Pyx & Syzygy

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Pyx & Syzygy



    By Gwendalynn Hatch

  • 7/31/2019 Pyx & Syzygy


    Chapter One: Pyx

    Yaplon is a land far to the East; high mountains, tall trees, long rivers, islands,

    and legends of its own. The highest mountain of Yaplon is the Ground Stone

    Mountain lush with green plant life and wild animals short and tall, the mountains

    stood proudly on Island in the East. The mountains supplied the people of Shrapnel

    with stone for their wall (hence the name Ground Stone Mountain). Shrapnel was

    the only city on the Island; they build their city in the wide plain at the bottom of

    the mountain. The people hunted on the side of mountain were the animals were

    plenty. Shrapnel was known for their game, and were part of the main trade

    throughout Yaplon. The trade was place on their shoulders; they were the ones who

    supplied the goods for the trade system. Their meats were sent too many other cities

    in Yaplon, especially the cities that relied on the trade. Theyd take their meats and

    package them in crates and send them out on the ships. The Moon Breaker was the

    star of Shrapnel and their main vessel; it sailed to all the way from Shrapnel all the

    way to the great port city Tortola. The Moon Breaker went on more trade journeys

    than any other vessel in all of Shrapnel. That ship was the most reliable, the oldest,

    largest, and the only vessel trusted with important deliveries. It was also the most

    targeted vessel that they had. Bandits knew that this vessel held get wealth if they

    got their greedy hands on it. To test the bravery of those idiotbandits they set next

    to twenty soldiers on deck, with heavy armor and huge swords. When bandits got

    close enough to the vessel that they could see them, their courage drained out of

    them and they ran away. Shrapnel was a strong city, built strong solid walls, had

    long and heavy swords, and strong armor. They knew how to defend themselves,

    and when it came to defending their belongings and shipments they didnt mess

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    around, they meant business. Defending was their business; anyone from Shrapnel

    could tell you that. They didnt waste time on weak bandits getting into situations

    they knew was dangerous. The Moon Breaker was their prize vessel, they great

    treasure, and no one daredmess with it, unless they had a death wish.

    In summer the Moon Breaker would be at the docks of Shrapnel

    preparing to be loaded to make the usual trip in the summer season to Tortola; the

    great port city on the Southern edge of Yaplon. Tortola was right next to the

    Southern sea, an easy access route for the Moon Breaker. When they got to port

    Tortola they would send the shipment by land to its final destination. On land the

    delivery was out in the open and could be easily stolen. To prevent this Shrapnelsoldiers would escort the shipment through the entire trip, from Shrapnel to Tortola

    then, through all the other cities until they returned to the Moon Breaker with the

    gold and went home to Shrapnel. Shrapnel relied on the trade as much as the cities

    they traveled to. The gold they earned from the trade was spent on things their city

    needed that they could only get from the mainland. When the soldiers went along

    with the shipment, Tortolas diligent docks men would prepare that ship for

    departure, they would fill the Moon Breaker with the desired goods that Shrapnel

    needed and when the Shrapnel soldiers returned to the Moon Breaker they would

    pay Tortola what they owed and make their journey home. The trade system they

    developed worked like a well oiled machine. Shrapnel only took what they could

    pay for from their earnings, no debt, no cheats, just business.

    Moon Breaker was at the harbor being loaded and was preparing to leave for

    Tortola. The captain of the Moon Breaker was at the harbor masters asking for

    permission to leave the port while the soldiers were boarding the great ship. They

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    were behind schedule, the set delivery was late. The hunters that were in the

    mountains doing some last minute hunting were delaying them. They left early

    yesterday morning but had not returned.

    We cant wait any longer! If we do well never make the journey. If we delay

    any longer well be caught dead center of the storm. You know it comes every

    summer. The captain hissed at the harbor master.

    I know captain. But theres nothing I can do. Kings orders, you MUST wait for the

    hunters to return. Better late than left with nothing. Theyll be back today, just be


    I dont have time for patients! We have to leave NOW! The captain interrupted.

    The harbor master slowly sat down on the chair behind him. The captain stepped

    back and lowered his voice. Forgive my rudeness, Im just looking after my crew,

    that storm could be the death of us...

    You doubt Moon Breakers might. That ship has sailed many storms, Ive seen her

    come back with her crew so soaked they were at home for days. She can handle

    your little storm, a simple wave to Moon Breaker. All you must do is keep her

    steady, you can do that cant you captain. The harbor master asked. He picked up a

    glass from the table and handed it to the captain. Patience and determination will

    bring Moon Breaker back, if you fail in these you fail the Moon Breaker and all

    who will be waiting for her return. Do you understand? If so then return to Moon

    Breaker and await the hunters return. Surely ifyoure late Tortola will be expecting

    something great when you arrive at their port. The harbor master smiled as he

    waved out the captain.

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    Sir, the hunters have returned! Yelled one of the docks men. The harbor

    master stood up and ran out the door. The captain stood beside Quinn watching as a

    group of hunters came running into the docks.

    Well look at that. And you were going to leave without them captain. The harbor

    master teased. The captain tilted is head and sighed.

    Now I obviously wont have to now will I? The captain said slowly. The hunters

    ran up to the harbor master and stopped to catch their breath. Whats wrong?

    Asked the captain. Docks men came and help some to their feet and carried away

    their game and pelts they had brought with them.

    We.Were. Ambushed. One of the hunters said, he panted as if he had been

    running for days. Water. We need...water. He added. The docks men quickly ran

    to fetch them water and food to refresh them from their journey.

    What happened to you? The harbor master asked, bending over to help the man as

    he staggered. You look like youve been scared have to death! He added. The

    man slowly gained his balance as he leaned against the wall beside him.

    Thats because I was, and Im not afraid to admit it either. I. Was. Scared. And

    thats all there is to it. Said the man. The harbor master stared at the captain; the

    captain stared at the harbor master. They turned and stared at the man with

    confusion written on their faces.

    Why were you so scared? The captain asked, stepping toward the man.

