Principles of Dasamsa Part-2

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Lagna/Chandra/Surya/AL/GL Dasamsa Lagna shows the true self of the native at the physical and body level Planets in the 10th house from Lagna shows whether the native likes his work or not or he is feeling that the work is routine Planets in the 10th house from Moon would shows how active the native is in his work front from mind point Planets in the 10th house from Sun shows whether the native can fight against all odds at his work front Arudha lagna shows the image of the native at the work front.10th house from AL shows how the native is supported Ghatika Lagna shows how powerful is the native from the career point of view Hora lagna gives us a picture about the wealth point and it is connected to the 2nd house as it is the house of stored wealth


Principles of Dasamsa Part-2 Lagna/Chandra/Surya/AL/GL
Dasamsa Lagna shows the true self of the native at the physical and body level Planets in the 10th house from Lagna shows whether the native likes his work or not or he is feeling that the work is routine Planets in the 10th house from Moon would shows how active the native is in his work front from mind point Planets in the 10th house from Sun shows whether the native can fight against all odds at his work front Arudha lagna shows the image of the native at the work front.10th house from AL shows how the native is supported Ghatika Lagna shows how powerful is the native from the career point of view Hora lagna gives us a picture about the wealth point and it is connected to the 2nd house as it is the house of stored wealth Planets in the 10th house When analyzing the d-10 chart we need to see the 10th house,planets in the 10th house,Lord of the 10th house and 10th lord Navmamesh and the planets aspecting the 10th house If no planets in the 10th house then we need to see the 10th lord and planets aspecting the 10th house Vipareeta Raja Yoga has to be seen as a person may get hired suddenly after a sudden fall from his career path(6th lord in 8th house,8th lord in 6th house and 12th lord in 6th house or 6th lord is in 12th house) 10th lord in Various houses
10th lord in Kendra's are good as they are vishnu sthanas.Kendra's are 1,4,7,10 10th lord is Trines are good as they lead to prosperity.1,5,9 are Trines 10th lord in 2nd and 11th are good as they are wealth giving houses 10th lord in 3rd house is good as this is the house of growth 10th lord in 6,8,12 gives lots of ups and downs in the career life,6th is better compared to other houses as this is the house of growth 10th lord in 3rd and 5th house would give short lasted jobs 5th house 5th house is the house of change.It is the 8th from the 10th house. Timming for any change in the job has to be done from the 5th house 5th house rules power and authority 5th house denotes the skills of the native 6th and 7th house 6th house is the house of career.Saturn is the lord of this house 7th house is the house of Business.Mercury is the lord of this house Dasa period of the 6th house would promote career while the dasa period of the 7th house would damage the 6th house(Service) and it would promote business prospects An exalted planet in the 6th house would encourage the native to work. A malefic planet in the 7th house would discourage the native to do business and encourage service 8th house 8th is considered the house of retirement Planets in the 2nd from the 7th should be seen for getting loans for starting a business An exalted or benefic planet in the 8th house is good as natives gets loans very easily 9th house 9th house is the house of boss in the d-10 chart.If the 9th lord is in lagna then native would have problems from his boss specially if the 9th lord is a malefic planet If the lord is in the 9th house then the native would like to be his own boss. For such native business is advisable as there would be lot of room for innovation Malefic planet having papa argala on the 9th house and during the malefic period native is tormented by his boss Professional combinations
Mars is the planet for Lawyers/Engineers Jupiter is the planet for Judges Mercury is the planet for accountants Jupiter,Saturn and Mercury are the planets for astrology Mercury and Ketu are the planets for software Sun,Mars,Rahu and Jupiter are the planets connected to doctors Moon is nursing Ketu,Mercury and Marsare the planets for surgery Venus is the planet for Artistic work Indicators of Good career
Strong10th house Strong10th lord Planets in Kendra or Trikona Watery signs and their lords can send the native abroad for better job prospects during their periods Dasa and antar dasa lords placed in 6,7,9th house and these signs being watery signs can send native abroad Rahu is the karaka for sending the native abroad during transit periods Transits Saturn transiting over Lagna or Sun would give adverse results in the career Benefic planets transiting over Natal lagna would give good results Saturn transiting over A10 would give about a change in the job Jupiter transit over 5th house in D-5 would bring about a change in his job with some promotions Bad houses of Career 6,8,12 are the houses of dusthana
