Put an end to regression with codeception testing

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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Put an end to regression with Codeception Testing

Joe Ferguson

Who Am I?Joe Ferguson

PHP Developer

Engineer @ Aol.

Twitter: @JoePFerguson

Organizer of @MemphisPHP

OSMI Board Member

@NomadPHP Lightning Talks

Passionate about Community

Testing Resources



You know you need to write tests

You have written a test or two before

You might have even like writing tests

“There are no solutions, only trade offs”

- Joe Ferguson

- Paul M. Jones

- Thomas Sowell

How is your test coverage?

Code Metrics

Code Climate - Grades your code quality

Coveralls - Shows what code is not covered by your test suite

PHPUnit Code Coverage Analysis

When your app crashes how hard does it crash?

“Can’t see the forest for the trees”

“Can’t see the forest for the trees”X XApp on Fire unit tests

^ ^

2 unit tests 0 integration tests


2 unit tests 0 integration tests

2 unit tests 0 integration tests


Unit Tests ARE Important

Testing Trinity

Unit Tests - This method works

Functional Tests - This feature works

Acceptance Tests - This product works

Testing Trinity

Unit Tests - I know what broke

Functional Tests - Something Broke

Acceptance Tests - This product broke

Regression Testing

Regression Testing is Easy**

Bug Report Scenario

User reports that feature “Return Foo” always returns “Bar”

Create a test to ensure that feature “Return Foo” returns “Foo”

See test fails to confirm report or verify there is no bug

Correct your application logic and make your user happy

You should not run into this bug again*

* If you do, you know because you have a test!

Install Codeception

Set Up Codeception

Codeception Files

Unit Test Suite

HomeController Foo Function

New Unit Test

./vendor/bin/codecept g:phpunit unit "App\Http\Controllers\HomeController"


Write our test for foo()

Run our test

Run only unit tests

Later that week…

We caught the bug!

Customer Confidence++

I can do that with PHPUnit!

Functional Testing

This feature works

Functional Tests TL;DR


Baked in Functional Testing

Functional Test Suite

New Functional Test

./vendor/bin/codecept g:cept functional HomeController

Functional Test


Test to verify we get redirected

Run our Functional Tests

Expand Our Test

Run our Functional Tests

Test Failure

Test Failure Output

What if something breaks?

Of course our test fails…

Browser Output on Failure

Acceptance Tests

This product works


Acceptance Test Suite

New Acceptance Test

./vendor/bin/codecept g:cept acceptance RegisterCept


Run Our Test

Run ALL the tests

There is not much difference between functional and acceptance tests

Reuse Test Logic

Refactor RegisterCept.php


Run our tests

There is a problem with our configuration of Codeception

Create a Clean DB Snapshot



Codecept Build

DB is cleaned up after

Testing for Specific Content

Testing Navigation Clicks

Legacy Applications


Unit tests are important!

Use functional and acceptance suites to test operation of you applications

Turn every bug report into a regression test so you’ll catch issues faster

Too many regression tests? Could indicate workflow or UI/UX issue in your application




Joe FergusonTwitter: @JoePFergusonEmail: joe@joeferguson.meFreenode: joepferguson

Contact Info:

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