    We were up hunting on the mountain as we do every yearonly we were running

    late. You see, when we got to the hunters cabin to rest ourlegs and we found a

    somewhat unwanted guest. I never would have believed it if I hadnt seen it myself.

    A huge black and blue wolf was lying in front of the cabin. It laid there staring at

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    us, never moved, it just...stared. We thought of ways to get rid of it but we couldnt

    think with it staring at us.

    Why didnt you just come back then? Why did you stay there? The captain asked.

    Because, we needed to get the things we left in the cabin to the Moon Breaker

    before she made her journey to Tortola. The wolf was preventing us from doing so.

    I couldnt tell if it was going to kill us or if it was waiting for us to try something

    and provoke it! The man wheezed. When the docks men returned with food and

    water the man quickly drank and stuffed his mouth with sweetly honeyed bread.

    What did you do then? The captain asked curiously.

    Ill. Tell. You. In. A. Minute. Cant you see Im eating?! The man replied, hastily

    grapping bit of the honeyed bread and shoving it in his mouth like he had never

    eaten food before.

    Im sorry. But this seems important and I dont have much time to-

    Aha Sir. Theres a bit of a problem with Moon Breaker, Im afraid she wont

    make the trip. Mr. Ross said, a member of Moon Breakers crew and responsible

    for keeping her in working condition.

    What do you mean by problem Mr. Ross? Asked the captain, you could hear the

    annoyance in his voice. Well Mr. Ross...Im waiting. The captain hissed. Mr.

    Ross took a deep breath and slowly began to speak, You see captain Ive found a

    crack in the ships belly, and it will take up a full week at best.

    WHAT?! Screamed the captain, waving his fist at Mr. Ross. Now you listen to

    me Mr. Ross. I want the ship FIXED within three days. Do you hear me?! Three

    days. No more, no less. Mr. Ross jumped back and nodded his head franticly.

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    Of course Sir. Will do our best Sir. The Moon Breaker will be ready within the

    three days Sir! Mr. Ross exclaimed as he ran off to start the repairs.

    Seems like youre going to be stuck here for a while captain. Best get

    comfortable. The harbor master teased. Captain clenched his teeth and stormed off

    down the docks back to the shore line. Hes fun to tease. The harbor master

    laughed. He went over to where the hunters were resting to ask them some question

    as everyone returned to their posts. Now tell me,He said. What exactly

    happened to you up there on the mountain? The hunters shuddered.

    Well sir, Said a woman, she looked no older then at least twenty-one; long

    golden blonde hair, grey eyes, and plump pink lips. Just suited a young woman such

    as herself. There was this black and blue wolf was lying in front of-

    I know that much. Was that all it was doing, just laying there? The harbor master

    interrupted. The woman paused a moment, she looked scared for some reason.

    How about you tell me your name. Im Quinn, you? He asked gently.

    Alisa. Im the youngest hunter here, hunting runs in the family. Or so they all tell

    me. She laughed. Quinn smiled tenderly and slowly stroked his bread. He braced

    himself as he slowly sat down beside her.

    Alright, look...all I want is to know what happened. If you help me then Ill be able

    to do something about it. Do you understand? Quinn asked slowly. He wanted her

    corporation but she was a person who obviously wasnt the one to be asking, but

    she was the only one who could answer his questions. All the other hunters were

    too afraid to talk about it. Can you do that Alisa? He asked calmly. Alisa smiled

    and nodded her head.

    When we got there the others were trying to figure out how to get rid of the wolf.

    It watched us carefully, its ears moved when the sound of our voices moved, its

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    like it was listening to us. I remember sitting on an old tree stump and it was staring

    at me. Watching me, waiting for me to grab my bow and provoke it. It looked like it

    could understand what we were saying; when the one there said that they should

    attack it and take its pretty coat it stared long and hard at him. It didnt seem too

    like that much, it growled quietly before and stood up and walked back up the

    mountain. Alisa said quietly, Quinn listened closely.

    You mean it came down mountain, down to the cabin? Quinn asked, confused.

    Yes. Thats right. It came down from the top of the mountain to the cabin. Lots of

    wolves live on the mountain, but one such as this had to have lived up near the top

    of the mountain, or it would have been seen before, not just by us. She replied.

    Quinn thought a moment, he wanted to understand why it came down the mountain,

    what it was doing there, and why this is the first time anyone has seen it before. It

    didnt make any sense. What was it doing there?

    I wonder... Quinn whispered, Why did it go down the mountain? What purpose

    did it serve? Alisa watched Quinn as he stroked his chin slowly, trying to make

    sense of the situation.

    This isnt the first time that this has happened. An old woman said as she

    approached them. She was dressed in a black cloak from head to toe. Ive heard of

    this before...long ago, so very long ago. She added as she looked down at Quinn

    and Alisa.

    Oddto be wearing black dont you think? Alisa said.

    Is there something wrong with how I dress? The old woman asked a little


    No not at all. I-I didnt mean to be rude, its just... Alisa muttered.

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    You said this happened before, correct? Quinn interrupted. He was more

    interested in hearing the old womans story, rather than watch Alisa make a fool out

    of herself. The old woman smiled tenderly and sat on a stool beside Quinn.

    Yes, I did. Why? Do you wish to know these things? The old woman asked, she

    spoke slowly and was quite old but seemed very wise in Quinns eyes.

    Yes I do. I would very much like to know what happened back then. Quinn

    answered, he was eager, the old woman could tell. She smiled and slowly nodded

    her head.

    Alright, I shall tell you. But you must be cautious with the wisdom I give you, this

    wolf is stronger then you may think. The woman warned. Long ago the wolves

    lived all over this mountain. Fort Flynace at the top of the mountain was home to

    many strong wolves. When humans arrived on their island they retreated up the

    mountain to Fort Flynace. They knew that theyd be safe there. After the humans

    had lived here for many years the wolves became unafraid of them and traveled

    back down the mountain. Thats when hunters came in, to keep them away from

    your city. Thats when the cabin was built. It was a place where they would go

    when they went on a long hunt. They would stay out there for weeks on end. But

    one day a young woman went for a walk near the waterfall. Once there she met

    your black and blue wolf. The old woman stopped to catch her breath. Quinn and

    Alisa were very interested in her story; they were paying very close attention to

    every word she said. They wanted to know as much as they could about this wolf.

