Puget Sound Argus.

Post on 23-Oct-2021






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Puget Sound Argus.Vol. XIV Port 'L'o",vnsend, VV. T" 'L'hursday, February ~,3, ~88;·3. No.~


1 ~~..,

Monntactorer of the &al QnaJlty 0'

BEER .AND LAGER BEER.W Satisfaction gnnrantectl.

l'orl TOWDIleOd. W. T.


P;R.OV'%_%O._."Illd, lI~on ..I.

At the Lowe.t Ilateo for' Oaoh.CHARLES EISENIlEIS.

pj.OD.ctOr .&aJ&.ery",Owner of Wuhlngton !lrevmy,..GROCERIES

Victoria, Port Townsen!, seaUle, Ta·coma auo OIYl11via,

On tIle loth, ~c.rtt k lOth ortfffJV.nlb


A loItnrtJ Slock or

blf·fEflSIn\·~1l11 •. Il",k..n l1nwn III h"RUh loll .plr". by

ch",ule ,IY'II"II.I~, ", .\l\f.. r1nlt holll th.. I~rribl....~IUl".llm' Ih.I r,,!low> lilt! .u.ell. 0' ICUllldl.·"It ... , thl' 1...I!tnllllY of lholl~nd. who I,u. """IIml''',1 II~ 11,· III mlr.lc!.. trill'" .hull., 1II~.' ot PNl'~1,.11\011 h\" ·1l"'~I .. II,·r'. ~loln.ch Rltll!n, If II .lINlftl~l'Itlllot~ 11111 b~ Ill<' "lnt8 m..nlll '011.100 !QoITh"t~~~ ~l~'~~~;l:tl ~~',~;;i~:~:~<III~ltorlll«e""" .•1.11.


Iir The COlnllllny'W 8ll'l\mJlllpi .Wfrolll IIdttle for

San Francisco fia Victoria,011, ur Bbollt the

a"lt 1......dUI.....ettC......~I".lll·hut Vletoril\. on the

JUlhll)Olb ...d 301".f"c~",I'"

Wll11n 111111 (I\'llrlh..,1 d"]' nf "llInl( fllllll_I'lInflJ'l" Ill" Ilmfl1n".••hIPl will IlllU un t.,.follow nil' I!lIy f!'OlIl \ lctorl....

C1t:O. II • .I(}II,i'IO:4'.Ticket .\gen1 r. ~1I1e.

11. L. TltII"'lA Jr.Tkkf't '\lIent rur i"ftrt TownlOAd'~

for frelJrbt l'II" JXltI8~'.t~~"'IAr:lIn",..u A'lent fur' lOU,., IkllllliJ

J.n. 'l:111!l!1.tl,


Ht'. nrIUUl.k!."'''~'''''' "'''11.L"U~.I..W.II"h""".t""b",,,

Tb' ComIl&01'.. s....."',..omo· ~·mL:D:ma.,

CA".II. M.II.\YWAKO••ztll

:D~.A. :IE. <> T· .A.c."",. u. o. MOKn.

WIII ••llf<lC'

"dminislratrix's Notice,

l'I,'n ~'. h,m'" III Ilnc"LJfOI}. 1,',,]1(' lolnl ..'f"'·\ lh'

:~':~1. ::;~·~'~';';:'}~~tl ~~~II.~.:.:,I~·'I~:.rh~l'~,,:~~::,l.1'1' Ilo·,n'lin 1"1 111,,1 lin nl'lJl,I"I~d lit 11"01,"- nl',1

~I~I:ll;;: '~l'~~'I'.r;':."'I"," ':i:l'~~'~t:':;I,:\;,~t'lt";~;II:~

\h~t~I~,~I~,:'in:: hll\. ""'I'l! ;,rli,.rt'.ll'nhl:t' I' Uarl1"ll.li: '·n. :ot,lt~ 5 I t.IJ ~ I'h,·;oh-m'. lJ!ll. '1011'0. ~l"'" :1l1'0! ~I..l

altun'. fur 11Ill.ntl C"url!:uu .. ', .•... 1.1 ~~l

n,~,I,~t~\t(II~~:~;~~ t~aUi::~I~!:~ ~:::,l;;~ ,M IkIl·hri ..t"I,I,,·, 1\1... 11111 I" rn." ·I',·r. \fOU\'<I, t'~IlJl:.......... ~IIWI

Wltn... r,.... lI"r"f\t Jnotlct" ", Ih,' rlt!~ ..,.. ':'1 11/t'!:ilm nfH!'i ~Illl... , fnrl'~,.1I1oI'1IIfll ".wlIt,l. rur

IIllllI'.. II'·II.I"n tit II..llry :1.111.... "II 'I"t'RllO' f!'CUI l'1I,J~1l "'itel"';,

IlIi:tnl li,IJOIln1I'1I,

Willi" ommtd lit Pllbllc s.~,

.. ""0111 l'erl'illUal 1~~II.. rl.·u(' .. ,'·S"!f .lu.r.. l'.,I., All':, :llol. IN'll.

~ll!'~~~\;"l'n~~,r.r~,~~,~~I';\I:'~~-;~~r;.:~:l(r:r;;::~N~2:~hln,')· 1111,1 Lh'," t ',,1'0' I" ~U 1~"O!lllllrllcll'd... Itl\kidney .lId Ilv.. rd,nlculllt-.

!11K•. C. , ..... 1''':nl101'.

)1J::TIIODlI'IT t:r,~coPAL cnuue".SoniCCfl nl U10 tllmal houl'S, mornillR

nnd evenlnlt. t.londuo1ed by Rev. S. H,'l'cxW, ).Ht~tor. ~lbbnt!l'&boullt.t 2:16 ".K.


Ip ~'Oll WKlIt tlle u08t loa ill P,)rt. Town·!It.'lltJ. ~u 10 JIL'I. JuUCtl' 0PIIOl4ilc CeutrolHotel. lIu will fllruiilh "1111 witll Ihe['urit)· UlleHloroo JUtlnn 'lIen. fur wbiubhe iii ttOlc auent. ..

CHURCH NOTICES..:1'111";1)1'.\1. CUUllCIi St:l:\'Il:Io;Il;

Scooud Sunday in Lent.Moruhllr Nlrvll:ed al 11 o·c!oci;:.E\'cniug !Ienioo at 7 o'eloo!£.SnndBY sohoolllt 2. P. w.

Week·dRy stlrviuo Wu.1ues:lny eVent!)$(at 7 o'clooki l!'ridil1 afternoon nt:to'clock.

U~v. J. D. ALdAxn.ft, M. A.&1I1<lenoo, MRlI. E. M. FOWLU

PUBLIC SALEor Real lllAlte "0. Penou1l'l'Opt~"

~brua.r7' rT,18ea,

A valuable DungonCS!! Farm con­taining Uti acres, more or )~Sr afront claim, Hitllatcd 8 milt'6 fromnttng<'D~M village, aoottt 00 ncr08nndl'r culti,'utiuD, 60 lIIore very lJusi·ly clenretl, of !lTlme bottom lAnd; n10uug orcbf\rd l'ust coming iuto 0001"Ing-of~l~ tnlit: n gOod gnrd(,11of 1I00ull fruit. Con\"eniont nl1d or­dinary fann hni1dingH. Intendingpurcbasertl aru dCtJiroo to call !lodview the Jlropcl'ty for themtlClnlfl. al~it ill OOlUm!erl.'t1 worth the attentionof Cilpitlllist» lind tboso 800king guodin,·~tmentl!.

A1Mo, nt tile same time and ]llnco.all the t1tock, fllrmiug utensilI', bOIiBe'hold nn<l kitchon r~1tnittlre, two workhOl"Kcs. oue 8tlt donble bllfPt..'ss., ouelud)"'11 81ldlUC, two .. year old eolkt,coming 1\lu)', two a·year old oolts,coming J nUL', tiva COWl'!., two 2 yellrold etO<'rlJo olle hull (fonr YCIII1'I 01<1),cll1vCK, t\ lot uf l)ohulI1 Cbiutl~, alot of full blood brown LogliornchiekcnR. ODe iJood farm wagon,Champion eombin8d mower aDdrcnper-in ~I conditioll. one goo4snlky bo~e rake, harpoon fork antltncklt', one~ oDu-hone CbnmpionthM!Hhor nnd eltlADer. PIOWII, hnr~row"," forkll, Hho'fols. hOl'tl, and n lotof cnrpent('l·'M tool!t. A Jot of otbernrliclelJ too tetlioUlI to munHon.


coo8i~tiug of one bod·rooUlllet, bNl;stcucl". lnblclf. 'ouugo, whatnot, h"OOJcane Meat chnin, looking glwuK.'Il, onef1eVt'in:'f mltehitl(>, enrpetd, tnbtl, kett1eM, I,.hl'lhC'll. MtOV('H, one gool:1 cl.lllrn.patent. 1Jnrroll\ fonthl'r bcdK./SALE 'IO (JO:llllENCE AT

",'10 SHAUl'.T,,'rlu6 mlul\) kl\O',';u onday 01 !llIlo.

Mm!. E. E. nOOUB.

1·ItE81l,"T.:J:~.\NClIUItCJIMorning SerYice, 11 A. M.SalJbRth &hool, 2:15, P. M.Evcning Service, 7 P. M.Week.night Service.'l'bt~IY, 7:00 P.M.

!l£". JNO. RlUD, Putor.

TCVlIJA\,. "ull.a.IkJllnlllltJtllllnllUlht loadjollnmlllllumilho

t'lllnwlnlll ullIwere a,llolll'ed:JJ 11 ,'lInBnkkclllll, Jllilllc."\l :l} tlOI'hil' .·Inll. )lIu'fllull. to ill

JI.i\~!I~r~I~II~r~:~~;·I:ii ·Mn·ri;i,y::::::: ~ ~.'l'1lJ1k 110111'111'1'. wn,k 'III euurl 1<011100... ,wA \·Inl!o·nt, Il1ell"r "IlIllln,', ,,1D1,."\l...... 1110r A 1\1I'II"tl. wllrk nn It... I\.t........... 1\ 1111II,,.. 1~"'thro!1 .•........• , ,. I'l.)N IJ 1111l481ln,"111100.rl.; lU I",J T r-nrrl4, .love nll'U IltfijU............ I 00

g~\~~rn~:nO!~':t'U~~i~~n.liieic: 1100!lllln. hi...,,,.......................... 11 'IS

Conlll~r·. hlqliO!~t lin body "' 011 Curti li'llt,"'IlOl1'., lI'hlllllll t.i 0.1Tlln-.. T. )111111', wlIlllllllalnl et>lln'1l11l1N'.. ":'1 W

1111.,,, 1I1Ijoll,aetl.

UI,II'l'INGS.• TilE. mom')' 01'111'1' IJI\;SilH'l!!1 of tbo

1'\(>w '\ ork lJl»>t,OtliCB tho pm~t yt':u' ng·~'1'c;{1I1i)l1 Sf);~lUl,UOO. lIU iucrcilllll of$7,:'i!Ul UOU OVCI' lust y('ur.

D.:ljl'"ml~o of aumi66.iull tluring thepresNlt H£'8.'"ion of Congr('ss, thuWnllll Wnllll Union believ{'1i it wiscrtllllt tbowllolo eITort or onr peoplo IImltheir rtlllroscntnt.i\'('S be oonc('ntrll·t«.1 upon lwonrillg the Ilnncxntiun ofNortb Jtluho.

1,'noM stlltistics Cnrnit;bed the Co·llllllMnn of the quantitit!8 and \'n1\1oof fitlb cnnght in t.hn F'rluw'r lind Bur,rnrd Inlet during last IWl\HOn, it ISshown that tho "Rim'. in mlditiou totho li~hing plantl ng'grcgak'8 $1,100,­08S. or this, !Klmoll in cnuH,lIwokl'tland sllItcd, U1UOtlOt.H to $:1,025,900,

:rtlE Victoria COIOlli8t ,utyll: ~. Insomo of the hutcber IIholl8 JUl1tton isn lKIal'CQ nrticlc. Tbo Impply trom till)mainland ill out oft· till tltcnml'n1 lire"guin nUlIling to Yule. Shoop canbtt purchased on tbe other lIid~, hiltt.llt'y will llrobnbl)' L"Ol't 15 Cl'ultl pt·rpound to get tbl:!w' into tbill market.'rho lied supply now in town, it isMuid, will run ont in llbout " luouth,lind tbat will likely be Lefuro comnntniClltion with tbtl upper country isfnir1y l!stllblil!llu•.u.

Is tllo l'ftort to admit WnAbin~tonTI,.'rritory tho W~hiugtooPOll' tlunbit lK'l'd l& desire totnnko 'Ibltb)'stllt~"

ilO us to inllt1l·o tbo ~!'P6tuity of re­publican JUujoriliee. '\:~ but whutll1Jeulthy illfunt Wr.slJington Terri·tory' ie, with ber 1~0tJ0 Iiturdy peer.JlIe, ber!orestK, min~ ltnd cltiOtl; bel'lWJOCUilO nnturnl w...Ilb ~d ret'IOUl­Cl'lI. Ami Dllkotn, unuthbT I< bab)'litatc," with 2'.!5.UOO peoplo and DWalld country' tor n million mon..i'hoKe hlrritorilll inrlUlht nre lUlityliltlo r!JlIow8.--A~torhm.

Thl' COllol)' cnnlml••lon~,~ milt to, tlw r.lon<rTIllrm GIllie CUl1rt Illlll"'~ 011 Yond,,.,

I'n'ltllt-ll. u ••\urid;:!!, J . .t, tfmlth entl A. A•PlunUlw•.

II. U...\lI,Id~ w.. tll'Cl~,1 Ch..lnnNn .1111 A. A.},111l"1l1'~ "lIl"llnl",I l!iolll,lndent ut CIMI1l11 1'00'.

A ...hlollll llCOln.o WI. IlTllllI:l1 (li ,,,••-\, SUlhb ulIrIOl1l1..1e.

Ttl" AnJll1nr IUl loot,uclttllo "'lJn~t 111'llnqllentIn 11.01 V.... ,lo'i. to l$tl••nd ('I!nlr, 10 'rn-Mllrt,Ill" Nmount dne.

11111. "en' IIJlvwl'd .. follow'l!tillar,!' or !I,1I.....1 :-lulk"IIIIenoonl •••••••••• ,.i"J r,oW.Io'rDI"U.t Knill , •• I i<lAutlllor'll IIILI f~r.ql1 ..nlle' "lldh'l: .1.11. '1.1•• Ill'> IXo

0,,1_lt1lIlt y, W..I11mu til! .11o'....cIlh".lllIHml<If 11l10U·.1 OI~'III. 6eOI.nd 'l:'olod Ib' CtI11nl110t·~brlls.r,. Inh••,Puu.llnr to 111:1.


"Ill Ill' (lIII'IU'll III ~," ..I'II.

O.u.\II\, FI·h. 11.-'1'ht! UUiO'\ Pm'illerhjh~ny ,.-ill 0llll!l jt'J On'lton Short Linet,,~ho~h(lllf'. Id1lho. whi~h Jllnre Ii the.fmlt'illli wilh the Wooll Hi\'er hrllllch,on ~1t\rc~1 ilit. Tho lti;ilulICO i~ 1.t~1 mile~

!rllUl tbll junction ur tho ~bort Iiuo withtuo mail! IillU. lit Or.llI:::~r. W.WllllitHI'.

Stll;{C IinC3 iuto tho KlIuthern Idtlhl) mill­inl; ru~ioml n~ now tun rrom Kelton,Utlb, nn,1 Iil:tckrout, rJnllo, null will thonrLID lrum :-iho'lhono.

Proceedings of the



WIJiU.Il,l,T. V"h. i.nOllnl me~ ,t 9 o'tlocll, II. Pl,; l"'''<tn', rull........

th~~~ ~f~~J,~~~t: ~t o~,1~1 ~~~~::l,:::l r~:tI~tmm ~Ulldll' bior.I-;:o,of';lI.. OI.nltl In ,1['1. "n ~:::~lt~ ~I,~ ~~:!I~~~~;~ ~~~~:r~~I1~~~~·obI ::=.ul"'..'i~,_' uf .,,1<1 "",d ,1I.t,I, ....

J ..me'~. \\'onohlllln pr-"""Ied I .-tl,I"n .lIen...1bf III V"rollu· ......I<1~ull ot 1'1. IIlOCl'iYIlf1".,. .nd\1~ln"r•••kloll Iltd ttl .. ~1I1111'" IntI! frum.\ltI.,oon·, hill .. In Ib,' Il~.d or OI.\:..u". 1'lI1 ho'

:~'~~~~I:itl~~r.~.~; t':;II·:':~ ~b~C1:.':Jttn:::~ ~~~~;1'h",u,' ".a11II1',"*,1 ("om A/ult'.",n'. 1:&1... III Ill".1111<'" pI.if", 10,. Il1rln'!."I1 III 11,.. I'on 1'I"ov,."",..,I ,11·, rl, t. A&dlli"1 II.. 1"",,"1 """1101 ,l"n.'" R.ufl'l'I,"I'"lil I"lllnk~ tlt~ .011'1 T.'lll~' P'lItI 11""­11101. r,or It "li~"'n.., Irtlrk r'lIm ~l~ 1ft "lll:hl r,"'l.. 101., ~Ir. 1'I!llll"n ""le,Io"'. 1"'1'111'" 11"'I"'~ ,,~

~'~i~i'~,~~'i::~fl~\:~~;~t .lllft...! '1 Ill' "'.

ro~: rn~I~'r:;.fJ:::i. ~l~~";~ ~~k~l!~~ ~u7 ~;O!>;. lp ·11. 11:1 w. bl<l our fill )I:111.rm It:,•

"'~I~~r;,;::S,~u~~ l~~ ~~;r~iP;:;:=IT~~J:

7111' "'oul :\ltll'kf't.

!:iAS r'll.\StJhll;u.l'\'\1. 1:1.- The IImountof Urcj.(lll W'loll al pnJ,;(lnt in tlUt InRr·kot i!!l,~rlO,UOn poulll1l1. 'I'r"t1o 11II!4 bOObvcr~' ~o,)\.1. Pritl()H h:wll been nil tJllltbultlcr" Ct'lItld Ill'loiN IIttcr R 10111( periodu! Ilnllut:!!S, whilu pru5llCCt~ for theIIllrill~ arc more IlOlteflll n~ to VIII·IIl'll thllu r\Jrmerl~·. Et1llhlrn Orl:l:0n is(l'w!(I,lJltl nlI6~2:lIJ. ullcl \'lIl1oy Oregoll:l'lt(~ti.


Lorn~'" "pef'eh,OTTAWA, Feb. 9.-111 opening tbo Do·

miulon IHJrlillluont todoy the Governor­Oellcrfliin hill nddn'811lrom tbu throne,Mid: .. While II!Willll tl.ltougb tbe Unit·L'I.l $tllte6 1 Will' rejuicoo to obtlen'e manyo"itleocclI of reli',Jrd for tho cmpire orwliich tbis ool1lltry ftll'lWl 80 largo n IlOr·lion. May t1Ji,., trielllLlbil1 *" flllly re·turlloo by UII be 1111 tllllltitiulf na it ill nat­urnlllnd tW.vautngeoll~ to the mutuul ill'hll'ClIl.3 uf I.ooLb "relit lIutioQII," Tho Oov·crnor·(icuernl nll'o Ilnid: "The progrcsaor the 'lIulI,linn Pacillc RAilroad haabeell quiwlluj)reoollenklt!. TrnffioClin now00 carried on over the main line frum'fhtlntlt!r nay to within filly mill!8 of thecroll.ciUIl Ilf tho 80lltb 8A8Il:a~bewau, "tlitltl.lDoo uf ovor J,oo.:> milclI. It ill con·fidently e:rJAloCt6;l thllt thll Rooky l\lrHlll­tainl "'ill 00 reoobed dnrioi;' lho Ilrescntycar, nnd that within tbe III\mc Jleriodt1ubtltllntiol progrt."~ will be 100ld(l 011 tllII

Lake 8111lctior Ilootion of the rMilwAy nndtrack lui.! "pon n Inrve portion of t.beruuullow uuder CUlllilrllction iu llrititlhColumbia.

ON'r;lln Sf'll'''.POIITt..\S'Il, "·cll. 1fl.-'j,·!Io Amf't!cnn

burk E...inoftl WmilSUltJ hero loony to J.C. ~Iorrill, of Sail f'rnncisoo, for 814,.uuo. ~he will probllbl)' uo into tbeUnnollliu lind S311 li'runoisoo trl"10.

Hoporlll tonight from tbe \VillcmetteVII!JC)' cOllllticg, clltimute tbRt bllJr tllofall·MlllYn wheat hns OOen dllmB~ urdeattro.H.'t( bT nlternllte fnJ\.'aI,.'lI IIm1tbn\TlI tlli't winter. All t11l\~ WI\B drilledill~ in ","001.1 coliJition. hut tbat thatWIUlIOWU bruDLIc:t1.t id nellrly rninOO.Tlll're will. howe,'er, be n full cmp, lUI

tbe ~ruu!ld will be reJ!oOO.(l(1 iu thotlprinK·



Dr. L:T


Ollc,: Cctrrttr of Wlt,r Ind quine, Itnt...

W Dllli\'ttrOO by mail or ourrier. -It1

~l1l1""".II"flU:W II,Ta;.lIt

~I~~~~~'l:;;::::::::,I~:~~1~~,~icl~i?t~I.~:: .. :: :f;:;eIII .\<1';1111'0,

W I'.t .....k. :n C"lll~; t"llolclllln. made lIuryIinlu,,1~1·


PtvI. A1l1, lid Ul~I.C. )I. Ilnd~hllw, l't.Tu...'n.."tI.Jetr"hoQli c'1I1U11'

Aedll ltJUl'~ ~VIl1. I'orl T"WOHllil.'1 I'l!,. rr.ull A. U,ullotll••·M! 1'ownllofud.

~'::~~i '~"~~bl~;,~'~~~~:.l~:~~:~:ru\l_nd.C_~,.II.r. 11l111~I", •• "Ilcllu,IIl(IiII\.• 1:-:. A. Colllnf, !'l»'t 1)1~""'T'ClHInt1 COllunj~.Inlhl"'. It. II. ",,,lollC'\!. I'vrl l.n,l·

10.; JII~. A. Ihnlth, l'lItt ()lotC"v~r1; A. A, l'IUlIl'~r. YOft 'fow"""u,!.

Territorial ontct!""

'It::'''''' Ott "'1·'1"'iCNI..'r.o~11):1" .' ••• , !·l.l~ll Ttl..·\> l..nllth~ ':'.\ 1'1'.5LtlU"'IlI I., OIlI'Ullllllb ll!lch.

1'l11l;:1~ ~""IJY, III I'''lll~.

,,-t,- "Ill ,I}' 111 A,h·"'Ul'e. "",*1

Weekly Argus.

l:,\'l'!:J 01' .\lJVlWTI~I:-:O:

OM In' 'I, d'.tlllll\!f1llJlI, 'I.!.4ILI' 11.,11, '.'llI~nllll.,'l'lhHo ,..... rAJ

'1'r1"~'"'' '..I.~rll ..·I'I .. lIl·, 10 Ill'Uru llIoo:rtlou.IUU .• t tit· ...:,1>1110',1111.." !oJ u·h.


J.T.lIIlUW:oi. T. )1.ltP:';U.&"1,IClllble,Ltlnll Ollie" '\IWnI"l.I.....w.

BROWN' '" REED,La"d and Law Attorney',

UL'I'.PIA, w. T.WiIIllroolicll bllfol'll tbe CoI1rt.A and Land

OffiC!'OIOf tbe Tllrrito"..aUICI-QppUI ~bI Piau. .

__~t~'=o..t 'J'UWlll!iClld. 'v. ~I~.

J. F. SHEEHAN,Stoves.Tin Plate

aHlIlIT' IliON,ts W.tl!r ~Inec. ron TOWIIMlMI1.

I>; l'I·1l1.I:O:ll~:1I t:n:I:\' 'runtsu,\\'

At 1'<lrl '[lJ\\'u'umd, W"ihill~tOllTcrritot)·

J A K U H N 1!6••"rlac of Truop.ll In .bll India.., t Tel'rilOr)',

.6.:t'tOrD,oy n:t Lu w WIOUJT,l, K8., Ft'b. lI.-A' Ictt.er reoW'lllllromptl)' IlImlll In 1111 bu_lne... "Ilrulled CIc.li1'eU hero from Earl UCDOj lUl1iRn

tu blw. 'ferrtory, JlItt..d February 6th, "lnlcs•"'_TC'_·_·_'o·_U,.:.·,_AC'C"C'c':·":::'~T:':':':'TV:::':':.__ I1118\ IrtJUllO bnd left fur Ocklahllma to

J. R. LEW I S I inttn:ev' 110(1 lIncel tho PR)'ne colonmtll..A:t'torD.e7-.....La~, To tel'lneo tbem a .letacl.llDcnl of two

Ot"ICt:-lIlulcr'w lIulltJln,. 1'Of01l1l1 , and $, mounted comllOnicM Willi ordered fromJ.we:t Itn:.lt. "1'110111" ~ltI\lIlIMlllolol. lo'orl Still...ith instrncUon!1 to make the

diAtll.nlle in oue day. 'l'hey met BODIC-IIU.TTI.K, WAIIIIISln'oS' n:lmlTOltv. where below here. Da6I,iw a blizZIlN

of iutolerablo Ileverlt,., which came uearuLllklrotillj( the entire eODuuanJ, the)'ROt to ReDO, but if\. a and and demorll.iIOO plight. lo'ittY'!IOvcn uf them were• t 0000 tlent to tho botpilal. Some willdie, othen ,,'i11101'1C their feet, bUDlls ortoo& ,t'ur bO\lr1l it WUI n "",tUo for lire,and llCftrctlly • nlaU ~aped.

