Principles on ICT Use in Education in Singapore

Post on 24-May-2015






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Principles on ICT Use in Education in Singapore Singapore ICT Education Education in SIngapore Educational Technology in SIngapore


Principles on ICT Use in Education


Learning Points

▪ The Ministry of Education in Singapore is now preparing for the fourth Education Master Plan.

▪ According to Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education, education must equip students with the necessary competencies to race with and not race against technology.

4 Principles

1. Stay Focused

3. Stay Grounded

2. Stay Curious

4. Stay Together

▪ The Ministry will be focused on its commitment to a student-centric and values-driven education, and ICT can help them do this better.

▪ To ensure that all schools and students benefit from ICT-enabled learning, the Ministry is currently developing an online Student Learning Space to provide all students access to quality digital teaching and learning resources.

▪ The Ministry is also focused on cyber wellness among students.

▪ Heng urged educators to innovate and experiment new ways of teaching and learning using technology.

▪ He believes that ICT can enable personalize learning, he said: “This is an important aspect of our student-centric education. The ultimate goal is customized learning and differentiated teaching for every child.”

▪ New technologies may also improve the way assessment is done, such as diagnosing a student’s mastery of concepts, or recommending the most useful digital resources.

▪ While ICT promises a world of possibilities, Heng emphasized the importance of sound pedagogical content knowledge.

▪ “A good technological tool placed in the hands of a skilful teacher can breathe life into lessons, and lessons into life. Our teachers must be grounded in strong pedagogy and have the knowledge to use ICT meaningfully and appropriately,” he added.

▪ During the last Master Plan, the Ministry has trained about 1,400 ICT mentors, who were instrumental in driving ground-up initiatives. Lessons were shared on an online platform called The ICT Connection, so best practices can be accessed by the wider community.

▪ “From parents to industry partners, we need to involve the wider community. Together, we can play an active role to bring out the best in each child in every school, at every stage, whatever their starting point,” said Heng.

▪ The Ministry will be working more closely with the industry players, tertiary education and other key stakeholders to develop a conducive environment to groom young talents.

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