    Is that all? Alisa asked softly, trying not to be rude.

    Not see she became friends with the wolf. In fact Nuria was my best

    friend; we shared so many wonderful memories. But, she suddenly disappeared and

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    I never saw her again. People said that a wolf must have killed her. I of course knew

    that wasnt true but had no choice but to agree with them.

    What do you mean? If you knew that wasnt true why agree?! Alisa asked,

    aggravated with her decision.

    Because, I didnt know what happened and I could tell them she was friends with a

    huge wolf. Now could I? The old woman replied. My dear Nuria, she meant a lot

    to me, she was a very dear friend. As much it pained me to do it...I had to. Alisa

    lowered her eyes and stared at the ground, not sure what to say. Quinn nodded in

    agreement with her case but couldnt hold back his questions.

    Back to the wolves, if you dont mind? He asked eagerly.

    No...Not at all. The black and blue wolfs name is Pyx. At least...thats what Nuria

    said. She would always talk to me about the wolf. She said that she talked with him.

    She wanted me to meet Pyx too, but I refused her offer. I wanted to stay in the

    safety of the city, away from the wolves. Not gallivanting out into the woods away

    from the safety of these walls, I just couldnt be as brave as my friend, not even

    when... The old woman slid her hand down to her chest and took a deep breath,

    feeling her breath enter and escape her lungs. Alisa saw a tear shimmer in her eye

    but the old woman batted it away. Quinn studied the womans face and placed his

    hand gently on hers, she gladly let him stroke her hand with his thumb as she rested

    her hand on her lap. Alisa wanted to burst out in tears of empathy but didnt know

    why. The old woman seemed strong and healthy enough; she saw no reason to cry.

    Forgive me. My...Ive not been myself lately, to many...memories...of the past,

    such sorrowful things. She said her sadness eased freely from her lips as she

    spoke. Alisa felt her pain deep inside her chest, she like she could break into a

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    thousand pieces. Quinn closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then released the

    old womans hand.

    Forgive us for being so rude...weve asked some many questions, good or bad to

    you, yet have not even told who we are or why we what to know these things. And

    surely...these questions ache in you. Do forgive us for our rudeness toward you.

    Quinn sounded as if were begging to her, he motioned for Alisa to do the same,

    which she did. He lowered his head and Alisa followed his lead, doing the same.

    The old woman smiled and patted their heads gently.

    Oh, how much of a child you still are Quinn. The old woman said tenderly.

    Quinns eyes shot up at her like she insulted him done to the bone. You as well

    Alisa. You really dont know who I am? How could you not? Ive always been in

    the city, telling stories to the little ones and anyone who will listen to

    my...ramblings. She smiled and stroked Alisas golden blonde hair back as she

    stared at her with a confused look, much like Quinn who seemed shocked by her

    words. The old woman let out a small laugh followed by a deep cough in her throat.

    You know who I am? say I know yet I dont know your name maam.

    Alisa mumbled. The old woman sighed and stroked Alisas cheek softly with her

    faintly warm hands.

    My little Alisa, you called my grandmother once long ago. Remember?

    Grandma Felisa? Is it really you? Alisa sounded delighted, yet, at the same time

    she sounded desperate. Quinn watched Alisa closely; he tried to focus on her eyes

    to find the identity of the old woman in front of him. It couldnt be you.

    were taken away. Alisas throat clogged with heartfelt pleas, but she kept them to

    herself. Felisa smiled softly and leaned in closer.

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    I was taken away. I live in a small cottage just outside these walls; the people here

    thought I was involved in Nurias vanishing. They sent me out of the city. But the

    docks arent considered part of the city, if I were to fall into the sea no one would

    help me, so no one cares. Felisa said, staring at Quinn with such tender eyes he felt

    warmness in his heart and smiled slightly. You were one of the little boys that

    always wanted to hear more about the wolves, but your parents didnt want you to

    see me so they had me taken away. Out of the city where I wont be a problem.

    She added. Quinn blinked rapidly. He suddenly remembered seeing her face before,

    in the center of the city sitting on a stone bench telling stories about the mountain.

    You were much younger then. You had such beautiful red hair. I remember youteaching the girls how you made it shine so. Quinns eyes closed as his memories

    rushed inside his head. Felisa smiled and nodded slowly. She was comforted by

    their remarks and enjoyed the company.

    You have no need to apologise if I already know who and why. So ask whatever

    many find interesting and Ill do my best to answer just as I always have. Felisa

    said with nod. Alisa and Quinn both sat upright again, but didnt ask anything.

    Minutes past as they sat in silence, unable to think of something to ask, or say.

    I missed you Felisa. Alisa whined, her voice quiet, like it was fading. Felisa

    leaned forward and kissed her forehead softly. Alisa rapped her arms around Felisa

    and rested her head on her chest no wanting to let her go, in fear she might

    disappear again.

    Pyx watched silently from a ledge, he saw the Moon Breaker being repaired

    and saw Felisa with Quinn and Alisa. He squinted his eyes as her let out a deep

    rumble in his throat. Then he jumped down to the forest below him, from ledge to

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    ledge until he reached the ground below. The trees were tall and the shadows dark.

    He strolled silently up to the city walls where the tree line ended. The walls were

    tall as he looked up, looking for an easy route. He growled with disapproval at

    finding no way to enter. After one long breath he ran and jumped up a tree and

    pushed of hard against the trunk, which make the tree shake slightly, and hopped up

    on the top of the wall ducking under a low branch as not be easily seen by the

    people. He watched the guards carefully, growling quietly as they pasted. He really

    didnt like humans. Annoying creatures. He thought. The memories of the hunters

    rippled through his mind, his growled sharpened at the memory or his mother. He

    scanned the area below him and jumped down. He watched as the guards pasted

    him unknowingly. He walked pasted them, using the shade of the trees to hid

    himself from the view. The child played in a small pond full of lilies and catfish.

