
Other uses of pronounsOther uses of pronouns

Based on NEF Advanced, 1cBased on NEF Advanced, 1c

Eva María Suárez GuillénEva María Suárez Guillén

One and youOne and you

They are both used to talk about people They are both used to talk about people in general: in general:

YouYou never know what people might never know what people might say.say.

OneOne never knows what people never knows what people might say.might say.

One and youOne and you

Which one do you think is more Which one do you think is more informal?informal?



It is used to talk about people in general, It is used to talk about people in general, both including the speaker and the both including the speaker and the reader:reader:

WeWe never know what is going to never know what is going to happen.happen.

Formal or informal? Formal or informal?


It is used to talk about people in general, It is used to talk about people in general, usually people in authority: usually people in authority:

They, them, theirThey, them, their

TheyThey can be used to refer to one person can be used to refer to one person who may be male or female, instead of who may be male or female, instead of using using he or shehe or she, , his or herhis or her, etc., etc.

EveryoneEveryone should know what should know what theythey are doing.are doing.

ReflexiveReflexive pronouns pronouns

We don’t use We don’t use reflexivereflexive pronouns with pronouns with verbs like verbs like washwash, , shaveshave, , feelfeel, , relaxrelax, , concentrateconcentrate, etc., etc.

I don’t feel ok today.I don’t feel ok today.

ReflexiveReflexive pronouns pronouns

We use them when the subject and object We use them when the subject and object of the sentence are the same: of the sentence are the same:

II was talking to was talking to myselfmyself..

HeHe bought it for bought it for himselfhimself..

ReflexiveReflexive pronouns pronouns

But we But we don’tdon’t use them after use them after prepositions of place: prepositions of place:

WeWe found everything behind found everything behind ourselvesourselves..

WeWe found everything behind found everything behind usus..

ReflexiveReflexive pronouns pronouns

We can use them to emphasize We can use them to emphasize the subject: the subject:

Even though she’s just 13, Even though she’s just 13, sheshe prepared dinner prepared dinner herselfherself..

By + ReflexiveBy + Reflexive pronouns pronouns

They are used to mean They are used to mean alone, on alone, on your own: your own:

TheyThey are staying out are staying out by by themselvesthemselves..

The childThe child should be able to should be able to write his name by write his name by himselfhimself..

Reciprocal pronounsReciprocal pronouns

We use We use one each otherone each other or or one one anotheranother for reciprocal actions: for reciprocal actions: AA does does the action to the action to B, B, and and BB to to A.A.

They’ve known They’ve known each othereach other for for ages.ages.

They’ve known They’ve known one anotherone another for for ages.ages.

Structures with Structures with itit

ItIt + + bebe: It is used to talk about the time, : It is used to talk about the time, weather, temperature and distance:weather, temperature and distance:

It isIt is five past ten. five past ten.

Structures with Structures with itit

ItIt + + bebe + + adjective: adjective: It is like a It is like a ‘preparatory’ subject before adjectives: ‘preparatory’ subject before adjectives:

It was greatIt was great seeing you there. seeing you there.

It is probable that you find him It is probable that you find him there.there.

Structures with Structures with itit

We don’t use We don’t use it it to talk about if people to talk about if people or things exist, we use or things exist, we use there bethere be instead:instead:

There used toThere used to be a cinema here. be a cinema here.

There isThere is no police station in my no police station in my

Structures with Structures with itit

There are more structures with There are more structures with itit, but , but we are not going to study them today.we are not going to study them today.

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