proteins. Current understanding and future · proteins to particular membranes, translocation across and insertion into membranes, assembly into multiprotein com-plexesin oroutside

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Intracellular traffic of newly synthesizedproteins. Current understanding and futureprospects.

V R Lingappa

J Clin Invest. 1989;83(3):739-751.

Research Article

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Intracellular Traffic of Newly Synthesized ProteinsCurrent Understanding and Future Prospects

Vishwanath R. LingappaDepartments of Physiology and Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143

Our survival depends on the specialized functions of our tis-sues and organs. These functions are carried out by specificproteins, i.e., enzymes, receptors, and channels, which residein specific locations within the cell, separated by membranes.Indeed, most of the activities characteristic of a tissue can betraced back to individual gene products expressed in a particu-lar membrane or membrane-delimited compartment. Mislo-calization of such proteins is functionally equivalent to lack ofexpression, or worse.

Because almost all protein synthesis occurs in the cytosol, acomplex system of targeting, sorting, and consignment mustexist whereby the thousands of different newly synthesizedproteins, both specialized for particular cell types and generalto every cell, get to their correct location. These processesmake up the intracellular traffic of newly synthesized proteins.Events in protein traffic involve not only processes of proteinlocalization but also those of protein biosynthesis and assem-bly. A survey of current concepts and knowledge on proteintraffic thus must address the disparate problems of targeting ofproteins to particular membranes, translocation across andinsertion into membranes, assembly into multiprotein com-plexes in or outside of a bilayer, transport from one compart-ment to another, secretion out of the cell, co- and posttransla-tional modifications of transported proteins, retention in anddiversion to particular compartments, and regulation of all ofthese processes. In addition to establishing new tissue-specificfunctions, protein traffic is necessary for the constant repairand renewal that maintain the integrity of cell structure andfunction.

As specialized cellular functions depend on gene productexpression in particular locations, it seems reasonable to sup-pose that some diseases should be traceable to lesions in pro-tein trafficking. To date, several rare genetic lesions have in-deed been described in which altered protein traffic appears tobe the direct cause of disease, including a- 1 antitrypsin defi-ciency (1), Zellweger's disease (2), and I cell disease (3). Un-derstanding these lesions enhances our appreciation of thephysiologic pathways, but is not of great clinical significance.However, recent progress in understanding the cell and molec-

Address reprint requests to Vishwanath R. Lingappa, Department ofPhysiology and Medicine, University of California, Box 0444, HSW721, San Francisco, CA94143.

Receivedfor publication 13 October 1988 and in revisedform 18November 1988.

ular biology of protein traffic suggests that aberrations in pro-tein traffic have fundamental implications for much moreprevalent diseases that may be acquired (e.g., degenerative andmalignant processes as well as those induced by the environ-ment). Membranes not only define protein trafficking path-ways but also serve as the interface between cells and the out-side world. Hence an understanding of the structure, function,and dysfunction of biological membranes is likely to be ofenormous significance for molecular medicine in the decadesto come. In this Perspectives article, I will survey the range ofprocesses of protein traffic with a focus on the pathway ofprotein secretion (e.g., as followed by polypeptide hormonesand their receptors). Special emphasis has been placed on re-cent work elucidating events at the endoplasmic reticulum(ER)' membrane, as this is currently the best understoodaspect of protein traffic. Transport of proteins to other organ-elles, such as mitochondria or the nuclear matrix will be ad-dressed only briefly here, since I believe that the problemsposed by protein secretion provide a suitable conceptualframework in which to situate the problem as a whole.

The secretory pathway is a paradigm for the study ofprotein trafficMore than a dozen membrane-delimited compartments canbe identified in most eukaryotic cells (Fig. 1). Some of these,namely the ER, Golgi apparatus (G, including its cis, medial,and trans compartments), secretory vesicles and secretorygranules (S) are related as components of the secretory path-way. The discipline of cell biology was established in partthrough the early efforts of Palade and others to define thetraffic of newly synthesized secretory proteins from their initialsynthesis on membrane-bound ribosome in the cytoplasmthrough this progression of membrane-delimited compart-ments (4). The content proteins of some organelles, such aslysosomes, are also recognized to traverse a subset of the com-partments in the secretory pathway, as do various classes ofintegral membrane proteins.

A crucial realization was that the very earliest event inprotein secretion, namely transport of the nascent chain acrossthe ERmembrane, was the only point in the process at whichthe polypeptide actually traversed a bilayer. All subsequentsteps were accomplished by the fission, targeting, and fusion ofmembrane vesicles containing secretory proteins from onecompartment to the next. It was also observed that synthesis of

1. Abbreviations used in this paper: BiP, heavy-chain binding protein;ER, endoplasmic reticulum; G, Golgi apparatus; HBsAg, hepatitis Bvirus surface antigen; PI, phosphatidyl inositol; S, secretory vesiclesand secretory granules; PrP, scapie prion protein; SRP, signal recogni-tion particle; TGN, trans Golgi network.

Intracellular Traffic of Newly Synthesized Proteins 739

J. Clin. Invest.©The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.0021-9738/89/03/0739/13 $2.00Volume 83, March 1989, 739-751

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a typical eukaryotic cell indicatingsome of the distinct membrane: delimited compartments observed.C, cytosol; N, nucleus; INM, inner nuclear membrane; ONM,outernuclear membrane; NP, nuclear pore; ER, endoplasmic reticulum;BP, membrane bound polyribosome (or polysome); FP, free poly-some; IMM, inner mitochondrial membrane; OMM,outer mito-chondrial membrane; cis, medial, trans, Golgi stacks; L, lysosome; S,secretory granule; PM, plasma membrane. Various endocytotic andexocytotic vesicles (e.g., trafficking to and from the plasma mem-brane to and from the Golgi stacks and the lysosome) are apparent(arrows). Note (a) the continuity between ERand the OMM;(b) thecontrast between the grossly visible channel (nuclear pore complex)between the nucleus and the cytoplasm and the lack of a morpho-logic channel through the ERmembrane involved in protein translo-cation; and (c) the fission and fusion of various vesicles involved inprotein trafficking from the ER to the cell surface.

secretory proteins occurred on ribosomes bound exclusively tothe membrane of the ER, and yet discrete channels, such asthose that exist between the cytosol and the nucleus (nuclearpores), are not observed. Hence a specialized mechanism wassuspected whereby (a) secretory protein synthesis was re-stricted to the ER (the problem of targetting) and (b) wherebythe membrane barrier to protein diffusion was selectively andtransiently overcome (the problem of translocation). Oncetranslocated to the ER lumen, secretory proteins are neverobserved to reenter the cytosol.