    Pyx stopped a moment and watched them; he suddenly wanted to join them but

    stopped himself, angry at the thought he exhaled roughly and continued to the

    docks. He was careful not to alarm the humans by walking with such skill that even

    an elk wouldnt have heard his approach. He was especially careful around the dogs

    he saw. He didnt want them to alert the humans of his presence. He knew if the

    dogs caught his sent that they would run but not the hunting dogs, they would bark,

    and if not then theyd go straight for him and hed be found. What he was doing

    was too important to have any interruptions. He had to get to the docks whether

    dogs came after him or not. He knew he could handle a couple dogs, thats ifthey

    followed him then it would be that last thing they ever did. Even so he tried to avoid

    conflict; he wanted to get to the docks as quickly as he could. And nothing would

    stop him. He could see the Moon Breaker more clearly now, the bowls of the ship

    had cracked and needed repair in order to set sail. Felisa was wearing black, he

    could tell that much from this distance, Alisa sat next her with Quinn. Two humans

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    that he had never seen before, he never really came into the city before, to many

    people. The trees stopped at the edge of the bank. He could see no means of hiding,

    until he saw humans moving crates unto the Moon Breaker; shipment deliveries, of

    crates of material to help repair the great vessel. He saw one that was empty and

    quickly when the humans turned away jumped inside. The builders turned and the

    sudden sound and slowly carried the heavy load onto the ship. Pyx waited patiently

    inside the crate. He felt claustrophobic in the tight space and found it hard to

    breathe through the small holes. But at last they set the crate on board the Moon

    Breaker; Pyx listened closely as he heard a door slam shut. CRACK! The lid of the

    crate flew into the air as Pyx kicked it away. He jumped out and panted, desperate

    for fresh air but tasted heated dirt and wet wood. The taste lingered longer then he

    deemed welcome as he scanned for his escape from the inner part of the ship. He

    saw a place where they had cut out the old rotting wood. A perfect place to jump for

    freedom. He sniffed the air for the scent of humans and listened for a moment. But

    the sound of the door opening threw him off as he hid behind the busted crate. The

    builders looked at the damage and took a glance around, finding nothing walked

    away. Pyx saw the open door and darted for his escape, he quickly turned to the

    side of the stairwell that was dark as more workers went down below to have a

    better look around. The smell of dirt and wet wood must have covered his scent

    from the dogs as they passed by him. He looked back then quickly continued up to

    the light of the high noon sun. Fallen sails provided shade enough to hide Pyx until

    he made it to the dock, but seeing a woman drinking drinks made his trip all the

    quicker. The workers, builders and dogs ran for her, hands in front, wanting to be

    the first to get a nice cold drink on a hot day. Pyx waited then darted for the dock

    which he got to with ease. He saw Felisa sitting on a stool with Alisa leaning on her

    chest, Quinn sat parallel to her. Pyx huffed then quietly walked on toward her in the

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    shade of the Moon Breaker when he heard a dog bark. He hid the dark shade of the

    Moon Breaker where the humans could not see,but he knew they tried. The dogs

    bark came closer, running, the sound of running followed. He saw Felisa and the

    two other humans stand and stare at the sight of the dogs that were now in front of

    him growling and barking.

    Must be a lone deer! Suggest one the hunters from a distance. The workers

    nodded slowly but werent convinced.

    If it were then the dogs would have attacked by now! Its something else.

    Another said. The workers agreed and grabbed what they could for weapons before

    walking down to the docks. One of the dogs jumped forward trying to intimidate

    Pyx to show himself but did nothing. He stood still, towering over the hunters dogs.

    It jumped closer; Pyx knew he had to down something before the dogs thought he

    was a cowardly coyote and jump on him. He didnt want to get pulled into an

    unnecessary battle to the death with worthless hunt dogs. He stood his ground and

    let out a long deep threatening growl. The dogs whimpered and ran to their owners.

    No! Yelled Alisa, Dont go any closer, its a wolf! the words hung thick in the

    air around the docks and all that heard. Mothers shut their children up in their

    homes. Workers hold their weapons ready in hand. Pyx thought of the possibilities,

    running, fighting...the sight of the humans and their weapons made him angry, he

    growled when the hunters grabbed their bows. Pyx growled again, warning them

    like he had done at the cabin earlier. The men slowly made their way closer to the

    hull of the Moon Breaker where Pyx was hidden in the shadow. Pyx let out a deep

    growl as the hunters stepped into the shadows, one step to many, they backed off

    and waited. Pyx sighed quietly then slowly stepped out from the darkness. The

    hunters that had arrived earlier gasped at the sight of him. Alisa felt shivers tingle

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    up and down her spine as he stepped out. Quinn braced her as she gave the

    impression she could faint. Felisa stared then in their amazement stepped forward

    and gestured a hello and tilting her head slightly forward. Pyx did the same,

    lowered his head and slowly rose again. Felisas delicate old hands, plagued by

    wrinkles shook slightly under her long sleeves. Pyx walked closer and sat down in a

    sunny stop where everyone could see him.

    That wolf...h-hes huge! Some said, while others stared at his fur; long

    black fur coat with bright blue on his forelegs and in a pattern on his face, his tall

    pointy ears, long black claws, and his long tail curly tail. Pyx did not expect this

    kind of reaction from the humans; he had expected the hunters to attack, like theyalways did to wolves that they came across. Quinn grabbed Felisas arm gently as

    she tried to get closer to Pyx.

    What do you think youre doing?! He asked furiously. Felisa looked up at him,

    confused by his actions.

    How much of a child are you dear Quinn? Ive told what you wanted to know yet

    here and now mean not a thing to you! Unhand me this instant boy! She raised her

    voice just enough to make her point without hurting herself. Quinn let go and

    watched as Felisa sat down on a stool in front of Pyx. Pyx watched her as she

    lowered herself slowly and made herself comfortable. Yourpatients are admirable.

