Principles of Internet Marketing

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Principles of Internet Marketing. Chapter 9 Traffic and Brand Building. Chapter 9 Traffic and Brand Building. 指導:任立中教授 學員:柯松仁 88751205(資管班) 戴銘洲 88751227(國企班) 胡文華 88751228(資管班) 陳芸華 88751231(資管班) 張文進 88751249(資管班). Topics. Smart browsing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Principles ofInternet Marketing

Chapter 9


Brand Building

Chapter 9 Traffic and Brand Building

指導:任立中教授 學員:柯松仁 88751205(資管班) 戴銘洲 88751227(國企班) 胡文華 88751228(資管班) 陳芸華 88751231(資管班) 張文進 88751249(資管班)

TopicsSmart browsingTraffic as valueTraffic through visibilityDomain brandingManaging your portal presencePublicity and word of mouth

Paying for trafficAlliance and co-brandingOnline ads

Evaluating traffic sources

Smart BrowsingSurf Engines – Using personalization techniques to help to solve the question

of where to go next. Aimed at making Web navigation easier. No engine can provide guidance to a newly created page.

Surf Engine Pioneer – Alexa Internet Services (, Founded in April 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat Located in San Francisco. Alexa works along with your browser to provide information

about the Web page being viewed and insight about the additional places to visit.

Features of Alexa Software System

Real Time Information provider.Using technologies of parallel computing – send new

page address back to Alexa system, then send new information to users’ computer.

Keeping a database of Web-surfing behavior.Using data mining techniques – recognize usage

patterns, help to guide users to their desired information.

Interactive – Click trails are combined with user rankings of web-page quality. Behavior and Rankings.

Insider’s Page :



Site state – Voting, Freshness, Speed, & Related Links

Suggest Related Links for this page:


One-Page Report :

Traffic as ValueValue is based on scarcity of supply, not necessarily benefits

價值係因供給不足而產生The supply of web content is growing faster than the number of users

提供網頁內容者成長迅速多過於瀏覽者While the volume of online material provides ever-increasing value to network users,

the battle for attention is severe 當線上內容量的增加供給其價值給網路


Value and Scarcity

Building Web TrafficAny Web site must attract visitors. The best designed and implemented Web site is useless if no one shows up! 網站必須吸引客戶,假如沒有客戶的光臨,則再好的設計和執行均是沒用的The biggest challenge facing Web marketer is getting visitors to their site. 面對網路市場最大的挑戰就是吸引客戶造訪Traffic building tools : Advertising 廣告 Links 連結 User habits 喜好 Word of mouth 口碑 Surf engines 搜尋引擎

Traffic as ValueElements of a Web Traffic Plan

Destination Site

Search & Directory


Paid Advertising

External Links

Domain Name/Brand

Fig. 9.3: Sources of Traffic

• Acquiring traffic is expensive

• And critical to Web marketing success

• Make the site easy to find by new users

- Domain name - Search & Directory - Publicity - External Links - Advertising

Traffic as ValueElements of a Web Traffic


Montly Retention Rate Advertising CostTime Needed to Reach 100,000

Active Users100% $70,000 2.5 months95% $80,000 3 months90% $100,000 4 months85% $140,000 6 months80% $380,000 19 months to exeed 99,00075% ** Can't reach

The Value of Loyalty in Building Traffi cTable 9.2

• Retaining traffic is profitable 維持流量是有利的• Site loyalty dramatically lowers the cost of maintaining web site traffic 降低網址維護成本與提高客戶忠誠度是有利的• Fewer new users must be attracted to maintain a profitable user base 少數新使用者必定被吸引到一有利於客戶 之管理網站上

Traffic as ValueElements of a Web Traffic

PlanDeveloping Traffic Requires Value• Visit duration is the online equivalent to time in a store• Long visit duration allows:

- More time to communicate the message of the site- Additional opportunities to engage in commerce- More chances to build commitment and loyalty- Exposure to more advertising or alliance partner impression

Traffic as ValueCu










0%0 20 40 60 80 100

L = Length of user's visit measured in # of page views

Figure 9.4 – Length of Time Visitors Spend on the Xerox Company Web Site



Elements of a Web Traffic Plan

Traffic Through VisibilityTraffic Builders: Domain

Names• A domain name is the address a customer uses to find your site• Poorly chosen names can hinder success• Once chosen, domain names can be difficult to change without significant expense• A domain name strategy should

- Reinforce branding- Build traffic- Anticipate consumer behavior and mistakes

Traffic Through VisibilityTraffic Builders: Domain Names

Figure 9.6: Three Different Ways of Getting to the Coca-Cola Homepage

Traffic Through VisibilityGuidelines for Effective Domain Names

Domain Naming Goals BenefitsObtain a Category Domain

I f a small or little known fi rm can secure a category item, it may be able to launch an eff ective online business.

