot forget the tenet that brought us all together- service.

Each LSSP attendee completed an average of 15-20 service hours in a two day's span! It was such a

reward experience to be able to help the community in the different ways we did. All of us got split up

into different teams; I was on the Narwhal team (which is the most amazing animal ever). I took part in

cleaning up the local YMCA, assisting in a summer camp program, setting up for a music festival,

organizing items at the Habitat for Humanity Restore, making Kiwanis One dolls for children, making

bookmarks and so much more. Other teams had the chance to build a shed and clean up the

beaches! Together, the amount of service we completed was just beyond belief.

That week in June was one of the most rewarding, inspiring, fun and amazing weeks I've ever

experienced; every CKI moment is amazing and unique in its own way and my vision is to share these

experiences with you. Welcome to the 2011-2012 service year!

The Awesome Events of Summer ‘11


We celebrated the end of the spring 2011 semester as

well as the new service year with this dinner at Unos.

Not only were we having a great time with members

of the club as well as members from Bayside high

school but we were raising money for Kiwanis

pediatric trauma center by donating 15 percent of

our bill.


This was a great way to kick back and relax and

enjoy the summer weather while meeting people

and having fun. This event was organized by our very

own Kelly. She did an awesome job preparing

activities that enabled us club members to get to

know each other better in a fun and active way.


At this event, we watched anime, played bingo,

and colored with elementary school kids at the

library. This was a fun filled event because we were

able to be positive role models.


We learned to be awesome leaders and set

inspiring examples in the community of Chinatown

by cleaning the streets. We showed the residents of

Chinatown that we cared about the environment

and so should they. We were able to meet different

students from schools all over NYC and team up

and work together for the cause.



Light the night walk

September 24

This event will take place at

Forest Park, Queens from 5PM-

8PM. This is where people come

together and walk to support the

fight against Leukemia &


Meeting # 1

September 12

We have lots to talk

about at this



October 2

JDRF stands for Juvinile

Diabetes Research

foundation. At this event we

will be walking at battery




September 26

New York

Cares Day!

October 15

Little Neck Bay

Clean Up

September 24



Get to Know the Officers




Fun facts:

1. I eat pb&j just about everyday

2. I bought a hermit crab and named him

mew at a circle k event over the summer.

3. I love transformers and star wars more than

any other little boy.



Darwin Eng



So here are 3 interesting facts about myself

1. Currently a senior double majoring in the

English and Anthropology.

2. During the summer of 2011, went to Du Yun,

China to teach English to Chinese English


3. Enjoy putting olives and avocado on any kind

of food (pasta, rice, bread).

Check out the new pokemon themed club



Kelly if you

would like



a shirt




1) I am a Pisces, which means I am a little shy, but

once you get to know me, I'm a real cool guy. I like to

put the needs of others before my own so that's my

reason for joining Circle K when I was a freshman

2) I am a little bit of an artist (not what you see in

Klapper Hall) but I do like to sketch and draw from

time to time. I haven't done it in a while, so I hope to

pick up the pencil/pen and make up for lost time

3) NEVER be afraid to ask me for help! I know I may

seem like the unapproachable type, but believe me,

I'm actually very helpful. If you need an extra set of

hands for those seemingly little chores, then just let me

know and I'll do my best to help out :)



1) I love volleyball; I would play it every day if I


2) I have a really big family and I never have

privacy. If I tell you about my family I might confuse


3) I love coconut water- I hope to drink it straight

from the coconut one day.

Get to know the officers (cont)

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