Several early lines of evidence suggested that secretoryproteins traversed the ER membrane during their synthesis.Perhaps the most compelling studies involved translation ofmRNAsfor secretory proteins in cell-free systems. Higher mo-lecular weight precursor forms of these proteins were revealed.Generally, these were due to amino-terminal peptide exten-sions that were not observed in the mature proteins eithersecreted or stored in cells (5-7). In most cases, these amino-ter-minal extensions were cleaved to generate the authentic formsof these secretory proteins only if the cell-free system was sup-plemented with ER (in the form of microsomal membranevesicles prepared by cell fractionation) during growth of thepolypeptide chain.

Moreover, authentic forms so generated were demon-strated to be localized to the lumen of the microsomal mem-brane vesicles, thus indicating that a transport event had takenplace in a fashion coupled to translation of the protein (8, 9).

The development of such cell-free systems has had a powerfulinfluence on progress in the field of protein traffic. A largebody of work in these systems suggest that secretory proteintargeting and translocation result from the interaction of thesetraffic-directing amino terminal extensions, termed signal se-quences, with receptor proteins in and about the ER mem-brane (10). Below we shall see that the coupling of transloca-tion across the ER to synthesis of the protein has an explana-tion that was not entirely expected.

The signal hypothesis, first proposed to explain transloca-tion across the ERmembrane (7, 8), is a useful framework forconceptualizing all other forms of protein traffic. Signal se-quences can be viewed as only one example of a plethora oftopogenic sequences (11). These are discrete peptide se-quences, located in various positions within newly synthesizedproteins, that are hypothesized to direct each of the varioustargeting, translocation and trafficking events that occur in thecell by interaction with specific receptor proteins (1 1). Identi-fying these receptor proteins and their ligands within newlysynthesized proteins and understanding how they work is amajor challenge of modern cell biology.

Targeting to the ERmembraneThe molecular mechanism whereby targeting to the ERmem-brane takes place has been studied in considerable detail (Fig.2 A). The signal sequences implicated in targeting to the ERmembrane are discrete 15-30-residue regions of the nascentchain, which appear to act as ligands to direct the passenger,i.e., the rest of the protein, to and across the ER membrane.Typically, although not always (12-15), the signal sequenceresides at the amino terminus, i.e., is encoded in the 5' end ofthe mRNAfor a secretory protein starting at the initial methio-nine codon, and is removed from the growing polypeptidechain during translocation.

After initiation of secretory protein synthesis on a free ri-bosome in the cytosol, the signal sequence emerges from theribosomal large subunit as part of the growing (also callednascent) chain. It is rapidly recognized by a cytosolic ribonu-cleoprotein particle consisting of six proteins and a smallRNA, termed signal recognition particle (SRP) (16-19). Uponbinding of SRPto the signal sequence, further chain growth isconsiderably slowed. This arrest or pause in continued chaingrowth allows the SRP-nascent chain-ribosome-mRNA com-plex to be targeted specifically to the ERmembrane by recog-nition of a receptor protein on the cytoplasmic face of the ERmembrane, termed signal recognition particle receptor(SRPR) or docking protein (20-23). Docking of SRP withSRPRis a transient event that is followed rapidly by release ofSRPfrom the nascent chain, allowing chain growth to resumeat its normal rate, with recycling of SRPback to the cytosolicfree pool (24). Only the mRNAof proteins destined for the ERlumen (e.g., secretory and integral transmembrane proteins)encode a signal sequence that recognizes SRP. Thus the SRPcycle (see Fig. 2 A) provides a means of discriminating thesenewly synthesized proteins from those destined for other com-partments. Mitochondrial, nuclear, and peroxisomal proteinshave alternate targeting systems (see below). Proteihs destinedto remain in the cytosol have no targeting information andhence can be directed into the secretory pathway when thecoding region for a signal sequence is provided by moleculargenetic engineering (25). Such molecular genetic manipula-tions have not only revealed that signal sequences are neces-

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c C~~~~~C

H- I IW0-~~~~TN.~n~~~r rA B U D E

Figure 2. (A) Model of signal recognition particle (SRP) cycle for tar-geting nascent secretory and transmembrane proteins to the ERmembrane. Soluble SRP(a) exists in equilibrium with a membrane-bound form, presumably bound to SRPreceptor (e), and a ribo-some-bound form (b). Upon translation of mRNAencoding a signalsequence for targeting to the ERmembrane (zigzag lines), the affin-ity of SRPfor the translating ribosome is enhanced (represented bydotted arrow, B) and SRPbinds to the signal sequence directly (C),effecting elongation arrest (B-C). Upon interaction with ERmem-branes, elongation arrest is released and SRPand SRP-receptor arefree to be recycled (SRP cycle, A-E), the synthesizing ribosome in-teracts with other transmembrane proteins, leading to formation of afunctional ribosome membrane junction, translation resumes andtranslocation across the membrane occurs (D). (B) Steps in the pro-cess of translocation (subsequent to targeting) according to the recep-tor-mediated hypothesis. Synthesis begins on cytoplasmic ribosomes(A). Receptor-mediated targeting of the signal sequence-bearing ribo-some to the ERmembrane is described in the text and depicted inFig. 2. Once targeted correctly, the signal sequence and the ribosomeinteract with their respective receptors in the ERmembrane, result-ing in the assembly of an aqueous, proteinaceous tunnel across themembrane (B). As protein synthesis continues, the chain passesthrough the tunnel to the lumen of the ERand the signal sequence isremoved by signal peptidase (C). Translocation (possibly of partiallyfolded polypeptide domains) continues concomitant with protein

sary and sufficient to direct a cytosolic protein into the secre-tory pathway, but also have provided insight into how signalsequences work (26, 27).

