Psycho assignment 2 - comic strip

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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• Members of our group

-Ng Sheng Zhe 0323830

-Kimberly Fay Bernard Lo 0324237

-Michelle Tung Man Kaye 0324175

-Alfred Ti Cheng Jie 0323537



There is a superhero named Toughman. He is just a regular guy who was inspired to be Toughman because he wanted to be like his favourite superhero, Superman. Toughman is very strong and loves helping the citizens in his town. He soon rose to fame and became an idol for everyone. Due to his popularity, Toughman was overconfident and stopped exercising because he thinks that he does not need to do it. One day, as Toughman was walking around, he heard a cry for help. He then quickly became alert and went to the alleyway. As soon as he arrived there, he saw a group of punks beating up a helpless woman. Toughman then started to beat up the Punk Leader’s benchman. He successfully beat up the henchman, but had to go through Punk Leader to save the woman. Toughman was confident that he could win against the Punk Leader and did not give much effort in fighting him. But suddenly, Punk Leader threw a punch at him and Toughman was down. Soon, Punk Leader left the alleyway and left Toughman and the woman alone. Toughman thought that if only he trained harder he could win against Punk Leader. After his defeat, Toughman gave up in helping people and just stayed home watching news about the Punk Leader committing crime around the town. Toughman’s dad took notice of how miserable his son was and started to tell him things that he should not give up so easily. From his dad, Toughman was more motivated. He soon started working out again. From a lot of exercising, Toughman became stronger than he used to be. He also heard news about Punk Leader committing crime at the local bank and knew this was his chance to show Punk Leader a lesson. Toughman arrived and quickly threw a punch at Punk Leader. In the end, Punk Leader was sent to jail and the town was at peace again.


1. Prosocial behavior

• Meaning

-positive social actions intended to help others.

• Example

- Toughman defeats crime in the city as he intends to help the citizens.

2. Social perception

• Meaning

-forming an impression of others based on available information

• Examples

-When Toughman sees a group of punks beating up a helpless woman, Toughman assumes the punks are evil based on their actions. What if the woman was beaten because she offended the punks?

3. Counterfactual Thinking(Upward counterfactual)• Meaning

-Imagining different outcomes for an event that has already occurred.

• Example

-Toughman thinks that “if only” he trains harder before fighting the punk leader, he will win the fight easily

4. Extrinsic Motivation

• Meaning

-Taking a certain action in response to external pressure or obligation

• Example

-Toughman trains hard after being motivated by his father because he does not want to disappoint his father

5. Self Efficacy

• Meaning

-The strength of one belief in ones own ability to complete tasks and reach goals.

• Example

• -Toughman has high self-efficacy as he believes if he trains hard, he will achieve his goal which is to become stronger to defeat his enemy


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