Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Post on 04-Aug-2015



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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Target Audience & Responses • My Audience was people over the aged of 15 as this is quite a violent

film and features aspects which may not be appropriate for a younger audience; you can tell that it is a horror immediately from the poster as I have contorted the image to make it look as though someone has slashed the image, also the double image gives the impression of a spiritual nature. It is aimed at lovers of horror films and independent handheld films.

• The magazine is not as creepy as the poster or trailer as it may have younger audiences wanting to read it, and therefore it gives them a chance to look at it without getting too scared. However the image on the front is still creepy. I got my inspiration from the Les Miserable poster.

Target Audience & Responses continued…• I decided to rate the film at a 15 not only because it is scary, but also

because it is the second most released classification of film, so I thought that my film could therefore compete with others in the market and conforms to the stereotypical rating of most handheld horrors. I also thought that if it was rated as a 15 younger audiences (maybe aged 13/14) may still want to watch it and therefore buy it because it is seen as a film for a more ‘’mature’’ audience.

Quotes: Rosie Daniels: “The music really adds to the sense horror”

Lucy Blowing: “It was tense and had a good narrative, I knew it was a horror from the word go!”

Oliver Beard: “I really liked how all three media texts link together’’

Colours• The main colour schemes I kept to were red and white with a black background, which is very similar to the ‘Fangoria’ style.

• I carried this colour scheme across through my poster with the featuring of a red slash (and tinge of red to the image).

• I did the same with my trailer featuring white text with a red glow, featuring dark scenes

Text• I featured the same title of the film on all three ancillary texts. With a

slight variation on the magazine.

• In my Trailer the text is used to illustrate worry and change, as the trailer progresses I start to incorporate more capitals in the text to show that the threat is increasing and that the spirit is taking over the protagonists body/mind.

Characters• I have used the same character throughout so that my ancillary texts

all link together, as she is the main character she features in all of them, but in each one has a different use:

• Poster: Is weird/contorted to make the audience wan to go and initially watch the trailer, and then possibly the film.

• Magazine: Gives a insight into the character and the actress, to give more detail as it is a ‘fanzine’ type magazine.

• Trailer: This is the final piece in making a potential customer wanting to see the film… This is why my trailer is about 1 min 30 seconds long, enough time to get a clear indication of the film, but not too long that it bores the person watching it.

Marketing My Products

• I hope to market my Film by advertising it as much as possible, If I put up a variety of posters around villages and towns I have a good chance of attracting the right audience to my film as my poster conveys genre well (the only thing difficult to show in a photo is that it is a handheld horror).

• Because my film is independent they typically have a very low expenditure I would hope to market my trailer online because it would be a lot cheaper than having a TV advert which many people don’t even pay attention or skip them; I would create a Facebook and Twitter page and hope that people, like and share/retweet it. Alongside having the trailer on YouTube.

Personal Review• I am very happy with how my products have turned out and I think

they all work together really well conveying the horror theme. My poster, magazine and trailer all very clear link together with the use of colours, actress, similar themes across all of them.

• According to my feedback If I was to make one change it would be to make my magazine cheaper however I could just use this price as a type of price skimming, this gives people the impression that what they are buying is a quality product and can then be decreased after a couple of weeks to increase sales.

• In all I wouldn’t majorly change anything as I don’t know how I could link it together any more than I already have, without it becoming repetitive.

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