It appears that the various functions of SRP, namely signalrecognition, slowing, or arrest of chain growth, and binding ofSRPR, are mediated by distinct functional domains of thisribonucleoprotein particle (28). Essentially all of these conclu-sions regarding targeting of chains to the ER membrane arederived from studies in cell-free systems. Thus, while appeal-ing in logic, the scheme described above awaits further confir-mation by studies in vivo. Until such studies have been per-formed, it remains formally possible that aspects of our un-derstanding of targeting and its machinery may need to berevised, and that experimental surprises are in store (see refer-ences 29 and 30). In this regard, recent studies have revealed anovel feature of SRPRbiogenesis. This two-chain moleculeappears to be targeted to the ER membrane by a multi-step process involving a distinct targeting machinery all itsown (3 1).

Translocation across the ER membraneOur current understanding of the events in chain translocationsubsequent to release of SRPare considerably more obscure.Someworkers have suggested that translocation is a spontane-ous process driven by the thermodynamics of protein-lipidinteractions (32, 33). In this view, the signal sequence and itsnascent passenger form a helical hairpin. The free energy gainachieved by burying the hydrophobic signal sequence in thebilayer more than offsets the free energy cost of pulling subse-quent polar and charged sequences into the membrane as partof the hydrophilic limb of the hairpin. Continued chain growthresults in extrusion of the unstable polar limb of the hairpinacross the membrane as a consequence of either Brownianmotion or the driving force of continued chain growth. Cleav-age of the signal sequence by a specific protease on the lumenalside results in the passenger protein domain located in thelumen with the signal sequence retained in the membrane.Although elegant in its simplicity, several lines of evidenceappear inconsistent with such a view of the mechanism ofchain translocation. Instead, experiments support an alterna-tive explanation (Fig. 2 B) in which translocation, like thepreceding event of targeting, is directed by interactions be-tween the signal sequence and proteins in the cytoplasm andthe ER membrane serving as receptors. One powerful line ofevidence in favor of this receptor-mediated model was thedemonstration that chain translocation consumed energy inthe form of nucleotide triphosphate hydrolysis distinct from

synthesis (D). Upon termination of protein synthesis, the ribosomalsubunits dissociate, the carboxy terminus passes through the tunneland the tunnel components disassemble, restoring the integrity of thelipid bilayer (E). (C) Receptor-mediated model for integral trans-membrane protein assembly. Targeting of the nascent chain occursas depicted in A and the signal sequence directs assembly of a tunnelfor translocation across the membrane (A). Translocation occurs andthe signal -sequence is cleaved as depicted in B. Upon emergence of a

stop-transfer sequence, components of the translocation machineryare disassembled (C) and the ribosome membrane junction is

disrupted causing the remainder of the polypeptide to be synthesizedin the cytoplasmic space (D and E). Reproduced from ProteinTransfer and Organelle Biogenesis, 1988. Academic Press, Inc., pub-lished with permission.

Intracellular Traffic of Newly Synthesized Proteins 741

the requirements for protein synthesis (reviewed in reference10). Because chain translocation appeared coupled to synthe-sis, some workers speculated that the driving force for translo-cation derived from the work done by the ribosome literallypushing the chain across the membrane (34). Instead it wasdemonstrated that a protein domain could be synthesized andthen subsequently translocated even in the absence of furtherchain growth (35, 36). The translocation event was indepen-dent of protein synthesis but required a ribosome-dependenttranslocation competent state and nucleotide triphosphates(35). In contrast, studies on some proteins have suggested thatthe ribosome is not required for translocation of all newlysynthesized proteins (37-40). In these cases it remains unclearwhether ribosome-independent translocation is limited tocell-free systems (e.g., reflecting use of partially open translo-cation sites as a result of damage during cell fractionation), orwhether the ribosome is involved in events (e.g., steps in un-folding) that may not be required for every newly synthesizedtranslocation substrate. In any case, most nascent chains dorequire the ribosome for translocation competence (35, 41).

Together, these data implicate a protein machine in the ERmembrane to drive chain translocation. One appealing view ofthis machinery is that its assembly or activation requires multi-ple recognition events involving the signal sequence, the ribo-some and protein cofactors such as SRP. Such a scheme pro-vides a failsafe mechanism to insure cellular integrity. Theoverall outcome appears exquisitely selective because cyto-plasmic proteins are never secreted. The involvement of multi-ple recognition events may explain the paradox of an efficientrecognition system that is both degenerate (e.g., the primarystructure of signal sequences varies considerably within a par-ticular cell, tissue, or species; see references 42 and 43) anduniversal (i.e., all signal sequences appear to recognize a com-mon set of proteins that direct translocation of diverse proteindomains).

Translocation of the passenger domain appears to occurthrough an aqueous channel (44). Whether actual transloca-tion takes place passively, e.g., through Brownian motion, oractively, is unknown since the precise role of nucleotide tri-phosphates remain to be established (45-47). In either case,the vectorial character of chain translocation might be main-tained by recognition of higher affinity signal sequence recep-tors on the lumenal face of the ER membrane. Such a hypo-thetical gradient of higher affinity receptors would direct thesignal sequence to the lumen. Dissembly or closure of thetransmembrane channel would happen concomitant with ter-mination of chain synthesis. Perhaps signal cleavage serves toreduce the signal sequence's affinity for the terminal (highestaffinity?) receptor protein in the ER lumen and activate degra-dation and clearance of the signal peptide. Several recent ob-servations are consistent with this view, including the discov-ery of a protein in the ER membrane that appears to bindsignal sequences after their release from SRP(48); the discov-ery of translocation mutants in which the passenger sequenceis translocated but the signal sequence remains bound to thecytoplasmic face of the ER membrane (49, unpublished ob-servations); and the demonstration in engineered translocationsubstrates that the entire signal sequence can be found trans-located to the lumenal space and not integrated into the lipidbilayer (26, unpublished observations). Identification of thesereceptor proteins and the reconstitution of their functions invitro will be required to prove this hypothesis.