    Im not quite as young as I used to be, but you thank you. She said slowly

    as she sat down. Pyx nodded slowly in reply, understanding her age and

    movements, he could see how hard they were on her body. Felisa smiled kindly as

    she stared at Pyx. Now...what brings you into the city? She asked quietly.

    Everyone stared at her and started to whisper.

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    Lass she lost her mind completely? Talking to some wild and dangerous

    beast sent her away before she brings harm upon us. Said the workers, as they

    watched from afar. The hunters talked quietly among themselves, speaking of her

    craziness and the possible threat she could posses. Alisa frowned at them and

    rushed to Felisa side. Pyxs eyes fixed on Alisa them moment her foot hit the

    ground to run.

    Shes going to get herself killed! Yelled the hunters who were watching.

    They held the bows at the ready and shot in front of her enough that she bounced

    backwards, falling into the sea beneath her. Felisa gasped and turned quickly to see

    Alisa fall in.

    Alisa! Felisa screamed. She knew the dangers, Alisa hadnt learned to swim, the

    sea was much too dangerous a place, and the dangers within. Pyx saw the worry in

    her eyes and stood over the edge where Alisa had fallen. Pyx scanned the waters

    then grabbed a barrel and dropped it far from Felisa.

    What is it doing?! The builders asked as Pyx ran passed them. Felisa stared,

    hope in her eyes that Pyx was trying to help Alisa for her sake. Pyx let out a loud

    and deep bark that scared the hunt dogs. The water rippled and Alisa popped up and

    grabbed the barrel and started to float away. Pyx grabbed the rope that was tied

    around it and slowly walked to the banks of the sea, pulling Alisa behind him.

    Felisa, Quinn, and everyone ran to keep up with Pyx as with little effort on his part

    pulled Alisa to safety. Alisa coughed the water out of her lungs as she let herself fall

    on to the warm sand around her. Pyx stood over her and bit down hard on the upper

    thigh of her leg. She let out a loud cry of pain as blood gushed out from the wound.

    Pyx still stood over her; deep growls escaped his throat as he licked her fresh

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    wound. Felisa covered her mouth and nearly forgot how to breathe if not for Quinn

    being right beside her.

    You were saying Felisa! Quinn hissed as he pointed at Alisa and her wound. The

    hunters drew back their bows and prepared to fire when Felisa yelled out that they

    did not. Pyx turned and growled violently at them, then returned to licking Alisas


    Why? Felisa groaned. Pyx stopped and looked up at her, blood dripping from his

    mouth. She saw the red on his paws and the pool slowly growing on the ground.

    Pyx huffed and again continued to lick the wound.

    Thats the wolf I told you about earlier Sir. Said one of the hunters, as he

    approached Quinn. Quinn nodded slowly. I knew he was something bad. O just

    knew it! Him and all those damned wolves- Pyx stared at him long and hard until

    he saw the hunter shudder at his own words before licking Alisas wound again.

    Alisa groaned in pain as Pyx licked her leg, his long tongue warm and wet, stung


    Call help for the girl! Yelled one of the men. The refreshment lady did as

    she was told and went to fetch the doctor. Alisa propped herself up as best she could

    and watched Pyx clean her wound. Pyxs eyes gazed up at her until she whined at

    the pain. He stopped and stared straight at her. Alisa muscled her courage and

    rapped her arms around Pyx and hugged him. Everyone stopped and stared at her

    and Pyx. Pyx allowed the girl to thank him and returned her gesture with his own,

    placing his head on her shoulder her put his paw on the back and rubbed his face

    slowly against the side of her head. Pyx felt something that he never felt before,

    except with Nuria. He could feel something aching inside. His heart throbbed as she

    hugged him. He let out a small whimper as she hugged him tighter. Felisa stared

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    with curiosity as Pyx nuzzled against Alisa. Quinn couldnt believe his eyes, what

    he was seeing seemed to be impossible, far too much so to believe real. Pyx

    welcomed the feeling. He wanted to have someone to love again, like Nuria. Nuria

    had become ill and had fallen to it. Alisa in his mind could replace her love and he

    could protect her, he longed to have someone to protect. It was in his nature to do

    so. Felisa smiled and took a step closer, at the same time hunters rushed forward to

    get Alisa and take her to the doctor waiting at a distance. Pyx growled fiercely as

    they approached and stood between them and Alisa. Alisa gasped as she saw them

    with bows in hand.

    No! Wait. PleaseI can explain. She exclaimed trying hard to stop their attack,which would be difficult, considering Pyx, had bitten her leg. But they stopped and

    listened closely to what she had to say. Pyx growled lowly as he sat beside Alisa.

    She gathered any remaining strength and sat facing the hunters. You dont

    understand...Pyx was helping me. A Ray fish stung my leg, Pyx was removing the

    poison. He was helping me! She cried, rapping her arms around her leg as it

    throbbed, and blood ran down across her skin slowly. Felisa stepped forward, her

    flimsy hands reaching for Alisa. Pyx stepped aside as Felisa reached for her

    granddaughter. Alisa stretched out her arms and hugged Felisa as she sat beside her,

    slowly rocking her back and forth through the pain. Quinn stepped closer, worried

    to get close to Pyx, but more so over Alisas overall safety. Pyx let a low rumble

    escapes his throat as Quinn approached.

    My dear Alisa...Pyx I thank you, so very much for saving her. Felisa said quietly,

    sobs growing deep within her throat pushing to escape her control. Pyx lowered his

    in reply and turned to the hunters, and Quinn.

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    Felisa, you crazy old woman...are you mad?! That beast just bit her leg,

    nearly ripped it from her body! How can you even- Yelled the refreshment lady.

    The hunters agreed with her completely, how could she?! Felisa frowned and waved

    them off, turning her attention back to her dear little Alisa. Pyx growled and they

    flinched away, Pyx chuckled at their sudden movements. Foolish humans, so

    easily frightened. He thought. Quinn squinted his eyes and stepped in front of Pyx,

    bravely standing his ground and not afraid to say so. and your kind can stay up in the mountain where you belong! That

    damned fort was abandoned because of you horrid creatures! Leave this city, or by

    my hand I promise you...Pyx...Ill kill any wolf I see on my journey! Quinnexclaimed, staring straight into Pyxs bright blue eyes. Alisa gasped and stood up as

    quickly as she could.