The ij'rwwe: "Wbtlll ho luul oulled toomeetiug tu oNtlr Brother Onn1n~r nroeennd lIIlid: "Oen'leu, it it Wbn't for dtlwhf!l'lII au a waaon 110 WQ&OU wouldn'troove. When tie wheel. III 011, dODwhitt" "OrelL'Ul!"llOlolUolyo..clairoooau 01.1 man, .. KllrNCt!" whl!ttlOroti thoPrelliduo't, Mrtly rubbing' hili hnnd... to·gtltller, .. Wo hez de wugau an' do wheels,We will now PO!!!! lie but arouu fur l1eIifN:Isc,"-Detroft F'ri'e Pre.".

An oM mAn wouhl not lIc!if'fl! beCOll1Jbellr bl' wiro talk liTil mile. by telollbone.Hilt better hair WM in f\ Ctl1lutry loornseyeral ~i1~ nwn)'. whcro tbcro .'lL'! Btelephone, nud tho IIkeptio WBS nillO in nplnce where thero wnM a lIimllnr Instru·menl, .....: uU ooiu" tuld boW' to opt"tllWIt. be w"lkal holllly UI) QUlI IlI1Out('l;l:"Hello, SlIr:t!l!" At tbllt irlAtnnt li~bt·

nh~ Mtruok th", telephonll wire IIntiIr.uoclr.ud thll 0111 mon 1101"11, aUlI, 118 hu.crllmbllX1 to hill fect, lie excltet1ly criCl.I.''Tbut'li Bnnlh C\'cry timo!" - £·.rdlU,.~r.

..011 nnI1'Xr:·H.\ Nli,1 1.1..... Cl>ItiIllalnt • .fill>

::~.'M~IJ':;~ ~~~:~~~,i:: 1:~~lltlll ut bl·

ChiS, McDermoth·& Co"··Cbl,l.fWTION ;\·SD l'l'IWIIMISU A(ltl:STtl,

t1KblJlplnj( .nd Jr; In lllttll111'Ot ONlet'. TUMtOt llllll,"",l\lenl~, Otl":or wllb T. II. C'llO.

.' W••blnlit1ulI .1,,"1, ljratlllll. W.T 1'.0

._...:....---c:-=-,-,,= ...orC. W. HARTllIlAN


011mpla W ...Ii. Terr.


t OLnIPIA, w. T.

Br Praotice ooforo lho Land Omccen lI~in1t),.


Hotcl !Ocddclltal

\11 ~1"'1,1,. ""••1",,,, . " the

1,1 lo.,k·,lt r", ,It III " '1.", ~~.,It.·., ...,,,,,1,,, •.•.11" I.".. , """

\I\,·~llh. Ih ,"" ,1'." ..llb.' .'110' "'lll~'fllt ,1111·· 111 ' .. I~' 'I'. \\.·'otI~r t\~"_,,, '•.. '" I" 1.01..,

'''',r.... \\ 'o .. ont 'I'''j .,~".... ,','~... I••• "r.:>:""1"" "l.f""10 ";:U h,' ..··r .."" 1':"Il:~•..\1lI '~I'" ~n ,;•• n.· .....1. 11"'1...,1. t""n I .... II,.:·Inrl rho-liu.h .. ·• "IIII'~' n ..t"I"", ' .. , II.....,• nlll'M' "";':". 1,'1",11.1\ .. '~lIal tuml" '! " ••.;.." ,",., "I." -U."'."· ral • ", 1:,.1., ,,,., ") "l'lll .•·\'''1 non ""'"I~ ""If .....,.. II",.. 1·,'11.. ,,, ,I. :1,,',I~ )'on, I' ,,.. 1lI""~'"'' 10 , h,'..,,, " ," .".1_11'10'11"'''''' ...1 ..."t r"· \dll,,··. :on, .., J.l " .. I~""I", ,t. 'I"h,... I; 11

N E "V 0 U 8 DEB I:L IT Y.

.\ Surl' Cum UlIIIfl\nltN.

l)R. t:. t·, ",')I,-:;-;;:-n,.l: "~b u~·1......1111..·111, """"",,I'r '.or 11).h·rl. 1l1,d •••

~;~~~' ~:~~t:~; \f~';:I:~;'~I'~~~l,~'~~ih~!;.' :.:!~;..~:;;:In."IIIIII;>"" );ltIl ••h'Ii" 1o-I'I'n'I\IIII" nhl.,·... ' .n...'"hI 0"" ""'r'l"ll ,,·11.1011 • I' ""·I·III"ltl~"II.'"_h.. II 100",1. I" n,I.,,) •1ft ) .It,"'~ "Ill l'I.o.. I ..~"'Ill ,,,no r"'''111 '11..•• I\oth I~" n,n:"l". ,~,..'11""'111'. II,.lUn"'I,I: ,,"~ 111111..... t I, " ••1. tw.."·t", III,' ,1"11.,,.; _III III nl ,111""I",kl ,.• r""lftl tlf

tn;~'.,,~;:-..~l~i ~::i ..~t' ~~.IU": }~/I~~; :;;..;~:c"IIlf.'l"I",! ",11/1 IV" dollar,. Yr' .. lit , .."II t/l.",.,­,h.....r our wrln.. 11 cn.,a~_ In ,.·'urn lit" "'''11''1f Ih.l ....rn'.."1 b .. 1Illl ..~,.,.t. ,'It,.... ll".IM1III .....

"liN 111111 blWOODW'AltD, CLAltK "("0••

Wbolotnlt'II,1 1(11.11 "...-1"'10. l·urtl.I6lI.O,.,..V""',, &1-" ",,,,1IIiu ,n.....~ a.".,

Prop.rod by Dr. J. C. Aye," C<>.,J"nacUe:a1 .",1 AIi.I,L1r<11 CIII..wI.,

Lowen, Man.11tt.&t .,. AU....a:.IIUTlI .....""11...·

"'IIIt'r SIr,. , ••• "ur~ nt ",,' ..1.

TI,l. 1'011"1,, :Ol";~'~/ir,j.:~';:IH 1,.... ,1 1I11",I"I' Mr,.l

(;r'..d ,.... 11' tA"I •• '·ul.I,.,:.,,1 ,nlllll;:; 11I""1 ","II '·Olll.furll>lol··I ••,J·.,· X.. 1",111- "Ill loll '11:1:0'+.1 t..

...n,I,·, ""'n' .n.·",In" ,n ''''~nl, r•.H\,II,nl', "llh ,,' .hlmm I...utl I,~ 11I~ d., ", ......k.

111""."",111"1'''''."",II )tll~ J 11.\1,1. \llll:-'U.I''',I'·'.

House FurnishingJ LA ItD\V A It Jo:.

l'rI'n" \,I1Ia1l1) and II YIlI, ~.,\,.., ...i ..... f"r____~'''".•n'tt..·"..~·_·C..~"C·IC,' _

Cathartic Pills

.J('"X T. XOlllll "1'f'·OI:TP.l:(W

Stoves, Tinware,PUMPS, IRON PIPE,

Ceml,lnfl Ihll rbnifoM.t N1lhnttlC' prittrlrl....In nl ... lIdll·, h. l'n'I'",II",,,. 1\I~·lHlIl,.ll IIl.l~Ju.I,.,1 lu ..... nl.\ N'II!'I,)', r"flltlllt\·, "",IIInllormlty M .'rr.....I. They tlr,' II",' ",1"llfir l"'rw tlr r ,eful .Inlly anll rl..-llr,,1 eK'"",luIlInr••"ll 11ft! Ihc II .. t dfeo:tll.1 rrn..rlly )"rC tU...."·t"f..11 tur ,U~U+"lI, ".lI~J I,yIleranllllllll.·Il' 0' llill "Imlll" h, Ih·.. f. 11,,1bo"'el.lt, "'bleh "·I'l.tllfll rtrtlnl,t .1111 r""Clu~l'"lIol1l1elll. J" Ill. 1'".1_" .,.. "1',:.-11\111 .~l~lnblu I.) Ihl" ..I[VIII ,,( ,1l~.'I\.~.. Tl'''1''C'fIlllt"<:Ily fill lIlfI ,1I1t",I,"" '!III "\."'hnllllh-&f11'OC"'~", IIn,1 tN.lom '''IlU1Ilf 11I'l\l1h1 00­ttllll. TI" If ;Ixll'1l1l\-n II....., Itv!,h,..ldiln.IUIhelr f1tB1"lkft, tlllIl f,y III th:1I 1.",\ 1111110n••I. 011" of Ill" 111I111" ",.""r" "t Iht'[r \'.11.., u••"tfl, Illlfe, aUllllf'r I.'t·tl, 'ell"hln rUIlPlJ'I'umttlldl1,.. n .. ltlJ: r"IIII"Oullllril of 11m t'un-­('"nuIII,") "lrlllt'lI fll rltl'l'/y "",I{ellltlu 1111,..Melli""", 11"'1 II'''' 1""1'I111"l'ly (rl"~ rlfllll 1'~11'"nll'l,I'1 IlUylnjll'[""J< rrof'M·rt[".~••mll'''" 1,.,IllllJIlIlstcre'l to "'hIlMI'1t with I~rte<:t ..lilt)·.

An:n'l PlUM ar~ fin ttr~lulll rlllfl ror('on,UpRtlotl or CUlIll,·r&tfl". 111dll(N­Holt n)·'IU!It~I~••.()'Ioll 01 Afll'r~lt~.·ou' 810nuIl'h 1'11,1 l1rfl.th, 1l1:u.lnN"o1If"1\4"""hf". (..011 U, ,ftomllr,.. ~lIlt1ba",,"

11111011J11I61••1"lInlll(''', UhllulIlllt"m..Ernrllofll 1'1111 Skill OIM'nWfO, DfOPI)·.Tumo.... "·ornt~. !IleuMI.'.. ('011('.f;rlpH. nl.rrlln'.ll, 1)'It'lllt"1. OUtlt..I'UH. 0100"1(',.. 01 Ihe lJvt"r. ""II IIInih", lll...u~.. ri'lluh,nr from A dlJlJnln..Ililah' llf Ilu, ,11&,1'&11\'0 'I'PilrllllU,

A. " Dlnnor 1'111 Iht'1 hlYO flO eqU11.

'"'fIll renlle In IlItif .rUon, III..., J'ILYwe lhr ",OIt thotlln./th IIn.f 'l',u"hlll,l{ calli....tJe Ih..t un he ,.ml'lttr~l. Inti Ilfl'''f aiVftrain "nlau tbG ba....11I 1m laftatlJO'd, andIhen lho.lr IntlllenN" I.. h...II"I. Thty.llnJUoobl. It\l' 'rfll't1'" 111I1 ,lIl:Mtl'fI oflr.lttll: thl'J'IIrrt:lolll0 pUrif" "n.1 ..nrkh tho 1.lood••rulIm,..11 fO"lfI"'c..'1 bc;&,lth "Dd "Ip 10 \bewbolll 1)'1111/0.





Notice to Creditor••




CElITA\iH LUllllElITS;the 'World's ;;rea* ralD.Jh~

ltaYlnl: Tt!DlCdlcl!I. They heal,loolhe ood cure Durnil,Wound., ,,'('a~ Dack Modr:lummat1Am upon IlIon, nndSjlTa]nA) OaJl'l nntI J..ameoc!J'.pon Den.'It.5. Chu? quickautI rc)JablCl.


Bybuyinrltdtlle.n·prk... WewiltIell)'Ou In.y utide tor family or pa'.IOn.lule, In Inyqu&nlhy.t Wbole..l.Price. Wh.tever you .Inl. Mild bour c.at.lorue (hn) a.nd you will ladit thefe. Weurry In siock tb. l.'ltll....riely 01 roodl In the Unl1td SI.'...

MONTOOMERVWAROoiCo..., A Ull W.b..b A".oue. Ch1c'C9'o

TUTT'Sg ...;.,


Turf'S emR DYE.tla." n.,ao_ w",.:t,... "....1"'" "'" I'lI,rlINfT.'..l'. 1'1.11'~1·."",hU'I, ", "".1', ... ,,111\ .Plnt •••lu••I..... · '.1' It 1 ·I..llU'O!'PIOI. '"'IIt'111, Onr'I'." ..r WM I" "' ..Ih'" u. ' .......1... ,,/ U.o ...u~ ~ "tJt'ftc:Ao." J.:T... "'-;f 'rOall.

~ITr:~Io·:~r~..~~~I·:~~tl .:-:.~":.:.)



.'·iII IJf' ill p.lrt TownlU'lId n~Ain Oll orbUilt FEUHl"AH\' ]!)111. 'fhnnkinR' II,.,'lhlio fur hbcnll l)/lfrunll""'t", I b.'lle (I',I1lUlIlUI&I their ("1I1111J~IICC in Inlltrf'.

ucl C. W. miST,


Cnftyilll-:' t'.~. \f"n.....,,1 PnllllenJ:'l"J'I'I.

MillT,.env£'8 Port Towllilelill Cl'l1ty 11l\)' ill ~ I'.,.. mllkill~ clOKU ('ulIlle<"liollll with theIClImer fllllilio III TlIkl')"A I~ll(linl:.

W. S. 8£.\VEl', l'rollficlor,

HENRY LANDES,Gommiasion and

Shipping :Merchant,Excha1t(Jc Broker.SidtJs Disbursed.

1'o."NOf\' h,,,,ln:: bill lIull h.l, fin Itwo hull tanIlIc....... II... tfflItlll b,a.ln!: 0"" bolllt!

II ..-Ill ~u:r b.lr r.mllllNl III fl'01II t..,u to ~l.I

""'" all .. Ill .\.Irt. new ~'TO.'h IIf h_hlu, t,...,,, t ..·o III Ih,..... UI"lllb...It enr'" lb",lmft' I" lno.. :o.rl." auT"" I).,.•.

11 ....1•• lite ",.1, C"","II .Ild I-!h" lllfo h"l, r-rul.....l'h, .",111 ..m,h"l , .... ·uJltfrulo htblM::

U t. • Mk"e Or Iftil,...d ..1,ouu.lw I" !I..e In .. urJ' r"mIl7.

\\'\..... un ,,'....,\1 .... I ..1I('b ........11". -o.n",11• ".mtl'Iml ',f III ",'11 Tt) II.ud__ ,,,.. ),.'1,_,f.Tl.-'" .". "0 pu, ",'~ ...'Ih<l."'''· I" II .. h.l~h",.',O! II t~n I ..a 'A IIM"1 1I."to" 10 1110o 11'11, ''''ool'.lp '\·"}u..ri:""~"" dnll(:I.I'"II",,,·wl111'.·.. \ '0 .."'.

J'RJ/It. I,.\·f: /JIJ',I••I/! "1.'1: /I'JTTI,":.1111'","111 hI II... ,.,.... I

1'<'hfIU' onfoorh,,: rrr....dlolanu· ..... t ",l.vII''''"lIb ...rd.., or l. U. I). lt1 'tr ·•.

\l'11.'.IA)I kOll1 ~:lf.)(.,1111111I111"" .lId 1'T01',I..u+l'.

Port TMoll~ntl. \\ ...bh,,,,,,,oT,.r,hory. 1:»

e:." ' I 111•• D .....m ~....."•• ,.IIIW t .

\\'111 ~II 810/1'1' EXt.:IIASO.; 011

S:'~ "HA~WISCO. POn'l·r.ASH. ,ulIlell 1111 P!\rlI or lI,e uXl'n:u :iTATfo:S.

lIon~, rt'mill.ei:l to ",II 11II,11I orthe Wurld by Ornft ur

lA!lclltnlllLiu tnHUI(er.

Will pill' till:' hljCht·.' IIrh.." III COIN, (nr



For the n1ROWDtd leN Btar Ittltl Amen.rea Liae of o-aa Htea.lu",«,

Prepnid tickeL.l. from Of \0 0111 IIA" oft:unJI'IIf IlIUM lit l.1'fttIt I'Mit'.

Prople IIbouL to IIt'rJll tor t!)4t;f rtieDllJlill Ell rope, will do yellin coB lit DiY 01·ftl"O. ""hem 1 .ill hl'J p11'Ned lOKi,,, tllt'mfnll jllf"rmAfilllt. nn;lwlH'relhny flYIl ptlr·dJaW " ...·1"'"1 tirketol At mn,lJ Inll ..r ntlban N-Mto'(U"f'. AI. in lb. prt1ho in tho

rulu".. Nltil'hM'tioll ruar.al.fe(L I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~OlJtr<l' .._ ....... ,...... X .....,M_ ",_.., W.ffl'''''" I'.". T .

...._ ••_ ...1'... 'I Itr.~, ""lie..,.




\'on-lIl11ltllo,n 1'lIr" 11II fII,..' lUll'IIIIIJlllVll



WEEKLY ARCUS)Juth olle "l'nr for ThrJ'f' lJolI"rc.

fttI OBIOAGO W»ZJa,T ~w. ttl~lMd ... pa.. r -.lUll..N4 IAall \.b. ,"tUn.ellta 01 .......rle...J01lftaU.. It lta.a4o eoo.ploa•••---. pou... J.o.raala ottb. IOUDU7 co.pl.ta .1f'I'p...",1a ,b•••Un of wl..-np'!' ..mH,'.riq lb. fWl"ut.... of OO.DOClUODwttb \II. '_"'AG" DAIL, 111"$. It bu .tIta oa_uel.n t •• ltUpatlb.. ot tb..WIll6nl .....otl.~ Pr.......Id.a •.....,. 01"11011"••anic. of Special T.l.en... fr-G_ all tDpo,,-, polJl.t••"0 .. ' .....paM' It b .. DO ....flor.It t. l.lfDIr'IID••'" in :Politi,., pr••..lIt1.n1' &11 :PoUUo.l H..... "... homp&I'\,,_ tliao or oo1or14•• &Ad abo.·l.tel:p wllbout tMJ' O. ""01' _ topartl...

It I., til Ut..,.UHt ..o•••• .,AItLT:PAPKR. ]tach tll'l'l ooatai.1 ..ur..l(O.1t1T1D .sro",a, • n"'A! $fO,r otabeorblal' loto,..', 1ID4. rlab ....rl.t,.of ootld..alod DO"- 00 ....blo"•• Art,Ind.'Crl". Litl,.,U'., SClI.~, .ta.,• to. h .....11" Quotatlol:l' a,. oom­IIf.w, uel ~o bti ,.Ued UDOO.

It I. u.n.larp••••cl ..a ... ]toCoJ'1lrl...iD., 711,. IDd Tnt.two".,. OUIIA'­'A IIIL Y •.""s"',~". 01,1""01.' O'II~&.111011 TUlDl brtl:l. It wltbLD Cb. nub.f .u. 'p••I••••ople....,. be ....• t Ihl.omll,

"""'''D4 IIIbaaipUoe. to 'b'- ....



Try tho "RlJing Star" Te.

People's Market

'''~~S;: -. >--.....,..

"11Il.lIll·!/: l'U\11I1 1,,11...hl hf '" "'" • ~"tl,r""1,....~o:tll'f ~Illnl"r« I ...

"'_"11I"117." h.ud III..



All 1I1nd.., ChoIo. Moo.e. Dandrulf, Prevents Hai, Falling--Oon"tdntly on Hund.- Out and Makes Hai, Grow

L. Smith, On Bald Heads!l"'"uVl'lulur.


VEGETA BLEl"'.Alant'onlt!ll Ikot>r .lItl )'nrll-. Slllo"~1

~ll"alll, l"ntk AIHJ UO!of:u., ~tbAg~. Jl",U!Cht~,,·, ftlll('. el,·.. CIC.

Than. Jackman and ? Terry.

Tlli.~ I'rand or 'l'ell ill imllOrl<\! ,tireetfrum Jnpllll. Jlllck,...1 ":</'fl:.o(jIly (ur \\'nler.man ,~Knlz. /Lilli >I01l1 )\' Ihem sol"lv 011PIl"..el Sound. };\'er)' !ulCklll:e i" lJ,;lIlJ·1',1 "Wlilernlllll k KRIZ," IUlII iri "unrnll'leal to IJtl ,1I1lOrior tu au)' 'l'CIiIiUIII in'yllllllllll{tuu Tefritor.,,, 'fry it nuJ CUll'\'lllCO YllllntC!"CiI.



Iii C.C. UAIlTLI·:rr&Co.

Ciglll'~ :Ull}E'ft!r OIM-'IIe<1 in tbi. Cily.

We INI\'t! fill II.n,1 "'"11 1e"1'11 I" "ock .Wlli

1300.000lIt II", 1.,.·"T IIIJ.(.\'IJ'· Uf' <,II. flo''' In 11,,,)lllf..ul.•\. 'A., ,I" IInr 11M'" I" IMlt Mil' I'",,,,l:ltll~ ,..,I'·'llIMII ... ,. \'11I111I 'AC .111 .,-IIII~ '''hi

•• l",~.-'lar 1.·.....1.

• I , I 'II'.: lbo-". .,:. '''';-, .... : l.:.~)'

n<tl'lo' 1I'b< .·.'101 •••1Tt1 ,.01...Tt'Il' I I·... I.·.· II~ I \hr ,n' OUI,h.I,"qU,III.!. 1114'1.:.0,-

lot.· ,.,,11I 1 •• '

I. l'\.f ••

W.rlori.lIlln1oo11 t!le 101I ot II*':)farl,.rI.... Dr. .......hnrt 111,1 dl"llCU';1'01'101'1" .Iot. lor D1.111.,M',

III tbnl'C'll-o,lra dl'llr:"'blle 10 tIlIl..:.t·.~d tIroI.Caalil ....«1 tam••,,11. km, _','OII1UII~, 11I410.·•• 11I11 III Will'~


Jl1111Ml ... tb.t IDlDllMr r-d •...,.;H.JlP11H t11Uo ..tid. lb07 .,:TllIlSar tIM~, thaI IIWlf d.o1-

'-I ....,..no... .,..t)ebtf\k '_ ..... ODd rpnflOut 10 ' .... ltlC. )Iujol1e 01'11:»e.u.:.. tbI '-orH pIlI1'. ks-


JI.HIJlllfl" Gr..,r.

, ...., •• ' .. t '" .......·11 .'1I~'. ,.(' •••• ".II'",I".'••r '"~I~ ....,.If·'!'''\110. 1 .. IIIII.~'llJo."'tlbllll-... -

... .\L.. tu·~It ..... I ·h.". " ..... ~ 1:111 'h'r<'\,I' 11I11,,,bouII 'ol\h:.U~•

...- u I lu'.!oe.u.!~ ,,_. I.re

''''",,-.oI..J,:,... " 11~"!1Y.~IIIT".... l'1l:b",,"1I:~t, ·l/l'''_lbw .. l .. ll .... ,h.II.....Ilt,u:>r III! 'L,I'I"'I~~rll ", I~ r.,.)11,.1-

1'1". ':.1, U I'r •.,' ,.~ \,,,,~,':o.h'l· t..,,,I..'l> I .." , I"'~ II .L.:'!,. f ..... , ...t,

"" ..' l·ott, "I,.., f"'UlJ-U;"'wl kUIIOI:

Ifblo .... alll,1iI t.'ie trom lbo! l/)tI'll.011"11" 1I1.UrI.., 1I.ll,1 t"-'" u III ,..II;

U..... , ...., "f"" "'10'1O".Yut, 111&,101''';

l't1IIMlI"lf,bll '1"" "" trro-u.I'Nr It... V"'I'. '11I1. n, t..-n.o HI_I,ilbj",. "'. 0011,-. kJu.~J "'_

Ikrlilltl b,~.....

,.tt tllol 011' nml<1l1r.t lea"" U'ltm lOr,

)lal<l." Inot I....t "r 1~1I1lllt\"

M....IIlIl. !Ili "'" Itt ,bo old t.Nro-l'll_I t.~....

Bo& Um,'", ,1·lllrtU~. 'l<!lIdl n,IIIo_,'nib 1'-ln d ~ IIIld I"" 01 ""ft...II.. _1'I1'pl!IlllMt plr. In ,blU unl rlo-­

R«oIIlud .no....

