Primary English 15. Unit 6 Our school Part B. A1.Let’s learn. a playgroundan officea treeanimals a watch a crayon a pencil-sharpenererasers rulers flowers.

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Primary English 15.

Unit 6 Our school Part B

A1.Let’s learn.

a playground an office a tree animals

a watch a crayon a pencil-sharpener erasers

rulers flowers

A2.Do you know these rooms?

• a music room

• an art room

• a playground

• a library

• a computer room

• a classroom

Pairwork: A:Is there a… in your school?

B:Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.

A3.Look , listen and say

•1. Look and answer:

• What’s this?/that?

•2.Listen and repeat.

3. Look and say.

A4. Can you do it?

• A: This our school. In the school, • there’s a .• There three offices.• There are classrooms.• B: What else there?• Are there trees?• A: Yes, there are.• B: Are there any ?• A: No, there .






A5. Do you know?• 句型 :There are….+ 名词复数+ in + 某处 .


• There are three offices in the school.• There are many classrooms in the school.• 句型: Are there any……? 是上面句型的

一般疑问句。“在…有…吗?” 答语是:Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t.

• Are there any trees? Yes ,there are.• Are there any animals? No, there aren’t.

A6 Ask and answer• Is there a watch in the• pencil-box? .• Is there a clock? .• Are there any pencils?• .• Are there any pens? .• Are there any crayons? .• Are there any erasers? .• Are there any rulers? .

Yes, there is

No, there isn’t

Yes, there areYes, there are

Yes, there are

Yes, there areYes, there are

A7.Let’s have a try( 练一练 )

• 1.There two pencils, a ruler and three pens in my pencil-box. A. is B are C. isn’t

• 2. There a computer room in our school.

• A. are B. aren’t C. is

• 3. (Are/Is)there a library in your school?

• 4.Put (on/up) your hand and answer my questions.

• 5.Come (to/in) the blackboard and write the new words.

• 6. twenty, there, desks and chairs, are, in the classroom

• .

• 7. rice, there,noodles,dumplings, is, in the bowls, and

• .




There are twenty desks and chairs in the classroom

There is rice,noodles and dumplings in the bowl

A 8.Listen and write.

• Hello,everyone. I’m Mike. In our school, there’s ,

• ,

• and

• . There’s

• . It’s small, but I like it. There are five

• and three

• .There are some beside the playground but there aren’t any .

an art room


a library

a music room


a playground

a computer room



a library

an art room

a computer rooma music room

a playground




Your homework• 1. 抄记单词: playground, office, tree, anima

l , watch, crayon, pencil-sharpener, erasers, music, library, flowers

• 2. 默写书上 P132 页 1 中的对话。• 3. 请用句型: There are…… in our school. 和

Are there any…..? Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t. 各造 4 句话。

• 4. 请你仿照书上 P133 页 Mike 描写他的学校那样,描写一下 下屯中学。

Primary English 16

Unit6 Part B 2

A1. Warm up:• 1.There a blackboard in our classroom.• A. are B. is C. am • 2. There is clock in our classroom.• A. two B. a C. some• 3. There some books in the desk.• A. are B. is C. am• 4. There are in the schoolbag.• A. a book B. a pencil-box C. ten books• 5. there a computer room in your school?• A. Are B. Am C. Is• 6. there any classrooms in your school? • A. Are B. Am C. Is







A2. Look listen and say.

twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three


thirty forty fifty sixty seventy

eighty ninety

A3. Tongue twister( 绕口令 )• Three, thirteen, thirty, thirty-three.• Four , fourteen, forty, forty-four.• Five, fifteen, fifty, fifty-five.• Six, sixteen, sixty, sixty-six.• Seven, seventeen, seventy, seventy-

seven.• Eight, eighteen, eighty, eighty-eight.• Nine, nineteen, ninety, ninety-nine.

A3. Listen and read• 1. 语音一掌通• 2. listen and read.•3. sum up

• ar 发 /a:/ a 在 f, ss,st,n 前发/a:/

• or 发 / / ir, er( 单音节词尾 ) 发 / /

• oor 发 / / er( 多音节词尾 ) 发 / /

• oo 在 k, t, d 前/ U / , oy, oi 发 / /

• ow ,ou 发 /au/ air,ere,eir 发/ /• ere,ear 发/ / oor,our,ure 发/ /

Your homework

• 1. 抄写记忆单词: 20 - 90

• 2. 每人用英文数字出十道数学题。• 3. 自测数词: 1 - 90

• 4. 准备听写 :P126-127 页单词句字。

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