

Prospect Valley High School


This is the Start of Something Big

American Legion Post 180 “The Moving Wall” Memorial at Keenesburg”

“The Moving Wall” a half-sized replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, that serves as a sol-

emn reminder of the more than 58,000 lives lost between 1956-75 in that Southeastern Asian country, arrive in

Keenesburg on June 5th. Ceremonies begin June 6th at 9am and June 8th at 7pm.

This honored visit is hosted by the American Legion Post 180, 595 Railroad Ave. Keenesburg, Colorado. The Ameri-

can Legion Post 180 was a POW camp for German prisoners of WWII. One of the buildings used during that time is

used as the kitchen at the Post.

“The Moving Wall” is a half-sized replica of the Washington , DC, Vietnam Veterans Memorial and has been touring

the country for more than twenty years. When John Devitt attended the 1982 dedication in Washington, he felt the

positive power of “The Wall”. He vowed to share that experience with those who did not have the opportunity to go to


John Devitt, Norris Shears, Gary Haver, and other Vietnam Veterans volunteers built “The Moving wall”. It went on

display for the first time in Tyler, Texas in October of 1984. Two structures of “The Moving Wall” now travel the

USA from April through November, spending a week at each site.

(Source: The South Weld Sun)


# 8


Reunion Committee


I was talking to Rene Zimbelman Kaelber the other day and

she had a great idea. This is what we came up with.

If you are unable to attend the reunion, we would like for you

to write something for our “Unable to Attend Book”. Just jot

down, on an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper, what you have been up

to since attending PVHS, using both sides if necessary. Pic-

tures are also welcome. Remember to put your name

(maiden if applicable) and year of graduation/attendance.

This book will be available at the reunion for all those attend-

ing. Marilyn Sargent Haffner









George Davis

Chairman (Donated by Hans & Lucile Arnusch)

Over 2200 visitors

Reunion Meeting Class Reps




August 1st


Prospect Valley Fire Station


Sherry or Marilyn

Registration Update Thanks to all of you who have sent in your registration forms.

From the looks of the response, we will have one fun reunion.

If you are like me, one of those who procrastinates, well have

no fear. You can still send them to me and I will add you to

the list. So just start digging for that red form and send it in.

Or contact me by email or phone and I will fill one out for


We do not want to leave anyone out. Marilyn

The Moving Wall” Memorial at Keenesburg



serving as

Master of





the event


Mark K.

Color Guard

marching in front

of the Wall.


Sargent &

son Lee.

(Father &


(very cool)



13 & 14th




Howard Tegtman, USN

Sylvester Tegtman, USN

Richard Smith , USN

Veloy Vigil, USMC

Gary Baumgartner, USMC

Donald (Sonny) Zimbelman, USMC

Edward Dyess , USAF

Jean Sirios, USA

Elvin Huwa, USA

Richard Reagan, USA

Bertha Greve, USA

Unknown Deceased

PVHS Members

The first fold of our flag is a

symbol of life. The second fold is a symbol of

our belief in the eternal life.

The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country to attain a peace throughout the world.

The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for His divine guidance.

The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, "Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong."

The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the re-public for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our repub-lic.

The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered in to the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor mother, for whom it flies on Mother's Day.

The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood; for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty and devo-tion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.

The tenth fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the de-fense of our country since they were first born.

The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizen, represents the lower por-tion of the seal of King David and King Solo-mon, and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Fa-ther, the Son, and Holy Ghost.

Day is done, Gone the sun,

From the hills, From the lake.

From the skies. All is well,

Safety rest, God is nigh

Go sleep, Peaceful sleep,

May the soldier or sailor,

God keep,

On the land,

Or the deep,

Safe in sleep.

Love, good night,

Must thou do,

When the day,

And the night,

Need thee so?

All is well,

Speedeth all,

To their rest.

Fades the light,

And afar,

Goeth day,

And the stars,

Shineth bright,

Fare thee well,

Day is gone,

Night is on.

Thanks and praise,

For our days,

„Neath the stars,

„ Neath the sky,

This we know, God is nigh.