1'.,.. .&li.....

wnu&.-Lahcl.l Illaoed in liD1eed oil~lkl .ooked will boh) pAint mark plAiAfor ItU1l,

So,,'UlfO 9nos.-U is reeommcll.ltd10_~ IteJa in .Iter that bM beenAIi$fhtJ1 acilUft,.,j With nitric acid. Ahttle ammonia ..1Jal to the nw.r willllUtcn ~rminlhon.

Warn OllcllS.-lfuing Mtt with Ill..1Ium Ilid CVlDlJOIoti .iII kill while grubl.. well III lIetdIt of weed.., Ah-erwnn1IpreNl bff*llt':'11t aud pill., harrow orcultivate into the lOll

Yor'(R OacpoliDIl-'['rim trHot iDopeDw~lItbc.r. Scalter Illl tbe ...UOI.1uheayollaw set 1lDder tb. v-cb treM &OJ cut

t t.clt t1wt fle. growth uno·b.lf. Sow rol,IWO ..It aud briu" LNlk1cwIl I1QW allf"lit htlO8,

Ea•• On.lM,-E.d gtMI i, .Imott in.d6t.rllCtilJlll in the bog pea or barnIArd,and Iet am 1,0 tAllO, d~m~ hIcompoillng ...ith (luirklime or woOO uh·e'S. wh!.u it IDIIll.et1 valllll bhl (lo!rtili1.er, Mit oouWna O1lo-I"lrlllk'l' rea". nit.rosoD.1 IlUr oenl lJOtulJ 6Ult. qw.rtt:r 01 1l)f'r cent Jlbolllhurio acid.

tkU.T Lt:o.._AIl .1Ith""tty "'11 til.,hell' \.Iadl.," IllllirleJ "llh lOILly le~

.hvltkl not 1m u"k!d L~ .itkf1l. foil the dil.cue "'W 1K oommunicaled to til.~bicU. Tho d'lIC2.I6 iA:oan.sa! by a PlU'~

aft.. aad 10 h woWd b.a b.!ttotr DOt to tJ.low \.h. ben to booJ tbo ('bieb. e"eo ifNo IJatehfd Lbe.,... ItlA alwa,.. willto 18' "Yenl t.oM., ODOl'.'ocJ gi... aUt_ eWcb to OOft bt'D. Early brood&,.~. had better~b be takao <We

ot by &beir 01ll'b moUJt.r, III dllriDf '"cold \l(ntMr CDI hen naDot kerp~lbaa" or Iql," cbie:.a ....N!.

Dill 00...._.\ writer. ~(t.rriDg to thefOIIlttlOll~ .mOOB dairymen togI.. u.eir 00"" Wllllll &I,.,.. Kant1 lina""71: .. Wbtn a I"OW llUaN to give• ilk.. .. ill1rird tiP. &aly f~ iI toDlid...red goo.J fncJU@b IUf hef. I tLinlr. Ulili. a 1fM' mi.'.k... atltl the raull ...IlillliaiabN Jlruo.t"ct 01 milk hath illf)uUllit, ud qTtAlil,. whrn' abe doM"OCI in. The!'1l ill I' 11l~ Ilraugh' 00

the .,.km tn "'"'I"in tbu enll ...bile tboto" .. ClUT)'iUR it ; lu,l to kHl' the co",h IfOOIl eo&1I1, i til «uuJ (t.<eol i1 .. i.mllOf.tlll~ .. whl.·n ,l·u b gi\'luj( It.ilk. It utAl opiuiuu Ih~' (lue ,1001"r'" wotth c(

foJOll wh~n tbe eo... b tlry ill ...orUt SU..oA(ter ..he C"lltutli in.. .-\n llIliwal in poorrooo.lltilm ~I.D.Uloit diJtt?llt lU mllell food ..no aninMI ia r'..,J '·lII~l:iholl. U tke('0' i.'Illuut .... t.ell~ ax1hU in .be will'0& IIigt'lil ('IIU11..,:h I~",l to 11IJlI.IOrt tho

~.\lItclll. -udo ",t tllOllllll1 tiwl!., k.l mAk.• 1W'B'lIIU&lltit, uf wilk."

r" h.. 'w.!'1Il l'lIlil1l:l.~ thllt 1I0~ "mUtHl NI1II' wUI,,", ber OW~t!r a flOr..,v"r, Jt!lIit nl t"LSO ..!.e is bdlllJ k11IJ'10.1 II I~ 'fl,lA f.wl UM bAtt Ulucb \0 do

1111 tbe I'n,dng lkeIrv tu impro,.Ilir.. cu....ui.:b » ~QJ~ La l•.

t,,~,V ~ "I':" , ..



'I'JlIT ;(V'I'II'N

"i 1.1olLllluan,

nnd Art,1I'....;Bl'h',. ... '

'of'I-trl"'I •• lOrl"I,"1"""'1"',11"11::1"""

I ".',·r., Writ.....·r'. 11,,1 "Ill I11,,1 p......·u. \

•. 'I,,~rl". """"..,"'I'Inul', ~lt,., ".11r Mnd .~~

, .. nIl'. " ••"'.ft.t 1'"•• -:-'1..,~






,\ "hili ne'" D"wllin.: lIou... ln I'url TnwlI"'lulturIYUI.

A ",aluol f1'~~.. tlln·.) In "lrr!.IIlIf>,:, n"lf th,'Iron .. UfIlllru. f"r _"'~',

,1,1'111,. 10

HILL'S MANUALor I"'oc'l"a ~lId 1Iu.I.elillt Fur.,._.

!':llur.llollal, NJiolul, c.·lIlllnll'N'I~1 "tl,1 1"'2111 I"lI"s.l'lI"~. t:. IIIM~ l''''IIIInlll~ \~'llnlM'I:hll"1..lll'r ,,"rhln::••!le" hlook ..... I'lulf, la ,I... "f ,..,~.

rlb~'~·ry~II~'I:::;~le~ol::~~~I~lI:II~~~~:·~:'I:~l~::rl~:~,~orilftllll'nl ftllt.! IlIlU"·h'IIJ:\'. r'If both '''''n Mlttl .... ":ll'~;:'ol ~~:~~';';:, t~W.';~:~~II~',~~:~~ ~~Irl~;t'l ~:~~~olher IUuoUIUloll" .lId 1"'~llllrlll ,!t"hmo. !'i1l1.1

?t~;~b.t~~~u:J:,~~·lJ~~;~?I)I~~~ei~r;,~·I. ~~:;t'nlllcl~ro. :IlI-llko

STEA.i\a; R


For lromlale at B A• .if.; nllfO rcr Wbidbl1.lllllclllt II .... 11.

Eor lrondRle ut,' I', H. every diY,Por freiJlht or pI'lIItlUl4'8 npllly on bnanLL. D. HAS1'I~OS, Jr" Mt\ltter.


Boot & Shoe Store

JOliN J.'ITZI'Alrl1cK"


ll. H, ""11. fiiT.:.."'..:.

r~'Il:'""m" HOP E,JA)fE8 GU,UORE, 1\IlIsler,

WilllclI.e PortTown!l('nd forSemiahmouanti 1111 illlenna1into \lOrt8 e\'ery l"ritillYat 8 A• .v. !wtllrtlinll', CR\·efl ScminhlllOt.1nt uoon every SllttlNIlY. J'or frei}/ht urpllMllge apply (Ill board. 25-tr

Till) U. S. Mail Stcnmer

DISPATOH, !jC£'it:JAMES MOnOA...V, ~llUlter,

WiIlloove Pori '.('ownllClld for Noab Buvand "'ay JIOrtB e\'Cry Monday Morning atij o'olock, &tnmin,ll' will nrri\'u OllWednelda)'& JolJhing dODll ootweeutripIJ. Fodrt!ight or IltUlEage, 8,Iply 01\booh!.

ne..·.,ISo"'., LadJIllI', 111M"'k4.'blidulI·"BOOTS A:SO tiJJO};S

or TIll:

BEST OUALITYANO LATEST PATIERNS.1:',.1 lulYtl a grellt reverence fer cash


(',111 and _ Ibe ~ tmprofed I'.t;>nl CO!I­bft'llI.lllll lIanIH•.

<\It kind. 0' rnroall1l dOM 10 b.rn..._ It 111"101:'.1"_. lIarn," In.Id. til t>rtIn, ~lUlillej will loUHllIl ot·· 1'1"'1 down" prlf"l".

OEORGE W. llLAKE, Prollrietor,Alllm~ 'lll.oel, (jIJ~II& IloneCulIrt IIf11l.... ,

:~l-l' l'Or'l·()"'II~ud. \\'.1'.

IS.·AIlI.T OI'I'Osrr.: %u:w ""IJAllt',:Wa.r Strh~ - Port TownKnd, W. T.

New Furuillhing-E"erytllilli :O:ow,'l'hi~ hOll8C 11M jllst l)C(!n rclltted and

reul>yatcol lhrouKhont, Rud we oronow I'mpnl't'd 10 furnish

Firat-elA8a lSoAIU and LoJUiDg.Tbc Dar ill IJllpplied with tho beet of

Winetl, liqUl.t11l AmI cil(amDAVlD 8l'OOlt, Prollrietor.

W, N. Uoc.lli. J, E. PIlKII.


Thl. 1101111(11. Xew nlHI ;S1!11'1,.\' FlIrt,l hft.I,IIntll\ON(1!!t'l IliUM! "Pllfl!llllll4!llU 01 n

3rJr.t 01aaa ~oto~.

ItA ~( is 'UIlIJ!illd with the belt ofwinet, li(IUOr8 all~ cillRr'll. There iii IIftfllt-claH8 billillN tllble nod reRUin~·room in thc Hole!. NOlliin,ll willlJe It'ftII D(lone to mAko (hie HoLcllW(!(lnd to nO\loi 0 the 1'erritory"

1I"rll: Sheldon, UI; 11 First Street,Ajlt!nt 'or tile

DA\'II'I. IIO\\'E.

~Tti~~~1J:rs~~1f~'U~' a~[:~t",t.r,':l)SEWING MACffi:i'ES.

J. W. El'ASS. So. 29 IJo~t Street,A.:cnl tor Ih.. IJonl ..... tlr IInII

Unm"ruuclllltkrr lff!wlns: ~lIChln~.

.....e. Ih" ll11lll'r~l"'1If!d, hit'" te,U'I.! llt~ fM10utlellllllili br~lld, or J:l1'COL (,.'01"1'0:- 'or

ule In thb III~rkf)I, and IIml

(Jllrk's uO. ri. T."~pool t,;oltouTo 00 Ih IlKI'fT. WutllUllnlllhlllr St.:W II!.ACK

10 btl. '''''!IT COI.OIl.

The SllIgrr XMllttracturlng Co.,118 SlItlet _t,"t, S.....



SubHribe for tho AnOli8.

FRO;':E:.' DP.AI).-I.(If;t SnhU\lay niuut110 mlln nllffiC\l Bnrry Willinnl8. on t m·"larC<! of the Northern Pneiflc Haill'OndI\t S/ln,I~'lJojllt,wllo rcoollt1>' cumc fromMiij.~lllj, MOll tnun. "I'cnt unt inlo thocollllNuly)'nl\l to littClll1 10 Ilomo at hisdutiell. ~\"l'!rnl bOlll'll nrterwnr,!", lUI thoIlj~ht WilE! intollJ<ely cold, Iho nWfCnryml\rkin~ 33 de,i:rct!!t below zero, 11lHl WiI·liam" lu1I1 Int returned 89 he should1J:l"O ololle,seuroh Willi mnde for him bytile olher ('mlllo.I'oe!!, who 'I\'oro not IOllJ;:'

ill flmlina: hid lifdClfil, frozeu boJ.y h,·tbeside of ono of tho Irllcks. TILe poorfollo'l\' hlhl cvillclltly been O\'crcome b,·the cold oml l(liet down and dietl.- W.

lV. Ullin,",,'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Watel'lllUII & Katz,}'OHT TOWNSEND, ow. T,

Wllih\ New Horne,C~own, WilsoD,"VIctor, W('ed,P('('rll'~M, };'\oreIlCf'.Si"'wnlt Singer, Homo Shnttle


C, SIUWL,IIOS4'COlltl Sireff,.-\C'!nl tor lhoo m:~I~WTO:- and ItOL\!. liT. Frankll'n

JOllS l)/'lI"hll: )larhlne•.

Seattle ~(arketF:.

ro"·ItI'flllfJ'~~',.,1S'l\'fTI.F., F..ll. 7,- 'l'hc Il"tHlerol leu­

d~~r of tile loelll mnrltdil for the IN18tw~k ·!JOIt l>eoll fim).

FLOUH ill "{'ry finn, and wo quole:E:lIrll, ller hurrel, at tram &,Wll to SG.50,/llkl nu 'lvlll\ce is Iillble to tllke plnconi(nin at nn}' lime. 'rhe hillh rrico of/lour iii ncoounk-ll for b.1' tho tact thlltRI)(!ClIl",wfH hll"o bollSh~ Ull the whentcroll llllli mude II corucr (bCrooll,

OA'1'~ ort! .tIrnlllllfl ill good. deUltlnd:S3) Ilcr too bll'l beeu (loid for first clBMlJuolity.

nU'L"l'ER-lJollnlr)' ml\~lc is sctlrce,lIull CnrifonliK butler ",enerall)' fonDl)lD tho mnrketll. Priced vllr)' from 80 toW7H ef'IlW IlOr poun\!.

EGOS Im"o o~vnul.'6tl1l little aUlI Arescarce. Jubbel'll Are pU)'iui:' from 40 to015 celll8 per Iioltln.

OHlOKEN::i-'l'be IInrplU!t ebiokencorp has been pretty ""ell bought 1111 b)'Uhinllmen in order to rl!l\llt during theirholidll)'ll. Do:nlel1l have been IIA}'ioUfmm 8.5.50 10 86 IlOr dozen for chiokons1I0d reluileJ them nt 75 00018 t!ocb.Chickel\i1l1honllllJe solJ by the pound,UK tuere id 110 jllHti<:e ill one fonner 8ell·ing nice fnt towlil for the same Ilricethat hilt neighbor /ol'etll tor poor, millCm·IJlc, halt·stan'cd oucs.

!'O'l'ATOES".Ollo of the mOlt ~limcult

thiugH of tho present tilDC ill 10 (,'Ct b'OOdIlOtllIOCS. Yenrs IIgo tllll diftlcnll)' W081I0lelll.'OIUlWre<l. Whetber or not tbe\lOW f'llrietiea introJn~1 during theIHl~t few )'CUf8 hovo been of inrCriorkind "0 caunot lillY, but it does learn 18

if the)' hove heeD. l,'ittoeo Slid twenty)'ears ago gQOlI, 801lDd, mealy, whole­80me 1l0tat008 .·erc the rule, Now theyare tuo ezccl'tioll. !)erhnjkJ 1lOIDe of ourrellderll clm giye "remwo for thiaoh:luge to lho WONlt,l. We note ndGelincof 5 centll a IJttllhel 8inco our IMt reporl,tbe ,"'Oiug rIIto IlUW being 85~"O cent8pcr bUllbcl. ncceill18 (Ire free, audthere nro 1l01li~080r Illltrllite.uOO murketuurinjl' thc prCllCnt eNI) )'car.

UAY -~hlU)' CllWCK have combined to(l'rlldltllll)' rui86 the Ilrice or hny dnriuh'tilt! pt~t tl'w mouths. Thu Clroll of 1882Will a lnrg{l om~, to 00 Illlre. bllt it waalIot illereIUM..'d ovor the crop or 1881 illproportion to Ihe incre.'UlCd COIl!lUDlJ.l·tiou. The lo~ginU' CAmps aloue baveIlIken moro hay tlurill~ llie PRIIt twelYemonthll tblludurinu tho llroyioltB tWOll·I,..follr, whilo thl' demalill ill tile towMon tllo &uud ill at loaat 60 por couLgrentcr tbln in 1&11. Dt:8idell thesecnll!l tho railroad bllihlera bnyo tuken Rll'rellt lIclil wbere tbor took none a Yllnrauo. Las' }'CM thi. tllDu bay wlUlscllingat $12 Ilnd 814 It tou nllJ wBilduli Rtthnt,'l'hroo wouthlf uG'1> SI501111 SIG worc tboh4{bCllt pricct! Imid. Now SIS ill thelowest for 1,):,ltlJ timothy, 011 thl' fnrlU,Col. SlllinuclliDg four ellr 10(1,(1. at lhntprice lluring the P!\.lt 'I\·eck. The cold\\'eMher ut lItll Il:l8t mouth bl\8 atitrt!ncl1up JlriCCS rOUlurkllhlr. It ~loos 800m lUIit S:ID and J)erhnpa $2'2 will hn\'e to 00l!Oid before IllUUmCr, ad thera ill but lit·tie hoy ill tho conntry, These IlriOO8IIlrellllr pr.wail ou lito CohunbiR rivor,and lilly canuot ho bron((lat beN from(jllliiroruitlllt a profit fur ICIlll.O:-ilO~~ hovt! '1lightly 1\1.1\'81100.1, ntld

we quoit! H; nnd l"1 I)('r (1011ud,APPLES No chl\llgt'.In:EF The whlllt"ltnle price of beer

bllll ndvllnCC\1 from 8 to 0 conlA perpl)lltld, nnd ill Brrn III tbnt Jlgnre, by thctJllortEr. Deer 00 foot ha. Nl"uDCcdfrom 4!' to l)eenle IMlr ponud,

POUl{ hM 1l18O athllnl.'ed, IUld wequot" ne&t..U@9!'ccntd; pork 00 foot,ti to Gil oonl&

AIU'l"'rOS hM ROO ff(1n9 lip a ftw-renlld bntehef'llllr9 pn)'illg from OJ, to 10cent.! 'ncnt. aOO ..!) to l) cenla on fool

In Ihc rotuilulIlrk:ellt boef rROll\l8 from10 1'1 lit oontll )ler IJOuOlI, ncconliuU' 10qltllJity: Jlork from 10 to I~'i, I1ml mut­101110 to I~t~ CtmlM.

MediCl\l Lect1U"l!l by M:n. Dr. Pottl.On Illat Tbul'llt.ltly lliuht thi!l loll)'

opcnc.l bcr courao vf Il'CttlrtR nt 000(1TOlDplal'8' Hull, lito 001lf/411 oon"ilUuuo ofiit eveoiu" nlld fOIlT Ilfh:ruOOn lechll'Cll"The lechHC1I nrc flill of goull fIImn,IlW!IlIlC,8.lllreNl.ld iu U WIl)' thnt e"er, ono CAUundergtond, IInc) Iho 1Jt.'OIIIf' of tbill cit)·wbo Ilu not fltleml tbi" CIOlttae, Are milWl­in" 8Umetbing _bieb would be of valnet(l thom. l:nnJot oompels lIa to IllY IIl'rCNlY nOO Illen.'tiu,!, munner 00111)1(\1with ber thoronQh Irnowleoelgo uf tbeIIUlJjrotll diitCll:lfll'(l, enlitle Iwr to ronkmnoog Iho ftNlt lecturo,. of Amcricn.E,·eryhD.ly IlrollOnuCCl MI1I.lk Poll;itnhe tf'arnctl. eloqnent, enll'rlnit:inl:, in.1J1m live IIml lll'OJmplilhed. Htlr nlli'r_u!"lOn leclnn!ll to Ihe Irklieft nre rel)I('1"_itllvuhlKhla iufllntlRUOn, lIolll\if n hkl)'tll:JlrL'l!JK'I,) to Iii! today, th6)' rllnk nnit "'itlttbo llc.ttelYllfl.!l .. f the mll.o!t ,,<iftco.l meJI.cnl ... riterll. 1>0 not fIlii to oUl'lltl hNIcctllro Imunrn,"· nilt1Jt.lltl LIYt',('lIurl"IIbip nnd i\llIrrinJ(f!. Thi.. la'lm.. "'Illc1Cflelh& f'llnnw.'. l),lOlml PIIIIM IIntlJ. C, I:IArril'tlll ~lIn be IIf'(lD al tbe('cnlr31Holel Qnli! Snt"rdlll" uul,

.·re.. __CIA,,'. 0"U7.

Tllp. bUnl'. Amt:lill f\rrh't\l to-tta}'trom Honolulu,

Sellr. Mllr)' '['Il)'lor ..ailell lhill atler­!loon tor Neall Ou~·.

I'r ill rIlUlorl'l,l tlmt 1l1M.'Cl}Il~ Iltore Ull\)'be IjtnrlC\1 ut J)Ulll.'eIlC- ..

HAY ill worth 820 IJer tun in theOrolll1IlOllllo vallC'y, Ort'~on.

S~O'v fell for n llhort timo Ilist lli~lJt.

uut 110011 elllll1lo:ed to rain,

UAllK lIIelrOlofe WM towcJ illill onr hllr­1m to\III)' IJ)' tue tl1~ MIl..tiek.

I'r islhulIllht Ihll~ thccolll wcnlllcr huskillc.! 11m WnJln Wnlln )ll'nch crol).

:\111" AICll:. Hollins, ot DUII6{CIlCM, is 8()

~riul1fily ill tbnt uis lito ill tlClllmiretl at.'l'helJnrk W. W. CrllllO iff ill tbe lJal'

l()(uleJ. ..·jth spal'll from Miltou tor Dnth,Me.

I)C1I!'1"AnACIl£lI Br08, & Co" will 800ncrect 1\ new brick builllinil UdS feetill Seattl~

'rUft thcrmometlJr 11M fnllen M 10. n.~

21 del:l"\.'e8 iu WlllIll Wnlla, durillA' tbelJMt \flIck.

Till: rain or Inst night and tol:1(1)' WNIthe bt!nvielttof Ihi.~ IIClulOn,lInti put llncull to tllo troat nllll ice.

OIlWOS hllll Iho only fIlilf(lnd in u·illtOIiOO 011 whieh Dolln'e is !OIIJe to getIIrlJ1l11tll1 stump.

'I'uv- hril: Levi Sllm,lult "'ellt Ollt ofPurt Discover)' lJ;ly lOt-III)', lumllcr Indell,bllunJ for Wilmiugtml, CuI.

DAm; H. W. Dmllc)' ill 11111 in our hnr­hor, \,,"itillJf II r:IVorlllJle ollporluDity toKIIi1. She i8 bOllnd ror Sl.lI\nghni.

TIU~ CIlIlMli:m Pnaifiu Hllilrulld Co.Imve completcol Dud in opcrlliion 1730llIilt!~ of road, lelwing IOUl mile. )'ot tobuilt.!,

QCITr. R number ot the YOlln" tolkeWho wcnt ILmliu~ )'cslcnlit)', IJrokethrongh tho ice, nllli receivotl gOOl1duck"iuj.fl.

~~II\~K MeOraul, while 011 hi~ wny to\V"lIn WlllIR to IIIt.eo~1 tbe fllooml 01 hislister, wa~ trozeu to "eath, II IIhort timesinC(l.

A TOUNG mlln named Flynn broke Id,ll'(,' ou Frillnl IIfteruoon, Ity fulling Oll

tho itlO while Illluting 00 Lnku Uniou,neM Seottlo.

IT ill Ciltimatoo tim! Ihe gfllin,IIl1rplu3rur tIed IICIUIOO in Ore,qoll IIml WMhin,ll"ton Territory, will bo from 150,000 to2UO,(XX) tons.

Tile KBlo of YeIIlcrt.lnyealllletl ver)' hightidCll, Itnd the water Wll.ll d/Ulbing Clvertho lido wwlk n~llr tho Custom bouse,thill morniug.

Dumso the month of Jnnuar)", IS8a.llin Oolllmbin..t Puget &)1tu\1 RAilrolldhAUled over tlwir MlUl, in Rl.ltlition to 1111uther frci~ht, If\ij81 toU!! of roo!.

A 1""tTf of J:cntlcmen went trom tbi,pillce to Mnrrowltune point SotllrJayllblt. hllutill<:, anll "hot fflur lloor IUlll nlarge numbor of tlucltll-, innlbort time.

J.UII~." Willillmll, SUllt. of Ihe NewC/llltio ('oRI mineA, Jlttllf'S Pt'rr)', ill:lilloftltllm:lII: nnll JmuCII J.'oirhairn, rmtiiil10roreman hn\'f~ rC8ij.Jnetl thdr )lOflitillnH.

'1'1fIo: :\Jycrll IJUYH, .'110 nrc hnulingpile:!! jllilt IIlx)\'e Dl1ngcueM, IIntI n hoombroken nmllJMtiaUy 8ClJ,tte~11l f~1II' <In)'11

lIN, We Iln\'e not IllurneJ lbl) el:leut oftheJllmnlle.

A nr.'RP.HnTATIVE of "MoKenney'"UU'4iol!<lll Uirootor}' of thcPacil1eOonst,"ill iu t...,,'n Ileli\'l.!rinlJ the book. A ooJlYhl\lllJNn loft lit this Onh,(', lIntI lII'e flOllit n o,oditlllJlll nn I ll'll!tul IlNllllOtiOIl.

MR!f. Dr. ['otLt, dcli\'l'rC'\\ IlnotherJectnro Slltnnlay, night k a IllrW't' Ilnuapprooililivo IIndieDCu. [t·I'4 well wortllthe prico or ndmi:l,~ioo t... 1i~I<Jn to tlloDoetcll"8Iceturetl on till' Unmnu S)·dlem.

