Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Post on 21-Dec-2014



Art & Photos



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• My Audience Feedback I received was for my first draft of the teaser trailer and this was using Final Cut Pro at the time. I asked each of my classmates to give me both positive and critical feedback so that I could improve or change anything. The feedback helped me to ensure that my second draft would be better and meet the demands of my target audience. I had to make sure that when it came to getting critical feedback I didn’t take it personally because at the end of the day it can always be fixed or changed if need be.

Audience Feedback

• Really good editing & filters • Nice make up at the end• Cool title

- Alicia• Sound will make it more intense!• If you make the scene look colder it

will be scarier.• Good editing, filter works really well.

- Eibhilin• Great titles, some great editing.• Change font for ‘Out this Autumn’ etc to

something more fitting for the film.• Assuming voiceovers will be added to make

storyline clearer?-Leigha


• Editing is good – emphasis on genre – filters fit well• overlay work well with genre• voiceover/sound will make it better/bring it to life.

-Lauren• Maybe say ‘This is Autumn’ instead if ‘Out this Autumn’• very simple fonts• Good footage

-Natalie• Good production logo• good scenes• better fonts maybe?• very good frame of Darina getting pulled off the wall screaming!• intro to movie title screen needs to be shorter?

-Sinead• Really good production company logos.• Really good captions• good editing of layers when the shot of• writing ‘help’ is played.• Good use of filters and effects• Sound will really bring it to life.


• It is important that I receive audience feedback from my target audience as it is them I am targeting my movie to. The feedback will enable me to see their thoughts on what I did right and what I did wrong. Where I could improve or what I could do to make them shocked or surprised but keep their intrigue.

• My second draft I received feedback from my classmates again because it I was running out of time to get proper realistic feedback from my target audience.

• After redrafting my teaser trailer for a third time, fixing the little silly things that needed to be fixed and including the music for my teaser trailer I went to facebook with the teaser trailer to get a more diverse feedback instead of from my classmates. I got both positive and critical feedback from facebook.

• The next few slides will show you the feedback I received.

Third time Redrafting.

• I even got my feedback from friends off snapchat a photo messaging app.


• After completing my teaser trailer I uploaded the video to youtube and went a step or two further and decided to upload it to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr all of which a social networking sites. The idea was to see how many people would view it and pass it on to their friends. This is known as Viral Marketing.

Social Networking Sites

• From the feedback I received on Facebook I was quite pleased with it. I got a lot of positive feedback and a few minor critical comments.

• I received 21 Comments and 42 Likes for my final draft of ‘The Psychotic.’

• For my two ancillary tasks the movie poster and movie magazine it was essential that I received target audience feedback. As it is a key essential in my coursework it is also important I receive it because it will be target audience that will be buying the media products therefore their thoughts and opinions matter to ensure that the excitement and intrigue built around the teaser is increased.

Movie Poster.

• It wasn’t enough just to place a few photos onto facebook and ask my target audience which one they thought was best. I needed to preciously follow my photoshoot plan in order to take the photos and then choose a select few that would appeal to my target audience. The choice was really mine however, I did ask my audience for feedback on the photos and which would they specifically liked even though I had already chosen the one I wanted. By doing this I am keeping the audience involved with the process of my media products to further increase their intrigue and excitement for the possible film.

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Top fourImages

• Audience feedback was the key essential that allowed me to create my movie poster that looked authentic, realistic and professional. Without the feedback I believe it would look like a four year old who stuck stickers on it.

• Movie magazine is slightly different to the teaser trailer and movie poster as I have to take into account that it’s not one specific genre. Yes the main protagonist is of my genre, but there are other features on the front cover that cover a whole range of different genres. E.g. Thriller, Drama, Horror, Comedy etc.

Movie Magazine.

The audience feedback I received for this was from my peers. I did not feel comfortable with putting this on facebook as I didn’t like it and it didn’t look to be of the standard an A2 media studies should be at.

Like the fonts that you have used.Not sure about the masthead – bit tacky.-ShannonCan’t read the red words written beside her.What’s exclusive inside?-RachaelLove the skyline looks really realistic.Why is there a white line around her?-Emma

• Although it’s only my first draft I felt like I still had a long way to go and even with my audience feedback I felt there was more criticism than there was positive comments. So I took to Photoshop with my audience’s feedback in mind and written beside me to ensure that I didn’t make the same mistake twice.

• I even noticed that this was meant to represent a movie magazine and nothing on the front represents or shows to the audience that this is actually a movie magazine. Back to the planning board again.

Movie Magazine Redrafting.

After some critical feedback and redrafting I have finally completed the final draft of my movie magazine front cover. With the audience’s feedback I was able to produce an authentic and realistic movie magazine that represented the movie genre and the professionalism of film.Feeling confident enough I place the image on facebook and twitter to get some more audience feedback to see whether they approved with the new changes that were made. You can also note that the magazine does connote that of a movie magazine as you cans see where the masthead is there is a film reel. Which is connected to film.

• To conclude, Throughout the process of creating my teaser trailer, movie poster and movie magazine I found that Audience Feedback was the key element of its success. Without the critical and positive comments given to me by my target audience I would still be stuck on the first step. The feedback gives me an insight on what the audiences thinks about my media products and informs me of what I could do to change things in order to meet their demands. Therefore I fully believe that in any work that I create audience feedback will always be the number one priority as it is for them I am creating these media products.


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