Herman Huwa‟44 Now & Then Loyd Sargent‟48 Jim Davis”52 Robin Greenhagan‟63 Ken Vogel”56

Gene Calvert”58

Other Soldiers Not Pictured

Walter Huwa

Frank Tegtman‟60

Jack Schmidt‟63

Floyd “Scott” Erker‟64

Jim Shoenemen

Louis Rodriguez Robert Zimbelman‟48 Ed Suppes‟63 Pete” Okada‟48

Jean Sirios”59 Albert Becker”45‟ Don Vogel‟51

Bertha Greve‟44

Ed Ewertz Charles Lott‟52 Dennis Becker‟63

James G. Smith, Jr.‟55 Jack Gould‟40 Charles Quimby




Other Marines Not Pictured Ron Bertram‟60

Larry Weickum

Robert Klausner‟64

Robert Mallory‟46 George Davis‟60 Ted Zimbelman‟61 Dick Shuler‟60 Veloy Vigil‟52 Gary Baumgartner‟60

Gerald Wagner‟63 Mark Kauffman‟64 Edwin Weickum‟61 Herb Weickum‟58 Donald “Sonny”


John Roth‟56

George Duffield‟39 Duane Bilslend‟41 Jim Figg‟63

with nephew Robert Sargent

Elmer Becker „51




Other Sailors Not Pictured

Paul Scheid’60

Don Schwartz

Sylvester Tegtman Robert Tegtman‟49 Howard Tegtman‟51

Marvin Zimbelman‟56 Glenn Murray

Charles Mallory‟57

Raymond Becker‟47 Raymond Yeager‟49

Chuck Sargent‟63 Kenny Pierson‟57 Jack Zimbelman

Gene Abbott‟49

Pat Mallory‟51

Lee B. Cobb, Jr. „63 Larry Erker‟60




Gene Eisenarth‟50 John Sauer‟60 Richard Gobel‟48 Jack Gobel‟49 Edward Dyess „63

Gean Abbott I attended Prospect from 1945 thru

1948, my junior year, and then went to

Brighton High School where I gradu-

ated in 1949. I then attended CSU from

1949 thru Dec. of 1950. At that time I

joined the U.S. Navy along with Ray

Yeager, Bob Tegtman, Lyle Smith, Max Smith, Ken

Bosky, Don Voght and Bill Marrow. We all attended

Boot Camp in San Diego, CA. After Boot Camp I

went to Radio School. Upon completion of Radio

School, I was assigned to a ship, The USS The Sulli-

vans DD537. Our homeport was in Newport, Rhode

Island. We went to Korea in 1952. When we com-

pleted our tour of Korea, we took a world tour, which

consisted of Hong Kong, India, the Philippine Islands,

Suez Canal, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, France and then

back to Newport. I was discharged as a Radioman

Second Class.

I reenrolled at CSU and received a Bachelor‟s

Degree in 1958. I taught school in Brule, Nebraska

from 1959-1963, as a science teacher. In 1963 I

moved to Wiggins, CO teaching science until 1966. In

1966 I was given a chance to be an Elementary School


In 1986 I received my Masters Degree. I moved to

Brighton, CO and was an Elementary Principal in

two different elementary schools. I retired in 1980

and still reside in Brighton with my wife, Sally. Our

son, Gean and daughter-in-law, Donna, along with

our two grandsons, Nathan and Allen, all live in


Bertha Greve by Shrley Kuhrt

Bertha Greve graduated from Prospect Valley High

school in 1944. She was the daughter of Bill and

Mollie Baumgartner Kuhrt. She

moved to Prospect either in 1942

or 1943 from Crook, Colorado.

After graduating she went to Den-

ver and attended Barnes School of

Business after which she taught

high school for one year in Keenes-

burg. I can remember her telling about finding mice

and snakes in her desk drawer. Because she was

younger than some of her students, they would be

ornery every chance they had.

She also taught one year in Sterling. After this she

joined the Army to see the world. She never left Vir-

ginia, which is where she was stationed. Bertha met

her husband, Harold Isenberg, while in the Army

and moved to Cleveland, Ohio, after she was dis-

charged from the Army. They had four (4) children

and three (3) grandchildren. Bertha passed away in

November of 2001.