IYVIT...TtOl'lll bavll (,cOlO pri n1''1,1 lit thi,.ollie-. for Il dhuot alill pillow Q;~ pnrt)·,to tn.lrelllal.'O Jo~lllJruary 21,,1, ill 1,'u\\'I"r'lIHall. 'l'beyotlrlll mOll wltu are ij'Clt'lll!

up Ulili 11I\rly will Ihl 1111 in t1leir (klwerto makl! it elljnY,lblt·, rlll,l, \'0 bll\'e nodoubt, will R1hkc It IHICCl'!l!lUr il.

'1'1f11l!l: email I.lII).!. IItulo "ulnO J(inlltpowdor from ll.nruh(JU.O ill 10""11 !obtur"day, lind took it Oil Ihe 11('11011, where 111("

mml!!11 fire Rnd I'nt Ihu :I.Io'Wllllr ill, 0.'('

p""tillll to hllvl' lolA 0' fUll mllklrljz hel(Jlodc. It wen' olf, IIl1ll (lilt! ho) Wallthrawn inlfl the nlr, while an<)t!.lt'r Inrlll'llnn invohilltllry llltlllUlO~ult. nud rolll,1ql1ite 0 dii4i"nce alon,ll' Ihl' IJench, 'rhel)Oy" wem nil brni!«!11 Ru~1 cut lIy ihl'llrllvf'1 thrown up hy the tll)loJ~iolJ, onoof them (Inite lliillly.

A 1'llll"U& lett!:!r frow Om}". hllrlJorilquo!6J by thc Ofl!f/QI.;/IIf: -A rurtoenf Hi melt Ll worlliull Uw lloM ont oftue IJIRok Mu\1 on Ille IW:lch, which pll,.ewell, tho miner,. "ill not lell 00'" mltch.

We will h1\vO " rltilrn;vl hcr~ ffo'IO Olym­Ilia tbill fll1mlD"r. IIn,l II ...bart 1I11 theMonth ('oiut. Wh'!N the 1JclIt Allcbnrnlloi... Whnt _~ mOttt w:lnt hOM iot n Ii"hl­hutl'!e.KIltI blIU)'1J on Iho hllr, _hforethet\l ill l.'l fl-.t lit luw wnter, Alitl D!ltrnh:bt cluUIIlt'I."1'.,T ,'Imlt (,1'UYon, IIf'allP! ali" ." ...., """llh .oo'11.-1 b, llPlU"Il·ll·.lutlllt.>lnlJ!v. t'rir.~t<lulJ~-.I IlllKlot mo.. 5nhl b) l.atllll,r a l'",

Weekly Argus.


011 til.. tllllll.I., &0 1M 'Ill. ,tWun"lll Kort'r,'111"10


German Bart Don l:ariQne,

/,'/U,;SC/f ilK. :';'1'. M ..lJlC:,

HUJ1'),;/1 liK, ,uWATOUON.

1J1/11'ISII B.l/iK /H VEWG'K.


dai,< Ilarltla !lcK~11.S.;ITII),lt 'h~ l·"I"Il.ln lI"r \11" llu.l"... IIIItl"d

AW"II'-, wU1 I.., r, t~,"olhltl ,.'" 'Ierr,_ ('lIII

IMlt,;CI~1 10) till' "In ·,., "r "rr_ ""Ior-tlhl' totil. "llOnl n"IlW" \· 1.

l'IlA~ ,., t''':oIi'A'.. )lulU.II. \Io'.lnl.uf>, A"~lIt... 'I'un ".... ,1 ....".... Ul:l. -. I.....

British Ship Nlnovah.1""'lh"r tt;i."rl~~;~\~?~~; ~il~~~'I"I'rl'!lllf_1

au,,"I. willi .., r.... l'nll.'1th· fl'r It'lI.I'f\nIMil.t..""II) tf;CI"lI'1I "'Ih,' Ill .. "" I"""'''' ,..._'1.

JI'II~ I,. 1'I.t·I,U\I'. ~IIIJt.lf,II. \\', tlto!l,ICIS ,t l.o .\\Cl'ut.,lWIl11'm'''",,'1l 1,("1.:11,.1""':.

Ship Challenger.rl'"'' '"11..1111:1,''111'',

.,~"~h;'.~~,:;~~I;~I:~l~; dl~~~'~:::;~~':':eN'" or III" .bo'H' 1I.,n",1 "'....1,

1'.)1. )l"~r"j.lI. :-...,..,.R, \~'. UId.",'II It f'", "ltI'llh

_1'_'"_'_T_"II:"'I'd. H,I. 7, , ...':. _

.'""'1 "1...".,,10.,S .. lllol'" Ih" 1."'.ln '''II''~lIn.lt',...lIC'nfl(\

1I\t..,,1" ",IllC ... rr.lll,"o\lilr I"r ."1 llehtB con''nwCrtl h)' Ih(""'lII "llh.' III",· .. U1'''W!oI'rd,,'1. "t.lII~ Jt':o..~, M~tcr,

II, \\. 11"1,,.,... ,tI·.. , \ 'til_1·"rl1"" ....'n'l ..~' li".C"_":... _

Ship Carrollton..'rotn '·!tHA....lllhl.

N Io:1TIU:ll Til .. I'.ll"rus :'iUII Tilt: «S·tJcr.I""etl ...."1" 01 Ih" "I'IH'II "lImlld

,'..-1 _1111 ·~I.UI~lI,l" I"r tJ"t.ll" ~'Unlru:11ll1..··'.,... ,nk~ o" ,nw,

fl.A.\&.lI. TII,\I'lIEn, )(...1«.R. W. t'I:UO:;" .t COl,••'\CClII ....

I'urt TOIl'''~'ll(l, ~"".1l;. 11lI"!.

ship Iroquls..'1:1',\1 ;';~:w 'UllK'

1t/oo~~\~'~~II:I\~ '~.~'::.~:~II:;:,'I;"~h~"~.IIIII~,';~8.~";.1tmeted 11)' lilt' l'Il'" lit Ill" Ilhlwe "nUlI'll_hll"

AI,ltlllr \', XIC"ItLIi, lIll>Olt:r.It, \Y, 1"It.I1"t11"IUl+IlI .. ,

1'"..1'1'••" ","'11,1, ~Ilt:· lit. t&<:l.

Chlllan Bark Ave8truz.""'III \·,lpIIlltl"".I'llllll.

~"II"'" III" l·.pl.11I "•., II ~'111'0\ Al:"ftlf.. , , ......." .. "1M<'<! ' ......1 _lit I ",0p"".1".'",,") d""b "'..t11.~10!'1 I'J ..lIk~n ",. "'''.

t', h.CH" )l:wotrl.II \\' ..,I,ln.. .t j·n. A\,,,,,I.I..." T<llll "'I.d. M'I,I.I::, I....',

~~:~~\~~~~I~~I:;,::~""T~~t:1..~~!I~II~~'!i ~r'tI'CI ...1.1 lie l'\"'lllolhllo...J I..r .101ol''lfKtlnL,UoJ I,ythe tnlW. \\)1, 1,M1:>IlUU',

)"I.-.l.r,II \\'.IIII:LIO.lf j 1'",. ,\VIU_.

l'fI ..t TO .... IlM:mJ,tl,.. I.U, I'''!,


British bark Laudordalo.

8ubMribc tor tho AI:tIl;ll.

Vuul.Con,lcnid10 R, W, diLlon I. Co.

Bnlisb Ship Chipman,.....1'1..., th.. l'.plnhl u", II... 'll.,I,·,.I\,llo'(l_l"'III.

will bo' ""I~"l (l'l" I'" ."1 ,:~1I1. 1'.101"..1....1 I"11M tN" '" 11l~ ,1>0,,,, ".I\....I .... ·~'..lUll~ l.toWI:", )1 •• 10".

II, \\'.11111,1"" C".. A.:·'hI'1',," '11,,, 1, ..·,,,1, t:~I·. hi, l'l.'t!.

Bntish bark Caller On,S..lIlw, 1",.1'''1>1.1" "'" II,.. II ..' ' ........1.t."''1Lo

r>f ,I,...\00,. It..._tl ,CWl'IIIIII fT' ".11.1 .... fN".. III~ ""'1",,,1,," 1>1 Ib~ ulI',,.,. , ".,;

JUll~ 1cfo.\, .lh..ol",.:~'f~\'~~~:;!"~lIC~u~: t~·;~~i.

Ship IBmir.Y_ 8hallll'l"l.

~Y.ITIl.;1t thu CaIII:U.. nor the 11lIdl:",lrnedliliCIl18 Willi", rt:lIllOfI",lI.l" tor tlnl't ''lIllII\ll:It!tJII)' 11i"e:ntw uf tlitl,d.llvt\llluUO)tt ,.,...l'I,

U.:u.IU.AISi:, )I••ner.Il, W: 1I.:1.!Ul'l, AJ:t!IUIf.

1'Un rU.II""..II, l~. 'a, hlit!

Fine wines and liquors;


I have just added a full Line of Groceries to my:'Srock Ill' ::illlli"ltt'r~', &" .• lIllIl illtl'llt.! In :-OEl.l. ell E.\ I' 1-"01: HE.-\ IlY f'A Y

11.1 Either Pl'oduco Or' Ca,.:h!

p Clendon.}'roS Pbilndo.lpbia.

~,IUI"llbor l.:"p••lu IIUI" 1101 ull"",.ll:lItd AI:t'.t.to..1&11loo ....... jIOU.\I>_ t~ uy o.bh CUlIlraclN I>rl1le11:". tit 11M .\,0" uaaod .......1.

E. TlI,\CIIElt, X.."r,Il W. »1I.Jt'''. Co~ N:<!II,.••I'"'' TulIll....ntl. u.re.~ 1.liN.

"'1111' )I,\.In:t. 'r,," ,,· ••on,II'mlll \\\I11lInglou.

~dlhf!=' the 1'Ill'ltlln lIor Ibt! unllo,nohtlledAI"'IIl~ of Ihc lll"'l'l' 1I1\1ll,..1VC,<o '1 ...111 11t!"""1"..,,,II.l\: for Itll) Ih·llt.. Cf'llIMII'I"II hI' Ihe "Ill·l~''''IM"lro'''. 1'.Io:,1fr.\~t.tn·,~I;a .. ler.

It W. O.a.IO:f.t 'Co.. AI:I:1I1~.Port 'l'owwm.ml. W. '1'., JlID. 11, IR!~'1,

Dr(lll" lJOII!}'" IIIIfI SlIld on 11111',1/'1" IIi Ihe II iJl'hl,~-ir WI! will JIll)' J1ight: t prlo"!1 lor \\'001, 011 1 IIlde, FUJII an

C"ulllr~' I'rOllurC',

C'III,1.-11 \Iullor, CIII't'~I', IInnf')', FIlI'I'lgIIICANN£D GOODS-I\lI I,hlll{, (;Ol1l'l!I,lIlitl IX'ml'.-tl.: Fruit., l'I',,\'I.\nll-l I\!lll :'iUI'·I( '11I11,'ll '1'~1l" "f nil kllllH, (!.t'ol Uraudi III"lIc;;, Filml, Oat and (;NIl ~h':ll·. l:r:lll, I-:rtlr!ICl.", (:ttl1lwl nlill \I'hrllu ~I'ICC!, Ibl·On'lI:ll11I\I'I,I~.•. Urlcll Fnllf~, uIlIO"II.....111';, ZlII1ft' ClllTtlll'., rllll r1 ....Jllnl.rltolSTATIONERY, It '~lllll'lelC Sit,,:}., ,t ('11":1/1, 1~1l:11'" Tuller, \\':I;;lllnlo;.:-tI1I StI.ll, FlueTill! 111-:;, l' l:r:lllll; ul l:1l; I"~ II Illi Ttl I,t t'tl:lrM' 1,\\·t!rlfUfll ,'111. (;t.'II11lhla Itl"""rl.wll,~l. l-;nlllloll' CU:II 011 allli L'lllllllc.oI.

A~Gll.t fOl' 1.111" (Jolphl':ItC'11

"W1LDvYOOD" vVH1SKYCovln~4:on, Kentucky,

}"'Ol' Port TOWll;olOIlU Hiltl Vi('ini1y.~... .rUST HIo:L!':I\' EU- A:lllrgu hit IIf IIllIKllt,'t1 11111 1101111."110.: l'i..'t\11l or the

twat Imulll.'.tit"' Sul-.cril)lion~ r«'(!i\'N for nil "nob, n<!1O'1)ftjteM noo periolliculllllTtbli c'-'u iu

lLe UllilCtll'3totOfl, nt liOLlifi.bcno' Vriet.'LUIlll'~, t.:artritlgts, Shdltl, PowJ... r. SllOl. ....111.1. auil elll""

I •\ ---._-----..,...

EdltAlria1 lI.leI.

Weekly Argus.

TOE DI8ASTIIL-'fbo burning ofthe Oem, rooordod io detail elsewhere,WIlS a &au, tmd occtlrronoo. Evidentlytber" Wtt.o; " pallie, or tho ullrorlU't.l8te8 who jumped ovorooard uudwel'e dro"'l1oo 1\'ou)(1 hn,\'o remuincdQD bow Certainly their nclion WRitfuolil'lh in the e.ltl'('lDo. A fewtbougbt. oro StlgKC5tOO about ne/i;Ji·J;ence in not hn\'ing Prol ef protcclive appliauces. We are inronurothat the ill-fated craft bad noL II foot.of hOftO on board, and thnL no life!pre.ervelll "'ere upparently on hundTho life boat wulaunched, but prov­ed luselca. as it Bank. It I8CI'lll\ bow­\ITer. that there m\l.lt .have been awonderful craze on the part of theYictim..... M a bll1e of b"y ia the bestkind or • buoy, aDd, having 80 muchun bo4rd. tho reUOD wbl tb('1 diduot UM it seemtl nnaeeountablo.

'fRE EUNt Of'fUOII;an 58)'S: "Dolh''WMbingtoo nnd Dnkotn ougbt to beacbnittl'll, 1"('gnrd1C!t1s of politicy. Theidea of ~o\"nda hlning thrl.'O repro·",'ntati\'(!'J) nt. the nationD.l capitol, andthese territories Doue (eJcept Bdl'lob'nt£,. who h8ll no vote) is n'pugunntto all idt!:lS of equal rights. 't

Tnt 1>roposition to tranlifer the U.~, I't'\'eolte mlU'ino to the nuvy dellfU'tmf'nt, u raiSNl b)' Cong'l'f"S.'lIU8.l.tH.rri~· bill to thot effl'Ct, ia meeting"ith dl'liCfnd nnd euergetic OIJpo:..i·Ii n, Protetltlt (lI'l! ~ing forwardedfrom boord,,, of trade, rt""enne omr.·nt, f'tc. Of ull the different delJnrt­llIcnUl of public 5l'n"ic~, that of tbot't.'wnuo muriDo is certainly nmollglhamOtltl\lferni. Wo hope it will boHllowcd to prolong an honored cu·I'~r as nn indepeudent factor in ouruuHunnl protccti\-o machinefY,


------------=--====~~= ....=--=-=;;;;".,,11('('1. \\ulkin;:lwnrQ !'h~hmhont rorl Th·· g'n1nt hlllk IIf lwr 1'1,1\1 "'\1 11 rt llr MAN J?_ KAIh,·I'Il;':+'I. IIUl! hllli \ IClUJ'1lI pa I'lI· :!llI.",:J4j tOI. ... \;.1\11·,1 III ~inllj, I.. WATER u:;: T'":.-1' lflld,~ 'Ilw.\" "III I,t' Illlk.· in :-hill"... lt" :-'111\ I'IOlI.I·j ..t.l. ....

....." ...."01. ~"" r, H 1,,11". ", I"" L"",".' "" 'l'i'I\'\I II", :!'~h io'l.. SHIPPIl.TIl &OOMMISSION ME'ROHA:Nl'S,1"':,,;1.1.1111 will Ilmw l:! kl't Em'h ,'ia Pn~,·~ hf'\IMI. I \I a.. "llIprl·.... llIt l"j t:,.1111111\,> 1,I"'nll'lll ;It'I~'lIlllh},llltl\lll'' Ih.> 1o:'1~1\\lh u! till' t'·'HI nh'll:: lb- I D I .

l ANNDUNCEMENT"V!'\ rtlr:~" pa.... '·!l,.:'.·r... uu,l f.,r Ir}l~1 tlily rutH.' .. ilj(',' Illy 11t1rthw;lrll j"nrn".\·. And Cenera ea ers InSPfCIA • pa"~l'u~.'r~, IlII1I till' ,,,tir \\ill I'".. t ..il. 1:~\I!llh, :lL,"'1. l'uI1 Itt"u..,·1lt1 hOi,", ~ ~ ~ • ~ •

1m \\l lih' 1.. lltil'lI I.f til:..:; p"I.'T :..2.·I4,I,'.~I, nlt,~· \1 ill ('Vllwl.Tvllml tlli' jll~: c' ,:ul·ld ...1n lar... l· ".IW mill. IIl1d I 74 r 11 .•' '(t 0 ;i' ., r1Y t't~ t ¢S"i1Il,,'I ..~II ...ihpn'alh.l\lIlTlmr,.dun, llurlllllll(,l'~llIl:t1HI:.tNIIIl, 011111111[' :l.(·lmlJ':"I,}ofl·:~llItnh .. l .. tlwPuJ:tt .J.....:.{J ~..", ..l'~~ ~ { .....,;.; ~. ~_.lIJ~t ••,,,II,f "'tid;l.\~. 1",:ilUuu,,: \\llh I'"nln.l·t ro"\l\1l~'I"" thut th.,\· I,,·l!l·h\,- !-iullIhl Ir"u l·t.ILpnll~ .11U\'111g' IInr " .. •••• .'. & ..Ihl" \,.IUlU". W,. liT" th, ... 1I111lt1l·11 1:1:''1II~1 l'!I;oI ..,utllu1. ~\I&to'r .. ,,~' 1J.~ ~hm,..-..I tlln n..'MT. ;T\ITl ,mH,:-:: .'~flIt I!I"I Slllp Ch.ltutJery. t LO I.I-II~G, BOO I.S ~H~F. .. liat . C3p5,ttl :1\'\1111 l"I~"I!JI.~ f"duro II' ('unm,·t 111111 r ldtu, Il'f till" ~ .....!T. It I.~ I~l't'tl- m.m .1 ...hUH1 uf J ,'xndn, .1~llIl ..h ~o- H:ardw,m.:, Crul'knr. l' limit Ufl'. Ikddlllg:, hlrllllll"" t 'llph:l1u.:nu,\\ llh th"Ullt::I'lII;.!' \\''''kly umil.., I, "'''' Iv add .hut th,·\' wJlllw Ihe hUI,,.t lumllill. aro' J'Tf'Ctllll:! IllIIh' "Xh'II..I\·I' IJ " ,. \1 'I '" I ... I' J' C

IIlllt thl' ",:-':Ifh.-t II.,;". ill Illn l'ucHic ..UWItIU/ot wllrk..: lit lrulL,llIl.,•. \\ltlllll IoUI till,::'. :uefl:t. rm lICC. LtC.. '.re.. '.tC.t\'tlLnu: :\1\. TII~' Wtt:Kl.-:.\.l1Ol·S "'IUt'r., JhI')'!UI\'Obe('1I urtl['n'tl tu "'Ight 111'1 " tht' Imrlour. :\0 it'S!' ALL Goods will be sold Cheap for Cash.

111"11 til" cuu..tulI.I)· Hru\l,lIlt-: tra\'t'l IJmu tIlu \·'·I":K·ls. \\Ith 1111 U1.{j.,'O~IlII'.·1I1.'rlO tl.li .. w... ,L: "POll it..: ft,lurto"'luh IIl'rtll\\l'I\1. nu,1 will be 11...... 11 J(clu:-h'L' t"lp••('II\' nf :.!.-,tlJltllt tUll'" lallt'll with\Ulllllll', h 11l11" LI.l'1l tlt·nrl.r !iis ~'(':II'" I)' fur I'"~"I'UO'\'~' {JrqjOlu"lII. I'XllOrt': of 11I1I1I1,'r. c'lInl, \dll'at andIUI,ll'r itol jlTl"I'ut \IUlIIlIJ,,;"l'Ult'llt,IIUt! --- _. othl'r home llTOlilll'l"" \"llllll'li ilL ~1,-

I .. Travell ou the Pacific Coast," 4:i.i,liI5.c!I'IIr.'t1 lnllll thiol IIhlOll'l'l"t Httl..IlllJ4 ,It'\"!lll"'t.1 llnri::/-\, \1I:lt tilll""u _pvrtdllT1l1~ the \\':lr Il'-."l:.!. 'J'ht':.:r.'nt

Illnt it", holU" JU'\"" ha.. uhullt tr.,hl('t,\. IU\' n ....'T\J:;" II. CUITT£:;"D&.... j hUlll 'r 1I1l1nuracwTin..: (':oo1,lhli ..L-It IUL'l hnu 1\1) lIuh1l\-, ,LIlli llO:.:-t ful!\" l' 0 I" I. l' ,U<1'" IIWlihuf Ill,' " 1I11e! \l,'n' ["lind l'llll. . ; "1 UIlTL,I:lV, gil" . ~u. U. f'JOo.)., I ' f I 'r I,1"llluu..trah'(1Itl'l, ahlltty amllll'lOlr., ttl I lul\'11 1l1r,'IlII" JI.!3Crilll't1 thl.! ""II 1lI1l1; up t,)I I"IT II I('npnl'lt~' \) II )Out

h u. t t f tl " oJ 0 I,UlItWUO f"d 1'\"l'r~'t\\'I'lJt~'lullrhullTl;"('T\'l't l' ,,.t III .,r,'''s U It! 1/',11/" l'rlll f"<ltllI"·... IllIli 1II0.,t. illlpUl'lnllt tl) IiIlJlpl)' tho l'nllt'nIVtlhtl"1lI1Ill'1.1.llblic. .\..i t':Icl.I /'IIlCCI'~3iw lllil('~IQn{' l"Wtlre..", lll'tlll'ml'llb lIull IUllu.ilril~

I" pU....l'tl. it I,>uks lmek "ilh j.j"l':ltiti· lor tlllJ tw,'h'~' hnudf"J lutll'S uf euu~1 ItI:ATIti:

l'utiull I/wr \\!t,III'\'l'r l)rOt'r~li hal'> ll'Y "lr>I.l'mhllg (I'um tho l:ulnpoolll contilltlf':l to holtl Um fOT,'IIlt»lt pt}!-i-• eo, UIQUutlUllS u1 01''-'1;111)•. tiOrLh tu tll~' tion IllUtJlI;': t1lu Illu('.,i'l I'ltru;.:gliu;.: Iu

11,...·11 lIrIllO\"'II, IIlld rt~n,'wl'l II('h'rnu- , uld lil'lll:. or l'rlt'IUUu, Ol'ltl",h Colum Iwcolilo tilt' cOlIIllll'r('iul CI 1110'1' uf 1111'lIatiull to IJII~h llpWllfll in tho rutlll'l,.II~la, But ~ I,.,pid I~ th~ /lUIl'oil uf 1I0nh\\'".;;t I'OW.;!. .l>l1l"iug lill' ~'j';tr:,,:x yl1llfli lIgu., its JlulJlishcr, then prugrcbli. thI'OIlg'hullt. tillS, tl.h' .1U,oSt Jibe ha!'llHllilttl HiOO to Ii t'l' pupullltilJll,

l'ul'lt ('ute-ritli!' Ilw lipid uf jonruu1ii'>III, l~ctl\'I" lIIh'I',',~IlUH' uUll llfUlUl>llllK I'l.!CUI'(\I'U :.:W!.J .11"'11:; of 1'1'111 ,."l,ltu

., hl,llI or dU\'elolllll~lltl Upvu lltl.! l'un \'aIm'llllt :;:l.l00,UUO, uuilt:llitl r\l... itll'lIW~ll Illh..'Cl'l'<.1 nt b,r 1;01110 ll>!n" Dun- tiucut, lhllt th,-, flllh':bt \1~'\lcn(Jli(Jlll'l ecs, r.u lm:oliul'llll hOllbl'll ll.ntl publle~t'U~SIl1Jo)'," who IUlll "eh('el," ('uougll t'vllcl'l'llillJ::' il, ur u few UloUlhlt llg'\), buildiug'!'l, ('hurclli's. mill!'! IIntl 111\)10'to imnKillo bl! l·l.lllltl publish II tUlw!t convey U111)' IIlI 1I11Ix.'rfect ilh'a of lis t'it'~,nt 1II1olllln~' of :fil,l""I,UtJO, IIIl,l i>!IlBpl'r, )lili Ut'l'lt IIILSWI'r to such, nUll t>re::i~llt ci!uliitio!l. The gl'I!llt tid~ uf now ('TlclillK" II IlIltKllilicl'llt puhli('

