Proven offline marketing strategies for accountants - including relational telemarketing. Gain quality new appointments, build a sales pipeline, convert more business.

Post on 12-May-2015






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This free report outlines proven offline strategies that create a tangible sales pipeline for accountants. How quality new appointments are gained with business owners who want to review their 'most trusted advisor' - are looking for more proactive service, great advice, tax planning and strategic support. These strategies are ideal for any firm looking to grow steadily over the next 12 months +, from quality fee's of £3.5k+ and who want a strategy that does not just rely on telesales, but has the accountancy professions most experience partner supporting face to face, by phone, and through implementation. If you would like to discuss the options best suited to your firm and your goals, please feel free to reach me through LinkedIn or on 07879 654191. Best wishes! Dan


A tried, tested & proven offline solution to generate high quality appointments, & hand-picked opportunities for accountancy firms.

0800 80 30 826

An on-tap sales and marketing team available to generate new clients when you need them



Does offline marketing work?

You may be thinking that offline was so 20th century…

That in today’s more technologically advanced world

accountants don’t need to use such crude methods as

cold calling, direct mail & database development.

And you’re right – or at least partially right. The

days when banks of students sat on the phones all

day have long gone, thankfully – at least for the

most part.

Today’s equivalent is much more relaxed, more

integrated and altogether more sophisticated.

Instead of ‘selling’ it offers advice and information; it

aims to build relationships through ‘soft’ offers and a multichannel approach. (Oops – Sorry,

I used ‘jargon’ there – I’ll explain ‘multichannel approach’ in a moment!). Its main purpose is to understand

the prospects’ needs and then find ways your accountancy firm can fulfil them.

Insight has worked with accountancy firms for over 25 years, helping them with sales and marketing

strategies to grow, and we’ve been very successful at it. Today, those services are driven far more

by technology than in the past, but the essence of the service is the same; providing strategies that

stimulate growth.

It’s the mix of online and offline marketing for accountants (email, websites, Google advertising, direct mail

etc) that is the key to success. We’ve found that if we use a combination of online (websites, email, LinkedIn

etc) and offline (telemarketing, direct mail etc) techniques we get far better results than employing them

individually. That’s what I mean by a multichannel approach!.

So the answer to the question ‘Does offline marketing work for accountancy firms?’ is a resounding YES. As long as

it is correctly set up carried out and managed.

The company margin for error is small and that means it’s easy, very easy, to get it wrong. And that’s why we

are very careful when we take on a customer. We take the time to make sure the foundations are rock solid

from the start. If we don’t believe it’s right for your accountancy firm, we will tell you.

As I mentioned earlier, part of this process is ensuring that your accountancy firm have an overall sales and

marketing plan, or strategy. Without a plan many firms simply drift aimlessly, like a ship without a destination.

Some are lucky enough to reach somewhere interesting, but most founder on the rocks.

That’s why our process starts by agreeing your firm’s plans for growth. The strategy should include both your

longterm goals as well as short term, specific, quantifiable targets. Once they have been set, telemarketing

can be built into this as one part of the overall offline strategy. This structured approach will enable your firm

to hit the targets we set together and grow controllably.

Introduction by Daniel Richards

Does offline marketing work for accountants?

3A unique offline marketing package that will transform your new prospect pipeline

Introduction by Daniel Richards

OK, but will it work in my area?

Every accountancy firm is different; the geographic area and the types of client to be targeted vary. These

variations are catered for in our detailed plan of action. Our team are used to turning these geographical

nuances to your advantage as part of the selling proposition. You can be certain that in your area, your

competitors are marketing, they are winning clients and it is working for them. It works in all areas providing

there are enough of the right people to approach.

In this report you’ll find more information about the unique offline marketing approach available from Insight

and the impact it’s had on the growth of many accountancy firms across the UK.

If you’d like to find out more about the service and discover what it could mean for you,

call us on 0800 803 0826 or email me at

I look forward to hearing from you

Daniel RichardsDaniel Richards - Head of Offline Marketing - by Insight

Daniel Richards - Lead Generation Manager

Daniel has been the head of our lead generation team at Insight for over 10 years and for very good reason.