Avoid Domains Challenging to Encode

Avoid confusing and hard-to-keep-straight domains. Domains should be memorable f rom both visual and sound cues. Consumers may need to store this in memory f rom a radio or billboard ad.

Avoid Long and Complicated Domains f rom Third-Party Hosing Arrangements jeans/

Third-party hosting should not be an excuse to avoid domain registration. This will cause a problem with user recall.

Avoid Automatic CGI Clutter - Especially the Homepage abc123

Some systems store the location of the originating page as a keyword in the address. This can confuse users, limit word of mouth, and look strange.

Register Related I tems and Common Typos,,

The cost of registering domain names is trivial compared to the cost of acquiring traffi c. Registering related names, and even common typographical errors, helps build traffi c and prevent brand dilution.


e 9.


Laws Of Internet Branding 1. 互斥法則 (1) 網路—媒體或生意,只能選定其中一種 (2) 網路世界跟現實世界共用同一個名稱,是錯 誤的決定2. 互動法則 少了互動性,你的網站跟品牌寸步難行3. 泛稱法則 (1) 選擇一個普通的網站名稱—網路的死亡之旅 (2) 就算是把頭髮想白了,你都要替你的網站取 個天下無敵的好名字

Laws Of Internet Branding (cont)

4.專有名稱法則 網站命名採專有名詞命名,避免取普通名詞名稱 Ex: vs. vs. Searchengine.com5.獨占法則 不計任何代價,爭取第一 網上只有第一,沒有第二6.廣告法則 不要將 Revenue 全部寄放在廣告收入上,廣告市場沒有想像中那麼大

Laws Of Internet Branding (cont)7. 全球法則 (1) .com與 (2) 中文與英文 (3) Local 與 International 的關係8. 時間法則 去做,動作要快!你一定要拼第一名 網上不變法則—只有第一,沒有第二 所以,最好現在馬上就衝出去……9. 虛榮法則 吃你的〝那一份〞,不要想吃〝全份〞

Laws Of Internet Branding (cont)10.分散法則 科技不會整合,只會分化—真的!11.轉型法則 (1)分類廣告將搬至網路上 (2)郵政業務將不僅於送信—如為 EC收款或配送物流 (3)各種金融服務漸漸移至網路 (4)貨運業前途看好 (5)網路零售業會變為價格遊戲 (6)網路外的零售業,將轉為服務競爭 (7)網路搜尋引擎的重要性將逐年遞減 (8)網路將會減弱電話事業、印刷業、傳統目錄業 (9)網路泡沫化危機將持續

WEB’S Domain Name Building

1.網站名稱 越短越好 Amazon 要比 Barnesandnoble 好記, 也不錯 2.網站名稱越 簡單越好 Ex: Hinet、 Yahoo、 eBay、 Icq、 Kimo 朗朗上口 Yahoo vs. Altavista (較差 )3.網站名稱在行業中要富有聯想力 Ex: 、 、 Microsoft.com4.站名要特別 Ex: 、 From:網路品牌法則 -


WEB’S Domain Name Building

5. 站名最好押頭韻 Ex: Coca-Cola 、 Volvo 6.站名唸起來要好聽 Ex: Hinet 、 Yahoo 、 Kimo 7.名稱要有震撼力 Ex: Amazom 、 、

8.名稱最好個人化 Ex: 、

From :網路品牌法則 -Ch.4

網路品牌命名法則WEB’S Domain Building --為什麼給網站取個好名字這麼重要?1.全球有數不清的網站,為在茫茫網海中,為讓消費者簡單容易上你的網站,一定要取個易記、簡單的網站名稱,讓人印象深刻。 2.網路摧毀了一切疆域、障礙跟界線上網,靠的是輸入網站名稱進入電腦,“它”沒有顏色、沒有商標,故要取個偉大的網站名稱,如:Yahoo、AOL、Hinet、eBay、Kimo…… ( 大部分在5個英文字母以內 )


Traffic Through VisibilityTraffic Builders: Portal Presence

• Search engines and directories are common ways

to find a company’s web site

• Problems

- A single search often produces thousands

of results

- Less than 1 percent of Web pages show up in

all four of the most popular search engines

Traffic Through VisibilityTraffic Builders: Portal Presence

•搜尋引擎通常是以 Keywords , Meta-tages , Page Titles 或其他為搜尋重點

• 維持高排行榜- 選擇適當的關鍵字,詳細註記及分類- 在主要的搜尋引擎網站做登記•網站的曝光率很重要 •設法排列在清單裡前面的位置- 確定在目錄網站的分類 (Ex : Yahoo!)