, '" ' 1111lUIJ::'rntlon whtoh Llll'l Ut'l'll rulhu~ school l.Ji1iCt, lit /I co,.t uf ~::!,),LIUU.ltllll10 tl!OiIU \\'1.10 aftl'?t superlorlt)·, :!l III IIcross the WlltiDl'Il~ 0101\" Upt>ll Hlc II llnlr\tilll huh·l. 11..-, ucoilll'IlIIlI,ll.j>o1Ithe l'f/mUIl ur JlIl:l Ilth~ILpt. 'J h('lIe h(lt>lli of the iron 1.1011\(', iii IJegiuniuJ,l' which ~14U,LIUU will bo"'Xpl'llf!NI. [rrhove been nC(.'01I11JIishoo h)' pntil'llt tv IOWtWP tlo\\'11 thtJ IlorthWl>:;k'tlI 1'n !Uuriuu Iltllllbl'r!i Ilut It~!l lllllu50 \'I'S'Iltbur, nnd .'hereiu tbey bB\'O !x-l'll Cllic IllulJl" lIud upen up illl \'I~t 1'0 t;el:<, 1I11111lt'r cunl "X·l'Ul·tlltiullIl Il.IOll(llackiutJ' in tho highetit st:'Ulclllnl of tluUl'(,"l!S "'tlb nil t1lu UCCtlUnl1lttl'lt l'n nluonntN1 to 15J,411:) tU1i1l for thu )'l'ur

e ,. t'rKY UIU.lI'1J1tJTll'1l00 of tw\) hlludrt'll 1~2. 'l'hu ('ity 1I0W cout1liniuI{ "ClceUCllCU tl.ll',)' WIIJ Ltc lIupn:r\·I'lII,}'Cllni of piollelll'lllg, J)uriug lhOlXL:.t popnl:luon of 7000 IX'Olll(', 11U!l ~lIch·Iwreafter if thl,ll.'SlK)uS ofelperil'llcl' )'l'llr 1 IUl\'u lnL\'t'lod UIl\\'u1\l.:S or Ittl tbOlltllUmit or the 11Ilrbor·ltlopinl;liTO not wholl)' 10lll 15,UtJJ rnill.~!1 iu tbil5 reKlull,o\,,-'r itlf hilili. lind is l'Itill eJ:tomling its limit"

t'xteDllivt\ phliuiI aud through its \'ust. nrubitiollJjI)' towlinl tho beautifulfun'ti~ nnd tields of coal, iNn and shurL'S of Lnku \\'wshiu"ton. Wulk·b"Vld, and IltnOUK tL\! jlreat thdl\rics. illj; ,..wer tl.le three mil"1i of rolliu/ol',In naturnl rosot~ it. i6 tl.lree tiwl'ii Ii~btly lil1lberl'll )liue hmw to tbens rlcb as Nt'w EugluDd, with iu laK{'" 1 fOllud pnrtl'':! of men digb';n;.:~OUU UOO people, uua liiuHle cities oud burning out lh~ Rre:lt filuOIpi'! ufmore' populous thun Oregull. \\'lllih the fort'!>t trees, l1pon lob thfl't"'((Unr­iuKton, liritish Coluwbia lind Alaska tets of R mile r:rulU the city rront..ooll1bintl(i, with t11l.!ir milliull ""I"llTO I:Jhich thl')' enid wer£'sclliuKat ftom - - •lUt!(!8 or territory. lmmeuso Art!al:l of I ~:J5U to ~1lKX) ('nch. A rllilTund i~ in Olt.t. II. W. 11.1.10", (."1"11':. A. Sit "el~the choit..'t'St ugncullurnJ Illudit, '\'ust course of collstruction froll1 Sl'nttle l'llpt. 01. )I.CII·hI"t,Sl.'Opetl of U\1lZlng (,"Ouotr)' uf llnJlur l'Quth"'D.l'd tu Tacoma, lind nnotbl'r R W de Lion &.. CoJ)nesedex~Ueucu,nnd n L~lllthy nnd projcctl..od nortbwurtL skirt inK the - • .,hOlipih,bltl c.limllt~ ure but. tbe ooglD- l.'B/'Itern short..'!f of tho SOlmll, throngh STBViDORES,ning of iw ~iUDK. It ombracet:l the ncll nnd rtlpiill.l' (.h~'\'dol'iD~ Suo- In .11 'Ourls lu I'IUC"I :-MIIlIUl,the grtlatt!t>~ timber rt~Cf\'e of tlIe hOlUish. Stilngnamish, Skllj(it, Whllt- ' i 'l1Icl\ili~L'l.1 worill. the Pu~t :SOund reo- com IIUll Xoo,".ltllck l.'Uuntr)·, cl"OMing ~~i ping i ~Gnul1i$$ion c>1\~tcflanbHIOD uJonu wnhllDlDg' U sUIDcicut the l'ra!!oel' rin'r ut roi~w \\ l'JItmillllrf'r, .·Nlli nllr I..." f!J(lWmnN III Ih,l>u..llt\.N,4uuutity t~ Itlht II century lit th", prt! ll. C., Il1ld cunnecliuj; with tlltJ Cana- .'1: It"l1ntllll'C ..ubolaetion.

t)t.!nt rute of OOU~UIDptIOU, 1Il0r", tuan ditlu 1-'ucitic railwu,}' at. PorL 110011)'. OFfiCE, flew Wharf, Quinc)' SIr"t,l:tW,oou,UW fed tlllDUU1I)'. Huudrcda .llllrrnrd hiM, tli.e lJult>!! b!.')·omL PORT TOWNSEND, W, T,of ttqUlttC WIII'Ii ar\! undo'lnlt..l wub She alrio eXlJ0Cts to OC'OOIUO tb Pab'OOtJ, LilUllllDOUJoI coatI', euough to ciric tennilltUi of tho ONb'OU SbortJI\:tt. the l'~lrio lXlu:,t 8 llluU:o<~lhl Liue, and tb(i prineiJXll I!.bipl'ing portYC<lntj moru Ibull tiu:ty JuiJlton dol o[ tbt! Krflal cuuutry CltSt of tbu Ca.3­lant uf fluId h;ll'o boon tukOD Ullt ond" Uluuntainll.nlong thc lIe<irI lIod buuks of ita riv ~~w T.ICO)IAoni by phu:IJr rujolUs ulon Bud i' iii Is keeping well abfl'lLtil of her nortbprObDbll! tbnt. U1u richest duposits ern rival, IIml throuJ::'h tho combinedIHl\'U UOlo )'ot ~ll reuchud. 11." WII IWn\ntngCM of ber cOlOmllntlinli 00111Wflt, lJotll cou•.,t lind 1I.I1nud swr.rm mllrciu1lJOt!itioll, nnd the corlmu util-Wltll. incrtXhbhlll.U1l1Wrl'l uf III{' obuie izulion of her ~'1'I!Il(, rl'MOltrct.'!' or cU1l1 6hlp John Bunyan.t'lit. lhih, t.lto 1i1l1lllUII CXPol'tU\lUn from lumber, lime ltnd o/jrionlhU'o hit!!~ From l:HUlU~llIIi.thul)oJumbiu lind j<'l'Ultl.'r n\'cnI,uur "rolludll for €':tI>OOtilt1! tu UIWlly!ITullk ,n:ITlltT Tm' c,\»'r \I:'i :'iVlt Tilt: liS

e 9 l" 01. r,.l!iu"cllllj{;nI8n1 11h;..!k" ... 111"1";'1 ".,In", tho J)1\.St t101U;Vll UlDuuutiug to lImongthti l)rincipn.lClticKur Ihecollst. ,,'1 will 110 ru~lkI,,~llIh, l"ru"I"'ClllllruCIt.,,1 lJ)"7w,OOU ca"eKt&i,6IJU,UOO IlOlUldf!, \"nl Witlull tholl\Kt two.h'o moulhll thil'l th<lotl1ccr8\)rcl1,worlllt\I!ItI,llIn ..k.

UC<1 ut ~fMJO,UUlJ. Au lU'1Jly or OlI,UlIO rapi(Uy rilling city hnSOlflOltdl"CI $5IJO,. II. w. ".:1.11':;"~:I~~t ~~K~,I,~;~I\~:.:, :'<tl"tllr.IUI'n liro bUlllling tl.Jrl'e gl'cut trunk 000 in car KIIOptJ, oouJ bunKers, whuT\'Ct1 1-,1·~"~"~T~"~'~'''~"~''~'d~,~J'='~',~I\~,~I''''~.=,,_____ Chill an bko Vnldlvla,Jinl'if frUIll OCCI\D to OCeuu. tl'u\'cl'liillg nnd wllrt'hol1lle!i: $l25,UOU in 100 rCiJi· I -,...TI Fr"m AnlntolJf\ltl:1.itl'l ricbcnt llOfttOtJo, IIU<.rding ralll\.! deDcCt!; ~lXXJ in 24 i1tor~: $~,WlI SHIP ELDORADO_ I :!-~.,~I~~~~t~IU~~I~~..~;~,I:;rl:l~~I~~I~~I.~:~cooltuUllillUllUU OUllcou\'(~uiulltll.CC\'eli in cburcbC'8; :lH,OOO in unllking f'rum Hio de JOllerio. \'1I• ..e.l will I", 1~'-rM", 11,le IIlr .11)' tl.eI>Lro, "II

to the bl..t.llltlrkcb. lt~wul'kubh.' DC- hOl15{..~ and JlrintioK OffiCelli ~151OUU 1lfl~~I~~hl~r t\~~C 1~~~'::I~~It:~~~t c~!n tl'r~',~lf~~.: tnlt.h.IIC,)' llKl4.:I'",,·. A.llIUllt~,l1ll..Mr.tlVlt.y it! IWttlumout &llld lUtllistrial iu Lotel!!; $lU,(XlI in 1\ court huu80; "IOOl"lI~ h,r Ill) ddll.'·llI11n= II)' Old,~ II. W. 11'1,1":0- t ('n, Al'lll_,dev@lolJUltiot. U\'CO fur tbil'l ngu of ~OOO in a furniture factoT)': ur 1:"'''', 1IY.:'iJ. I.lJlU~U, ~.._tc... 1'urt TIl.,. .... n,l. llol.I" 1M!.wuuderfully rlllJid b'1'tJwth, vreflidsall llS5,OUO in 14uwmill improvement.l'l, lIud t"~~I~r.;.~I~~~~,~~';I,'~~II •.IIlolig tlie l Jucltic IrollttCr. h'om the $2,UOO il) ii:idewalklf-u total of ut'l\r­~nUl.lllln hw.ibu ru.iJwlI)'. bOUlbwnrtl I)' a rolilul miIJion or dollllJ'll, Horllrltillb \A)!uwblu Il'I bto,;{luuiug tu [eel coalloiuetl nro ),J'OJUCiIlK t1bout G.l.MXJtbu irnpuJlitI ot tbil'l I:.~rl,.lut movement, tou. n month, and tho littlo valley ofRDd prepu1ng to dem'U luU bene!iu;, PU1allup c.IlJ5e "t huud, il " perfectnaturally dowlOg rrom tboearly oom bop ooOlm:r... produciug o\'er t5OO,­pletion of itli owu t.rouMCODunontaJ lllU worth the JfUlL year, Durin~ myrD.iI,,·ay. &lid tborougbfuro or OOID rccoot travels in Briullb Columbll~, 1merce, to &lid froiD tby e88t.. import- mel an old mnn noorly ~'f@nty ,}'C81'Mant. enter})ri&Ci are already inaugu of age, ""bo toM mo that bo Ch!Bflodrated for thlytt!olling tuld uliliz.iolJ he.r aboUl $"d,5lK> tbi. )'ear from hill littJob'Tent nllIOUJ'Ol.'tL l'be CnnodiDO 1'a- bop )-ard in this Yalle" doin§' ull bil!lCltiC railwal, I.4.'nninctiug at l'ort own work uooptpieking, \, bltte"erMoocl1l W 00lllltructing aD iuullcrae lUa,. be the futuro of 'faoowa'tI prtllJ·

FU.o'CCI,eyer elc.itabl~ e\"er lMt- wbarf, baYingu rroutageol :llAAJ fl.'tlt. perity, nothing can cv('r rob her ofJC!!~ il!l ripe for another reYOIUDuOU. to aeootn.llKX1nte 8n ocean oolOfOerce. tbo mntehlrsa glory of her mountainThe troublo IOOIDS to be, howeyer••Dd. te>wu i~ IlpriuKiog lip Ib~ru, A viuw. Looking It tbe IIDOW c.rowncd

nLilroG41 il'l JINjccttd un the CD!t Kboro sumlnit of moUn' 1lanier, tbrout;b athat she hIM no onocapa.b!eor mOI1Dt of Vancouver Ihlllnct. from "ie1urio good glllli! 011 the bright coM morn·iDg th" wa\'u or rebellion and riding IIllvWlty-lhe mill'tl to tbu cltcu.lSil'e 109 of tbuall iJIIIt., U I,1luut.i of vupurit to a snc.et'88ful reTolutioJ1. Prince coni tiuldK of Nonaimo; a powerfltl wus ISC\'n rising (roln it. Soou after IJerome Kapol~D bas OOeu Lroua-ht company bu... h.occiltly boeu orgll.l1iz.....t rcad nleUl'r froID 0 rer-ident or Yllki­uut by tlCbe.mIDU' wembetll of th. fur ouUtI.iul; Ru\l TUllO10K hf'!lt c1l1ss ron ,'alle" :JO miles l~ the IIOUt1lCI\,.. '"

D atCOUlOni trow Ylcwna to \'lIriOItS deliCribiltg hill obscr'\'utiou ()f tholJonnpartilt pIlrt,}',l.Iut he i~ ingular, llOrl.s upon Lho luuiullJDd-i~!lllltlii, ilnm('. It i3 doubtll't'o.'l Clllllled by tbl!1,}'lookin:; In tbl! elemenu that ~o to l\Uti nortll.~'1U't1 tOI\I:\!!ka. nnd nnuthN hUOW ftllling intu i1l'1 l'ltlllarulluldl.'rillij'wnko ttl) a polJUJar Fr,'och te.ac:ll'r. to oJlerat.o foundl;H, muchinu tihu~ eroter, A bOOil'oock trnil i~ !winl; cut

• }'ralle(l wOnlbiptl 3 wlln of dWlh d . nnd othor mIlDl~~ucturi('l'l u[lt?n uu ex fruUl tho N. p, it It.. !lenr Willtl!~ou,, " ' ar hlllSlve lICLl1u, 111l' expurtutluuMfrum ~ wilCK, fortb ... collVl'uiencc of wnr­lUg uud c.btvalry; ono who risklt his thill cotttttry in pruportiou to IlOpulll ists who wisb to l\.'ICeull tho grunl1C'8tI.~f'l:k for A'llnrk of tlL'etinK notoriot)" It!OO, already ex~~ auy ollll!r ~r mount RID of th,. 1'ncilic ::iIOl'l'. <':on·:'ihc bM no tlSe tor ft plodding, pll'';- ~lOtiOr Ul\! Pucllic 0088t. olUountlOj.J tinuiog Ill)' jourll,',}', ihp IWolllemMkf'dlllntif" tltulo!lmcu::. The moti ..." tI t to lHS'l t.o the lIggreqnto \'nlliu of imllroVt'nlf'UI WR!I 01.1 l'ned 1111 u/uu&:;

~I ll!Ul1' III JJlI6,trol, tho millelt ,}'ll'ldillg~I"n7.-1 HIl' liue to PurtlRmJ.IIIlI)( "u er I' not I'f'gllrdl'd of 1=0 07:.!j tho tiJdll'Tit.'tl1 ~1J7G,:Jl~; the forIDltch lJIo:lwnt Q,'l tho rnct that he dis Clo;tJ;, ~lG~ij75; nnllUll1 ,~':.JI.~M!l'l: nUll ell iLiltn 13/t j'>ontLichcl'Y,pltl)'" cUDnio~, brnvf'ry anll nudncity lLgl1<!ulturo lind 11IiKCtJIIIUll'UlI!4 lIro .'r, ..n I'I""IU".III carr.ving his llOints. [\'idently ll."ctIOIlH tho ~lllllnCC, '~'bl\ COII1l11er ~.;II,:r!.~~I~~.TI~t;"I~;·~I;~,\lt~/t~~~I"~'"'~;Il~~i1'" " I II I l' ' rllll nml btlSIU(,~ nAlItloDM uf tho \·.·~"'I,, III ".' n"'C"I[,.,1I11I fnr ,1 ..lIt_,'''"CM'dl...1.11Incc II I( ('ft cnc l'r ~r thl! )Ce!lf\rn· Pru\'inctl nnltlOel(Nt('ly COUllt'ctoo with hI' Ill>' r1nlUII'"m \'''''11,

ttUIi hu.:inot.)'cllJ~n IhI'COVl'fl'(1. IU,Ck-o ur tbo ,.,,'h,ru CO"", ,I,u' .:. \·.\I.K, 111"1..r,'0; II, w, l'l'I.l.",.t t~).,_ll..nl •.'" IINlIlinent EDKIi~b r(!!lidl'ntol blL\'O I'ut't 1n"n...~I\'.I. J"u,·H.I ..... J. _

. fW'o S'FE~1l1D STE.un:~ roR Til.! "Jprl'a...'-l'd to me their wilib lltll.t tlw ,",tlU' UA.XU:I. UAnX.>I,:iocs:fD.-New:4 wn.ol rtttl4'1\1 d ffutu COllllU'Y lx!loogod to tht, l:Oitl'(.l :'i"lIIl,'r tim ''''I'l.hl lIor Ihll IIn'll'r-l\fm"\~e",,' York YC'Illerdo,Y thu, t the Or~'ltonISial,'" 01 tho '''0 ,hl'~nu,1 ,,,",,,,'- 11\1I"nt. will "'I n...t\f\ll.tl.~, fUrltll)' .1,·1'1· I,,'n,II I I

..' I:t"" ... "iIIl J"-: ,'",,,lIt II'lICI ...IIo)' th~,·""wol lho .CMl\"lllUlI<I~I'·,,,,,Itl ~'~y llll< .,'avIKalwu Co., h~vlt el!I,~riuH thll'.oort. of Vlotori.nin 1&'2 ""I. 1.10 tiTun,ll, »"."'r,

.u.slll.l. contracb. for two !ttel'it tiJdu aw 1il.IIIl"l.1uUut'r tbu Aworlcau J)~. ll:f+~~~:6t~4~:.:r;;:':N,




C. L. TF;nny.

" TERRY,--DEA.LEf{8 IN--


("~T('ll\'\'A'rl.... L'l .... 1",



:\, A. PLUM;\IE.H. JIl,

U"dtr New Cntom HoI'\(' Building.

17 I.tltor. IIlld T"legrl!ll( 1\11tl~iHtJ k ollr CllI'O \\'11I be Pn:lIlllltly Ilellv.~1 011nUll,,!.

iJOf!HSClflIED ~ Co',Port Townsend,

SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Custom House Broker Ships Disbursed

AGf:N'I' ron S'n:A~r TUGS.

Goliah, Blakeley and Politkofsky. :


CllllllNI Pi!" and Tl\ble Fnlits, ICllnned llOMt Bf-t't. Chicken,J~·lli~ Cannt.J V('h"Ctnble8, Spioed Pig'8 F('('l.,Cookt'dCom Jk.et.

J.t~rel.leh SnrdiC'f', Olin~ &~ Lobsters. 0J'stN!"1 ShrilllJJ8,Dp,iJfld Hnm. &:e.. ~pi~ wbole rwd ground.

o...t01el\l, Cornmcul. white nnd J'ellow. Cmeked WbeAt. BuckwhMt, Farina, ~tC'Mixl'd !"l'e(I, Bran 8ud Flour, Oats Aod other produce.

COFFEE \ All grad.. of G.....n ColT"" fro", 121 ,"uta. pound lip-I wani. Also [tousted IWd Ground Coffees..

Tho best uf OnlooK"> Eoglish B.....kfRS~ Gn'"n ! TEA Qand Gncolored Japl\D f tV: •

:-tr Wp ('!I:Pf!'Cially eonun"nd M OUR FAVORITE." for ,ale only b)'onnK'I,,~ which hllfl ~i\'ell tho ~t satisfaction of any It'A e\'erplacM allthis mnrket. &>ing fuJI wt'igbt and pUJ'(l, it i atonceeconomicnillodheallhful, nnd tlJ(\ quality or the lenf is I>uo1\ that to ptu'("hnse n trial pound i'l torcgbtl!f u a COnaltlD('r or tbis tea !to Appropriately 0&1100 ·'Olll Favorite:t

Dun!!, Ammunition. Fio;Liog- :rackl('. rockf>!7' Lamp". Culll'rT. Wood amiWillow wart'. Blank Boob, School Books, Stnbonl'!}'t Dmwing }lalX'f, Cambourd:i. ~~c.. to nil. of which we invile )'our Blt(\otion. with RSl\UfaDOO or can"ftll ,m~1 cuurteous attcntion on our pari, together with Low Prices Bod Fair~nling. 170


Tato Mhlpplu&, Sen'"

The f ....Uo in5: shipe are IOI\lling 10m-ber: Jl;lrk"l L.nJenJlll('. Sam05e't anJFf'lix J:'ti."nt; !!hips Cbnr!M B. Ktn·Dey in,-I John Bunynn.

The Chnllengrr will lontl with Cutbonllilll'OOl for San t·r;\uci!oo.

The £riccsou was londing Corbon hilll'Oftl nt the DloW bunkef"l 011 l'uCMlny.

Ship t:l.lom~h 8llilc l Fe\}. 3, ...·itbI.KIO 10111 Carbon bill coal, "rSon f'rI\n·

!\'''''''!i fot Sportl'mPn: Broer" 1~1·in,: Hbt-.t OUII!! nnd nillP8 trvm the ElUtlIOW I\t Wlllermlln k Katz: •

ti '0.

1'11,. IIhip Mnnl,'\M WM lo&linJ!' witbRoulh pf1lirier04lat tbe oM buukenJ onTneoltlD)'.

1'he bnr~ \'ollCmito and AUrf'OI3 wail·ing to ItlAl.l CarlMln bill ronl. arc I}'in~ Atanchor olT tbeCOllI bunkerll nbout II of Ilmile.

..---Ceneral Items.


CIll:.....V. W. T.• lit to bnTeo lIeweonrtOOllJOO.

:\1 \1'011 Strll...e, of Seatlt.-, btu ,",'One toCalifornia.

tll.~·I:~,':~~},I; ~i::'''!Ji.ll::':.~I~~·\i'~ll~~::~:"·lId.

Til hnllP)' r:room h&." Ile('n 1\ ~illcul

of Port 1'0tl'tlll('IId tor A lonr: linle, I\ndbltll tl little home hen'. 'rh~ Imly iii 1\

rt'latiTt' of Mr. Ales. \'inl'tllt. wf'lI·knowuIn ClnlmD antI J~JTtlrson OOlllltl~ 'ullJIllI.I been here bill II few months.

~'-------:--~""""'---..,....,---.",.~".....--~~~.......""""'",.".,,""'""'''''''''''''''''''''.......'"''''''''''=='''''''"'~- ""SOUND ARGUS. ra,leb.,lI. I.:i,en til FU\\'ld" Unll.on the wtlSht1!llI". Hi... linn Ar{'(IWDCr<l ..f tlL.. 1

PUGET t'!.1 ill'll. WI\.·duuu!oJIl·1!I lHrlbilll~. All !bll'- (lnttrr..r. EI ('AIlitRIl. IInn •.~ttrl ,!luillilillU. SI.lll). tu lit ))[Iill at tbe lluolr. Rllll C'hAllct'J,."f't. ~ i:t>

- OfFICiAl PireR OF P\:RfTO~~ No lic"ebt 80U. 'fill': 11llJlhl:'ml-U on I'illdm'k. ~'l\"tht' I l.l'1-·'I'm: UI'l,>Illc:h 'A'M dl'lnyhlllll bI,t 1'('0 Sooh{ll1li~h 1'~'!/f. Rfe 9b.~lIt 10 1"\111.1 ;IU·t n •_~ \V holc~alcu nu Ret ui1Dea1 ~l':"l in

n R 1 E I" 1..0('.\ T ~ ITl-:;\t~. (um fr,llll ~1'rnl/1hmoo thi ",".'1·k I,) t"e dOOl.I,llim nl tbe outlet ur lllk,' lih"I't'Il~.1

1>""""""",,,,,,,,,,\1,,,. "''''~ ....", ."'mt,;, moJo, from t1"t co".. f", t1". Drugs, Chemicals. Patent Medicines &Fancy Articlesup by the W.,lcult. ~ hieb went in "I"nf'('h pUfplWl-' ut IInkio..: tb·· w Ih'r n,-nilllhl.· . .orti<r. ~D~l to....&1 iat•• thii IHJrl tooll}' for tile Il1llt!o(l in~ uf o\'cr ~_I.I"'I,\\)O fl't't Pam/so OIls an G/ass·i.rore;nbulltl::J). I·.~. of tumbrr. lit n ('ost of SI.GOO. Fl;r£l Vllne3 and Lf~t::cr:; r~r h~I:o.l ':9.

