
Design principles Sara-Lee Rust


The bodies of these figures are completely symmetrical and their legs and heads as well as the arms in the middle creates a physical balance. The

use of shade and light also creates some sort of balance,

The composition of the furniture is very precise and the one side is exactly similar to the other side creating perfect balance in this


Balance creates a focus point which is the pyramid with the ball placed on top. The ball is placed on the sharp tip of the pyramid

that also creates a balanced feeling.


In this image you see great contras between black and white. The contras is used to create shade and light.

This is an example of contras in size using the big feet specifically newt to the small feet to emphasize it.

In this image there is contras between different surfaces for example. The glossy, polished perfectly round balls next to an old and more

rough looking building –the contras between hard and soft surfaces.


The composition of the figures in this image are structured to show importance of the figures. The women with the flag in her hand are the focus point there for she is placed in the middle. The composition of the other people gives a sense

of chaos

This image are well balanced according to the composition of the objects. The tree is placed precisely in the middle and there are

no other random objects in the page.


The figures in this image are all over the place making it difficult to get a good direction. You would think that the focus point is the front figure but it seems as if the girl draw

the eye away from it. You see movement in perspective




The relationship between the bottom, middle and top of this figure is strange so the proportion of this human body is wrong

As well as in this image the proportion is very strange for the artist changed the length of the elephants’ legs and the width of it.

This is a example of a unrealistic proportion when you look at the size of the gorilla in relationship of the boy. The gorilla is suppose to be big and the boy small and there is no way that the gorilla will fit into a jar


Elements and shapes are repeated to create a pattern.

In this image the object are placed next to each other in a line. The objects are all the same and creates repetition.

They used form and color to create repetition. The same form(fish), although their size vary, are floating in the air and lying

on the flour and creates some sort of chaos.


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