Recently, a member of the HSP70 heat-shock gene prod-uct family has been shown to facilitate chain translocation (50,51). Earlier studies had implicated members of this family inATP-dependent protein unfolding and possibly, refolding (52).It thus is possible that the more recent findings regarding HSP70 stimulation of chain translocation reflects a role for proteinunfolding in this process (53, 54). Alternatively, HSP70 maysimply maintain nascent chains (or their signal sequences) in asoluble, translocation-competent form, and is not actually in-volved in translocation per se. Regardless of its precise role, thepossible involvement of this member of the family of stressresponse proteins suggests that chain translocation can be in-fluenced by stress and impaired in disease (55).

Transmembrane integration as a variation on the themeof secretory protein translocationJust as secretory proteins, synthesized on ribosomes in thecytosol, need to translocate across the ER membrane, so alsothe biogenesis of integral transmembrane proteins requirestranslocation of particular domains, whereas other sequencesof the protein are prevented from being translocated. Any hy-pothesis on how membrane protein topology is achieved mustaccount for the observation that every copy of a given trans-membrane protein appears to have the identical orientationwith respect to the bilayer (56). Yet different transmembraneproteins display quite distinct topology, not only with respectto disposition of amino and carboxy termini, but also in thenumber of transmembrane spanning regions and in the size ofthe various domains disposed on one side of the membrane orthe other (Fig. 3).

It has been proposed that all of these aspects of membraneprotein biogenesis can be accounted for by a variation on thetheme of the receptor-mediated hypothesis of protein secretion(Fig. 2 C). In this view, the translocation of integral trans-






I I(__n n n

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 111111N

Influenza neuraminidaseAsialoglycoprotein

receptorTransferrin receptorInvariant chain



VSV-glycoproteinGlycophorinImmunoglubulin M

u u uBovine RhodopsinAcetylcholine Receptor (5x)


Extracytoplasmic N CSpace n

Cytoplasm | l

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Erythrocyte Band III Protein

Figure 3. Examples of the diversity of integral transmembrane pro-tein orientations. Membrane spanning segments are represented byheavy black lines. References for sequence and/or experimental ori-entation data are as follows: influenza neuraminidase (15), asialogly-coprotein receptor ( 157), transferrin receptor ( 158), invariant chain(159), VSV glycoprotein, (56, 57), glycophorin (160), immunoglobu-lin M (161, 162), bovine rhodopsin (163), acetylcholine receptor(66), hepatitis B surface antigen (152), and erythrocyte band III pro-tein ( 164).

742 V. Lingappa

membrane protein domains is initiated by a signal sequenceengaging the same protein machinery as in the case of proteinsecretion. However, the reason these proteins are not com-pletely translocated is that they contain another discrete cod-ing region, termed a stop-transfer sequence, which is responsi-ble for termination of chain translocation across the ERmem-brane (11, 57, 58). The mechanism whereby stop transfersequences act remains a point of controversy. As with proteinsecretion, hypotheses emphasizing both receptor-mediated(protein-protein interactions) and spontaneous/thermody-namic (protein-lipid interactions) processes have been pro-posed (49 vs. 59). The former envisions the stop-transfer se-quence directing the dissembly or inactivation of the proteinchannel or machinery whose assembly or activation was origi-nally catalysed by the signal sequence. In this view, stop-transfer sequence interaction with a receptor protein results intermination of translocation. At the same time the membranebound ribosome is converted into the functional equivalent ofa free ribosome (although it still remains tethered to the mem-brane by the nascent chain, Fig. 2 C). Hence further chaingrowth now occurs into the cytoplasm rather than into the ERlumen, with subsequent protein-lipid interactions serving tostabilize a transmembrane disposition.

In contrast to the receptor-mediated view, the alternativeperspective proposes that simple hydrophobic interactions be-tween transmembrane regions and the lipid bilayer are suffi-cient to stop a protein on its way through the membrane,without invoking receptor-ligand interactions with other poly-peptides (33). Evidence for and against each view suggests thatthis issue remains to be resolved and each model may be anaccurate description of a subset of cases (49, 59-61). Morerecent studies have clearly demonstrated that although signaland stop-transfer sequences share some similar physical andfunctional properties, they are distinct, noninterchangeabledeterminants of protein topology (69). Conversely, it appearsthat in at least some cases topologies based on analysis ofhydrophobicity alone have resulted in incorrect transmem-brane orientations. In some cases such analyses have errone-ously predicted that a peptide sequence would span the mem-brane (63 vs. 68, 64). In other cases hydrophobicity indiceshave overlooked regions which appear experimentally to spana membrane (68, 65, 66 and 63, 67).

Howcan we account for the topology of polytopic integraltransmembrane proteins, i.e., those that span the membranemultiple times? One hypothesis was that alternating signal andstop transfer sequences in register might serve to direct inter-vening passenger domains into such a fate (12). Studies fromseveral approaches have suggested that this view is correct(69-71), although the molecular mechanism by which theNH2- versus COOH-termini of a protein is translocated by asignal sequence remains to be resolved. This specificity couldresult from features of the particular signal sequences, flankingsequences or global properties of the protein domains to be (ornot) translocated. The molecular genetic approach describedearlier should allow resolution of these issues.

