Product placement ect

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Product placement, advertisement and platform advantages.

Product placement:

Miley Cyrus’ song ‘We can’t stop’ advertises beat speakers throughout its video and the EOS lip balm.

Iggy Azalea’s videos use this a lot in ‘work’ Adidas clothing can be seen and in ‘pretty girls’ a Matefit water bottle can be seen within the first shot. Later in the video Samsung is advertised.

Product placement can be seen in most genres as well as girl band videos for example:

More modern girl band video use product placement as a way of making money as CD sales are not as big and they need to find different way of income. Little mix’s ‘black magic’ advertises beats and Fifth Harmony’s video ‘Boss’ advertises Sony. In my research I have found older videos don’t use product placements as much as sales mainly came out of their CD sales.

Nowadays the music industry is all about making money and product placement is a new way to do so. In pop videos this is used a lot for example:


Platform Advantages:

Nowadays music is advertised in a number of ways. Music channels advertise and predict a lot of future hits, the charts tell people the latest music and even YouTube have music advertised before music. Because CD sales are not as big as they used to be companies are looking for other ways to make money as I have already stated product placement is a good way to do this another way record labels can make money these days is through adverts before their videos. People can also buy digital CDs on ITunes.

The internet has been a revolution for music videos; people anywhere in the world can now access music videos on YouTube giving the record labels a much wider audience for their artists. Social Media has also made a big impact on the industry as fans can now interact with their favourite artists and artists can let fans know what they are doing and all about their new music. ITunes has also made a big change with in the music world; songs can be purchased by the click of a button instantly making getting your favourite music a lot easier. The downfall to the internet is illegal downloads of the music, this is one of the reasons product placements and advertisement is now used to keep the companies making money.

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