Probe Ministries – Jesus – faithful monogamy – priorities – coffee flavors Absolute truth vs. personal preference: two.

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Probe Ministries – Probe Ministries –

Jesus – faithful monogamy – priorities – coffee


Absolute truth vs. personal preference: two

different categories

Classical definition of truth: what corresponds

to reality

New definition: whatever works for you (The

Emperor’s New Clothes!)

Gravity doesn’t work for me

“Red means stop” doesn’t work for me

“$1 = one dollar” doesn’t work for me

“Jesus as the only way to God” doesn’t work

for me

Open marriage works for me

Making my own spirituality works for me

“Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.” —City of Angels

The question is not “Does it work?” but “Is it true?”

Who gets to define reality? ◦ The Creator of reality

Belief, preference, or truth? Is it intolerance and bigotry to believe in

absolute truth?

It feels like an indictment on you, but it has nothing to do with you.

Compartmentalization of the male brain

Spiritual warfare: ◦Easy access 24/7◦No fear of rejection◦No work (no relationship)

Brain chemistry (substance abuse)

Ask him: “Would you be hurt if I had an

affair with another man? That’s what it

feels like. Betrayal and pain.”

Pornography is mental adultery.

“. . .but I say to you that everyone who

looks at a woman with lust for her has

already committed adultery with her in his

heart.” Matt. 5:28

Every Man’s Battle

Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker

The Way of Purity online course

(free) Boundaries in Marriage

Henry Cloud, John Townsend Accountability is key

What is God’s heart? (not the cold

measuring rod of a verse)

God hates divorce: it tears apart adult

hearts and children’s hearts

Purpose of divorce: grace for one in

bondage to a hard-hearted spouse

[Jesus] said to them, "Because of your

hardness of heart Moses permitted you to

divorce your wives; but from the beginning it

has not been this way.” Matt 19:8

Some people are looking for an excuse, a


God doesn’t do loopholes

He judges the thoughts and intentions of

the heart

Good definition of an affair: “secret


Would your husband be OK with what you

were doing if he sat next to you at the


Whether you’re married or not, aren’t you

being sexual with someone you’re not

married to? All sex outside of marriage is


Wounded and deceived

Scars of rejection

How would Jesus treat them? "A bruised reed

He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He

will not extinguish;” Is 42:3

Brokenness manifests in a variety of ways

Jesus’ love is what they need to heal and grow

You can accept and bless a person without

blessing their brokenness

Make a distinction between the person and

their behavior

The grace of acceptance is the safety net

that allows us to try something new and

frightening, like considering leaving a gay


Look at the big picture: what’s marriage for?

◦ Provides a safe, stable environment to grow a family

(basic social unit)

◦ Natural outgrowth of the complementarity of male

and female

◦ Earthly picture of the mystical union of Christ and

the Church

Homosexual relationships and heterosexual

marriages are not equal and parallel


“A façade of normalcy”

Gay marriage is a way to secure society's

legitimization and approval of their


The baby comes first

“Every child should be welcomed and


Celebrate the baby: the circumstances of

conception are not his/her fault

In the beginning, God created the

heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Evolution was invented as a means of

explaining life and its diversity without a


Mechanistic theory without a mechanism

Cannot produce or explain much of life

So much hypocrisy in the church

Jumping through hoops

Personal, intimate relationship with the

Trinity has been lost

Change in the way we think about sexuality

Pickle principle Marriage changes people.

Cohabitation not the same “It's my body, why shouldn't I dress

the way I want?” Cost of sexual energies outside of


Sexting and texting: the dangers

Balance: the more technology, the less

educated kids get

No silence, no solitude, no depth

Urgent vs. Important

Gender spectrum

Understand gender differences and

celebrate them

Spiritually dangerous

Turned from Christianity to New Age


“Jesus is not the only way!”

Opinions shaped by the world, not

the Word

Bio-technology: dominion over the earth

James: 5:14 seek medical help (anoint

with oil)

They help us function

I don’t believe in counseling. Isn’t God

my counselor?

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