Multisubunit assembly and posttranslation modificationsOne of the most striking characteristics of membrane-delim-ited compartments is the asymmetry across their membranes(72). It thus should not be surprising that many activities takeplace in lumenal compartments that cannot occur in the cyto-sol. Upon appearance of a nascent chain in the lumen of the

ER some modifications take place cotranslationally, that is,before completion of synthesis. These include cleavage of sig-nal sequences, addition of core N-linked carbohydrates, andformation of disulfide bonds (73, 74). Other modificationstake place in the ER but shortly after chain completion.Among these ER lumenal events is assembly of multisubunitcomplexes (75). There appears to be a machinery in the ER toprevent unassembled monomers from being transported outof the ER (76, 77). In some cases such molecules appear to bebound to a heat-shock gene product, HSP-78, also known asheavy-chain binding protein or BiP (77, 110). For example,expression of immunoglobulin heavy chain in the absence oflight chain results in its retention in the ER complexed withBiP (1 10, 135). Secretion of the molecule can be rescued byexpression of the missing immunoglobulin light chain (76).With assembly of the complex, release from BiP and transportout of the ERhappen in an apparently concerted fashion (77).In other cases, such as trimerization of the viral envelope gly-coprotein influenza hemagglutinin, monomers do not leavethe ER, but are not found in association with BiP (79) al-though it appears that BiP is involved in binding monomers ofmutant HAs that are misfolded or denatured (80). It thus is notyet clear if BiP's role is to recognize misfolded proteins, toprevent monomer transport out of the ER, or to promotecorrect refolding and assembly. The latter process might ex-plain the observed ATP dependent release of BiP from someproteins (52). In addition to the BiP-mediated pathway, othershave recently characterized a pathway for rapid degradation ofincompletely assembled polymers (81). The relationship of ei-ther of these mechanisms to pathways of intracellular qualitycontrol remains to be elucidated. As in the case of HSP-70, theinvolvement of HSP-78, in intracellular transport suggests theimportance placed on faithful protein trafficking by the celland indicates a very likely point of intersection between profit-able investigations into cell biology and the molecular basis ofdisease.

Post-ER events in secretion: transport to and through theGolgi apparatusAs stated earlier, protein transport through the secretory path-way beyond the lumen of the ERoccurs by a process of vesiclesbudding from one compartment and fusing to the next com-partment in the pathway. The number of distinguishablecompartments within the secretory pathway has grown in re-cent years with the increased sophistication of techniques andprobes with which to study cells and cell fractions and thetransport events in which they are involved (82-84). Thenumber of compartments is likely to continue to increase asfurther regional specialization within compartments is recog-nized (85).

A consideration of the problem of vesicle-mediated proteinsorting suggests the need for two recognition systems. One,operating in the lumenal space or on the lumenal side ofmembranes, must identify different classes of proteins withdifferent fates and divert them to laterally specialized regionsof the membrane, i.e., from which fission of the correct vesiclewill take place (82, 84). As a result of this recognition system,proteins are sorted into the correct vesicle containers. Anotherrecognition system must operate on the cytoplasmic face ofthese membrane vesicles. The latter system directs vesicles tointeract with one particular target membrane but not withothers. Because these recognition systems must operate be-

Intracellular Traffic of Newly Synthesized Proteins 743

tween completed, folded proteins and because protein foldingis poorly understood, the identification of the regions withinproteins that serve as ligands for these classes of sorting recep-tors is problematic and remains as a major experimental chal-lenge for the coming period.

During the process of intracellular transport, various com-partment-specific posttranslational modifications may occur.For example, as a result of such modifications, different celltypes in the anterior pituitary are able to generate distinctcleavage products from a common precursor polypeptide,proopiomelanocortin (86). Moreover, catecholamines, gluco-corticoids, and acute or chronic stress appear to regulate pro-cessing of this precursor to the mature polypeptides adreno-corticotrophic hormone versus (l-endorphin (87, 88).

It has also been observed that the internal pH of the com-partments becomes progressively more acidic (89, 90). The pHgradient and the cascade of posttranslational modificationsmay both serve to provide a vectorial character to lumenalrecognition systems of intracellular transport. For example,recognition of one sorting receptor may occur at a particularpH and be lost as the pH falls. The new pH in turn, may allowrecognition of a subsequent sorting receptor. The dependencyof receptor recognition on pH could occur through posttrans-lational modifications occurring in one but not another pH orionic environment (see reference 91).

Recently, an important clue as to the control of intracellu-lar sorting events on the cytoplasmic face of vesicles has beenestablished. A number of GTP binding proteins have beenimplicated in the control of vesicle traffic from compartmentto compartment (92, 93). Whether these proteins mediatesome manner of transmembrane signaling from lumenal tocytosolic aspects of vesicles or instead serve as a recognitionsystem on the cytosolic face of membranes for correct dockingand fusion of vesicles remains to be established, although thelatter seems most plausible (94). Some of the most excitingcurrent research in the field of protein trafficking involvesdevelopment of systems in which these recognition events arereconstituted in vitro (95-98), and studies directed towardsidentification of the molecular components involved in pro-tein and vesicle recognition (92, 99). Combined with the gener-ation of mutants in yeast that define genetic complementationgroups in the secretory pathway, a powerful set of tools are inhand for the dissection, reconstitution, and analysis of molecu-lar events in post-ER sorting (100, 101).

From the ER, it appears possible to identify a special classof vesicles involved in traffic to the cis stack of the Golgiapparatus, a distinct cluster of membrane cysternae found inall cells (4, 102). The component membrane stacks of theGolgi apparatus were originally defined on morphologicgrounds as cis, medial, and trans. Several lines of evidence,including fractionation of membranes, electron microscopicimmunocytochemistry, and demonstration of intercompart-mental protein transfer have suggested strongly that Golgistacks are both structurally and functionally distinct (reviewedin reference 102). Thus, products deposited in the cis stack aretransported by another cycle of vesicle fission and fusion to themedial stack and similarly from medial to trans stacks. Onecharacteristic of these transport vesicles is that they are coated,a morphologic term referring to the presence of proteins on thecytoplasmic face that are suspected to play a role in someaspect(s) of targeting and transport (103). In this case the pro-tein coat is distinct from the protein clathrin observed to serve

Figure 4. Compartmental organization of the secretory and sortingpathways. ER, endoplasmic reticulum; cis, medial, and trans refer toGolgi stacks; TGN, trans Golgi network; arrows refer to pathways ofprotein traffic. Reproduced from Griffiths, G., and K. Simons. 1986.Science (Wash. DC). 234:438-443, 24 October 1986. Copyright 1986by the AAAS.

as a coat for vesicles internalized from the plasma membraneby receptor-mediated endocytosis (104).