1'ullUIlItOW will beSt. Vl\lcntiDC'~ 1111\. 'rllv.l!llJf"lo ~lf Prof. Wi~~ill... U!'l u Ilrop!l' Uulen rUled ,.11." U'.'lltMleh.

IUkl ,"unlit: hcart,( of tile alo'\! nt whkh et iol lr,"011e fOrl'\'n HI! Ilm.Ii('It'\1 a I.1h~;\1 .. PrclcriptiollS Carefully COIUI'0undcu, DaJ' or XiJ;llt.~tbe}: lire n·;:ilf,lt'\I. JUultllll~"ptibltJ vI till' Ilt...rlll 1111 II~ PKCific ""-'CIIU "II lhe 11tbtrn,l~r pn.QI'''' "re '11'('"urncJ to 1)6 fhlt· Ilf JaUlI1r~,ami th('ro ""MU't n 8i1.:u vf it.wrin=: with r'XCtt"rn<'llt in ilutlcilXlhun IIt·lln.oJid I another fOlurrn f.)r the nth

of lK'lItinU'uttil efTllolll"I" from I\JUI'e\IOIlC", of fl'lmmr}. ilnd the tltnl''''I,I,I'f'f! ne"l'r ..."''''''''''''''''''..''''''...'''''''''''''''''''''''''__..,......'''..'''...''''''''''.....,Liltl(,ClIlml ""i11 prulf,lhly h:l\'i' hill b;\lIJ" 111M mom ~f·lK'tallrql1ict. from tbe Allnn· -fnll for Olll,! da}' ntlf'i1... t. tie t.l lhe I'ncill{', llinn on thnt (In)'. lie

r\ I'\'i'ftn:u i,. rtllllrlt'ti tn ha\'e l.een Ilrf!\lictt'\l II third ~rel\t storm for thellt.'ellil few da)'! n~'o at Lawrclk.'e l';mith'" 11th of :'llnrch. bill now. tli"m:l~l'l.l hy Illl'tllmllll'llr Wllli'll. 1111I1 10 h'\vo 1Ct{'1\1I~1 fnilllr(lol hi,. tw,t first. Ilr&1idinn.... tukf'ol:tftcrdiftill'IIt.':Hing ill the brush. '1'hl.'he it nllha('k. ~'nlf. Wij.llliuAi", n bllUlbul:.brulCft nn·liri'·eu ~lown 8mtlllj.1 tI.l) fl4:t. -1"N1f.l"t"fIt'!Jf'llcn.lll'uu'nt,( II)' JlUwrc colli ",·('uthtlr. 1I1l11 It t'notr.s 1)1'_\1). J.ust RatllrllllY uiA'htis "cry Rel\lom HUll thll)' IklrCl\lll: wlit'll n mall lltllllC\1 URrr}' Willinme. nil ('m­l!l{')' dll it il'lllio lo 8tand Milic, tortb('y 111tl)'ffl of thc Xurth~ru Pucilil} HuilwlHlurc hunj,lr)', III HJlnll~' J'uint, ""'ho n.~nll)·cumo from

A I'llOlrlTllm MWflpnpcr hnll. 1I11101lj,f it. MiMl1uli. :\1ouI8nn. ""ellt Ollt jnto lit.,Ilillt~ UII .1"lllLlllic Co.·onllIO)'. u. lillQ'OleMtiOIl Ct)UlJIlIlI)' )'nrll to Iitiend to !>CUlC of l!illthat" chcap llllt! u('1I1 Wi'lll(lW curtnin ,liltiN, Ht'\'o'rut hOUM uflcrwnrll~. nil thnml\)' lJe mudc IJS hnll~ill~ lip llIwllll!hirt lIillllt "'UK intollllels cold. tllO Illcrcu rsh~' lilt! "h'l'H·t!. h /lIeu Illl)lt: A \'cry Illllrkillj.l31J 11t'j.lrct!iI below :u'rO.lIlld WiI·I·-..-----------""..",,---""'-,__---------­pn tty lIud in(·xpell~i\'e OtllUlIwut for It lirtl\l8 hiltl II ,I rctlltlll!l.l l\9 lIe JlIJOUIII

hwk£'11 11'Hl£' ill n window iii 10 jnm lilt ulJ lul\'u dllllO. !>Card) waH millie for him IJ)''mt illio it: lrim the &IjoCCtl dC£:ult't/r', tilt! ulhtlr cIllIJlu)t.~~ willi wen) uut lUll"We pre>l{'llt the rurf'J,l'oill~ fur lI'hltl thf'y ill nllllio~ hi,life!l'Vll. frozen hody b)lUll ...·urlh. II i,oll wrll fur hllnKe\,i"t~ tn the lli,lc (If one of Ihe trncke. The IlOUrnlwaSil!H1 ill 1he flL>llJion prl)\'iloling it fdlo'" h:1I1 f'\·it.lellth· boon O'\''('fcome byIlun', CO'ltto much. tho enlli amllni,l down and lIied. ~ 11',

11'. Unl'rJIl.Wr. ackllO....lcJ~'9 an ill\'ihtion to tit­

tend the all!'e' liw.l pillow OiUl'] l)3rlsto be lo:i\'cn '!'.!d irnt. nt Fowtt'r·. Dull.

I'r."" \1·"It...""':.)·. nnlh.

Till:" IW 1111111" kll". ", ..itill~ f"r It~

'\'1: :1", In,khltd 1u I'llr~er \'urUJ'Y.of tL~\ EMt'r. f'lrfll\tl~

l)1L PotI," I«tlll'\.- In'll ni~ht ",a!' in·teu.el} 1l1111L...ilH: a. w,'I1:1"'1 iW.tflh'tn"'·.

Tile Oi"ltatch l:t CSlh'Ct~,IIO I".,ve forXrllh Ua)' llntl way Ik.utd M)fne thoe to­U1gllt.

;\11&. E. U. ).Illlltit·k will Irli\'j' v.mor·toU' r.lr San l-'rnn<·l!"£.·... III lA' lllbt.!ut f"ra.lllIrtlim,\

nil. Willi"'Jn ",'It.. l'nlh'tl looln.\· 10 ~'n

to lJlllU,'f'Ilt'oWI Iu Iltlf'lill Mr. AI..x. Hoi·

1il1ll 'A'h'll~ rriIH.'llll) Ill.

'rut: h!.hit·.ll.I... TII~I"r, CilPI. Bt'rg­mall. 101 ill nm hllrlfl'f l<lI.llI,\, lumll£'r hi·

den, lItlnml f"r:;altl'l'1lru.

Tlu: l!l'l('tl iol Ull Ilu\ J',lrl 'fowlll!<!llIl·Vj-CAver)' r"ule lIJ.Calll, IUl\'illJ,: llmlt!r~ullO

Iter IlCriOtlil'lIl ill~IJCt'liLJllllt Hellttlt!.I'r Ie rllllll1f('tllimt J)r.J\linurhlUlgollc

to Jo'lvrid/\ urlcr /\ Rlipply of lI'anJl weath·er. 'I'hill Illtrt lIf tim C'Jllutry Ilccd-iMlnljlthill~ of lltlll I,iml.

1'1I1l: f1lrlllllf'r I·olilk..f~ky hns l)(l(lll80kllly Ul'xh'r lIort .. " lind ArHmr A.JJeun}' It. WIlham H"lltOIl. for tho flumuf lillie IhollllnnoJ Jullnrli.

W¥ luWl" f('('.. i\'('~1 n (''01')' (f lht' initialnnrober of the IIl·m/ll. IIUblielk.'\1 ntAllJhul, f1l:II., h)' ;\!lWlN. Curtlll .Ii': J'it·tinal'r. It j,oll ~ JlIX-\'lIltlll\U lulio; It>rllls,t!.OO IJer IIUIIIIII. Tho IlllhliJlhl!1"lI ill·

t~lld mllkllll: it a tlnotelliM It.clll ptllKlr.A f'Of't· or tht' (,hchRIi~ I'tllle, ,.itlrttr

Jlublhhal III MtJlIlc~no, l.Iy Meuf80WnhilJ" l:nhler. hl\ll tClichOl.I)l1L It 111/\ieTen.alhuull. 1lAlt'ut 1I1118iJe IlRper, uudTLlI be de"oletl tu II~ ~11'\elul,"lf'lIt ofCatelt 1M C!(lIloly. 11<4 Imbli~htlnl cJ:bibitt'OI'IlMI'IIII11ble elilerflrllkl nml nhilit)·.Wr' .ilh th~ln 1I1tt'-'eNl.

Irilllln!tllthattbeMlirc About ~.­

fO) oommercllli trt\\'f~ll'l"!I ill thi!4 c{lI111tn.who artl f'mIJloyt'\l lit R tollli COlI\ of!6liIJ,I.iOt.I.t\)l)... tudl inclull,.- anllu). ('Arfure ao~1 holt'l billll. If people woulol1111 tmelo tit Clin,,;dlt all('tiun Itor(" then.'

wou!J :KIll IIf' 110 IIl'Gl of nil tbll~ 11:00­~ eXllen8C tor JrUlDlIWrJ.!"

MtIlIUL or TIU: ELIJI:tl. 1'hts P. C.Cu·..tenrucrVL'O. W. El~lcr urrl'f('(l AtllUt.ln tuo.b) hUll.! ~~II 1'1'l11i"i~ filmbrought J~Jl tolli IIf frlJhrht.:t ('1110...11:Vietllri.. ~ Il tUIl .. : l'urt 'rU"llllellll. ill::jciUU.... <4.ni'l·aeuma. :!17: Olympill, -10.lJu IllUoltelllll'raWllrtllUl follolYs; Vietoril\,

:s.1: l'\.Irt 1'OWIlIt.utl, ~Ii i:ientlhl. 1':1:); '1'" ..rollin, lJ,j; OIYIlII,iIl.2t HercRhilll>l\lISeU­':'tll fur Ihi~ 111ttt.'e'A'tlre: Utpt. N'rOliver.Frank. Ulllrk. Jt J Armer. J Fentl1ltOlI. JllNWIl. J ORrtN, It J'orter, :\I N While.

IT rL"1uirl'll tho comhinclil 'bor or gixt)'IX!rllOlI~ o)\.'''y .IIIY hi I'f"..lllCt) tim I}nilyOff{fQllillll. Tho AIIUlJ/t 11O'1lI'~ I.luitc

I tlilt UlllUllhullfl )'ct lIut tlll.l1mltl IYlIlj. l..'OllIlllunt!vcly II fuIY )'eIU'ft ll~O.

wbell thc UI't'r/ouirlll "'RJot n(l Inrlrer nurb,'ll'r thnn thi,t IllllJct iM win}'. If PortTO\YII~UlI r)(ltlilltj 8\1"1,1 lI.v US IlIl Port·.mlcra 110011 by their IXll'cr. deterrniuf'dto bllild ilil II homo jUllrunl, in a f..""rtars we will rellCh loo imlJOr1-­~ now nttnillcd Il)' U.le WN!:Al Or~',IlO1I

aily. "'l'aJllWbeti from little toe cornl

£1'0"';' «c.F_==."T".=....=".=,=..:-:'..=1l7.

DB PoU.·Jut lecture toui~ht.

AOCTlolfofleix.ed goodl tit tbe Cu.·....m lloUM tooA1.

Dt'-8TRlar oourt will C'OUCllfl here onlfotld 1, Mitch SUI.

A '4.1. apectimeo of teltle- -eU.it1-that pe' btlr at Hunt'L

W. ac1mtlwledge a Ilall toda1 fromt'ikJi'e Lewi.. or SeatUe, ..ho .... in town0011 lepl bUliDt.'M.

ALL t.boIl!l attend In, lbe Ibeet and.pillow CUC!l ball on the ~lIt lnat. are reo-t_W 10 pr8eDt lheir in.italiuDi ottbe ,loor.

Da. O. W. Hnnt. tbe dl!ntilil, .t11 be_:00 Fridliy, the 15th lUll'" flO hewrit.elr. Oot refl.ll1 to IJAYe Jour molatii,.aniN.

A:r tbo Ante of 8l'i:t;..'(1 J:OO(1JlA\ the Cus·tom hOllle ltxllll 8iSO.&) ""M n'lIlim:l.T~elloop ...A.bid ill bl Mr.Uco. Ucaban,for 8112.60.

Y~IlRDAT WM coronntion dill at Hlo

Holndwich blandA. anil lbo l!lulJkct' ot..K11lR K"IAMU ore rejoicing ID h tonlIltl" holiday.

Wr.lcmru tlmt Mr. Juhn WlIllnmJ\Ou,4)1 DungeullIil. I.UII4 Ilnrohued tlto Vow.nle f~rm Rt lhnt vlnoe, aoll teuted it toMr. D, O. Pilcher.

Hrvllt,\L Clln ooutaininR' Oerman eAr,1Irri.erl bON! \(l(ln1 by ClXIH'6U, for dif,feN!D& pllrtietl woo had DllI.Ile nllfllicn·

tioll to tbe U. I:l. Fi.h Cumnlillliou forUW!I ..me.

kuQlJal4DL-We Itt teqDfttl!d kI".nouDOe that Iht.re will be • IIINlilae.





Will receive

Work cent (rolll

C'. t·. t J.... l' I••

Frank A. Bartltll.

All fIllrt.O' tiM' ~O[X 0.

SO:\ r~,POlIAnE;;,




A,,,I .11 Afliel,.. (or ,hI' l'uileL

Quirk .all'8 "lid lmall rrofitt.

F. Albert Bartlett


All ~llld. or

-1'I(.n" In the-


Be~L :\lunnel'.--AT--

c. ;'A ....a;R"I~ll.

a ERR ISH & CO.,

S TOR E!Xt:1I' Dl'Xm:xt:hS, 11'. T.

-J CST UECEI\'EI> IX AUDITInS TO OUIt l'Sl".\LJ.Y FeLL ,\XD COl[.• l,lck' "IOl.·k uf Ut'IIf'r;l1 ~IN'l'hm ...h ..1' tho I.nr""".,t ami Uf..t .. '1{'Clrt! S ocl Cff

CIHllllltl: ewr hroll,;1it to ('lnlnm ('1111111,. ~CHme"nll S('e ollr 5Hl.IU ~Ilitiol. I ('1IIT'IC IUhl FPe IIllr ('lllh'~·. III

Ilr,' 0/11111", .. .. t'l1n1illlrl'. !

H,,"l~ IlIhl Shot... I .. Hlllw" end Tin.......Ihllo"ol nlllt :Sllul (lllUII. ('rO('k('t\ ""rt(in"o,.'Ull·'ol. .. HIIIII nlkl Ca~

.. ,. .. Xl'W Hr.·ill' ){~rhint"'. tile lM'..t an.I "ht'n~l ill til.. wurlol. 80111 011 ea..,. tirtl{' ... itbunt intI'

N. 8. ('"mc nntl lIN' Ih.. 111I1,. Jlf'r'illll 011 I.... l"..'t nml .. ho will buy.thill~ lIud {'w·n· Ihinr.:ff'fllll II. ('()(JS8l\IS tll n FAlt~l. ll.I

:::if DrnfUt bollll'lIt on..1buM 011 IiIlfrlllltlrnlll.r;·tf

Watch, Clock andJtwtlrf nf'p"lrlng,


JOHN LAW,,-.:;;::> Watch-maker and Jeweler <;:::'"0

QenCr.1 HoUI' 0"'110'" Por1 Town.end. 'It. T

Dealer in Waltham, Elgin and Scringfield Watches.

..~"ft ~




.f-Iou,.: and ~hi1> CarpenteT'~'T00}S,Ship Chandlery, c.roceries,



Genl~' 1< UPNISH:ING GcC1WC/~81lJ.; GLJISS 11',1HE,

Agricultural Implements of all KindsAT THt: I,OWEST I'HIVES,






Patent ~feJicilltl Df all kind.,A Large Auortmflllt.

C:@ RUGS,.~·:-'Paints, Oils, Varnishes Stationery

Wholell/l\t) Klltl lh.:tall. by

N. D. HILL 81; SONPort Townsend,


Chu. C. Bvtltlt.


Shipping and Commission Merchant:-:n'1I0J.E:SAI.t: ASlJ RP,'ft\!f. Ilt:i\l.f:lt:i I~:-

Dry Good~ (lJ'U('t·ri(....Fancv Good~. Hllr!lwlIrf'.

Sollon • Crock('Q',Ol'nLIol' Furni!lhing Oood~ Tulm('co And t:iJ,"l\l'9.,

Clot.hin" \\'i!w "ml Lillllc.ar:".Hat;; fltIll Cnptt. S1.Iip Chlln,U(lr)'.

lJoutlt I\thl SbONol, Wtill PIllll'r.

Farming Implements, Deora nnd Windowil. Ced:1r &DJd R.Woo!401dings, Furniture, Musical Instrumen1., ew·


elry, Sewing Mneblne., Also. a

:A alG Largo ASSOI'tIllOllt or Goods~KI~ Not enumerated which we will sell at t

Lowest Market pi,9iceSPOWDE~ -AUJ::Xl'S FOIl-"n " . .. J Lnucw.hin\ Fin·ln!llIIltrtrorll, Comwl'rclII.l, Horn!. ~"rwlch, 1 mUD fill ..Absolutely Pure. n"," Vompllui,,,,. l' 'fi (Jon,l,ft',,,,,,,!

1'lIh pnw>."" ......... 'IN" " 1,..",1 nt 11_r1.!a. 31nrine Ino;nrnnc£' on CftrglX"l' to nil Port" un lhl' ftCI e'I"111"ltJ "IIoIantn"IW••••1IN noMlcallb.1I tbl' LuW('fIt Itat('lol, W.Ibo-lIn!,n." ....IU••lldulll\oItbitlflld I. to....• d Fino Sto'!. or ~rliloa ..t,,,, ,to•••1111*0' II-Il, l!toft ••lliu bY"Att('ntioo i" particularly cunNI to onr Lnr",'il on.1•• Vol' ,b<·l.lut l I'"·''' •.,11 •.u, 'II "' ...·1 L' ant ooJ Ciullnl,

KI.rlol.U.u... I ..... tA>.,tGlWIJI<4L.}I.'. "qu"

r.y"xor.r.Oame and the "aYes from ber wOll.lu."11o"t'8r tile Oem. "001\11 rlUlt remnioet.l of theiII-fllt4'l1 stetmler lunk 'orever froID mor·tol.ie.... 'fhe .lIrvivori were 1)IMJed 00 I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,tbe Evangel. Rnll .nil·eel at Heattle Htten o'clock last olgbt.

V, L. 1'11l!keU Ined hilDJClf by tbrow­ing lhe lCllug-Jllaukoyetboark lind jllmp'"jnR' on it.

The Oem il Ihe tint "teRmer ncrImrnCiI on l'u~et Hound. 8ho WII.8 101ltl·(.'\1 by W, 1>. Soott ,t- Co" Ilf !:ientile, fortho Pll~et Mill Co.

'f'. O. Buffum, tile eommcreinl trnvelor.loet 1\11 hilt 1"lfIll/let!, vHlllell at &GOO. amiIlIIW b/ld hi8 bnlld", IlNlly lImned in hiMelldenml'll to nya himself nUll bis rellowplLMOngerIJ.

Tho Oem Wlllt built in Michael 'I'ier­ney', ~'lIrd in NoMb Seattle in 1878 torO.r.p\. O. W. Oove. and "8." filii by bim.priooipal1y on 'he Wbite ril-or route. tillaOOutsi.l mOlltlllaJCo, Wheullbe ."110111to Jobn MclteaY)' It Co. of Union CiI)·,aDd hu. linec bei'll in ICrviee Ilrinoilmll100 Houd,lI CuulIll,)( that firm. l;bu WDvalued at llbout $OOtXl•

The Gem and tho JOIephine wen'! bothbuilt UlC ume year. in Ildojinm" Y.1IJ.io Norrh 8eattlo aud htnnched within aweekorllO of Ncb other. Tbey bothflD.lIl!Ied from olber tb.n tb..ir builder'.

baud", ,ntl were lolt. Within n few w~b1""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""...""..,...""""-"""""""""""",,,,"'1or neb ol~r, aOO t'te ditla"ltora oe·currol witbin a few mllfoll of tilt:: Anmeplace anll a nnmbt'r lot 1m', were la.tfit tb~ dftltrncdoo of both bont..

AIIew Steamship Oregon.

Th" IWI\' ",t,llIIU..lllp Or"·/o:'(lII. builllIll: fur lilt, tim.t11 IJilll' ut tI"8u ..-.\1

Ihllllil'~IIII'''' \ll!lIM' lhl·llIrg....t, llI'root lH:"rJ'HlTTI(I:\ BY '1'IIE rL.DIESll·iI..I1~. 1111.1 prulmlJl~' rn~"',,1 llohil' I.Ilth,' ",'1\11'" "f th,' Illo'rl'lilllil .... wurlll \\'r. ..(01' tiM' I'n..... I" llnnUllltN" tlmt\ I'llrtllli ,h·..{'ril'll"lI ur h.-r. II.. f••). 111'\\ .. !In!' nUl'lu'IIIt,,!"f' of thl' Imming ..f1..\\ ... I" ;.:-i\I·1I. I,.." til,· l..tlllll(lll t;'lY; tilt ,.1+'.lIn"r 0 ..", un 1f0001'1Irllunl )"llIN.

II' ,/' ,11I~' "'ith 111.'1 "f fllllu"'il~ 1)<'''''''11: I':'"It i.. nlltil·ip:ttetl tllll! ...Ii" wtll ht• Hai!l'hl'C'•.,,,,, n,lwan. f'. C. \,ifokl'r)' nUtl

n·Il.I~· rl,r h, I' rnll! tnl' al.,UI Illi,I",UllI' , l/o'lf". AlIII th;o C'hiut'olt! euok. l'be-.u ",IIm,·r. lIlhl ..I.., I" III.h'IllI''l1 t., ,·;n'l·1 III"1ll... '(1 thl' fll ..t""1 ",luI' 1I11\\' ulk"u. SIlt'IJlI1I111o't1 otvrrl"1oOnl frum the llh'llnlN til"Ill 1101 I,,· IUlwh hlr'~'r tlmll thl, f"IClIJ'lt·fromth('IIAnl'·~3nllw('rotirownf.'l1.

.\Ia,.kll. 11Ilt llt'r l'ugilll,'::-lIn' 1II1t'mil'!.l The (iPni "a.. lm"ll'tl witb.jQJ rkft of1'1 I.Iltll('lll" nu Il'l''' tllall 1:\.1111(1 hon-o litJllr omlth'c Iqll~ lIf h",- fur L'nion Cil~·.

I~l\\"f. :-jill' "i11lll1"" Iml VUt-' iOCrl'¥i' It i'l IltllIJO~'ll the lIrl.l urir.:illl\tl'tl IJ, 11Il,., Wt' Illhll'r..tull.l,. "I lOut :ll f,'(-'t iu park from the IImllk~tnek fnUilllotnmouJ.tIllllllldl:r. Willi !l 1.ltl'''' of !h~llrl~' 411 111(' !In\·. "Ill/I. Willinmilllll KIll! IllOflt ,'ff,,,·t. :;"'/lU" Will h,· l'lllIlIJlIl'll h)' I~ -huill'n-.l'neh wlIh ti 'ur1l/WI'>5 a f,,,,.t.li the ('rew "'·~rc i1twl"o.l b~' bOlll1 from tbt'lIa'hl'" lhlllll"tf'r. thu l;l'lItl'S IlCing II 1Iliore.htlll't~wr li fl'l,t IUIl~. \\'11 rull~· l·vln· SillC\.l the Hw\"a Wl!ut illlnJe wo bll.l·epari' twr with till' 1\11I:-kll. which J;lup 1:11'1\01.'11 II. fewlld,htionul plIrticulo.r. from!Ill.. Ililli" huih'fl'l wilhll furllllcloselle1.l. the PUllt.f"tflti""Hrrr 111111 rrulD theof nl.ll'nt 11.11' l'llUlh..'. ",iz.'. (;olllpllrillg Iltel/o'l\nl ur Ibll F.;1I11'l'''1.gflll(~ IIn'ns, ~'lt IlIlt! thnt tht! t1;;gru 'rhe Gem'ft C/lr.o \\'11... \'oluetl nt "'ooui1;1111' iourfllCe lit t.hl' 'Jrl'g'Uu Will 1.11' " _ 10:l.!ll:! ~Illllrl' fl'ct, tll"i,lt'll lUIIOIIJ; 7:.1 8'_.001.furllllCt'l'I. whill' tllllt of till' Alu~kn i~ 'I'hellrewn!tlti~(.'O'·ert't1 ill 3:Hi. 1', M,onI.l:H. t1i\'i,h'l! /UllUIl~ r..t rnrlJl\CI'8, ~\Il Alllllu '1'r,,~ CU\"f', wll1'l1 ('/lIlt, WillinmflOllthl' Ur.,~tlll ",ill hlll'lI /I1)UlIt ~u JIl!-lllf 1Il':Jdl'.1 ('Ir till! IIlulre ",hiI'll Willi 11110111lIIJl1I pl·f 1I,!Ullrll rout of j{flul'llt'r lIunr. llirt'I' milell ulf.lIl1tlllut 011 nlllllt'nm: 1111'IlI'r 1'1lUIlllllll/tioli ill :tl hours ",ill !lOt lillcr:ropl:-:lJurniull' lilT. hUeWVlJf,lIl'tlll at.ht'lUuch lI11IIt-'I':-WUtou:I,1l1lt1 IIlloWIII.,I( ler. t1la"III\~1I'1 ""1111 rf'IIJori'!.l llUnUUlllll'eIIll1t l'ul'h lUll of ct,'111 O\'lIflUl'l\lto:j II nhlr.!UUIl ut W/ltl'f. WI' IIml Ihllt ,nu 11'!\s '1' C. Yil'krr)' n1UI wifl! wcro II "OUIll((hnn·t,/llll tUIlS of "tell.lll WIll JIll"'" _ , . ,thrulI/{h her \'ngilh'l! l.'\'\'I')':.!-1 hUUfl'l, colll,te ~" Ihelr WilY t~ tll" Sk:lklJlDll.hA WIlI{ ItIU roct tttllllU'e to hold :!,7UU rM'rmhon ttl pnOl:n~e III tl·:I('hl.Ul:. Altlll~ of watl'l' Illnst 1~"IlI," ...h· IU fl.'1'1 ... i."'ler vf Mr. \'icker~"8 W/l'l nl,,1:) ontll'I'I' to prl'\'l'ut till' wnh'r frum nm- Ixlnfll. 111111 tllti'rnpti'11 In JlIIDIIII\'l'ru.If1Nuiug' u\"'r thl' l.J",'('. If thl' tnnk wero ill her brother IlIlt) !lilller·in·law hndtlul.lc.xl fl'llt M(I!llroJ till' Wlttt.:r "~l1ll1 .. tnud lmt ~'n" pt~vent&1.