Jim Davis

The Straight


Of the



Once a Marine, Always a Marine

Two and half years ago Leonard Roskop, a member of the American

Legion Post 180, took it upon himself to invite the “Moving Wall” to come to Keenesburg. December

2007 dinner meeting at the American Legion, Leonard announced The Wall was coming early June 2008.

We immediately had volunteers to be part of the planning committee.

I shared this with you hoping to gain your understanding of the following article about the Vietnam War

Veterans. I salute all Veterans from 1776 to the present. However, the Vietnam War was my war. The

Committee felt the best way to honor the 58,243 killed or missing, was to read their names.

173 volunteers were recruited to read 58,243 names in 59 hours. The largest number of readers came

from the Weld Central High School. 986 names per hour. On each page there are 48 names.

The “Moving Wall” has 70 panels going east and 70 panels going west. The east and west walls are at a 90

degree angle. Members of my platoon are on 7th and 8th

panel going east. I joined the United States Ma-

rine Corps in January of 1966. Eight weeks of boot camp and 4 weeks of ITR (infantry training), had us

convinced that we were a MEAN GREEN FIGHTING MACHINE. Looking back now I am in awe of the

drill instructor. They received 80 kids from all different backgrounds and turned us into Marines.

First part of May 1966, I left the Marine Corp Base El Toro and 18 hours later I arrived in Okinawa. I

spent 3 days for processing, received orders, and was C130 to Da Nang. The next day I was C130 to Chu

Lei. At Chu Lei, I was told my company was out on an operation. While waiting for the company to re-

turn to battalion CP (command post), I was a typical FNG (new guy). The sights, sounds, and smell of a

war zone were all encompassing. The oppressive heat and humidity in Vietnam had me questioning

whether I would survive my 13 months. When the company returned to battalion CP, I was told I was not

on their replacement list. I was C130 to Pu Bai, where I became a member of 3rd squad, 3rd platoon, ho-

tel company, 2 battalion, 1st Marines. A day later we were trucked to Dong Ha. Dong Ha is just south of

the DMZ. Gave the impression we were staged for the assault on Hanoi and Ho Chi Mein. Second battal-

ion conducted operations around Dong Ha and along the DMZ. My mind is a buzz of what to tell you. I

am thinking of a lot of events right now. I am not sure of what to say in this article. Let‟s just say that I

was not a FNG anymore.

September 66 second battalion was transferred to Quang Nam province south of Da Nang. While up

north we fought the NVA (North Vietnam Army). Now we are fighting the Viet Cong. Knowing that we

were the best trained and had superior fire power has left me bitter. Instead of bringing this all to bear

against the enemy we fought with one arm tied behind our back. In 4 years the United States defeated

Hitler‟s Nazism, Mussolini‟s Fascism and Tito‟s Imperialistic Japan. In Vietnam the United States never

had a plan to win, but continued to send young men to die.

I am sorry that I did not keep a journal as to exact dates and some names have escaped me. Reviewing

slides after my return “Home” I was surprised to find the part of a roll of film of Michael D‟Angelo and

myself in a hotel room in Tokyo, Japan. We were taking our R&R (rest and relaxation) there. After

spending more than 8 months in the bush, the twin beds and clean white sheets, and hot and cold water

were the best thing this side of Heaven.

I talked earlier of the oppressive heat, but it was not so during the monsoon season. The temperature

hardly dipped below 75 degrees. It rained every day or night, and mud everywhere. 75 degrees is cold in

wet conditions. From the start of the monsoons in mid November to the end of February, there wasn‟t a

dry pair of socks to be found. On patrols it was easier to walk in the rice paddies rather than the on the

paddy dikes. A grunt isn‟t much good without healthy feet. So at CP we were always barefoot to give our

feet a chance to dry out or at the least air out. The mud would be washed out of our socks and on our way

back out, yesterday‟s almost dry socks would be worn.

