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PropagandaBy Matt Bauer

Blenheim bombers of the Royal Air Force destroyed a large convoy of the Japanese supply barges on the Chindwin river in Burma

Background of the PropagandaThe intended audience is the British Empire and the AlliesThis piece of wartime propaganda is Non-commercialIt was most likely made for the RAF

Elicit of this PropagandaIt is trying elicit behavior by getting people to join the air force or just join the cause against JapanAlso it tries to make people believe that the RAF is all powerful and Japan doesnt stand a chance

Message of this PropagandaThis piece of propaganda uses emotion by how they show them destroying the enemyAlso it uses logic when

Propaganda Techniques (Slide 1)Inevitable victoryThis shows how the RAF is winning and tells viewers to help Smash JapanEuphoriaThis is used because by the nature of this propaganda you could assume that Briton is winning the war against Japan but this was not true at the beginning of the war

Propaganda Techniques (Slide 2)Unstated AssumptionThe unstated assumption is that Britain is easily beating JapanDirect OrderThis is used in the phrase Smash Japanese Aggression and order the viewer what to do

Image SymbolismThe planes show strength and that they are above the enemy.Where the bombs hit show how they can beat the Japanese on land or sea.

Key WordsLarge- This word is used to make it sound that the RAF did an important ting by blowing up this convoy Smash- They use this word because it goes along with what is happening to the ships and the hut in the backgroundJapanese aggression- This phrase is used because it sound like that they are just defending themselves from a Japanese attack.

The Main MessageThe main message is that the RAF is fighting back against Japans imperialism

The Underlying MessageThe first underlying message shows how the RAF is invincible.The second underlying message is that the British empire can beat Japan on land or sea.

11How good was this Propaganda?GoodFirst it direct in what it is trying to get acrossSecond it catches your eye and make you spend extra time just looking at itLastly it helps promote nationalism which is important in war to keep moral up

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