.SM f,-'t,t 10 lUclll,!.!I ~1"'P III "t. If the Til life bollt wn8 lowereJ hulwlI.t\'r Wl'r~ I'lIpphutl to :1 town, Ililow c.. 'iug 4 c;nhio fL'l.'t. or 0!5 gollooll per 8"'amped. 1'111,,11, thp IlUnll bout .'Mhcntl per du)'. it wOllht 81iliiCl..' for II. 10wC"retl "od t"o IIl'Ck '''lntIt alld thilpO(lllltition of 2-I,OtJt) l5OU1J'I; ti,OOU tOll~ Cbine&Ocook jUIUIlt.'tI io;u it.. ov~rlllrnln6t

or nir will Jll~ throUf;h 1.I1'r it: t ..·o of them wN8llro..·ot'J.furulle('!ol, rCJlfl'Sl.·lltiug n ,·olulllo of Arter nil hour of t{'rrible Ilill't-'rinll' 'ronl17-l,7~1~cubic ~,'Ct thruu~!J ~l Jlip..~ bel''' ",)(\ fear. two 11011411 boal. mauu I.II fl"('t ~ locb~ ()jnwetcr. 1bl.!! '.-01- b' io ~I'II CAme to Ihe rCllt:lle of t1V1M!\1111(.' ot lur wuuM flow lit the rntl' of J iT >d be I f he 1I:U~~ will't4 per hour. a strung breezfI who s~ flO I '?W . II t II rnto Yo'lI.lk lIKllill..t. 'fl.w lotnl weigbt of log .teamer. ,hlt'l.. III; tlen} "hewatl'r e\'IlIXlrnted ou lbo IUD UCfQ6ii from tbe llre b)' CIIllIlL" of wood or an)'­tht' Atlantlc will not 00 ftlr ri.hori of thing they t'Olllt1 Ile~ to Illac:e IlCtWe6DIbl'f'll timett thnt of tllP whole lihip's themiieheit 1100 Ihu flame&. Their feafflcKrg~ {,Ilgin~ lind fill. ,,'c ~rivo th08l.-· were iocre.1Cl.I by Iho e.J1lt:CtMion tbotIlgtln.~ to (,lIl\ble our f('Udl'fB to fonu tbe boiler wonkl (,J:JIIotl~ bu~ flJf1l1l1atc.l'IOme Idt'ft of wbnt 13.OUU boOM! pow- I. it dit.t IwLl'r lllellDIj: nnd we may filillplemellt A\l()' IIIll'UI h)' aiMing tbnt it' j" {'(luivalf'nt Moon Ihe 6tl!nm~r Ie C!.me .OD/{to l!Jl,ul1 tonll lifted Il foot bigh e\·('. and took the "U"IVON!. an bOON. andr)' millttt('. or the !Sumo weilo;ht liftl.-'ti ItnrtN to tow tlie burolu[C Wt't'C.'L Aboul1.-140 fl.'t!t in 24 honJ'lf. Ali:Iumiog tbnt tbis lunu tbusbl' ruRk~ ~ knot.!f I 0 hottr, or. omit­tiug frnctioIJl!, ~0'.18 It!Ct per mil?ute,tho thrust of ber I'ICr(!w that 11:\ tolOlly tli., force \>lashing her througbtbo wRkor-wit alllount to O\'{'r Hoitou~ or 1I.00ut liS much us 20 of themost powerful locomotiye engiuCtJ int:t1gIIlUtI would nert if nil were puU­ing lit 1.II!f to:;otb('r. Among the otb­ur ditJicultil'll which crop nil WhOD WI!huvl! to denl with IlUcb enormouspowt'rli lUi the8£! Jiglll'e.Pl rl'pretient, weIllontioll tLllIt uf g(lltingo tbe oonl totht.' lin"lt, \\'0 I'INJ Ihnt in Ih~ cnsl' oftil(' Oregon UU Il'il!4 thun ::00 lOll.!! ndn\'. tbo full lund ror II. 1..'0111 trnill oflItftrlll'k!l, will hnvu to be hundletlO\wy 24. holtNl. If til£' ll.lIip w('rl'lIir\'h1, t lw probleln would IIOt 00 (lUftyof bQlutiulI. but it l>C'cOUle-t "cr)' hll.rdiudl't'<lto dl'nl with iu II. rolling nndpitching vem.t,l. All iHtlOIl(" of col1n;(',Ihat Cl\1l 00 dono in nrrllD~ing boile~

IInti bllnkerlt 10 RCOJUlllltJth"to l'nchother, but i~ itt evhlent ttt a glflncetbllt out of II. tutul IlllftlJtit)· of, sny,~0lI0 t01l1l of oou1. II. grl'lIi dll:!1 lUll""1)(' IIlo"'cd lit n eou8iill'rnblo distance!rom th., fnrnncl.'S. It d~ not np­1Iear that IlUy wl.ochltuicul d('v1t'O hIlS)'ft bf.t>n hit on in thl:' ¥i'II)' of " ruil­'Itn)' ",bid" lIntt"ers tRUer 1han theeJ:iilting arnngemellts, b)' which t1.l0'I"holo of tho "'·ark ig effooted b)'lIh('(-'r mKDtlUllabor."._--

Rot'OR os &vrr.-ProL 8oott, whoWAl§ hl'l"e wit h the mngic bulrn lutfall. joiul'tl Lml'n!Ou'& lIlinstn.'ls atSfln }'rnncillCO tl~ middl" mall. Afew tlll.)'i' ngo his ,,;fl' Hot It tIl'Cft."'C ofdi"OfCf' froUl hill.l nmlon til{-' e\·eningof the dll~' on which tbe Ilecl'l'(' was""11Intfod Scott IlIllITU'd t1lluthl'r wo­man. Tlwn hi.. \\'if£" linlling the lh...('rt,.. hnil uot 1:M,'t'u toi~nt'\.l h)' thejudl(!.'. hllll him IIm.....tl'<l fllr his,'1lIlI)·.j·II,,· olli<'t'n1 lllul II 1mI'd tilUl' Kl·tlinglum to jllll, wht'rl' lit' n-main _

'-'--,---, --

Weekly Argus. IALLEI WEIR Ed,tor .In,l Propr elor


W•• nn' Illakitll; 111I 1'11~lrt III hrin,:llll~ jllllrtllli 111', t~l ,h,· " ..~II'" ""l'f/'/I"' .,~t,'Ill. wlth.'ut 11,-\11I111,11. 11I .. th,' uuh-I";:ltiIIlIU,> hll'l,,"f 11I'ldfll~hn..illl'....... • \\\'lIn' ~i\lll~ fnll \lIlu,'III ntnrn IH" ~IlJlIIl,rl. :11111 HUt p:tlrnll" t'Olllllifunl h. 1);1:'" up Illl:11' Ilrr ..arn~'''' ~'th'r lhllll WP ('/111 1l11"rtlll'till wlthllut lh~ 11I011":"', JII till' nl:'·''''''/It.· th,'",· 'UTI"lr.tr'~ KIIl/lUIlI IV:,,·;'..,,1 hn;ldm.l Ilohnri'. I II orl1,·1'~t) l'llrullrnj.."'-' 1111 to Ill~' m..i!I" 1I:11'hllll­nl':"'" ill thi:, lnatt('l". ,,'f' hllv\, tl,·It-..·milll~1 Ilpon nil i.u,dllCt:lIIPlll tllnt. j"\"01'111" of ('OIl8j',f'raIHnl. llil\'ln~mmh. iurnllgt!lIl(1uht with th(' })111>1;,,1 •."rtll tht· eMf'aUll H'fft'''''y St'll'" wl.lil'h"1I111J11' 1I.i1 tll v11('r tilllt "nllllf /II~ II1''''lllilllll ttl our l'llln:rril~'r:l. III llOIUltlitiulIul COl-t uwr the IlI'Iet' of tlu'.\lllll'!I. WI' will ~1l11 it for Oil" ~'l'l\rfl'I'(\ tu llll)' dplinqll('nt ,lllbFoC'rilJt'r tvIInr wi'('k1r cditiOI'. UpOll pa.\'Ill"lIt IIf)Ollh~t'riptioll to dUff' lIuli ~:I for OllP\'I'lIr ill 1\(1\'1\1\('1'. 'I'll nil" Il<'W pili":.cril.ll'r who will spud 1l.Pl ~ ::::1 f,ll' ulll'n'ur'M ll11h~liJltiOl\ to tlw W~:f.KIS:.\ ltOUIl. I",fot'f' ]-·('h. 1:1. IhS:\, WI' willnlolO 1l(,lltl the L'1l;w!Jo .\'1·1/·.... for l)IU'

~1"lr ftt'(\ Tho Allonol i'i u(\,'nncillj;\\'ilb stnnd)' strilles towartl Ih(' I~Ilion of n It!adinK nml 1"f'1'1'I"':-('III.III\·"Dl'wspup('r of !'ltgl't,· nnd. "'f'IlIn'", ndllro o,'er ono tllOltsnnd 1101·Inl'l!o' worth of lU'W 1Il1ltl'rinl to it.s1Ul'C'IUUlicRI outfit dl1rin~ the Ill't'l't'llt\'ellr, and no poios will \x> l'pnrt'tl inihe fnhu'(' to make it 1111 that thp Mlll'­port will warrant. Bllt llul'li§Cril)('n.ton..1 aill mt b)' prompt p.,~·nH'lIt,

TIll' (;11;('('00 .:\""14'11 is a Inrgp.l'igbt eohunn folio. "cram fl111" oftf'll'~'1'8\)b nnd ~enernJ new.... ,.hortnod pill)' ('\1itona~s ~n thl' tOlllCS ~fIhp l13J". nnd it IS lodl'l)('ntl('nt In

politiaL---Treuures of the Yukon.

'Ibf" Tacoma l\'tlN of t hf' th i liSt.)lIlblil!bN tbt' following: "Someluonths 1110,'0 Ed Sebiefleliu went toAlu",kn with a IImnll s!t:'fim"r nUll nOOIUJlh>tO outfit of pro,ision!l Rndtnining implem"nts on 1\ b'Old·pr08­J)f'Ctillg't'l:I)f'(lition. Infonnntion halll~n rt'Ct,i\'ed tbnt Scbi"ft'plin RndhilllJ.'1rf;y. wi'h the little stenlllcr. cnr,rying one-bAIf of tbo three yen",',mlll)I)', n~nd{'<1 tho Yukon 1,000lIlill'S IlOtl estnblisbed n cnmp nt th£'mouth of tho l·annnnna. 'fhe builtwrl.8 them sent to St. Micbael'lI for theremuil1der of tho sl1pp1i~ RudHc.hiofi'l·lin went on n prOIlIK!clingtour. Sbort1Yl\ftor the boot loft 011tbo l'Ctlll'n VOJ'llli,'il he Illlttle tt dili­r.ovflr)' in grnn'l wll.'ibing~of 8nlli('iplltilllportAnoo to jUl~tify tbe detllil of noC)Ilri£'r to 11111100 tho 10nK Dud perilolUIjournf'Y oVerlllUll to Silkll in order tooooyt'y tho ol'¥i'1Jmpidl)' to hill brother,II. cnpitalillt res:din J in Philadelphia.The collri('r reached Sitka !WIfel)' nnddispatcbed the letter, wbicb came toSan Francisoo OD tbe Ill8t slelUner,nod i~ DOW on tbe way to Pltih\l.lel­phis by roil. It is relXlrtoo that til£'wasbings in UU) gr&vel bed.. nverRgoo.. 1.50 per pan. oml tbnt in IM)lUO itl­"tanees ~lO.OO pcr pan was prod nced.'Thr informa1ion seem to be 8uthf'o­ric. hut aoy one moking a rush DOWfor tho nJlI>et wllten of tbe Yukon.Viutl1d IDllkt'l n great Olillt3kf'. TinwAnd invCitigatioD 'Kill probnbl)' dill~JOiK' tbt! fact tllat large eapitaJ willbtl required ii" order to 8('Curo re­lIu;oentivl' I'\"Sttlt It will hciwl)()Ii­",ible for 1he ,.es..~1 to QC('nd the Yu·kon riyerbefore n('J:t JUDl', tL!I tbe icpprennb nnyigntiou. Tho trillo\,('r,Jand from 'itka would he attenJf'\1hy l>erilJ elltml to a SilM>riRO journe)'.It i~ ff'p;.Jrlt!<ltbat I)rivllte di.8patch~

hue been rl"a'iY('(1 at WMhinb"1on 01a reliabl!' charnch~r witb reference to In his )'I'arl)' rf'port thl~ !<l[\t~ in-b b I I'pcctor of miul'II forOlllolltnte:4 tbat

I t'I natum of I e go d dl'polIitt in tho nnnnni I)rodnetion of coni blUlAllUlka. One Iitlartz vein 2t1U ft:l('t inc1'('t"~ lIIiucc IH7~ from aholltwi(le., wbich wiJI net five to eilo;ht tlol· 1i,\JIJ.l.OOO ton~ tOO\'t'r n.ouo.ow in IMlr.!.IaN per too hlll4 booD di~oH.'rell ou 1'bl' iUel'l.llItitlupon 1&:11 wall on!r 1••

t.W,(~Jn ton'l. Tbp fllIlunnttnkt'D fromth{l waio lnnd of llOut!u'nl ,olll\!'Ikn. till' lUinf'tl tlllllf fnr iSllOOlll 70.UOO,lMJU.)(11. 01 otb('f!I equlllly ncb ill Ibe btlflll' And lin I'<IIIUI Rmount hB~ been WWlt.OOl1i~lrict ar~ report('tl, and Ilrl'pnnl un nl"CUunt lIf It hu:k of lI.ccur"to nnnlioU8 arc bein~ mRd~ qUl('II)', it ill ing Jlllln~ nmlf'ngiuef'riog ttkilJ.

l'lf\iIL I,y Ii cOUlLiuutioll of :\l'~' York 'f1I1d'$t.nillf' C,;;;,;fl'16 lillYI: "Tbo!Lilli Snn ,f.'mncill(lo cnpitali'll.ll.lollturt lWenllnr)' uf VonI' withholds tho oPl'ro­,ltrl)' in tbo lipring witb UliII" nnil Ilriatiollll !Uutll' for improvement" oftunchinery to tako JXN~liun or tht' OUf rin'fiol till' pOlltmMt('r geDernl

IlliuPl6. 1)leDtyof coni nnd timll\'r 1If(' ~~~~~~~;~;::c~,n~llt~h~U~t:bl·~i°';:, i:~rl'ported at 00 HTent IIh,tuuc., frum pruwtlullIil t~niet'. We ~ollo these111" Iniaet. 'fwo gentlenWD io ('011 (VOO hifoChut11einlK oro Dot lD cabool"",wltion OD tbe lubject. "nill Ih"f<1 It ..-,mld be a cold Ilfly for Puget"ould De l~OOO wen tWill :-ll'\'uU3 Souuden if lu<.'h .bonld be the cue.flud t:aJiforuill 00 thf'ir WIJ to.~a I Run Vl'UUCJ"I~fi COl-Oil .1Id 8,.lIt\tll'

lb·• lb • Ill. '1M .1.1, ,.u.,., \, ...Uo\·, "..... iold .," Itt (u~woo !Ir. l.6ll..." .. "...


•\, '



\\ 11\ Wlt.I._Ill ri ... I.I"llil

.1 'u' 'IlLy It" ..U.a.11UI -t'o.luall~

tneo.ltlrw klJllhk

IT U.1J. I.O"OraI,LOW,

II I;U1(.\· AJa·18Z·.

IIl£LI1D Ar rU8 ,QJtD,

We Ilflllibilu "I' I" hI_ .,,1,11~ 11:_ln,I.lul tll"'''II:lI rlo'l n,IN 111l11b, nil., Ind IhI nlaCIrM...1 huu loIe\ (,1 tll,ol~nle~ml"

I.lId Ilhllllru ,.'1 ..I..... ' ,,10 hi, lo:",.Alull ... '" btlllol:whl' I Ih, .urll~'IU"lINPT..e ..bll"""'" Ill'''l bl.l'bl'llk••ADd 00" JII'I o'lIr 1:1. b'·.1 1, bIuo.I·~d!

.Alld I ..... In 0 \I,lflll bIN' rlr 11111 t""i't

'l'blt 111.1 !lillt, \ "tnt 'l"or'""", r..rth,,'m It ""bid. fo ' 111 Ill. ,1,...ul S",.t1I.,'m h n.dl",l, hou lll ,."nu, .,~t.TlU II ",,,,It..1 ft hu.1 Ib'l .....,ttl to.1WllbmllI lI"If"lllr, "'Itl,(;ull t.);,4,11\1.1"'11 ..... 1.,1111 tllll fn.. a IttwnPo, on~ willi 1.. ,1 p.utll f"llll e,CtI' to erowlI­.1111 t1I, 1I.lr:abtJr...."n'h.."llh.l.hl .bould 111...

Iolll,hlllil 1m! ." II' "hl'llll''l b..11+.;.m, <tilt "I U,n wrooo'. Irul Ib, '1I1"~ w" lUll;M'IOlrl!lIUlI I " ..r,lln Ir.~ .I"knc., fill.Ami tn•• ",,,tn..,,t ru, 1ol....1tt' .... rt.. ll;I 'll1h I" hl,,,,,r, 4. h. "h, ·ll4Ilh

I" I !'lI'l'" "h "" uu" I. I, III': ,1.:><Ii)Jut be !l,lIIe "tll:"'~' ru ...hll I .al<l,

tbiDE it Wlll\ riA:ht th.t r abaWJ be...hipped III Iny nJtB?"

" Right '''' llO\'I.l('oll ClAM,'WM wickl'tl-'ft'r, ,..k~"'I1 '"

.. No OUtl 11111\11 erN llf, It 'Kalll."Dunley, .. Clllrll. I ani ,::.ItUI; In IgrCllt tltti~t. 1t'lO ill lUI'. t k,IO_,

don't rot~,·tll'l·. ',,11 ,; I'll ..... 'm" II\Ilt1, 011, Vl.u... I l'.IU'lot I"'-,.lr (" I ,YOII."

" ~ltnin~ O\'l'r ll,{' "iII, til,' rll1M 110lther illllnt'I'llllum>t l\:ltilll\ 11,.·1 ..1"", Dt k.

"Oon'1. ~l IlW,t.\· ... ,,1m 'llll: ., It

wonlll Io",:tlt on' h":Ht !"And thE'1I hI! kil'lIlt',lller 111111 ttln ....1.There ",II. 1l1'lr"W iu th'l h,tilAe 00

Chri!\lol/l."i ulurIlino,,:, 1\1111 tltll 1>1" w EltIIlleMen, for Uu,tle~' WI,,-" pHUt'., anll hehll.lllcr~ 1\ muu ll'lhJ in whic-h he do- Iclnrcd ilia iUl"111i""u I,f retnrning DOmorc.

UollU'.\'er di,l come hark. Hi-. mOlhtt.who lovtlllluDI moru 1I11ln ho kneW', bed\Jitter tClIr" Il>t Chri"tlOlI-->t day Cl\meround each ycM. 1'1111 fMlller, wbo hNl80gged hlw, )Crow 0\1 rcpt'.llUug ic.'l'hl:lre "'all a gentlral imprf'Jlion iu thefamily t1u,,-t Durlley IlIttl uot ht.'t!u .. 8000..1boy, but the llou\Jt lUI to hill f,le IlOften.,.,ltheir thought" oC Jlim.• rr""halily be 11aea ...."'ILI delkl, Poor ohl Orallilmother Bar. Ib~r Ua.tk' 100 ..berry bolic\'(!u lliat he had .turnd to full of kvI., __.... ·C","I"'.

deatb. Iley. It .. 1M ''''Wben Clara mtlrrill<)-Yos, I meAD it- your poor o&d ...

wbon Olara warrled tim oon.uwpU"e badly' A.ad.- ' ...young cler(l'YD\ulJ from Bri.tol, and wen& 1han tJI'O ,-

From tho Ilummor In 1\'bich the Dnr. away, ahe WClJ.t III' to th~ ,prN& to look ~ TIM!" pllNloorrya took R;young nrti:!\ to boord ...ith for .. 'l\'ioter cloak. anll found thC't8 tbo arm 01 II. 1theD\. who. ",lIeu 118 went away. I,ro. pie-dillb yet briJIuull with illl gflrlUlilltll. fi'1lted Y,.., Jlm.•• II ' ......aenklU hill pRint·box tOt.bll ~mirillS ooy And abe alit dmltu ou tho ltonr Ilnd criud you NoD i ....who had follo1\'ed him nbout from tlftWD oyer it, and rOlntJwhen.oJ the lunooou' The~ ..,.. II1IotO tln.rk. pell.110 t1c..llhlt Bo.rlJerry reei· ohilJ loye Illo hwl giVllll the painter, bachelor. au. ..douce. Ftlucell, !JRrD-<loofi. hallll- antllhtlD, wiping her ~J(."', carried lhe molber man. ~goodnclWI only kuowl what I-bore trooe dieb dOwn·ltllin AOJ I'lIt it into her the grat ""- ..of 6gures, 1\011'0111. treell, OOWII, and lruok.. ItWIUt a I011Yeuir, if awelaocholy ili." p6e-d.JaL-buildingll ill all colora of the rainbow. ODe, of the put. - ..iiiiii.........When IlCOhllltl, DlUIJOtfy, Junior, ouiy II If he Is not dantl. be mlilt 11&...e f«· FUM UVIlI'I,...'.

rtlplied, "W...II, theu, giTO mo eanvuol BOlten mo," IIhe Mill to honelf. "lIe ~:~: ~.r::I~~.n(l ll&in\.lJ1'WIbCtJ. I want to be "11120 ,.earl old now il be liY(lI."pointer." Artd, though IIhe l1iRhly reApectetl tbe

01 Wllot kind of Q bOllioell5 dOOl thee no". Ja.oo\J Bil'll, Kbu Kigbod ouoo orthiuk. painting wOIl"1 bo for a man'" lwice l'fel1 on l1l;ir wedlling·eve.!LIked Quaker tJraDllmother Barberry. Settled 10' Driatol. aho wlUIvery h"pp,.."To lit twilldJlng tb, flogon! all fla, at 8he likel1 the people Ihe mot. One dayat elilell If th+.'tl doe.n·t wlUlt to be a I IOmeUodyllllw thtl lJie-lliah. It "'&II aDfarmer, we'll 'pullltice Uloo to thy uncle IartiBtie .Il'lly. who luw. gono to take herChlltl!!II, the hatter. Thal'. light aDd bat off w t11l;i Iipar&oroom of tho patlJOQ.

ouy, ftOtI thee ill duhCllt+:l." age.80 thll llRrlJerr'lI tAkiog connae.l to- II Whitt a lovely plaqne I" Ihe eriod.

SUthor dooid6,1 th~t grandmother had "Dut wLy tlon't you haTe it glued ? Uhatl .. '" (.'all to ,poak " and placed Dud. 'Will be llpoiled. 'loy 'll'itb the hatter. • The pie.dillh. ])l'Omotcd to plaquehood.

llu ...orked po.hently enougb, .l1t ...u gl~ UlIXt week, alill on ita bAckp..iotal more tllao ever in ilie oToniDgt, J wu pawtcd the namo .of lbe ~y ...lJo,ror Uncle OharJOI wu liberaJ, and he Ifro~ ~o &rberry polOt. of new, badbad a little monoy of bla own in thole 'polled It. ,day.. Tho no.... Jaco~ ~ird d~ed 1O,ung.