I am proud of being a United States Marine Veteran. I am proud of all Veterans. Without Veterans we

would not be living FREE today. I want to thank the good Lord in bringing me home safe and in one

piece. Mark Kauffman, Class of 1964


Duane Bilslend‟41 He graduated in 1941 ac-

cording to George Bush

(‟42). We are not sure

where he served. Duane is

related to the Lewton


Don Vogel I was drafted into the Army in 1956. After

basic I was sent to Abrdeen Proving Grounds

Maryland to “metal working school”. I re-

turned to Ft Lewis and later was awarded a

Recovery specialist MO. I drove a 5 ton

wrecker where I pulled power packs out of

tanks., gun tubes out of artillery pieces, towed

and recovered all kinds of vehicles. I really

enjoyed what I was doing as long as it kept me

away from playing soldier! I was honorably

discharged in 1958 (picture). I returned home

to get back to farming. I served two more

years in the active reserves and four years in

the inactive reserves completing my military

obligation in 1964. They tried to send me to

Vietnam! I won my case to

stay out because of my inac-

tive status. It took an act of

Congress to send me there.

Ruby and I were married at

that time with one child, our

daughter. It would have been

tough. I lost two cousins in

Vietnam. I had a lot to be

thankful for..

P.S. I had a specialist rating equal to sergeant

when I got out of the military. I believe it was

in 1957 where we were put on a “Red Alert”.

We started packing our equipment for a trip

to the Middle east. That was kind of a scary


Tusyoshi “Pete” Okada, M.D.

I graduated from Prospect Valley High

School in 1948. After internship, I was

drafted into the U.S. Army in August

1957. The first two months was “Boot

Camp” at Fort Sam Houston, San Anto-

nio, Texas. After that I was assigned to


I was on active service duty from August

1957 to March 21, 1961. The Korean War

had already ended when I got in. However

the Vietnam War began on February 28,

1961. So I am considered a Vietnam vet-


I served in the U.S. Army Reserves from

March 1961 to October 1963 at which time

I was honorably discharged.

Sorry, can‟t make the school reunion as I

am still working full time at the age of 77.

Coach Sam Turner In a letter to Don & Ruby Vogel, Sam men-

tioned serving 33 months in the military. He

also disclosed that he was a P.O.W. in

Germany. Sam was

awarded two (2) Purple


This is probably a little

known fact by the people

he coached. We never

know when heroes walk

among us!!

Raymond E. Becker

I was in the Navy from

1947 to 1955. I joined IBM

in 1955 and was with Fed-

eral Systems Division in-

volved with our Air De-

fense until I retired in

1985. After I retired, I

moved to Spring Valley

Lake, CA. I now live in

Victorville, CA and live

close to two of my daugh-

ters. One lives in Modesto,

CA and the other is a Doc-

tor of Veterinary Medi-


I know the reunion is Sept

13&14th. I will try to

make it.

George H. Bush(‟42)

provided the picture of

Jack Gould on the left.

Jack graduated in 1940.

He served in the Army

and fought in the Battle

of the Bulge, was

wounded in France and

was awarded the Purple

Heart. He worked for

the U.S.P.S. in Denver

for 30 years.

George Duffield‟39 George Duffield lived with

the Bush family during his

senior year at PVHS. He

joined the Marines and

became a paratrooper. He

broke an ankle and trans-

ferred to a different division and spent

all of WWII in the South Pacific. He

died 5/16/81 during his second heart

surgery. We are not sure if he was

wounded during the war.

We salute all veterans

who received the

Purple Heart.

Lots of memories for me. The most interest-ing was being a member of the 1st US Marine Corps Drill Team. It was 1947 where it started and was commissioned the next year. We performed for a lot of local stuff, plus the Salt Lake City Centennial. I have pictures of the team and we spent one whole day perform-ing for RKO pictures. These were used in the old Newsreels that were always showed before the feature picture. Robert (Bob) Mallory ‘46

Reunion September 13 & 14th Registration In ????



A GREAT EDUCATION!! The military gave us the best “Reality Based” education available in the world. We have reaped the re-

wards of this education throughout our lifetimes. The military taught us absolute standards: “tell the

truth”, “don’t give up”, “don’t whine or make excuses”, “do your best”, “choose a difficult right over an easy

wrong”, “look out for the group and judge others by their actions, not their words or their race”.

The military taught us lessons taught centuries ago by ancient Greek philosophers: “don’t pursue happi-

ness, pursue excellence”. Another belief that was instilled in us was; “knowledge is power, and power is


We were pushed harder than we‟ve ever been pushed. They made us go beyond our self-imposed limits.