His unique experience in integrated marketing campaigns with outstanding results has earned him the

nickname “The money man’’. He has personally been instrumental in the growth of thousands of professional

service firms, helping them to win better quality clients, gain higher fees and earn more profit.

Daniel has presented to thousands of business delegates, carried out over 1,000 individual 1:1

consultations and currently advises top international firms as well as sole practitioners. He and his team

have grown hundreds of UK companies working with a systemised process that’s unique to Insight.

They have made and monitored over 1 million phone calls, 2 million direct mail

pieces, countless email shots and LinkedIn connections. Resulting in thousands of

pre-qualified appointments for senior partners to attend.

To our knowledge there is nobody with Daniel’s understanding and experience

of integrated lead generation for accountancy firms. Its little wonder then he is

one of the most sought after offline marketing experts, speakers and consultants

in the industry.


Offline marketing: What is a typical ROI?

A unique offline strategy to give you the results you need

Most of us don’t take to marketing and sales easily. And that’s OK . . . . After all, you’re busy helping your

own clients with the important matters in life, but what about your own accountancy firm? Shouldn’t that be

more profitable, showing year-on-year growth too, regardless of the economic state?

All too often, accountants are so busy looking after their clients that they don’t look after their own business

– and in today’s rapidly changing climate you can soon get left behind. That’s where Insight can provide all

the help, guidance and support you require to grow profitably. Our offline and online strategies are at the

leading edge of technology and expertise, everything hones so you get the very best results possible.

Insight has developed a unique understanding of accountancy firms over its 25 year + experience. We know

how to implement, run and manage your offline marketing campaign for maximum results. What’s more you

get everything under one roof so you don’t have to manage multiple suppliers. But that’s not all, by working

with Insight you can future proof your entire sales and marketing plan, as we can assist with all your offline

and online marketing requirements not just some of them.

What does an offline marketing strategy look like?

Its systematic, functional, proven and one that’s based on relational marketing rather than crass hard selling.

It brings together all the tried and tested routes to market, into 1 offline marketing strategy that is integrated

for maximum results. The strategy also contains on-going support and advice that’s routed in our philosophy

of Test Measure Adapt and Improve (TMAI).

offline marketing + the right strategy + correct set up + correct data + right team

= great results

5A unique offline marketing package that will transform your new prospect pipeline

What routes to market?

What routes to market can my offline strategy utilise?

At Insight we have been helping accountancy firms grow for over 25 years. The standalone marketing

techniques we employed just a few years ago, now won’t bring in the same results. To generate a healthy

return on investment an integrated approach is required, where each route to market supports the other,

and increases the combined response rate. When you access this service you will receive a sophisticated,

integrated, proven strategy to generate high quality appointments and new customers. Your chosen

package (see pages 8-10) will incorporate some or all of the following:

On-site practice development session

Your campaign is kick started with a half-day Practice Development Session at your office. This enables you to share your goals and plans for growth and together we can develop the components of your offline strategy that best fit your objectives & budget. You will also gain expert independent advice on all areas relating to sales and marketing both online and offline from an industry expert.

Ongoing support – you are not alone!

Good ideas and plans can fail due to a lack of support, and more sales and marketing may not necessarily play to your team’s natural strengths. Your programme will be carefully designed to give you all the on-going support that you require, remotely, and through further structured on site sessions together.

A database of prospects

Critical to the overall success of any marketing is the quality, accuracy and profiling of the database being targeted. Get it wrong and everything else will be wrong. With Insight you get a customised database that you own, and we manage on your behalf. You will be provided with a hand picked list of between 600 - 1500 records set to your pre-agreed criteria. One of the most valuable parts of your campaign is not short term ROI, but is in fact the development of this database. You will you have the ability to use this for all marketing channels. Plus over time it is this database and the unique process behind it that has been proven to significant increase the value of professional firms.

Customised letters & direct mail

Direct mail remains a great, low cost, effective way to generate market awareness and quality direct enquiries for accountancy firms. As part of your package you will be provided with direct mail letters for you to send to the list to generating awareness & enquiries. If required we can also administrate and post these for a small admin charge.