A number of studies suggest that the trans-most stack ofthe Golgi apparatus, also termed the trans Golgi network(TGN) is responsible for a qualitatively different sorting eventthan occurs in earlier compartments (Fig. 4) (82). It appearsthat vesicles derived from the TGNtarget separately to lyso-somes and to regulated and constitutive secretory pathwaysthat will be discussed below (82).

An interesting observation that may have profound impli-cations for the nature of membrane traffic is that the pathwaysof vesicle transport in secretion and receptor-mediated endo-cytosis intersect at discrete points. Thus, endocytosed markerscan intermix with secretory products in transit through theintracellular pathway at the level of the TGN(105). Whetherthis simply reflects the need to recycle receptor proteins in-volved in biosynthetic protein traffic or has more profoundimplications for commonpathways and feature of vesicle dy-namics (see reference 106), remains to be elucidated. As indi-cated above, some of these vesicles are coated with clathrin,whereas others are not. Yet another member of the heat-shockprotein family has been shown to serve as an uncoating ATP-ase involved in clathrin cage dissembly (78).

Lysosomal enzyme sortingBest understood of the sorting events that direct newly synthe-sized proteins from the TGNis the targeting of specific hydro-lases to lysosomes. One pathway by which this occurs isthrough a recognition system mediated by mannose-6-phos-

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phate (M-6-P) (107). Phosphomannosyl transferase is a cisGolgi enzyme that appears to recognize lysosomal enzymesupon their arrival to the Golgi apparatus and selectively tagsthem by the addition of phosphate residues. Upon arrival inthe trans Golgi, these phosphomannosylated proteins are rec-ognized and bound by a specific receptor, the M-6-P receptor,that is localized to the trans Golgi stacks. After budding fromthe TGN, these vesicles appear to undergo a process of pro-gressive acidification resulting in receptor-ligand dissociation.Because the M-6-P receptor is not found in lysosomes, it isbelieved that an intermediate compartment must exist whereligand is released and from which free receptor recycles back tothe TGN(108). Upon fusion of this vesicle to lysosomes, thecontent protein is released into the lysosome. This molecularmechanism is believed to be one means of sorting lysosomalenzymes out of the secretory pathway, and provides an exam-ple of how both protein recognition and posttranslationalmodifications may be used as sorting signals. In the case of Icell disease, a deficiency in the phosphotransferase results infailure to tag lysosomal enzymes with the M-6-P recognitionmarker (3). As a result, some cells in affected individuals se-crete their lysosomal enzymes. These patients display skeletalabnormalities and psychomotor retardation and a rapidly fatalcourse ( 165). Despite the logical appeal of this model for lyso-somal sorting, as in the case of targeting to the ERmembrane,a word of caution is in order: although phosphotransferase isdeficient in various cells of I cell patients, including fibroblasts,hepatocytes, and leukocytes, lysosomal enzyme levels arefound in the latter two cell types, indicating the presence of anon-M-6-P mechanism of lysosomal targeting. The existenceof two distinct M-6-P receptors, one of which is identical to thereceptor for insulin-like growth factor 11 (111) indicates thecomplexity of these receptor proteins and the ligands that theyrecognize and how poorly we understand their role in sorting.Moreover, in yeast, which are lower eukaryotes, a topogenicsequence is used directly for targeting to the lysosome equiva-lent, apparently bypassing the modification recognition steps(112, 113).

The M-6-P-mediated sorting events of lysosomal enzymebiogenesis in higher organisms require phosphomannosyltransferase to remain in the cis Golgi, whereas the M-6-P re-ceptor recycles from TGNto endosomes and back, but appar-ently never appearing in lysosomes (1 14). Howthese examplesof selective retention are achieved remains to be established.However, in the case of BiP in the ER lumen, where a similarretention event must take place, the peptide sequence lysine-aspartic acid-glutamic acid-leucine (K-D-E-L) has been dem-onstrated to confer retention in the ER (1 15). Perhaps othercompartment-specific recognition systems will be discovered.Of course, implicating the involvement of another class ofasymmetrically distributed receptors, simply defers the prob-lem of how such protein distribution is achieved to anotherlevel of targeting, sorting and maintenance: that of the biogen-esis of the receptors for compartmentalized proteins. It re-mains unclear whether even secretory proteins proceedthrough the pathway passively, i.e., through bulk flow (1 16), orwhether they are actively or passively directed or retained fromcompartment to compartment (1 17, 118). Here also, both ge-netic and environmental bases exist for a connection betweenprotein traffic and disease. In alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, apoint mutation renders the molecule unable to leave the ER,thereby conferring the deficient phenotype on individuals with

the disease. Expression of the mutant protein in heterologoussystems such as in Xenopus oocytes reproduces the traffickingdefect (1 19). Likewise, in some cases altered protein transport,rather than simply expression of a new gene product, appearsto be responsible for neoplastic transformation ( 120).