    Alisa! No, your leg is still wounded! Felisa said, stunned in horror as Alisa tried

    to walk, her wound opening as she stood on it. Alisa couldnt stand, she knew that

    she couldnt. The pain in her torn limb was too great to bear in the small movement,

    it was pure agony. Pyxs eyes shone as he ran to brace her as she fell onto his back.

    Alisa stroked his fur as she braced herself against him. Pyx breathed deeply as he

    slowly lowered himself to ease her down. Felisa (nearly having a heart attack)

    leaned against a crate to catch her breath. Quinn was shocked by Alisaa actions and

    didnt understand them. Why she did it? How she even could through the pain?

    These questions raced through his mind. Pyx stared at Quinn and growled. Pyx

    didnt like Quinn now. Making threats against him, making Alisa hurt herself more

    then she already was. Quinn was on the edge, Pyx was ready to claw him something


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    If youre going to make threats...they work both ways human... Pyx

    growled. His voice was deep and rolled of his tongue like he was fluent. Quinn fell

    to the ground as Pyx spoke.

    It...I-it talks! He gasped. All around jaws dropped. The hunters stood silent, their

    bows fell out of their hands and hit the ground with a thud.

    Well of course he talks! You dont remember a thing I told you, do you boy?

    Felisa asked, crossing her arms in front of her, disappointed in Quinn. Quinn hung

    his head and thought a moment, what to say, what to think, what to do? Alisa was

    right in front of him; he wanted her to be right beside him, not hanging over that

    filthy animal. I do remember telling you children about the wolves from Fort

    Flynace and their abilities. Felisa added solemnly. Pyx glanced over at her with

    curious eyes. Well, at least by what Nuria-

    Nuria vanished because of you! You still never told us what happened to her

    Felisa! A rude hunter interrupted. Felisa sighed and turned away.

    Nuria lived with Jaazur and us. She became ill and died. Pyx said slowly. Felisa

    felt her throat clog with tears. Her friend had died and she had no idea, Nuria died

    while she lived with Pyx and the other, and he had nothing to do with her death.

    The hunters blinked rapidly, hoping what he said wasnt true.

    Youre just some wolf why would we trust you? The hunter asked.

    Not insult me you foolish human! Do you have any idea who you are speakingto!? Pyx snapped. His fangs showing his displeasure with him.

    Some damn...WOLF! Do youknow who youre talking to? You worthless mutt!

    Pyx snarled, and jumped on top the hunter snapping and clawing. The others ran

    back and retrieved their bows Quinn and Felisa watched in horror as the hunter

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    screamed, trying to fend off the huge animal. Blood spattered to the ground as Pyx

    bit and clawed his arm. The hunter, so terrified that a wet spot grew wide on his

    pants. One of the hunters jumped in Pyxs way and fell dead to the ground.

    Now listen here, you pathetic human! I. Am. Pyx! The Dark Claw of the forest!

    You dare insult me and my kin?! You should learn to watch your tongue! Pyx said,

    with his large paw on the mans neck, holding him to the ground making him stare

    into his eyes. The hunters eyes held fear. Terrified that Pyx could kill him right

    there and now. Alisa, having fallen to the ground when Pyx pounced on the hunter,

    picked herself up carefully. dont...dont kill...him... Her voice faded as she fell to the ground giving

    into unconsciousness. Pyxs eyes grew wide as he rushed to her side; sliding his

    head underneath her, she slid unto his back.

    Felisa? Pyx asked, looking her in the eye, reading her expression. She seemed

    shocked that he knew her name.

    Yes? She replied. Pyx turned attention to Quinn as he stepped in front of him.

    Put her down! He demanded.

    Need you learn you place as well human? Pyx tilted his head as if to grin at the

    thought, oh how hed love to put Quinn in his place.

    The doctor is waiting to help her, put her down so he can heal-

    He cant help. None of you can help her. Pyx said slowly as he stepped into the

    water. Alisa crawled onto Pyxs back and clenched onto his fur as pain shot through

    her leg. Pyx whimpered and walked back on shore. Hang on tight to me Alisa.

    Pyx said. Alisa nodded and borrowed her face into his fur. Pyx stretched and darted

    toward the forest. Felisa sighed as she saw them leave.

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    Quinn, we must follow them. My little Alisa, my dearest, I must she is alright.

    Quinn agreed and headed up to the hunters, they were more than happy to

    accompany them into the wolves den.

    At the top of the mountain in Fort Flynace Jaazur was pacing around the


    When that Pyx gets back here I swear Im going to- He exclaimed, digging

    his claws deep into the ground. Syzygy jumped in front of him. Jaazur growled

    You arent to hurt him Jaazur, hes bringing Nurias friend here, and you

    know that! Syzygy exclaimed. Jaazur showed his teeth and stomped on the ground.

    Im leader of this pack Syzygy! You will do as I say, and Pyx will be punished for

    leaving his post! He yelled, angry snarled and pounced at Syzygy. She moved just

    before he landed. His teeth dug into anothers back. He whimpered in pain as Jaazur

    released him. Syzygy, you will either side with him or withthe pack! Syzygy

    growled at Jaazur. He slowly walked up to her and snarled; Syzygy lowered and

    whined as she put her snout to the ground. Thats what I thought. Jaazur said

    harshly before walking inside the fort. Syzygy lay on the ground whining. One of

    the sentry wolves howled, signaling anothers approach. Syzygy quickly got up and

    ran to the edge of the cliff.