Traffic Through Visibility

A specialized portal focuses on a specific industrySpecial directories provide editorial control by industry experts, categorization schemes and the ability to reflect rapid change in a particular industry

The Emergence of Specialized Portals

Example – (real estate)

Traffic Through VisibilityElectronic Word of Mouth and Diffusion


Pool of Potential Users


External Publicity


Loyal Users



+ Word of Mouth

- Word of Mouth

Figure 9.9 Influences on Trial

Traffic Through Visibility

E-mail among friends and biz acquaintancesUsenet groupsE-mail listservsAOL and other online forumsIndustry portal discussion areasOnline and traditional media coverage of the Net

Net Word-of-Mouth Technologies

The Net amplifies the power and accelerates the speed of user feedback

Traffic Through Visibility

Opinion leaders are well-respected industry participants journalists, or lead users known for expertiseReaching opinion leaders is a key success factor of an e-commerce strategyOpinion leaders can be reached via e-mail and social networks

Opinion Leaders Online

Traffic Through VisibilityURL Placement

• Integrate your domain name wherever possible- Manuals, warranties, software programs- Familiar advertising settings

• Billboards, buses, bills, company brochures, radio advertisements, public speeches, menus in restaurants, park benches, shopping bags

• To track which medium is driving traffic- Use unique identifiers- Use different Web addresses with different media messages

Paying for Traffic

Banner ads are the dominant form of online advertising- Clickable graphic images that take a user to another

Web location

Pricing is usually based on the number of impressions- Negotiated prices, volume discounts, and barter

arrangements are common- Each banner also carries a unique identifier

This allows a business to track the effectiveness of each placement in generating traffic

Interactive Advertising

Paying for TrafficOnline Advertising

EffectivenessFrom Visits to Purchases

$15 per 1,000 impressions

Cost per Visitor @ 2%click throughCost per Purchases @ 5%conversion f rom visitorsto buyers $.75/ .05=$15.00 per purchaser

Cost per I mpression$.015 each

$0.015/ .02=$.75 per visitor



Pool of Impressions



Pool of VisitorsFrom Impressions to


Fig. 9.13 – The Declining Number of Viewers at Each Step of an Advertising Chain

Paying for TrafficOnline Advertising

Effectiveness• Online ad banners are simple to create and implement

- Experimentation is cheap and easy• Click-through rates are fairly low• Higher click-through rates associated with:

- Bold colors- Top-of-page placement- Animation- Call to action- Limited frequency of exposure

Paying for Traffic

Banner click-through rates are often as low as 2 percentThis reduces the effect of online brand buildingMany feel that branding still requires the power and imagery of television and radio until users have better technology

Brand Building with Banner Ads

Paying for Traffic

Paid advertising may be necessary to create the initial visibility to search enginesSeveral of the search engines use external links to traffic to determine a site’s indexing frequency and placement in result listsAdvertising reinforces the effectiveness of free mediaInitial studies indicate that banner ads can help build brand awarenessEven with no click-through, banners can trigger post-exposure visits to sites

Brand Building with Banner Ads

Paying for Traffic

Some sites generate sufficient traffic with other measuresIf a business has a regional market, it’s best to avoid online advertising on sites with national or international scopeRegional sites, however, may be a great opportunity for online advertisingCitySearch, SideWalk, JustGo, Yahoo!

Online Advertising May Not Fit All Companies

Evaluating Traffic Sources

Measurable sources of traffic include:- Search engines and directories- E-mail promotions- Publicity campaigns aimed at building awareness and trial- Links from newspaper articles and press releases- Dedicated software updates and links- Paid advertising expenditures to steer traffic to the site- Alliances and co-branding to generate traffic from affiliate sites

Web-log and commerce server data enable marketers to measure these sources

Measuring the Returns

Evaluating Traffic SourcesTracking Search Terms

1. free sample 6. dhea

2. creatine 7. sex

3. ripped fuel 8. chrysin

4. hmb 9. melatonin

5. protein 10. glucosamine

Important to monitor the top-ranked keywords visitors use to find a siteProvides useful snapshot of the ways visitors remember and categorize a site

Evaluating Traffic SourcesMeasuring the Returns

Figure 9.18 Traffic Value

Revenues per Visit and per

Page View are quite


top related