PyconZa 2012 - hybrid programming in C++ and Python

Post on 14-May-2015






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Slides from PyconZA 2012 talk enititled "Hybrid Programming with C++ and Python" "We run a fairly complicated stack that includes a C++ computation library, we serve this all from a Django based web server. The process of wrapping a complex C++ library for easy use in Python turned out to be both intricate and interesting. We not only use C++ code from Python but also use Python libraries from C++. What I really want to talk about in the basics of how we did it, from how we started trying to do it (which was a monolithic nightmare) to our current system which is fully automated and uses our own Python DSL on top of Py++ (A C++ wrapping code generator) on top of boost/Python on top of our code. The talk should be accessible for people without a great understanding of either Python or C++, but will have enough interesting subtleties for more advanced users to also learn something. In the end we will also briefly talk about alternative solutions and how we might have done things differently if we started again. Python is a great language, but sometimes you need to use a lower-level library, such as a C++ library. One of the great things about Python is that you can. However if you are trying to wrap (expose to Python) a fairly complex library it can be a lot more tricky. We faced exactly this problem and will share our solution as well as all the little tricks and gotchas along the way. We will focus on the broad principles of hybrid coding (using multiple languages), the technologies we used to communicate between the languages, the systems we built to automate the process, as well as some of the broad lessons and reflections on what we could have done differently and how its made us think differently about development. By the end of the talk the audience should have a reasonably practical understanding of how to wrap and use a complex C++ library in Python and vice versa."


Hybrid programming with C++ and Python

PyConZA 2012 - Cape TownJames Saunders - BusinessOptics


● Talk should be:○ Not super technical○ Some C++ knowledge required○ No advanced understanding of python required

● Won't dive too deeply into specific code● Will try to be pragmatic● Not exhaustive● Should give an idea of how to expose a

complex C++ library to python and vice versa

Some ProvisosI am talking about cPython (not applicable to other python implementations)

We use linux (though most things are cross platform)

Compile our code with GCC (Which shouldn't matter but probably does sometimes)

Mileage may vary (Like always)

Why would you want to do this?

● Write performance intensive code in C++, but use Python for everything else

● Use cool libraries in C++/Python from Python/C++

● Embed a scripting language● Easily extend complex behaviours in Python● Interact with legacy code (especially when

webifying something)

Our Problem

Django Webstack

C++ Computation Engine

Machine learning in scikit-learn

Using C++ in python (extending)

class FortuneTeller {


FortuneTeller(int luckiness);

vector<int> get_lottery();}

from mycpplib import FortuneTeller

obj = FortuneTeller(5)

lucky_numbers = obj. get_lottery()

for num in lucky_numbers:

print num

The Fundamentals

● Python extension modules are shared libraries○ *.so in linux○ *.dll in windows○ I know nothing about Macs

● cPython is written in C and has "native" support for being extended in C

● Accessed through Python.h

Python.hstatic PyObject *my_callback = NULL;

static PyObject *my_set_callback(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args){ PyObject *result = NULL; PyObject *temp;

if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:set_callback", &temp)) { if (!PyCallable_Check(temp)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "parameter must be callable"); return NULL; } Py_XINCREF(temp); /* Add a reference to new callback */ Py_XDECREF(my_callback); /* Dispose of previous callback */ my_callback = temp; /* Remember new callback */ /* Boilerplate to return "None" */ Py_INCREF(Py_None); result = Py_None; } return result;}

BLEHG!● Low Level● C based● Lots of



● Higher level pure C++○ No silly IDL

● Works nicely with the rest of boost (Awesome C++ libraries for everything)

● Takes care of lots of details for you

boost::python example#include <boost/python.hpp>using namespace boost::python;

BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(mycpplib){ class_<FortuneTeller>("FortuneTeller") .def("get_lottery", &FortuneTeller::get_lottery);}

But when you have a big library this is still pretty boring

Py++ and automated wrapper generation

● Python package● Takes in C++ header files● Generates boost::python code (C++) to wrap

the given header files.● Pretty comprehensive

● Reasonably stable (v1.0.0)● Not very active (New maintainer anyone?)● Stack overflow is your friend

Basic Strategy

C++ header


Py++ script

C++wrapping Source



Extension module


Our first attempt (The horror)

● 2500 line monolithic C++ module● Took forever to compile● Had to be hand tweaked to get it to compile● Changes involved generating a new version

and copying over sections of code from the old version

● Terrifying to make changes to the C++● Massively slowed down development

Worst thing ever!

Making things actually work

Find a better solution


Hire a full time trauma counselor for the dev team

Write a little (sort of) DSL

● Declarative● Abstract the lower-level py++ methods● Explicit and clear● Basically a couple of python functions

○ def limit_class(classname, function_names):...

○ def exclude_class(classname):...

● Clear process to add and change wrappings● Leave full capabilities of Py++ when needed

Expose only what you need

● By default py++ will expose every class and all public/protected methods

● This means even small changes to the C++ can mess with the wrappings

● Explicitly choose what to expose to python○ A public interface

● Makes changes easier to reason about● Limits unexpected changes in the python

interface (use of which is not statically type checked)

Convert where you can

● Sometimes its easier to automatically convert between C++ types and Python types○ Some types are just too difficult to wrap○ Often types have natural Python analogs

● Done for many built in types e.g. strings● Can set automatic converters

○ From C++ return values to python values○ From Python arguments to C++ arguments

● Consider performance● See http://misspent.wordpress.


