PuppetCamp Ghent - What Not to Do with Puppet

Post on 10-Jun-2015






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An interactive journey through the ugly side of Puppet by Walter Heck, founder & CEO of OlinData.


Puppet: What_not_ to do?An interactive journey through the ugly side

of Puppet

Walter Heck, Founder of OlinData

2,5 years experience with Puppet in 5+different environments

Experienced Puppet Fundamentals trainer

Had my eyes bleed many times with uglyPuppet code

Design mistakesmight not be glaringly obvious or evenwrong at first, but will cause trouble later

Language mistakesPuppet provides functionality thatshouldn't be used, but is there for edge-cases or historical purposes

Wake up...

Quiz time!

== File: modules/ssh/manifests/ssh.pp

class ssh_install { package { 'ssh': ensure => present }}

class ssh_configure { file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': ensure => present }}

== File: modules/ssh/manifests/ssh.pp

class ssh($state = ‘present’ { package { 'ssh': ensure => $state }

file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config': ensure => $state }}

# problem: classnames won't be autoloaded, classnames shouldn't have verbs in them,classes should be combined, don't put multiple classes in a file


schedule { 'maint': range => '2 - 4', period => daily, repeat => 1,}

exec { '/usr/bin/apt-get update': schedule => 'maint',}


schedule { 'maint': range => '2 - 4', period => daily, repeat => 1,}exec { '/usr/bin/apt-get update': schedule => 'maint',}# problem: schedule doesn't mean something will execute, a common pitfall. If there is no puppet run between these hours, the apt-get exec will not be run

==$myvar = ‘false’

if ($myvar) { notice(‘this is true’)} else { notice(‘This is false’)}

==$myvar = ‘false’

if ($myvar) { notice(‘this is true’)} else { notice(‘This is false’)}#problem: 'false' evaluates totrue


exec { '/etc/init.d/apache start': onlyif => ‘ps aux | grep apache | grep -v grep |wc -l’}


exec { '/etc/init.d/apache start': onlyif => ‘ps aux | grep apache | grep -v grep |wc -l’}

# problem: this shouldn't be an exec, but aservice


package { 'ssh': ensure => present, name => $::operatingsystem ? { 'Ubuntu' => 'openssh-server', default => 'ssh', },}

== $sshpkgname = $::operatingsystem ? { 'Ubuntu' => 'openssh-server', default => undef,}

if ($sshpkgname == undef) { fail(‘unsupported OS’)} else { package { 'ssh': ensure => present, name => $sshpkgname, }}

#problem: they encourage behaviour that is not scalable, using default options toassume things, etc.

==case $::operatingsystem { 'RedHat', 'CentOS': { file { ‘/etc/httpd/http.conf’: ensure => ‘present’, } } default: { file { ‘/etc/apache2/apache2.conf’: ensure => ‘present’, } } }

==case $::operatingsystem { 'RedHat', 'CentOS': { file { ‘/etc/httpd/http.conf’: ensure => ‘present’, } } default: { file { ‘/etc/apache2/apache2.conf’: ensure => ‘present’, } } }#problem: case without default that fails, instead it assumes

==class wordpress {

$wordpress_archive = 'wordpress-3.4.1.zip'

$apache = $::operatingsystem ? { Ubuntu => apache2, CentOS => httpd, Debian => apache2, default => httpd }

$phpmysql = $::operatingsystem ? { Ubuntu => php5-mysql, CentOS => php-mysql, Debian => php5-mysql, default => php-mysql }

$php = $::operatingsystem ? { Ubuntu => libapache2-mod-php5, CentOS => php, Debian => libapache2-mod-php5, default => php }

package { ['unzip',$apache,$php,$phpmysql]: ensure => latest }}

==class wordpress {

$wordpress_archive == 'wordpress-3.4.1.zip'

$apache == $::operatingsystem ? { Ubuntu => apache2, CentOS => httpd, Debian => apache2, defaultdefault => httpd }

$phpmysql == $::operatingsystem ? { Ubuntu => php5-mysql, CentOS => php-mysql, Debian => php5-mysql, defaultdefault => php-mysql }

$php == $::operatingsystem ? { Ubuntu => libapache2-mod-php5, CentOS => php, Debian => libapache2-mod-php5, defaultdefault => php }

packagepackage { ['unzip',$apache,$php,$phpmysql]: ensure => latest }}#wordpress class shouldn't touch apache, should be a different module

== $files = [ '/etc/mysql', '/var/log/mysql','/var/run/mysql' ]

file { $files: ensure => present, user => mysql, group => mysql, mode => 0755,}

== #arrays of resources are not wrong, but dangerous.

file { '/etc/mysql': ensure => present, user => mysql, group => mysql, mode => 0700, <=== careful with this!}

file { '/var/log/mysql': ensure => present, user => mysql, group => mysql, mode => 0755,}

file { '/var/run/mysql': ensure => present, user => mysql, group => mysql, mode => 0755,}


if defined(File['/tmp/foo']) { notify('This configuration includes the /tmp/foo file.')} else { file {'/tmp/foo': ensure => present, }}

==class test {

if defined(File['/tmp/foo']) { notice('This configuration includes the /tmp/foo file.') } else { file {'/tmp/foo': ensure => present, group => root } }

if defined(File['/tmp/foo']) { notice('This configuration includes the /tmp/foo file.') } else { file {'/tmp/foo': ensure => present, group => puppet } }}

include test

defined() is (usually) the wrong solution to a resource defined in two locations. It isdangerous, because it only checks if the resource has been defined elsewhere, not withwhat attributes.


class apache2 {

file { '/etc/apache2': ensure => directory, require => Service['apache2'] }

file { '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf': ensure => present, require => File['/etc/apache2'], notify => Service['apache2'],}

package { 'apache2': ensure => present, allowcdrom => true, before => File['/etc/apache2/apache2.conf']}

service { 'apache2': ensure => running, subscribe => File['/etc/apache2/apache2.conf']}}

include apache2

==# dependency loop

class apache2 {

file { '/etc/apache2': ensure => directory, require => Service['apache2'] }

file { '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf': ensure => present, require => File['/etc/apache2'], notify => Service['apache2'], # <=== The notify metaparameter implies before.}

package { 'apache2': ensure => present, allowcdrom => true, before => File['/etc/apache2/apache2.conf']}

service { 'apache2': ensure => running, subscribe => File['/etc/apache2/apache2.conf'] # <=== The subscribe metaparameter impliesrequire.


class test {

file { '/tmp/somefile.txt': ensure => 'file', mode => 0600, owner => 'root', group => 'root', source => '/etc/puppet/modules/test/somefile.txt' }


include test


# use puppet:///modules/ instead of the full path on the puppet master

class test {

file { '/tmp/somefile.txt': ensure => 'file', mode => 0600, owner => 'root', group => 'root', source => 'puppet:///modules/test/somefile.txt' }


include test

==class test { file {‘/tmp/large/dir/with/many/subdirs/and/many/files’: ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, recurse => true }}

include test


# do not use recurse => true on a dir with over 100+ files

class test {

file {‘/tmp/large/dir/with/many/files’: ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, recurse => true }}

include test

# alternative :’(

class test {

exec {'/bin/chown -R root:root /tmp/large/dir/with/many/files': }}

include test

Questions? Feel free to get in touch!

Walter Heck - OlinDataEmail: walterheck@olindata.comTwitter: @walterheck / @olindata

Web: http://olindata.com

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