6th house gives hard work 8th house gives a short retirement 12th house would give long retirment or change of career If planets are there in these houses then career would be difficult and if these houses are aspected by D-10 lagna lord or 10th lord then difficulties would calm with some relief If the lords of the 6,8,12 are placed in these house from the Dasa lord in the d-10 chart and they are nicely placed in good houses in the rasi chart then the native would overcome the difficulties with respect to his career It is better to have benefic planet in the 3rd house and malefic planet in the 6th house Transits Transits are very important and needs to be checked in the D-10 chart Planets transiting dusthana's 6,8,12 tend to become very weak Adverse results would come to pass for the native when the pl,anets transits 6,8,12th house or their neecha sign Look for the transit of Jupiter over Natallagna and its aspects on the major and sub lord operating Directions in D-10 If the 10th lord is the star of Kubera then going in directionis good for the native with respect to career and if the lord of the 10th house is in South west direction then native would face troubles in his career Change of Job Change of job can happen during the dasa of the 5th lord of the d-10 chart Job changes can happen during the periods of 3,6,8,12 from A10 Lords of these houses during these dasa and antar periods should not be neecha as native may loose his job Badhaka Graha For Movable sign 11th house is the house of badha,for Fixed 9th and for Dual 7th house Badhaka graha associating with 5th,9th and 10th house or their lords would bring about obstacles in the career No planets should be placed in badhaka sthana or the 7th or 8thfrom A10 as this would indicate loss in the career Malefics graha's of D-10 Based on the Lagna rising in the dasamsa following are the terrible grahas of D-10 chart and during the period of these grahas natives would face problems in their career Lagna Terrible Graha Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon Capricon Jupiter Saggitarius Mercury Libra Mars Virgo Saturn Gemini Venus Remedy lies in praying to the rishi associated with the planet..... Example charts- NT Rama Rao
Chart is of CM of Andhra Pradesh and founder of Telugu desam party Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao 10th house of the rasi chart is Cancer and lord is Moon Moon is placed in Lagna along with Jupiter 9th house house.This is considered as Simhasana Yoga..10th lord in Lagna In D-10 5th lord(power) placed in 2nd house(artha Trikona) President of US-Obama Chart is of President Barack Obama the President of USA Sun is the karaka for being a king..In the D-10 chart 4th lord(home country) placed in the 5th house(power) with 9th and 10th house lord Saturn and Rahu.Such combination is akin to Raj Yog..In the chart of Politicians you would find Rahu would be Chara Amatyakaraka Former President of US-Franklin Roosevelt
10th lord of the rasi is Mercury and placed in 11th house with Sun(lord of the 4th house-Home country) . Sun Yuti with Mercury would give the power to become president. Mercury is the lord of the 5th house(Power) Mukesh Ambani-Richest man in Asia
10th house lord in rasi chart is Moon placed in the 3rd house the house of enterprise In the D-10 Lagna lord is Moon placed in 9th the house of being his own boss 7th house is strong than 6th house as Saturn is with ketu....Saturn denotes oil..Saturn would also denotes tools used to dig oil... Sales Person 10th lord Moon neecha in rasi chart(Instability in career) Lagna lord in 9th house(native would not listen to anybody as he feels he is the boss,9th house is the house of boss Moon is the Amk.Moon being the 9th house lord denotes dharma trikona.Good for being a leader(leading others) 5th lord is Mars and yuti with 4th lord Venus Mars is also the lord of the 10th house (artha Trikona) Sun being the karaka for the career if placed in Marana Karaka sthana does not do well for the native in his career pursuit Working for a private firm
10th lord is Jupiter is placed in the 9th house in Vrischika rasi(Vrischika is the natural 8th house and 8th house is the house of diseases,trials and tribulations..Native is working in a company which deals with calamities and helps the people whose properties are destroyed in calamities Jupiter in D-10 is placed in the 11th house the house of Kama trikona and in the house of Venus.Venus gives career in private organization Telecom Profession 10th lord of the rasi chart is placed in Lagna(Simhasana Yoga) 10th lord of the rasi chart is placed in the 10th house in D-10 chart Venus is connected to private firm and placed in Virgo whose lord is Mercury. Mercury denotes communications 2nd lord Saturn in the 6th house(Service) but with A8(Mrityarudha)..Native has no job since 2011 July. Antar dasa's operating are Venus,Sun,Moon Business Man Lord Mercury is debilitated in 6th house in D-10 chart. Mercury is the karaka for business and when placed in the house of career,during its period it would destroy business..Native is facing lot of issues with respect to business Timming of Job Job change can occur when 5th house or lord operating with respect to D-10 5th house lord should be somehow get connected to Antar/Pratyantara/Sookshma dasa Jobs can also be offered during the dasa periods of planets of the 2nd,6th and 10th house or planets associated with these houses Timming a Job change or Offer-Example
5th house of the D-10 chart is Aries and 5th lord is Mars.Hence job change or offer can happen during the period of Mars First job offered was during the Mars Sookshma dasa.Marsis the lord of the 5th house 2nd Job was offered during the period of Ketu which is placed in the 2nd house in D-10 chart 3rd job was offered during the period of venus which is the dispositor of the 6th house and is placed in the 10th house 4th job was offered during the period of Saturn and he is placed in 6th house and also the lord of the 2nd house 5th job was offered during the period of Venus again placed in 10th house and dispositor of Saturn After that native is stuggling to get a job offer..Saturn is operating and he is in the 8th house the house of obstruction in the rasi chart Thank you

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