Regulated vs. constitutive secretionJust as sorting systems must achieve diversion of lysosomalenzymes from the secretory pathway, so also secretory proteinsmust be separated into those that are constitutively released,i.e., in a continuous fashion commensurate to the rate of syn-thesis and turn over, and those that are secreted in a regulatedfashion (121). These latter proteins are packaged in concen-trated form into secretory granules and are released only uponstimulation of that particular cell (122, 99). Most integralmembrane proteins follow the constitutive pathway, i.e., prob-ably travel to the plasma membrane in the same vesicles thatdeliver continually secreted proteins. A topogenic sequence orpost translational modification directing regulated versus con-stitutive sorting has not yet been identified. Thus, the mecha-nism by which proteins destined for the regulated pathway arediverted to vesicles that will mature into secretory granulesremains an extremely important unsolved problem. Possiblyrecognition is mediated by three-dimensional features not dis-cernible at the level of linear protein sequence. In recent yearsthe importance of pulsatile release of hormones for endocrine(123, 124), exocrine (125), and perhaps also paracrine andautocrine actions (126) has been recognized. It seems possiblethat this variation on the theme of regulated secretion or re-lated phenomena are involved in the pathophysiology of sub-sets of a variety of common but poorly understood diseasesincluding diabetes mellitus and hypertension (127, 128).

Apical vs. basolateral localizationNewly synthesized protein traffic can be controlled not onlywith respect to consignment in regulated vs. constitutive path-ways, but also with regards to which side of a cell proteins aredelivered. This kind of protein sorting results in specializedfunctions of various plasma membrane domains. For exam-ple, in a liver cell, it is the basis for bile secretion exclusivelyfrom the apical face and serum protein secretion exclusivelybasolaterally. In some cells it appears that this sorting event,e.g., apical vs. basolateral localization of proteins, occurs at theTGN (129). However, recent studies in hepatocytes suggestthere must exist more than one way to achieve plasma mem-brane polarity. Here, it appears that all newly synthesizedplasma membrane proteins are first localized to the basolateralsurface. Subsequently, vesicles depart for the apical plasmamembrane carrying those transmembrane proteins destinedfor that location (I130). This may be a variant of the pathway ofprotein transcytosis by which, for example, immunoglobulinA is transferred across cells to enter the secretions in the glan-dular lumen of various epithelia (131). Finally, in some sys-tems, populations of vesicles bearing a particular cell surfaceprotein appear to be inserted into, or endocytosed from, do-mains of the plasma membrane in response to specific physio-logical stimuli. In the case of the H+/ATPase, the choice ofapical versus basolateral plasma membrane of renal tubulecells may regulate metabolic correction of acidosis and alka-losis (132). Likewise, some evidence suggests that vasopressin-sensitive water channels (133) and insulin-dependent glucosetransporters (109) are recruited to, and removed from, the

Intracellular Traffic of Newly Synthesized Proteins 745

plasma membrane through a population of intracellular vesi-cles. All of these processes serve further evidence for a rela-tionship of vesicle dynamics in the secretory and endocytoticpathways whose implications remain unexplored.

Protein traffic to other compartmentsAs mentioned earlier, protein traffic from the cytosol into mi-tochondria (134, 140), chloroplasts (136), nuclei (137, 138),and peroxisomes (organelles containing enzymes involved invarious pathways including those of peroxide metabolism, seereference 139) are directed by mechanisms distinct from thatof protein secretion. However, some common themes haveemerged: each destination is reached by interaction of a dis-tinct class of topogenic sequence within the newly synthesizedprotein with receptor proteins on the surface of the particularorganelle; unfolding activity and heat shock gene productshave been implicated in a fashion similar to their proposedrole in protein translocation across the ER membrane (50,122); translocation appears to be an energy-consuming pro-cess. Beyond these broad conceptual similarities, are foundmany differences in the details: whereas signal sequences tar-geting proteins to the secretory pathway generally act in acotranslational fashion, i.e., while the chain is still being syn-thesized, those of proteins targeted to the other organelles ap-pear to act exclusively posttranslationally, i.e., after comple-tion of synthesis. In the case of targeting to and translocationacross membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts, the to-pogenic signal sequence is characterized by a striking lack ofacidic amino acid residues, less hydrophobicity than the ERsignal sequences, and more basic amino acids (140, 141).Moreover, in addition to nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis,membrane potential has been shown to provide a necessarysource of energy to drive mitochondrial, but not ER, translo-cation (121, 142). The receptor proteins involved in these or-ganellar targeting and translocation processes remain largelyuncharacterized (with a few exceptions, e.g., reference 136).

In the case of nuclear transport small positively chargedsignal sequences have been identified which appear to directtransport from the cytosol through the nuclear pore (137, 138).Again, receptors have been implicated (138) but their identityand mechanism of action remains unknown.

One rare genetic disease, Zellweger's syndrome, appears toresult from inability of peroxisomal enzymes to be localized tothe matrix of that organelle, whose content proteins are nor-mally taken up by yet another topogenic sequence mediatedprocess (2). These patients display metabolic disturbances,central nervous system, hepatic, renal, and skeletal abnormali-ties and typically die within 6 months of birth (142).

Novel pathways of protein traffic and some speculationThus far, our focus has been the conventional mechanisms bywhich proteins are translocated across, anchored to, or sortedbetween membranes. In addition, a number of unusual pro-cesses of protein traffic have been only recently recognized.These appear to represent novel means by which a proteindomain can be either presented as a surface marker on amembrane or be secreted out of the cell in which it was synthe-sized. Conventionally, two mechanisms have been recognizedby which a protein domain can achieve both secreted andmembrane bound forms. One of these is RNAsplicing to gen-erate separate mRNAs, e.g., with and without coding regionsfor a stop-transfer sequence, as in the case of the heavy chain of

membrane and secretory IgM (143). The other is proteolyticcleavage to release a domain from a transmembrane protein(144). Conversion of the IgA receptor into secretory compo-nent is a good example. Somestudies suggest this mechanismmay also apply to the biogenesis of epidermal growth factor,proposed to be synthesized initially as a much larger trans-membrane precursor which is proteolytically cleaved (145,146). In the last few years other very different mechanisms bywhich certain proteins can be directed into either secreted ormembrane bound forms have become apparent. Someof theseare discussed briefly below.