Those experiences created an esprit de corps or camaraderie among members. By subordinating our

needs to those of the group, we all emerged with a stronger sense of self.

We were taught that integrity was honorable. This is a powerful alternative to the alarming distrust that

seems so widespread in our society today. The military discipline stresses “brotherhood”. It stresses that

people of different backgrounds can learn to work together for a common cause. The military approach

to leadership is: “concentrate on doing a single task as simply as you can, execute it flawlessly, take care

of your people”. We were taught that we could do anything if we had the right “ can-do” attitude.

The military not only prepared us for battle, but it shaped us into self-reliant, hard-working and honor-

able members of a team. The military molded and is still molding ordinary people into effective leaders

and honorable citizens.

The military has done a better job teaching teenagers the right way to live than does the average Ameri-

can school. I have seen this first hand as a teacher, school administrator, unit and battalion commander in

the National Young Marine Program headquartered in Washington, DC.

Semper Fi, George Davis‟60

Several people have asked me over the last year “How and why did you get interested in starting this PVHS Reun-

ion”. I must admit that this reunion has a direct relationship to my military experience, allow me to explain.

In February 1960 I joined the Marine Corps on their 120 day delay program. Thirteen days after high school

graduation, I along with 63 other young men were standing tall! On Flag Day, 1960 my entire life changed and was

transformed into what I am today and how I think and operate. I met a man named Roger Maggart. My first im-

pressions of this dude were that he was mean, arrogant and right down disgusting. Over a period of thirteen weeks

this man controlled everything I did both night and day. He was the last person I saw at night and the first person I

saw in the morning. He was everywhere! At night I tried to think of my previous life in Prospect Valley and the fun

I had in high school. Thoughts of driving my white 1953 Ford convertible (which I regret selling) danced through

my head. My dreams quickly turned to nightmares thinking about this Maggart Guy. He was so controlling and

demanding and soon he would be yelling at the top of his voice “EVERYBODY OUT OF THE RACK, BE OUT



Finally, on September 20th, 1960, boot camp came to an end. This Maggart Guy accompanied our platoon to Den-

ver to perform at various ceremonies. You see, our platoon was called, the Colorado Old Glory Platoon of 1960.

continued on next page)

Who Is This Guy? By George Davis


Roger Maggart, our drill instructor, was a Colorado native and was charged with training the two Colorado Old

Glory Platoons 1959 & 1960. He was to bring us back to Denver to show the Governor and State Officials how he

made men out of these Colorado boys.

After boot camp and my Marine Corps experience, I continued to practice the things that S/Sgt Maggart taught me.

Things like perseverance, and all the things in the article on the pervious page. With the help of this Maggart Guy, I

learned to focus, stay on task, adapt and overcome. I married a young school teacher (Murial) and with her help and

the GI Bill received a B.S. Degree and eventually a Masters in Supervision and Instruction. I retired as a School Su-

perintendent in 2003. Prior to my retirement I started an after school program to help youth gain focus and purpose

in their life. We hooked up with the Young Marine Program and provided an opportunity for youth to excel for ten

years. The whole idea was to help young people focus the same way S/Sgt Maggart helped me.

In the year 2000, I visited the Marine Corps Recruit Depot where my transformation occurred in 1960. The thought

occurred to me, “What if I found this Maggart Guy and my fellow platoon members. Then I started searching for

fellow platoon members and this Maggart Guy. On June 14th, 2003, at 10AM, members of the 1960 Colorado Old

Glory Platoon met on the steps of the Colorado State Capitol to re-assemble as we did forty-three years earlier when

then Governor, Stephen McNichols, conducted the swearing in ceremony. Only this time, his daughter and Colorado

Treasurer Mike Coffman welcomed us back on behalf of the State of Colorado. We now have annual reunions in

various locations. By the way, that Maggart Guy, the guy who changed my life, has become a personal friend.

So, how is the PVHS Reunion connected to this? Well, soon after our first Marine Corps reunion I went through

Prospect Valley. I stopped at the old red school and said, “What if we found former students and we had a reun-

ion?” Guess what, September 13 & 14th it will happen. Please be there. It‟s going to be a life changing event.

