Pur Noor Duain from Quran & Hadis پرنوردعائیں

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Pur Noor Duain from Quran & Hadisپرنوردعائیں Pur Noor Duain By Mufti Taqi Usmani Arabic Text with Urdu Based on Quran & Hadis Du'a (‎دُعَاء‎) is a supplication in Islam, an Arabic term which means to 'call out' or to 'summon'. Muslims ‎use this term and call out to GOD, and Muslim regard this as one of the greatest acts of ‎worship in Islam. Prophet Mohammad is said "Dua is the essence of worship.‎Du'a دعا is submitting and asking Allah for your needs. It is ‎the most important tool available to a Muslim. Through it, a Muslim strengthens his or her relationship ‎with the Almighty. It is unfortunate that many of us struggle though life and use all means available to ‎us in this life to resolve our situations but neglect to ask Allah. Dua can change the Divine decree and ‎relieve distress. ‎‎ ‎The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم said: ‎‎ ‎‎“Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua. (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Maajah, and al-Tirmidhi.) ‎‎ ‎ The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم said also said: ‎‎ ‎“ O slaves of Allaah, you must make dua.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi) ‎‎ ‎And he said: “No precaution can protect against the decree of Allaah. Dua is beneficial with regard to ‎what has been decreed and what has not been decreed. The dua meets the calamity that has been ‎decreed and wrestles with it, until the Day of Resurrection.” (Narrated by al-Tabaraani). ‎‎ ‎When not in calamity, we can thank Allah for what He has bestowed upon us with His blessings. The ‎Dua's in these books available on this site will help you to ask Allah when you need Him, to remember ‎Him and to thank Him for his blessings. ‎


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