Direct mail

Client protection

Referral generation Consultancy

Email Marketing

New database

Quality Appointments


Professional telephone follow up & relational phone marketing

As we work through your new database using a combination of channels, our team of expert telephone

professionals will call your database at an agreed frequency; nurturing and developing new prospect

relationships. This will generate and sustain meaningful relationships with key decision makers to arrange pre

qualified appointments for you to attend. Although these relationships can take time to create (just like any

new relationship) they are often the very best appointments you are likely to attend – with the exception of

those generated through direct referrals.

These calls are carried out by some of the most experienced, telephone professionals available for

accountancy firms. They know how to get ethically get past the secretary or PA and through to the decision-

makers. They carry out calls without scripts, representing your accountancy firm in the most professional

manner possible. Generating pre-qualified appointments in line with the criteria set during your practice

development session.

A carefully crafted proposal

Generating new opportunities is great, but what really counts is money in the bank. This carefully written

proposal will help you achieve just that, more deals more of the time. One recent accountancy firm who

started to use this proposal increased his conversion rate by over 50%

What’s more our service does not stop at the appointment being generated. Our goal for your campaign

is to generate a great return for you. Therefore we are interested and motivated in assisting you where

appropriate after the appointment; so together we get the very best possible end result.

Plus - customer protection & referral program

Your current clients are the lifeblood of your business; and with competition increasing and attrition rates

rising customer protection is critical. Furthermore, happy customers are the very best source of new business

and should not be overlooked. Despite this, there are few accountancy firm’s that have any kind of customer

protection strategy. In fact some firms we chat to don’t have a database of customers or if they do its

inaccurate and out of date.

This unique process has been carefully designed to protect your existing customers whilst generating referral

opportunities. It will generate high quality feedback, identify new opportunities, produce testimonials and

gain new appointments. It will also enable you to offer selected high value services tailored to clients with

identified genuine need.

And that’s not all

Our expert team is available to give your firm advice on any aspect of your sales and marketing at any time.

Professional telephone follow up

7A unique offline marketing package that will transform your new prospect pipeline

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits to your firm?

You get immediate, low risk access to the services that otherwise you could only get from your own fully

trained sales and marketing department – at a fraction of the cost and without that commitment. They are

available on tap to produce your firm new business opportunities in volumes you can manage.

As part of your offline marketing service, you get:

• Access to a tried & tested offline marketing plan with expert assistance to stay on track

• No more sales worries, cold calling or ad hoc marketing attempts

• No costly recruitment or employment costs, desk space, NI, Training and computers

• Significantly reduced management time

• Carefully pre-qualified appointments with handpicked companies, opisimising your time and leaving

you free to do what you do best

• Its On Tap so you get all the sales and marketing activity you need, when you need it, and exactly

when you want it

• Complete peace of mind that you are working with one of the most experienced providers available

• Your own database that you own for all on-going marketing

• Medium term ROI and long term uplift in company value

All this available at a fraction of the real cost of employing your own sales team and without all the risk

that entails . . . .

Yes – access this proven offline marketing strategy and receive a sophisticated, integrated, proven campaign to generate you the new business you require.

Having listened to David Oliver at his public events and read some of his material, his 25 years of sales and marketing experience with accountants, means that his principles and insights are earthed in reality. They are utterly pragmatic and are easy for accountancy firms small and large to put into practice and make a difference to the bottom line.

Fantastic news the above are now a client of Spofforths fee £10,800 per annum (£900 per month). Hopefully the first of many more conversions!



Silver offline marketing programme

Silver offline marketing programme for accountancy firmsThis entry-level offline marketing programme is perfect for professional firms, who want to grow and are

looking for a robust, tried and tested solution with on-going support.

On site session with your campaign manager

This half-day session enables us to customise the programme to fit your firm’s goals; together we agree the

right strategy and time frames.

On-going support

With over 25 years experience we know that good ideas can fail due to a lack of support. This unique programme has been carefully designed to give your firm the support it requires both remotely and through

structured half-day sessions together.

Your new database

Key to this programme is a customised database that you own, and we manage on your behalf. Silver customers are provided with a hand picked list of 800 records set to your pre-agreed criteria. Over time it is

this list and the unique process behind it that will increase the value of your firm.