00 OhriltmBll be c..me home and wu He waa good to bill wife _hUe be 1l'fed,reoei"ed kiIWly and lound 'bll liltl Iand Ihe monrned him; lint there badco'lliD OI..ra in ihe botll6-fUl orphan ~ Ibeen no IOm..noe io t.heir conrlaWp, and

black frock WhONl pet.reDW bad been Ithey bad nO'fer belIn congenial.~oet ,,' ... ' Th. widow I'OOOnred her placidity .A. C

The cbild liked the ooy ...I't'/ mDeb, I aeon, &lid IlYel) OOl1touLe(UYOD her .mall 11I~':~t~;".nd be ..iDled her old doll', fAce into inoome. a.mid.aciruleof IIttacbed frie.ndL lIHs,....... .,new beauty br her and put .. red flower The lutlurnvotof the narbarry f.milt ~II~-~I::i:"" ....on 'he hACk of the doll'. ehalr. -Dudle,'a mot~er~ame to li'fe with i;flt.o tell' ~ IN"

8he admired hill work n" mach ... h~, and Mn.. Bird bllotl pllll811 two gray r.,... t .t,

h~ bAd admirod lb..lof the arlUl who blW'l on, of her curly black balr. wbea -:;;;;;:::::-:;;;:;::;::haJ giyon him hia flnt oolora. ¥e ".. the lfI;M' buar Gl 6t. ~UAIUI" ObUl'tft DTT"'8 r.. buo to ber and .. goDilUl II "ell ... took. pl.oe. and a Mmm.Jttee caUal to -....the kindeat ~yliYin~,' Ibcslter to oootributo 'IImellting. ",I~" •

Wndering abott'tb. hO'lll6 on. day .1 I ha..... pllll.lue," IIbe uJd. .. It I~';":-:::-M ,.-"....., n&ino-.1 lb"'" I 1"'11 T ... •he 1011011 • I(r8At POttery pie-d.lah, aDd, " ..._WU onS·go YllOmeouu.1.w,~ .f 't;.:'..., .. ..:::::::!::-.:..;;--.

forgetting itl poJ'P'lMt! apeD~ ""hole IOUlt ba.... become a 'fery Rf'lAt art..t II • - _,;;;;~..;:-briaht moming ptJnUIl~Dpon 1\ a.pl.b- be lind. I UtiIlk. I'll gi.e the plaqu., I :~~~. ..;:";-';;;"',",,~"''-'..._ocing hn' Iplrited likeneM of hiI mother'. T1~ more I aee of an tbe belter I kDMrIIl'fori~ prllllum, wbioh.kIod in a pol that h ill good. alld Ulue are aMOria- •• "- ".on ••lMd. tiOGa with U that make it pa.ltlh.l &0

It Wall • 'WOClderial .1lC08IM in lb. ere- annt 10 1M iLo ..ol littl.01an' ud, ladMd, it ..... DO' TbeooPlmlttee~I~ their IhlUth,b&tt. for .. 1itU~ praet1et 1oeI" sood ....y aad .. U pie d1Ih- no' to u.. fair. Iwith .. born utld, ..ad. wiDt4!r of m.dy ,.here it ..... gtMUy admiJoecl.witboai .. SlMter had greatly impro,ed No.... DodIey Barberry had DOltho yoou, 'eUow'. work ltar'rOO to d.th 00 tlJe 1OlIl1,'" bill

.. Yuu.... ftt. ~a; arm" Dudler" grandmother aI...a.,.. belil!:'fed. lle b\d!l"id CI.,..,··.~elbink you UI be famo~ .o1d hill watch, had Iiyed anllllJe fouQoIlIOID8 d..y. 1"" tftJ. u70 'LiT.1 0' bla ~d friend the artitt, had~e buFamnul l'aJolML' The biR broW"D book papd,.and lu..:1 gone to Italr With hIm.in the cue lu the )...101'. W!UlH 'OU Uft While unkoown to Ihe I't"OIJI. 01 II ..grown up, Dudltll, ,on will ""nemba 1JtUe \Owu. he hlll1 mall•• lIluoe lA lh. Gwhat I ..y." great worM 01 IItt. He bid mw •

Sho WM 19, DutU"y ..... 18, De IifWld moderate fortuue .JIIO, and 00. d., 11f"

up hill head from bid work ..nd looked weu1. bDCk to hill IIOUI(', Uflt"CllDIIC I••at lU'r. And all tho Dullerl.". Illf I hili

"If e"er I am, Cia",." b...kl, .. [ oltter. of l'OUl'M'-lu}11 wt~ tJ

hopu I .hall·' buo to ~memb.lr yoo. I pride of Ihe folnuly.bnpe you'll be then wbere I am. 1 Inlteal), he 'Olltlll ,h" linn.... (l('M11 1no"..r knew anybody beforo who uode... by lItrangct8. 01111 WIUI hJI.I 1II.t hl4 t... t.tood me," ptU'cnta Wen> dt!;kl. m. 1/,lur....I""

A 'foice .bllrp .nd .brUl wittl anger a .tl..ngcr. whu tiki Blot !tL"W .. l". l..1OI

broke io t1JlOn tho pleUllnt lalk_Aun' 'Wu. and who 1IIIII1MIlt .11. "1M It

Muth..•• Toioo-"Ooo-rusalem 1Dudley "utb, aull htl tlill llol ""'I' ,ot .... q.ba.I lllOiJed tlte bigge'" l'itl.J..i.eh I- liollA of thOH who ouul,J b••e LulJ 1.

ThA' altarnOOQ QII.ker Barberry the t.rutb....hipped Dudloy. Th.t nealag tb. The woman " ...1 ~ toIl1 ..~ u.a,boy did nol come to aapper. lAter OD, CI.,.. wu manied. aud toe Ie" tb. k,.llwhen the mOOQ bIod riaen, UUle Clara, th.t nighl, f+.oeliu8 at +.IDee IUU', ..... lwho had gone to her 0WIl room to C!y, W-u.aed,heard a tipping It tbe "ind01t'. Sh. He made hI. wa, to Drill"'" IOOCt IIwr.opened I' aald leaked (Int.. DwlIela&ood and ..... \&Un, nlber ap!1l.t h.Y W\l1.there. tolb,lllldietl' baur at8&. ~llMD" Chill

..~- 1M IIIi4. II" -.....do ,_ ..ben :>fft', l(irla beIouIRla bJ.m to ,.,

Onl,I,.t 'Il~bl, I' wt r ...l~ "''''11I,n..·u Ihl ,10111 r r th.. m"""'.110 Ifll'.To \i.UII".·" L~t ~1l.,,11l1l" I..ttl.I.IUII ,II"I''''''''~ (>I .11)' lUi.Ill'll.II" ..., 1I",,",,1111: It.~,, r.I.,,1 ""me (I'd ttlDll:"Two ",,11'lM-"lle 11111 I'll bl. "~l'"

.Aud In..lh~r b. lKtrll.t Ill, 10JIIII. I 101. ,"·o,tl, ~

n,l, dud. th, buutlful JOlilh.'l'b, burl of ho)n'r, 1111 Ior'l/ue of IruUI.II., Ih.oo UI. Illd ltlfbl tit u. Mn."'KIWI .,,1« h',!!" u. 1"1111.....U.Wb..m .U t) I"'I..".,1 ... lIlt C'l,r to"'~lIl,

Tbo t"hHr cr ... La..... llUI;Io. on·1 .. b",,, p:ullnl"'1',..1

llu.h"IIU mucrmr, tf ,1I·colllen\.

tUlI UO MICt'1 ruilwuy Iml1l QlIKlo ill rRrl ufIIlt'fOl. 1\'(>iuhilll: moro lImu:2.;; IOUllliri t,)the ~'Rf\I."1 $Il) IJl'rtoll lly II \'ull) of Itltu!ll~

U\· II \"lle or \It h. 00 tho (.IUlh" n'I/lti\cto !J'lIr :nm "'1114 11l11i'lllh',J ..u 1\'\ tu rI'll,l U14

lulluwtl: "I I'm HI IliIr~ IInll ill buullll'li

r. ,II,'~I or llllllll'ltlrtd. COlilrrilli 11": tlulIl IhltIt''!3 ,Imll lHlll illCl.1 UHr mum thall "ixillt'hi'li whll'. 1U'1' 1":1" Ihull thrl'C-.';~hll+

"f nil illl'llllur 1ll11rt.l ltum I"''' i111'lu'l'IIhit'l,;; rollntltl not !r-:l'l thRII1 IIrt'('·flllllUu;tlf 1111 iudi nor Ilhlrtl tl.llln t"U inullt"l illllillll1etcr. IIILlI "'Iuarl''i !lot leM HlIluthWO.(VlIrlhll o( lUI illl'h llllr lIlore thnutwo illtlh{!~ l!lIUurc. lli!lt··I('lllhll IIf ,lilt'l',('lllll'llr pOlin..!; or morc IImu two inoh·'t,"thick ur It''''li t1l11n OIHl inch. ur 10M;'thl\lIllix iucll,'8 will,'; rollllthl k~ tlUIllIIUl."c.fOlllrth.. "f 1111 iI/oil or morll thalll w


iudll'll in llilllllutrr, 1l1ll1IllIItlHC1'lIt'lilitlUIIIthn'U-rljllrt~1l IIf 1111 inch or Ulore t11l1lltwo illi'hcl'I ~'Iuarl!. UU(l Cll1lt unci tw"·tculllo'i o( 0110 Ctllltptlr llOllllll: bnt ull iwnill ~11I1· ••• hluUll>>I. IOllfl;.l or other ronnH.ICIlH Uui~IIll<1 tllull iWII iIi ImrM, unll moror.JvllllCCtI tllll11 pill iroll, OJ:CCllt Cll8till~,"llItll btl rnh,l<I,Uoi iroll ill bunt. Blhl payliul~'llooorJiugly. whioh Illmlillot bo Bt aJell>! mlo tlmlll~ per ceul. "dvluorelll,"lkfore mllcmh.'tl the:l5 vcr cout. chm::lCRJlp1ie11 h) tho whulo IlIlrltllrOIJh,

Curtin offtlN'111l pru\'isiuu tlutt 1111 ironhlU"Il, bloomli, hillct't or l!izilil or IlLBI~:i ofnil)' kiu,IIIlUIi tllI"t!J, ill wllich elmr­cunl in u,,"lwi 1\ furl. "hall be IIltlJjcct toSt-ll)('r lOlt. 1\l.:ro1J\l.

On motion uf 11118kl'lI, tho lluly 011hnn. of tho IlhllllCll, or rolled iron, not"IR'(Jinll)' ilUllUlerutcli, ollRn~'Cl1 from 14to 12 1·10 por cent.. rltld \Iuty Oil tho II(,'C­

01111 c1nllllitlclttioll u~ hlU iwn from 12 I toto II 1-10 ller ccut lIor pOllm!.

On 1l1Olion of Millij tuo cll\lIJk1 impoI­ill~lItlllt,)' of :II·:.! oontll per pouuu 011

Rnnor or other 1'11It~ Willi Mtnlck from thehill. Hll8koll movtKl to reduoo tho dllt)·on Mhret irou thillllur tllnn I 1·2 inchl-'ijilli..! not thinner th/lll lIumber :!O wirll.Ollll.cO from Ja I-to to 1·10 Cl'ullj IlCrl)()tlIl1L

Arler delJato tho c(lBlmiH('e "rollC, llllilKelly Ullllio nn uHompt to limit the lUll'c1l8l+iOl1 011 the pellllill': Ilflnl~r/lllh to fh'cmiultll-"S. 1'hi>t WlUl oPPollcl1 by thellem'ocnltic /litle, nuu IIrter roll cllIln eomllN­miMl WIl." lI~reCtI tHo limitinl: thi) tilllO totllIrty minutclI.1l1ll1 tile Hott8C agnin 'Wentiuto Rcommitteo of the whole /11111 wallabout noting Ull nnlilndmeul when tho(.'OmmiUcc BlOiIO Bllll tbo HOlllle t,. ..... nro00811.

Tht! Ilreflillcnt lAid before the Hennte "llll'mHrinl of tho 10l(hdature of KaudlUl,ill refertmoo 10 1)louro IlueulUoliia i n cnt·tie.

After a lJrief UllOut e Ilelt.'lion tbo I':ieu­ate took \III tho tAriff bill and OOMidcrn­tiOIl of the free tiet be",an,

'I'ho Henulu 'Weu~ \)flak to tbe pntll·graph )IMlMkI oYer iDfortnB11, ytfttenln)·.11I)'in" Rduty of oDe dollar per tOll 011IItoueti \IunUlnnfl~tllrtM Rlid undrtllllfXl,Oue lito .e. granite. Inndlltone, etc., (!l·copt mnrblt', which Wall not IlllflCinllyOllllnlcrntOO. Tbe Illg~6IitiullllBviliVbeeuuUllle that tho lalll:lllI.'1' of the provillionwoulll Plll'ly to Ito no coming /Ill I!ftl­IlIlt, tho Ilnmw-rDllh WIlli mooilied b, Itrik·inK out llllml'oufllolllrOO or uo.lreAIIel1.lenvinlC it toRI/Ill, to 6no Mione, lllInd·llolUl, gmnitc. nllu nlllJuilllillll or mouu·mentnl "tdRe. eXC~lll marl/Ie nol tlreueJor 8Ilt'('illlly enmnctllted. All Rmend·WIl" nuule to IIdd upon Itont', lUI above,hcwu, IlreMCd lind IJOlilbcd, 8J.1W) perlou. Agreed to.

Inj(lIl1a mo"ed to ""Id lIoob noll IJMm·llhleb IJoIIIIII or tlnbouud, ,nd 1I1111riut611mntter llot .peeially enoroomlell ur p~viflcd for in t1.liK oct, engrniuR'l bnutlllor IIlIbolll:kl, fltcllillff" iIInlltrl\talhooks muplt autl chnrt.. Aye. 89. Nayc•

'"SIAwr mO'fl'l1 to pitt Jute Pond jnte buttA011 the free Illlt, Aud Deck Mktd for a di·"illiou 011 tbe question. In\6 OIlA'ht notto he on the froo Iill! lUI Inn" lUI flu WUKnot. Tho erf\.'Qt of puttiull i~ 011 the freeli"it ""'1M ho to truullfer tiM! bl1/1inCfiMfrom tlli" 0011 ntry to Dumloo. Dmu..lIiolt followfIl1.

'l'lte Ill'fAiding offloer IRill hefon! theBtlllllte a mellllHgd frum tho l'fflIIIilie.llttnulilmiUinu II ('IlmmlUlKmtioll from the/Iccmt.lIry of tho iuterior, M!UiIlR' forth Ihellr)Ce/lt lIect!f41ity for Atri"Kclll lIiellllllrUfllf rern'l+8ioll nf cnlllioll!t allll \'iolahunof hlWII rlllilliuJl' to Iln\Jlic 111mb.

The jnto JilfCltl\IliOli WIU\ coutiOlletl.Motion to Jlllt jute on the rroo lilit Willi1000t.•Into \Jutt.+ WIUI put on the froo li~t.

!\Ior"'IUl muvoo to IItrike Ollt rllW lIilkthltt rulflft fnlw (."iA}(k)O nn,lllilk t'O("iJOlllf,nOli .. ilk wlUlte.1O tbot he might m..."o tnpllt. them on UJe lilk ItOhutllllo Rl 10 liN(It'IIL IWvl\lorew. '!he daoow wbich fol­10w+.'(1 WUll lItlyotal to 1'Ilri·01l!4 Ittntoml'nlll conceruinl1 tbe lIilk ill.tlllatry io ditrerent .. luw.. IIOmc Mt"IlRtorllJecillrinl( it worlhy ol"l«i,,1 t'1l00llrn~'O·mellt.lJthenl boiu)C ,louhUul _hf'ther itCQuld be mmtle "11Cf"'Stdul here. 'fhento·lion WM 1000t bya9 to 7.

'fho rendillR 01 lbe free lilt WfllI cootin·ut.'ll.

AllillOo ol1'ered nn lImendmeot. whicbWill onlttred prillled'I,rovilJiUJl' fur R l"fl.food ofal Ilflr oon1. II thfJ tlUliett )IAid onimporteo Nit u8t'\1 in cnriol: meot ex·llOrW trartl tbill country.


"ttl:.......Belford, from thtlcnmmittoo 011 coiu­

teet .eigh"" "1111 meulUI'$'I n'lj.tOrk....I /I

I"NOIDtiou declAring-it inexpedient to lIi••ClOtltiUIIU too coinnKI:Juf lIil"er IIndnr n­

ttD,f: IR.... and recnmmelUlinll the cum­itlCf' on ""Ilroluintiollll to report n pro-

,ilIion for miditiolllli vRult room nt lIOme,",oint in the Millllillftlllili valley. Ucfcrrcd.

KlIfllIOll olTl!rell n rt!ltOlntiOIl thnt dllr.lla thl' romnilllier of the &;("g/\ion it 8111111be iu ordcr immediRtoly nUllr tho morn­iUIt hour to movc to 1t1ll\IUmd tho rules

Itllll'Ouaidllr ill the HOIIIIe I'nr rl'KlIlf\rIPllf"Ollrlatilm or rtlrf!nue hill whiohl'lhllllbve beeu reportf!ll h)' OOltlmit~lJ, MuchIIOtion to 00 declared Ily n majorit) of.....

8bollUe. (Ihl\irmnn of tho committee en.... c1ailUl, reportod bfMlk the bill fllr the,I*ylDent ofcerttdn Funrth of July clollllll"'ported b71\OOOllntinKoffioerw. Twentyobjlletions ...ero mAde to too IIN!flent con·lidenUoli of tho Ullltter, anl1 ilwIII mKJ.o

tbupecinl orJ.er for Tullftl1l1Y.Tbeoouforenoo report lin too ruililnty

lCalIerQ)' \Jill WM Illbmitlell Rud Ufll'OOll

'"'.The Jlonec wont ioto n comlUittco 011

..... 'l'ritf bill.'l\e pending RnlCmlment Willi ono of·

fered by Uukell rooucing from Ill·1O to12 10 cen'" [It'r pound the duty ou 111 eeliron thillner thltn I 1·1 inchcK nOli notthhuler thon ~l() wire 111tRgtl. AKrf!CIl to.

• WUIUJiOTO:f, Full. H A. juint mlWlll'tlODW'aa P3llllCti to nllmit, froouf tlnty. A"-ODUtlh:nt to Ooor,l(e WMhillSClou. III beI_ported hy Ulfl Philadoillhin MOOi ...t)', otCioeiDnati.

The ltbOM 'hen weat into ooromitleoof the wbolo ou tho tAriff bill, the ]'IeOtl·ill aroendmentA being tbOlle olTere.1 llyTuCker .ntl Morriaon, tbinH tbe t1111,ron1let.1 rliLt ntllUvcll.tenlhAof " «'lit )l4!rIlOtIDll, and el~ fler lUll r, Ilt"Otiyely.

Toeker withJrew the flmcndmflllt.l\ull-'1"pled Morri-oo·. 6xiu!l the rate IIot

a per ton.]::Tllral amenllment.! weMl otfereo.lllnd~ ,I<d.

hand nher lliacllllllion lit IOUlC

01 \be OOnuulUoe Ib.N the II \,It)' per

:::::---.:- -­Congro8sional.


WA"!II,"lIrll~, I\'IJ. \1, A rt"lll,l1I..traUl"·

wlI5llt1"ol'lIt,\1 n,:llill.,t 1'11ll'iU:.' Inllll~'r "IIthe fre,) li~t. II i" !illlh..1 Itml S:~MJ,IOI,.

IWnrt' ill\'l'~I/"I11I11l1 l,'klll.lllkl Illl'lI cm·

rlll~·t...1iu Uwlu1I1hl!r lJu.. im·...". .A1Jilllu rdi~t'I' Mhil';.I 1IU11 oilier W~"t'lli

lrnm \'OIIII"d"Vry pilot r\.'1.'''' 1\'1114 rCIN1rt­...1fll\'lJraltly.

£.hl1l1llll:l rl·l"lrt,-..l fU\'llmhl)' IlltJ jointrtIIIJh~ti'la Ilrll\·i,hlll.: for nh....litifJll o( tilt!

II:lbcrit'll llrlkhHJf I Ill' WI\:!hil1:.,'l"n Irclll~'.

I'Hr~' mU\'l',1 tu lllke 1111 till' IIIJ:lt Wille

ill. '... I!'II.'1ue w,-ilr hill wnil 111k-t'lI np, null Un.,"

1l...1'H IUl('lhluh'llt ntlvpl..d, ttll U;+ 1'1 11I11kc

tltt nliUI'r,,1 wllwr l':trll~r:lIlllu! Ihu Ir\.'QIi t ",;..1, "Iuinurnl wuk,.1t lIut III I[ficin I.together with the lJolllcti or jll).,';.1 ill \l'hichtbe NUllO arl' illll'urtOlI."

Morrill. rruIU Iho l.'ommitlro 01\ illt·1llCl", rcporh'll 1111 IUllcuJmcnl Wlillcillg

tOO llllrlllu:TIU dllty ItTI al C:lr1'4Jl;t ClIl1­

IlIl!rntl'<.l ill tli" W+ll~ tl\:he.lllie C);U4JI·tbcmIlI,r jllW cnrI'Cntillb'. rnrp('lrt lindearpetiuj: uf wunl, tlux ur cOttOIl. or Illlrill,,( (tither. or otlll'r Ilmh-rinll\llt ulhurwiSlJbttf'ill oili;LOCilll·,I. trom aJ 10 au lour cent,~<f\.... d to.

011 motion or \'Rute the lllll,)' Oil cor­petlll11l1 cHrlll-'liuK Willi OInilh.'l1 from tllo,menllmuub' ('ll'OIJt holO[' nOli jllltJ our·1M'!!inl:. "'!lich "'lUI rtlthwcd from 'It'dl) ,IUpercellt Ikh'nlor 'Ill.

lillie rcl'urW tho II11V/II bill. It lip·proprintt'" :S1u,7:.l;,·t3-l. Tim Stmnlil mill·mille nlJ.lo~l 6:JI!'I.t.ltKl ttl thu n.g"rollllto orthe hill iL'+ it IIlCf~ thu I:Ivulie. nml thototal amoullt f11t·l:l,.... I!t 11111\ ~' ur';t bill b)'",ooul Stf..ll).LOO, tho ulhlitiou OOin" lillflto iletM for tha illorcltllO of the IlRV)', in·dudiullll 111111\ fM the COIlIllltlt.iOlll of tho11IODilorll. lillie 1II1iJ the oommittee hlllitunck Ollt from tho !Jill overy IJnrticilltl gellt'tullt'~idR~ioll.1\11 tho 1.0111 lUt roopotletl ,,'ILlIII Cl0.111 Rwropriatioll \Jill.

Morrill rol1l1rlctl the follvw~1: Ilubrili·btl'll fM IJI1rlllCrRII!UI embraeill.l: women'lIawl chillirell" dr..'M I:tJOll'i. i"lc., ....bich'QlI atc~l to: "Wumeu'" RII\I childrcll'lldrMll;llO.l8, coat linin"", ltalilln elothll&Ill! £oodilo Iiko the lleecripliou, l'OlIIllOHCllil1 116ft of 11'001. wtlrawll, the hllir of thoAlpaca gout or other Illliml\l. \'ltlue !lotexectdillg :IOCCII~ IJCr IIolunro yllr,l, t1vocent. per '!jllnN )'llrl111llu l\.j per l't'lllnd·nlorem. If compt)ll6l1 "holl)' fJf wool.hoir of Alpacll or olhtH Ililimlllg, or it 1\mixtutO (It them. nillu c~uta per K'lnDt()YiN nDd .cO pm oout. ad"nlurem, AlllOeb goodll with ACI\'ili~ IUllde whollyorln(ll\ft of oUwr mowrllllll, or withthrMd, nllf!d Cor the ImrpolO 01 OhlUIJl'irlJr

el..'liBcll'ioll.... Ihull be ,lutiAble lit. ninecnl$ per tqunro y.rrt ..ml40 IJerccllt.ll+.I­tall/rom.



1'1('",- .. :' It.:hIlU" lU"O mea whn ",.n·

Ioul,. tlIl1. ImWllU life, .IJptireollr,.-ith the aolo,l ollj«t (If K:uniuf; f~pUla­

0"11 a- ll. 'I ·,.1,1,..•... Th~.~· IIfil :'10' t.'ftl"

In t1w hu.I.·" tllld lill]£, III il"l!' '!"Il" toIJrin/ thew tu plIIlI,.hrurul, f'll't'l,t Lrthe lI\hl,I1:1 f"'t"1l1m"UI or :I m,,! •.

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