Glycolipid linkage of proteins to membranesA novel mechanism whereby proteins can be anchored tomembranes through a glycolipid linkage has been elucidatedin recent years (147). Addition of this phosphatidyl inositol(PI)-linked glycan appears to be directed by a short stretch ofhydrophobic amino acids at the extreme carboxy terminus ofthese proteins. Observed first for the variant surface antigens ofthe trypanosome coat, it has now been demonstrated that agrowing family of functionally diverse cellular surface proteinsare anchored to the plasma membrane by a heterogeneous setof such glycolipid linkages. The linkage can be broken by spe-cific phospholipases thereby releasing a secretory form of theprotein (148). Moreover, a PI-linked glycan that is quite simi-lar in structure to this class of membrane anchor has beenimplicated as a possible second messenger in the action ofinsulin (148, 149). Are these roles of PI-linked glycans in pro-tein anchoring and signal transduction related? In the case oflipoprotein lipase, metabolism of the glycolipid linkage is stim-ulated by insulin (149, 150). The details and full significance ofglycolipid addition, hydrolysis, and function remain to be elu-cidated. If the relationship between these phenomena prove tobe of general significance, this posttranslational modificationmay prove to be an important point of intersection betweenprotein traffic and other dimensions of cellular metabolism.

Posttranslational particle formation fromtransmembrane intermediatesThe surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg), has provideda model for another remarkable cell biological process (151).HBsAg exists in two forms, as the coat protein of the virus andin the form of 20-nm soluble particles in the bloodstream ofinfected individuals (151). The particles consist of approxi-mately one hundred HBsAg monomers in association withlipid but lacking a discernable bilayer. Particles are found in upto one million-fold excess over virions, but their precise role invirus survival, (e.g. immune modulation), remains to be eluci-dated. Studies of particle biogenesis reveal an unusual mecha-nism by which transmembrane monomers of surface antigenare posttranslationally converted into secretory particles ( 152,153). Discrete steps in this process must include transmem-brane assembly, aggregation of monomers in the plane of themembrane, lipid rearrangement with exclusion of host pro-teins, and finally extrusion of the assembled, heavily disulfide-linked protein particle into the ER lumen. Signal sequencesand stop-transfer sequences are implicated in achieving theinitial transmembrane disposition (154). Whether additionaltopogenic sequences and compartment-specific receptor pro-teins are involved in the subsequent unconventional steps ofthis process, is unknown. However, it is notable that surfaceantigen is the only viral protein necessary for this process. If

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cellular machinery is involved in particle formation, the mech-anism may reflect a more general cellular solution to theproblem of how to maintain solubility of hydrophobic proteinmonomers during biogenesis of complex, highly posttransla-tionally modified protein polymers. From this perspective theHBsAg model may be relevant to assembly of other complexparticulate biological macromolecules, such as mucins and li-poproteins, aberrations in whose metabolism are involved incommonhuman diseases such as chronic bronchitis and ath-erosclerosis, respectively.

Alternate cotranslational secretory and complextransmembrane fatesThe scrapie prion protein (PrP) is an unusual developmentallyexpressed molecule found in normal brain (155). An alteredform of this protein has been implicated in a transmissibleform of progressive neuronal cell death in animals (scrapie)that is very similar to some human diseases (Creutzfeld-Jacobdisease and Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome) (156). Studies onthe biogenesis of PrP involving expression of a cloned cDNAin cell-free systems have revealed that it can display either anintegral transmembrane or a secretory fate (67, 68). The choiceof transmembrane versus secreted fates appears to be madewhile the chain is growing (68) and seems to be dependent onprotein machinery in the cytosol engaging novel topogenicsequences (68, Yost, C. S., et al.; Lopez, C. D., et al., manu-scripts in preparation). Thus, in this case protein phenotypeappears to be regulated cotranslationally at the level of the ERmembrane, representing a novel form of control over geneexpression. Perhaps this unusual pathway of biogenesis is re-lated to the (unknown) physiologic function of this protein orto the bizarre disease process in which it is implicated.

These mechanisms appear to represent unusual variationson the more conventional processes described earlier. Theirstudy has and likely will continue to provide insight into moregeneral mechanism by which cellular components are built.Also, precisely because they are not general mechanisms theyrepresent potential points at which either acquired or geneticlesions might result in an aberrant but viable phenotype rele-vant to human disease. Certainly other mechanisms of proteintraffic remain to be discovered. Whereas the significance forcell biology and medicine of these and other mechanisms ofprotein traffic remain to be established, their existence indi-cates new links in the chain of biological regulation. It is pre-cisely in such details of biological regulation that the connec-tions between basic science and medicine will be forged.

Future directions for the study of intracellular proteintraffic and its implications for medicineAt the outset of this Perspectives article, a distinction wasdrawn between congenital lesions of protein traffic and thoseaberrations of protein biogenesis that may be acquired as aresult of degenerative diseases and environmental stress. Theformer are mechanistically revealing but rare and hence oflimited clinical importance. The latter are much more difficultto recognize or study and currently are poorly understood, butare likely to be much more commonand hence clinically im-portant. In this review, I have emphasized avenues of basicinvestigation that seem likely to yield new insight into thelatter class of clinical disorders. It should be clear from thisdiscussion that fundamental unanswered questions remainbefore conventional mechanisms of protein traffic are well

understood. Until these conventional mechanisms are clear,the full significance of the unconventional mechanisms dis-cussed will remain unresolved, as will the implications of bothconventional and unconventional processes for acquired dis-ease. The answers to these questions are thus likely to changeour thinking on processes as diverse as oncogene activation,autoimmunity, and organ failure. Progress in understandingthe cell and molecular biology of protein traffic over the lastdecade has brought us to the point where these potential con-nections between basic cell biology and medicine can be ap-preciated conceptually. The challenge of the next decade is tomake these connections experimentally.


Thanks to Paul F. Bray for helpful comments.This work was supported by grants GM-31626 and AG-02132

from the National Institutes of Health.


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