2 customised letters

Direct mail remains a great, low cost, effective way to generate market awareness and direct enquiries. As

part of the silver package you will be provided with 2 letters for you to send to your list.

Professional telephone follow up & relational phone marketing half a day per week

As we work through your new database using a combination of channels, our team of expert telephone professionals will spend half a day each week nurturing and developing new prospect relationships. Generating & sustaining meaningful relationships with key decision makers, to arrange pre qualified appointments for

you to attend.

A new proposal

Generating new opportunities is great, but what really counts is money in the bank. This carefully written

proposal will help you achieve just that.

Plus - customer protection

Your current clients are the lifeblood of your business; this process has been uniquely designed to protect your existing customers whilst generating referral opportunities. As part of the silver package this programme

is available for up to 75 of your clients.

Advice on any aspect of your practice growth from our industry experts – at any time

Investment options

1. 12 month strategic plan for growth only £1600 per month – payable by standing order at the start of each month. Twelve month minimum agreement.

2. Pay As You Go – does exactly what the name suggests. Some firms are cautious of any investment and nervous of a 12-month commitment. That is normal and that is why we have PAYG. It’s simple and highly effective. It gives you access to everything that comes with the silver service for just £1800 per month. You pay at the start of each month and any time you want to stop you can cancel by giving us 30 days notice.

9A unique offline marketing package that will transform your new prospect pipeline

Gold offline marketing programme

Gold offline programme for accountancy firms

Gold gives you your own dedicated marketing partner with the support of an entire marketing department

for less than half the cost of employing 1 full time person – and without all that risk. What’s more this integrated

plan and activity is only available through Insight and is managed personally by Daniel Richards.

On-site session with one of our senior team

Daniel Richards will carry out your practice development session. Giving you access to one of the most experienced and sought after marketing experts for accountancy firms. This session will ensure that every route to market employed in your customised campaign is focused towards your goals for growth. Enabling

us to customise the programme to fit your firm’s goals; together we agree the right strategy and time frames.

Independent digital marketing review

This is an offline strategy that includes an independent review of your online activity including your website,

social media activity and email marketing.

On-going support including 4 on-site visits

The Gold programme is designed to give your firm the on-going support it requires through quarterly on site development sessions together, and off-site support at any time. Some have commented that these sessions

alone have been worth the monthly fee.

Your new database

Key to this programme is a customised database that you own, and we manage on your behalf. As a Gold customers are provided with a hand picked list of 1600 records set to your pre-agreed criteria. Over time it is

this list and the unique process behind it that will increase the value of your firm.

4 customised letters

The Gold package gives you will be provided with 4 letters for you to send to the list to generate awareness

and enquiries.

2 customised emails

As part of a gold campaign we will personally email prospects that we have called by phone and not spoken to. These 2 personally written emails are carefully constructed to generate a response and enquiries.

Professional telephone follow up & relational phone marketing 1 day per week

As we work through your new database using a combination of channels our team of expert telephone professionals will spend one full day per week, nurturing and developing new prospect relationships. Generating and sustaining meaningful relationships with key decision makers to arrange pre-qualified appointments for you to attend.

A new proposal

Generating new opportunities is great, but what really counts is money in the bank. This carefully written

proposal will help you achieve just that, more deals more of the time.


What are the benefits for your firm?

Plus - customer protection for up to 200 customers

Your current clients are the lifeblood of your firm; this process has been uniquely designed to protect your existing customers whilst generating referral opportunities. As part of the silver package this programme

provides for up to 200 of your clients.

And - optional access to a unique associate strategy and acquisition programme

Advice on any aspect of your practice growth from our industry experts – at any time

Investment options

1. A complete and comfortable outsourced solution perfect for any firm looking for expert Marketing Partner support. What’s more you gain a fully scalable, fully resourced marketing department with the above comprehensive activity implemented for you. All of this for just £2750 per month for 12 month minimum agreement. No worries, no hassle and all for a fraction of the cost of a full time marketing partner, let alone all the expert activity.