    Pyx! She howled, Youve returned. Her tail waged as Pyx returned her howl

    with his own. Syzygy and the others went silent when they noticed Alisa clutching

    his fur in her hands. Jaazur jumped out of the fort and looked out, growling at the

    sight of Pyx and Alisa. Pyx slowly trotted up the side of the mountain, carefully so

    Alisa wouldnt fall off. She moaned as he jumped up the side of the rocks to where

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    Syzygy and the others stood. Jaazur was very displeased with Pyx, and having Alisa

    present didnt help the situation. As Pyx approached the fort wolves came to greet

    him, Syzygy stood waiting next to an old oak tree in the forts garden. Tillie (a

    young Dark Claw) met him as he reached the fort.

    Pyx! Im so glad your back, watching the forest is boring, and its so lonely

    without you around. She said, bouncing around him and Alisa. Alisa watched her

    and listened closely. She was shocked to see so many wolves all in one area. She

    noticed one that stood out from the rest, a tall brown male wolf standing near the

    cliff, growling quietly. Alisa picked up her head and pat Pyxs neck softly, he

    lowered and she slid slowly to the ground. Syzygy rushed to Alisas side when shesaw the bloody wound on her leg. Jaazur growled as Syzygy licked the wound.

    Get away from her! Jaazur snarled, pouncing forward beside Syzygy. She dodge

    before Jaazur landed, Alisa scooted back but not fast enough. Jaazurs huge paw

    landed on her wound, and he pushed down hard on her leg. Alisa screamed in pain,

    which made Jaazur quite happy. Pyx (however) didnt feel that way; he jumped

    forward and bit Jaazurs neck with such force Jaazur couldnt turn his head to

    attack. Syzygy rushed to Pyx side, nudging him to stop. Alisa grabbed Jaazurs paw

    and stroked his fur gently humming. Jaazur could do nothing about, Pyx had him

    pinned to the ground by the neck and he wasnt listening to Syzygy about setting

    him free. Everyone watched Alisa; even if Pyx had Jaazur pinned, he could still

    harm her, and she knew it all the same.

    Its alright Pyxlet him go She mumbled quietly through her pain. Pyx eyed

    her for a minute, and with a small whimper let Jaazur up. He whined softly as the

    blood trickled down his neck. Its alright nowno need for that. Alisa said softly.

    She pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and quickly, yet carefully cleaned the

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    wound. Jaazur closed his eyes and placed his head on her lap, so his wound would

    be more accessible. Alisa hummed, and stroked Jaazurs snout as she worked on

    cleaning his wound. Pyx watched, ready to attack if Jaazur tried anything. Syzygy

    felt warmth in Alisas heart. She laybeside her, placing her head against Alisas

    injured leg. Pyx sat down beside Syzygy, nudging her neck as if to say he missed.

    Syzygy returned the gesture. Pyx stopped and stared at Jaazur when he let out a

    small growl. Alisa patted Pyx snout gently with her red hand. Its alright Pyx, hes

    in pain and cleaningcleaning wounds can be painful as well. Pyx lowered his

    head with a whimper; Alisa was in the same pain just before they left to go to the

    fort. The observing wolves watched Alisa move the cloth slowly over Jaazurs neck

    wound and gently stroked the back of his head. Jaazur let himself embrace Alisas

    kindness and closed his eyes, slowly drifting off in her lap. Alisa smiled as Jaazur

    sighed. That suddenly changed When Tillie howled loudly; others joined her with

    howls and snarls. Pyx stood up quickly and looked down the mountain. Jaazur lifted

    his head but whined as he lowered it again unto Alisas lap. She stroked his fur and

    pressed on the wound so it wouldnt bleed.

    Its the humans! Hunters are approaching the path up the mountain. Exclaimed

    Tillie. Syzygy seemed to shudder; Alisa could feel her shaking beside her.

    Are you alright Syzygy? She asked, softly petting Jaazurs fur on the back of his


    Last time the hunters came here they destroyed this fort and some of the wolves

    that were around in the forest. Thats when we came to live here, we scared them

    awayif they come backwhat are they going to do Alisa?! Syzygy whined.

    Alisa felt sad, she was sorry for what had happened and didnt know quite what to

    say. And I know theres nothing I could do to stop them. Syzygy whimpered, a

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    single tear falling from her crystal clear eyes. Pyx turned back to the pack and

    howled loudly. Everyone stared at him. Alisa gazed up as well, she knew who was

    coming up the mountain, and she knew why.

    Dont panic, everything will be fine. The hunters are coming for Alisa thats all.

    The one is a friend of Nurias, the other one hates wolves. The hunters wont move

    unless their told to, this is nothing to worry yourselves over. Pyx said. Tillie

    looked at him with confusion in her eyes. Pyx knew she didnt understand, but he

    could think of no other way to tell them there was no threat. He knew, and he told

    them it was going to be alright, hopefully they understood what he meant to say.

    Pyx! Quinn bellowed. Alisa gazed over to the path leading up to the fort and

    gasped. It was Quinn, Felisa, and every single hunter in Shrapnel. They were armed

    with bows and other weapons. Alisa didnt know what to do;she didnt know if

    there was anything she could do to help prevent whatever it was they were going to

    do. Pyx stood tall as Quinn came into view, he was prepared to do whatever it took

    to keep the pack safe. Quinn stood still as he gazed around the fort. A vast number

    of wolves stood, growly lowly and eyeing him and his men. Towards the cliff he

    saw Alisa, Pyx, and to other unfamiliar beasts. I came for Alisa! Let her leave with

    us and well leave your mountain. Quinn declared. The wolves glanced at one

    another, as if they were agreeing and waiting for Pyx to do as Quinn had asked. But

    he didnt. Pyx growled and walked closer toward him, stopping only a few feet

    away from Quinns face.

    Your darecome here to are home? Pyx snarled. Quinn was quiet but summoned

    his courage, Yes. I. Dare. Now let Alisa come back to-

    No Quinn...I want to stay here, I cant move anyway. My leg is still wounded and

    Jaazur needs my help, I couldnt leave...even if I wanted to. Alisa interrupted.

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    Quinn and the band of hunters seemed surprised by what she said. You can go

    now. She added quietly, so quietly that Quinn almost didnt hear. Felisa smiled

    and slowly walked toward her.