The Young Marine Program The Young Marines is a youth education and service program for boys and girls, ages 8 through completion of high

school. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members. The program

focuses on character building, leadership, and promotes a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. The Young Marines is the

focal point for the U.S. Marine Corps' youth Drug Demand Reduction efforts.

S/Sgt Maggart staring me down! Roger Maggart telling the platoon and

the Denver TV News audience how he

trained us. (He is a lot nicer now!)

Roger Maggart presenting a

pillow to me. He feels so bad that

he caused me to suffer from sleep

lost in boot camp. He is a kinder

and more gentle person now. His

wife Sally really whipped him into

shape. Everyone has a D.I.

Young Marines at Camp Pendleton


Flag Folding Ceremony


George Davis Young Marines, San Diego

He was always

looking for

things, like

“Perfection”! Once a Marine, Always a Marine!


Mary Ann Lott Murray

June Trupp Croissant

Wayne and Juanita Ball

Connie Mitzel Maul

Charlotte Klausner


Marilyn Zimbelman Imhof Ed Suppes

Helen Baumgartner Huwa

John Nelson

George Bush

Judy Gibson Cook

Lee B. Cobb, Jr.

Mary F. Smith Stein

James G. Smith, Jr.

Betty Tegtman Hillenbrand

Irene Vigil Padilla

Sharon Sanders Fauth

Helen Uhrich Boosinger

Thank You




You Are




See You In September!

(Questions call Marilyn)

Jimmie Baumgartner

Gloris Sargent-Griffin

Polly Scheid Ferguson

Marilyn Sargent Haffner

George Davis

Celeste Martinez Garduno

Herb Weickum

Pat Ruhl Bass

Melba Keller Johnston

Charles Wagner

Dorothy Zimbelman Kern

Marcella Davis

Ruth Yeager Trupp

Herman Huwa

Joy Keller Vitgenos

James Vogel

Jacob Kenny Vogel

Geraldine Weickum Cooper

Bob Alberts

Robert Zimbelman

Robert Mallory

Carolyn Mitzel Stolley

Dorothy Davis Green

Donald Mallory

Louise Reichert Shepherd

Jack Goble

Bill Sargent Jr.

Deryl Dunham

Helen Nelson Amundson

Ernie Reichert

Ken Nelson

Frank Hillenbrand

Dorothy Amen Belk

Donn Reid

Larry Baumgartner

Donald Altergott

Jim Scheid

Charlene Croissant


Sandra Yeager Grangaard

Richard Goble

Ginger Schmidt Fulmer

Rodney Hofferber Sr.

Raymond Yeager

Esther Baumgartner


Russell C. Epple

Blanche Ewertz Meyer

Bob Tegtman

Shirley Jakel Sirios

Ed Sirios

Kathy Dyess Busking

Shirley Kuhrt Haines

Martha Huwa

Marvin Zimbelman

Ron Englehardt

John Bumpus

Esther Yeager Klemm

Judy (Jean) Sirios

Ted Zimbelman

Jim Davis

Sharon Brown Hervold

Frank Tegtman

Hans Arnusch

Sherry Sargent Stickle

Richard Scheid

Barbara Evers Wagner

Kathy Bumpus Baes

Kenny Pierson

Betty Amen Mitro

Darlene Suppes Keller

Chuck Sargent

Deryl Elmore

Shirley Shaklee Howard

Barbara Brown Mackery

Lona Bauer Uerling

Dorothy Willmott Alberts

Gene Abbott

Toby Patton Schwindt

Dorothy Patton Ley

Shirley Rodriguez Sisneros

William Chandler

Verna Warden Glantz

Jean Mallory Kipp

Diane Mitzel Goble

Jim Ruhl

Gene Calvert

Loyd Sargent

Doris Ann Huwa Schlidt

Nancy Scheid Ikes

John Epple

Rene Zimbelman Kaelber

Scott Erker

Mary Kay Busnardo


Betty Croissant Bennett

Helen Trupp Altergott

Donald Vogel

Sandra Erker Zimbelman

Paul Scheid

Dorothy Lott Firestien

Omega Keller Powers

Dorothy Sirios Yeager

Albert Becker

Beverly Trupp Duvall

Antoinete Ewertz Bordner

Gene Eisenbarth

Frank Hillenbrand

Ann Altergott McCulloch

Doris Halligan Kissler


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