2. Pay As You Go – does exactly what the name suggests. Some firms are cautious of any investment and nervous of a 12-month commitment. That is normal and that is why we have PAYG. It’s simple and highly effective. It gives you access to everything that comes with the silver service for just £3349 per month. You pay at the start of each month and any time you want to stop you can cancel by giving us 30 days notice.

“ In our experience David Oliver and the team at Insight have always delivered great,

proven sales and marketing content to help firms grow. We saw this at a national

conference and again - as we use them to provide us quality appointments and a

managed sales pipeline – when we asked David to present to a select audience of

our associate firms. First rate, energising presenter whose firm actually walk the walk

rather than just regurgitate theory. ”

David Sanders - Sanders Swinbank

“ Our senior management team first heard David Oliver and the Insight team in Paris

with 80 other accountants at an international convention. Their ability to present

with passion and inspiration and their ability to combine online and offline marketing

for proven results meant they were presenters of choice for our own MHA inaugural

conference. I have no hesitation in recommending David Oliver & the Insight team

for firms that are looking to grow. ”

Rakesh Shaunak - MacIntyre Hudson

11A unique offline marketing package that will transform your new prospect pipeline

Offline marketing: What is a typical ROI?

Below is an example ROI based on what we know to be realistic numbers. We caution all potential customers

not to look at any campaign as a quick fix – it is not! Our experience tells us that there’s little point in starting

a campaign with a firm that doesn’t appreciate the long-term nature of building relationships. Inevitably,

it means time and investment have not been set aside to support the campaign over a reasonable time

frame - for us that’s 8+ months.

Typical investment (for investment options see pages 8 - 10)

Gold offline plan over 12 months =

£2750 per month x 12 months = £33,000

Expected appointments

40 appointments (This varies by industry)

Expected customers

10 new clients (This is based on 1 in 4 conversion rate. Better rates are achievable)

Expected ROI (This varies by industry)

£50,000 (based on R.F.I of £5K per annum, yours maybe higher)

£350,000 ROI over lifetime value (Based on 7 years)


You get a customised database that contains your future clients


The process will focus your firm towards successful growth and through regular

support meetings we work with you to keep you and your marketing on track.

But that’s not all...

You also get direct mail, proposals, social networking and much more

(See pages 8 - 10 for package details)

And the icing on the cake...

Increase the value of your accountancy firm upon eventual exit,

as the new owner will be buying a tangible future and not just a past.

This strategy gives them that future, which increases your sale value.

You also receive a database of potential future clients and a powerful client protection service


Does it work?

We work with any firm, of any size, anywhere providing our values align. So it’s probably not surprising that

our client list ranges from start ups through to top 100 international firms.

Does it work

What you brought when you came was not necessarily rocket

science but was good and certainly gave the rocket fuel to get

on and do something about it! A strategic time well worth having

every 3-6 months.

Each year we have a partners away day to focus on the most

important issues facing our firm and our strategic goals. We have

found that external facilitation has focused and produced great

results which we have been able to drive through ourselves in

subsequent partners meetings. We brought Insight in to work with

us one such away day. The facilitation they gave, the experience

and proven ideas they were able to offer helped contribute

to one of the very best and most productive days we’ve had.

Genuine advice, appropriate direction and clear outcomes.

Thank you.

Insight have been honest and down to earth throughout our

relationship. They have managed our expectations well. This has

meant that what they said would happen – has. Following our pilot

campaign we have made a good return on our investment and are

now continuing to use Insight for both our high level appointment

generation and our digital marketing. We are very happy knowing we

have the experience of Insight on tap and look forward to another

year of growth.

We have used Insight for over 3 years to assist with our practice

growth and new business generation. Over this time they have

delivered great results, helped us win some cherished customers

and help us focus our sales and marketing efforts. Their focus

on quality means we take new opportunities they create very

seriously and they are a great use of our senior teams time. We

have no hesitation in recommending their services.

The work done by Insight has been excellent albeit on a

deliberately fairly small campaign. The real value to us is in the

clever structuring of the questions to illicit response. The summary

report and assessment provided by the Team gives real value.

The whole campaign has been more than paid for by a couple

of pieces of work than were sold by Insight on the up sell.