    Im proud of you Alisa...Im sure your mother would be to. She said slowly as

    she wrapped her arms around her. Alisa hugged her back and wouldnt let her go.

    Syzygy licked Felisas arm and whined, as if she was glad to see her.

    Hello Syzygy...itsbeen a long time, hasnt it girl.

    Yes, yes it has. Far too long my friend. Syzygy replied. The two stared at each

    other for a long while until Quinn got fired up.

    Calm down boy, making a ruckus is not such a grand idea when youre in such a

    predicament... dont you agree? Felisa said, as Quinn looked like he was about to

    burst out and attack Pyx. He calmed himself and nodded. Obviously he was at a

    disadvantage. Jaazur lifted himself up and stood in front of Alisa. Pyx turned to face

    him, ready for an attack from Jaazur. Quinn and the hunters stepped back and

    watched as Jaazur slowly approached Pyx. He walked as if he was in no pain, but

    Alisa could see it hurt every step he took, she hoped in her heart he wont try to

    attack Pyx again. But Jaazur did the most unexpected thing, not even his own would

    have believed it if they hadnt seen it for themselves. He turned on a dime and

    glared and the hunters.

    If you so much as take a step towards her...Ill bite your leg off. He snarled.

    Quinn could see the large fangs and backed away, not wanting to deal with more

    than one huge wolf.

    Jaazur? Pyx said stunned by what he saw. Jaazur turned and looked him in the

    eye. What are you doing?

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    Alisa helped me, I owe her this much...a life for a life here. He said slowly.

    Syzygy waged her tail excitedly.

    That means hes going to let you stay if you want Alisa. You can stay as long as

    you want, youll always have a home with us here. She beamed. Alisa smiled and

    pat Syzygys head gently. Felisa smiled, obviously she didnt feel that need to pry

    Alisa away from the wolves, she tried that once and wished she hadnt now she just

    wanted what was best for Alisa. And that was staying right where she was.

    You go home Quinn, Alisa will be perfectly fine right here. This is where shes

    meant to be, just like her dearest friend. Felisa said. Quinn wanted to

    stay, he wanted to be close to Alisa, somehow, through all this he wanted to protect

    her, and he thought he could if he tried. He told the hunters to retreat and they did,

    peacefully leave the fort grounds, but Quinn stayed behind. That means you

    Quinn. Felisa continued. But Quinn refused to leave.

    I wish to stay...with you and Alisa, if she cant go then neither will I. Quinn

    stated. Pyx could tell that Quinn was scared, the courage he summoned had fled

    from him, and he was just as week and scared as when they first met. Pyx lowered

    his head and walked back toward Syzygy, who was waiting patiently beside Alisa.

    Alisa smiled and pulled herself up to her feet, Pyx dashed over to help her; Jaazur

    turned, but turned his attention back to Quinn when he tried to get closed. A simple

    growl stopped him. Alisa. No youre going to hurt yourself. Which everyone there

    knew was going to happen. Pyx caught her and walked slowly beside her, followed

    by Felisa and Syzygy. She stopped a couple feet away from Quinn.

    If you want to stay you cant go and attack the wolves. Can you do that? Alisa

    asked. Quinn nodded. She smiled and let go of Pyx falling forward, and she didnt

    try to stop herself. Quinn jumped forward and caught her.

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    Are you crazy!? Youre going to hurt yourself Alisa! He hollered. Alisa smiled,

    pulled his head down and gave him a peck on the lips with hers. He seemed stunned

    by her actions which made her laugh quietly.

    Can he stay Jaazur, he obviously wants to...Ill make sure he stays out of trouble.

    Alisa asked sweetly. Jaazur gazed at Quinn and sighed.

    Alright, but only if he keeps the pack safe. Jaazur answered. Quinn nodded and

    packed Alisa over to a nearby rock to set her down. Syzygy sat underneath her legs. happy? Alisa asked with a tone that Quinn found amusing.

    No. But I get to stay with you and Felisa, so Im alright with it.Alisa laughed and

    hugged him. Felisa smiled from afar. Pyx sat beside her.

    Is it wise he stays Felisa?

    Im not quite sure about this one Pyx...hes always liked her, so maybe thats what

    drives him to stay with her. If so then you have nothing to worry about. She

    replied. Pyx nodded and watched Jaazur as he lowered himself to Alisas height so

    she could clean his wound. The other wolves walked down the mountain to hunter

    while others stayed with the young. Quinn stayed close to Alisa to avoid conflict.

    Syzygy showed Alisa where in the fort she could stay and everyone got along.

    Three years later Quinn and Alisa got married in Shrapnel and had a huge

    wedding with hundreds of blue and red roses; her dress was satin white with a lace

    shawl and a small sliver tiara. Quinn couldnt help but smile as Jaazur walked her

    down the aisle. When she stepped beside Quinn Syzygy took her bouquet and sat

    behind her next to Felisa. When it was time for the rings Pyx brought them to Quinn

    on a white satin pillow, and sat behind Quinn parallel to Syzygy. When her kissed

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    her everyone clapped their hands and every wolf howled with joy, including Jaazur.

    Nine months later a daughter was born.

    Here Felisa. Alisa said quietly as she handed her to her grandmother. Felisa

    smiled brightly as she held her great granddaughter for the first time.

    What did you name her? She asked, gently rubbing the infants cheek.

    I like...Nuria. Alisa answered. I think it fits her perfectly. Felisa nodded and

    cooed at the baby. But that wasnt the only excitement. Syzygy came in to see the

    new baby as well, bringing in her own little pup, Rosetta.

    She looks just like you Pyx. Alisa giggled as she stroked Rosettas soft black

    coat. Pyx huffed and rubbed his daughters head against his.

    She does. How is she? Quinn asked as he came to sit beside Alisa.

    Just fine,dont worry. Alisa said. Quinn smiled and gently kissed her forehead.

    Two daughters were born and the hunters stayed away. Everything was going well

    up on Ground Stone Mountain, Fort Flynace was lively once again, and so it would


    ~The End~

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