Conversion Examples

Worked well:● python datetime to boost::posix_time ● Lots of utilities in python for datetime● boost::posix_time is super hard to wrap

Failed:● Python set to C++ set● Python sets are hashsets, C++ sets are

trees● Different semantics (ordering), subtle errors● Expensive to convert

Use the preprocessor

● The C preprocessor is fast

● gccxml (which powers py++) is slow

● Use it to aggregate all the headers you need into one header file (all.hpp)

● Makes things way faster

What is the C preprocessor?

It the thing that interprets statements like these:

#include "fileA.hpp"

or#ifndef FILEA#def FILE A...#endif

It is run on your C++ source files before compilation.

Custom wrapper functions

● Sometimes functions just don't wrap nicely○ e.g. when they take a vector<Something>

and you want to pass a regular python list to them

● Write some custom code that does the marshalling between the types you want to work with in python and the types in C++

● Inject this into the wrappers (py++ allows you to do this)

● !!!Don't do this by hand on the generated files● Can make wrapped objects more pythonic

Custom wrapper exampleTo wrap a method: int my_sum_method(vector<int> numbers)

to take a python list.

int my_sum_method(bp::list& pylist_numbers) {

::std::vector<int> vector_numbers;

for (int i = 0; i < len(pylist_numbers); ++i) {

int number = bp::extract<int>(pylist_numbers[i]);



return my_sum_method(vector_number);


Python list as a parameter

Same name as underlying function, uses overloading

Extract contents of python list and place it in vector

Call original method

Call policies

● Methods can return objects that have to be treated in different ways.○ Objects by value○ Raw pointers○ References

● Sometimes Py++ can figure out what to do, sometimes you need to help it.

● You can set the call policy for a method in py++, e.g.:

myObj.member_functions("get_child").call_policies = call_policies.return_internal_reference()


● The Global Interpreter Lock ensures only one python instruction runs at one time.

● "the thing in CPython that prevents multiple threads from actually running in your Python code in parallel." -- PyPy Blog

● But it treats a call out to a C/C++ routine as a single atomic operation

● Bad if your methods are long running. Locks up all other threads.

Releasing the GIL

● You can release the GIL to allow other threads to run.

● But then you have to aquire it when your method ends

● Don't screw this up○ Think about

exceptions● Useful Macros

Your C++ code



Python code

Python code

Your long running C++ method

Write your code with wrapping in mind

● Sometimes you have to change the way you write code

● Should try to avoid this but BE PRAGMATIC● Some constructs do not translate easily● Don't use exotic structures (unions, wierd

memory maps, etc.)● Return types that are easily wrapped or

converted (have natural analogs)● Keep your code simple

Debugging through the layers

● Wrapped code can be hard to debug● You can run python under GDB● Step through the Python VM and eventually

into your own extension module● Takes some setting up but works very nicely● Worth doing!● Checkout the Stripe blog: https://stripe.


Automate everything

● Customisation, wrapper generation and compilation should all be automated

● Use a decent build system (Sconstruct, Cmake)

● Py++ won't regenerate files that haven't changed, works well with MAKE

● Don't check generated code into your source control system (git,bzr,hg,svn)○ Make the generation easily reproducible

● Don't let anything slow your team down

The final system

C++ header



C++wrapping Source



Python Extension


Single header


Wrapping DSL script


CMake (Build


The end result

● Single simple configuration file● Completely automated generation and

compilation● Speedy compilation● Easy to update

Using Python from C++ (Embedding)

C++ Computation Engine

Machine learning in scikit-learn

Embedding vs Passing in objects

● Two ways to go about it○ Embed an interpreter in your C++, run a script and

use the results.○ Pass python objects to your C++ (Extension Module)

and do something with them.● If your code is already an extension module

the latter is easier to reason about (IMHO)

boost::python again

● Makes it easy to use python objects in C++, kinda feels like python

● Has high level objects that mimic python objects○ bp::object, bp::list,

etc.● No need to touch



def f(x, y): if (y == 'foo'): x[3:7] = 'bar' else: x.items += 3

return x

C++ using boost::python

object f(object x, object y) { if (y == "foo") x.slice(3,7) = "bar"; else x.attr("items") += 3; return x;}

Calling methods

Simple ways to call methods and get C++ types back.string id_number = "7803705112068";object y = x.attr("get_name")(id_number);string name = extract<string>(y);

or automatically do the type conversion


Pretty simple hey?

The GIL again

Python code

Python code

Your C++ method

Python code

Your C++ code

Your C++ code

If you run python code from C++ make sure you still have the GIL aquired.

The GIL again fixedPython code

Python code

Your long running C++ method

Python code

Your C++ code

Your C++ code





● More Marcos

Lessons and thoughts

The sliding scale between Python and C++

Python C++

● Performance● Huge amount of

existing code

● Speed of development

● Elegance● joie de vivre

Actually pretty fast Not that bad to use

What's right for you?

If you are gonna do it do it right

● Done wrong, wrappings are a nightmare● Done right, they can be quite manageable● Is the extra performance worth the

development overhead?● If you are writing the C++ start the wrapping

process early


● Just use libraries: Numpy, etc.● PyPy (CPPYY)● Cython● Weave● SWIG● ctypes



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