13A unique offline marketing package that will transform your new prospect pipeline

In addition to working directly with clients we are proud to present for, exhibit with, or be endorsed


Does it work?

We love working with you Dan and the team at Insight and

were extremely impressed by the video you team did for us. As

a small local practice it gave us great presence and received

great feedback from our current clients and potential customers.

Thanks guys.

So far the appointments have been very good and very nice people

who we could really work with. They have all had quotes and I have

followed up 2 with a request to follow up again in 2 weeks. The other

2 were due for follow up today but I have not been able to speak to

either of them. I am very pleased with the leads you have generated

so far and will be even more pleased if we can bring them on board.

I have enjoyed working with Insight as a company and with Joel

very much. Their input has been appreciated over the last period

and the focus that they gave me and our practice was a part

of the large expansion we have achieved, in conclusion then, I

have had good value from their services.

Excellent value for money, the presentations were excellent and

highly informative and no sales pitch – what a relief. I brought my

two fellow partners along 3 days of partner time? Well worth it!


Who are we?

Insight was founded in 1984 by well known author and philanthropist David Oliver. His vision then – as now

– was to develop Insight’s niche area - actively supporting the growth of accountancy firms, and realising

the potential of the partners and the teams they are responsible for. David is our leading presenter and has

established a reputation in the UK and across Europe for delivering powerful and effective marketing and

sales strategies for accountancy firms of all sizes.

Today, our senior team and their staff work with a huge range of accountancy firms, from top internationals to

sole practitioners. We are proud to have developed an excellent reputation for our no-nonsense approach,

delivering online and offline strategies that provide meaningful results for our customers – even in the

current economy.

What experience do we have?

• We have been working with accountancy firms for almost 30 years.

• Uniquely, we are able to work with companies of any size, anywhere. We currently consult for and

support many top 100 national and international firms, hundreds of partnership and sole traders, as well

as respected networks and associations.

• We generate, track and measure thousands of qualified appointments for businesses each year.

• In the 12 months leading up to this report over 10,000 accountancy firms have requested one of our reports.

• 25,000+ accountancy firms receive monthly emails from us.

• Thousands of accountancy firms have joined us on LinkedIn.

• Over 2000 delegates from accountancy firms have attended one of our ‘live’ events, and vision.

• We have held more than 300 face-to-face meetings with senior partners of UK accountancy firms.

• What’s more, we make over 10,000 phone calls to UK Business owners and decision makers every single

month. That’s over 1,200,000 phone calls every year, generating thousands of top quality appointments

for accountancy firms and millions in new RFI for firms of all sizes.

Who are Insight?

Our values as a business and individually are:

HonestyWe believe in being up front, honest and open, even if at times the truth can hurt or lose you customers.

GivingEveryone within our business has a giving nature and provides assistance where possible to those less fortunate.

DesireWe have a genuine desire to develop win-win relationships with partners.

ChallengeWe believe that just as “iron sharpens iron” one man can sharpen another. By positively challenging both the accepted norm and the goals, results and strategies used, we believe we can develop market-leading solutions.

InspirationWe look to inspire others through the use of creative design.

DedicationAppreciating that challenges will come, we are dedicated to our partners and to achieving the goals that we agree together.

FunWe believe in a philosophy of ‘work hard - play hard’ and enjoy both.

ShareWe are an open book and are willing to share our ideas, thoughts and resources freely with others who share our values.

ServeUltimately we exist to serve our customers.

ExcellenceWe want every customer to be successful and we go the extra mile to ensure that this is achieved.

EnvironmentWe are accountable both ethically and commercially for the environment. Therefore we operate with a unique ‘green policy’ working towards being carbon neutral and encouraging others to do so.

LearningWe continually learn and improve. We accept that this may cause mistakes – sometimes major ones – that we will tackle and overcome together.

VisionWe work with selected partners towards developing and sustaining best-in-class digital marketing solutions, with the aim of generating a regular flow of new business at a controllable rate.

Like to find out more? If you would like to contact us for a free no-obligation chat about some of the growth options available,

please call 0800 803 0826 or email and speak to one of our senior team.

offline marketing + the right strategy + correct set up + correct data + right team

= great results

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