Primary agriculture coop societies staff service Haryana

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Primary agriculture coop societies staff

service/PACS rules,2014

Presented byPrashant Yadav

D. O (Kosli)

Short Title ,Commensement And Application

These rules will be called PACS staff service/Primary coop credit & service society rules,2014

come into force w.e.f 01-03-2014. All previous rules/instructions are

hereby repealed except referred here-in-after.

These Rules shall apply to employees of all PACS

Important Definitions

Financial institutions means the concerned Bank with which society is affiliated.

Pay means basic monthly pay or consolidated salary whichever applicable.

PACS Classification Committee consisting of: Assistant Registrar Coop Societies CEO of the bank Prabandhak of the PACS

Important Definitions cont. Supervisory Officer means any officer of financial

institution with which PACS is affiliated Family means an employee ,his/her spouse,minor

sons,unmarried daughters and parents actually residing and wholly dependent upon employee.

Authority to implement these rules

These Service rules shall be administrated by the committee .

All financial and personal matters of employees of PACS will be decided by committee with the consent of nominee of financial institute.

In case of his dissent matter will be referred to DRCS and then his decision will be final .

Classification of PACS

PACS classification committee consisting of ARCS,CEO of the bank and PACS prabandhak shall classify a society within two months from the date of operation of these rules on the basis of Audit Report for the last two years.This classification will be reviewed every two year in the month of April.


Classification contd.

The following Societies shall be eligible to grant consolidated pay to its employees:-

A.-Which are dormant and not doing any business transactions.


B.-Having business turnover upto Rs.5.00crore Or

C.-Sale of Agriculture Inputs below Rs.10.00 lacs in a year cont.

Table of Classification of PACSClass Classification of Society

A Society with laon outstanding more than Rs.15.00crores,Agri inputs sale above 30.00 lacs and saving deposit more than 75.00 lacs

B Society with laon outstanding more than Rs.7.00crores,Agri inputs sale above 15.00 lacs and saving deposit more than 50.00 lacs

C Society with laon outstanding more upto Rs.7.00crores,Agri inputs sale above 10.00 lacs and saving deposit more than 30.00 lacs

Classification of PACS of ‘A’class

Sr no

Name of the POST

Sanctioned strength

Pay band

Grade pay

Minimum pay scale

1 Prabandhak 1 5000-20000

2400 5000+2400GP=7400

2 Clerk cum cashier

2 4000-7200

1700 4000+1700GP=5700

3 Salesman 2 4000-7200

1700 4000+1700=5700

4 Peon/chowkidar

2 3200-7200

1200 3200+1200=4400


Classification of “B” class PACS scale


Post Sanctioned

Pay band Grade pay

Minimum pay scale

1 Prabandhak

1 5000-20000 2400 5000+2400=7400

2 Clerk cum cashier

1 4000-7200 1700 4000+1700=5700

3 Salesman 2 4000-7200 1700 4000+1700=57004 Peon/

chow.2 3200-7200 1200 3200+1200=4400


Calssification of “c” class PACS scale


post Sanctioned

Pay band

Grade pay

Minimum pay scale

1 prabandhak

1 5000-20000

2400 5000+2400=7400

2 Clerk/cash.

1 4000-7200

1700 4000+1700=5700

3 Salesman 1 4000-7200

1700 4000+1700=5700

4 Peon/chow 1 3200-7200

1200 3200+1200=4400



1. PACS should be in profit for last two years


Recovery loan to member>75%(25% overdue recovery,50%currunt demand in each crop


Saving deposit A class=75 lacs B class=50 lacs

C class=30 lacs cont.


Arrangement for deployment of excess staff. Post falling vacant due to

retirement/death/resignation of employee shall not be filled up.

Removal of employees who are ineligible due to age,qualification or appointed after 19-02-2006


Pacs shall recover excess pay salary drawn by its employees.

DCCB will ensure the recovery of loan taken by PACS employees (except Agri loan)before fixation of pay.

Cost of management<75% PACS will borne expenditure of above pay scale.


These scales have no relation with revision of pay scales by Govt.and should not be interpreted as related to pay scales given to Govt. employees.

The managing committee of PACS shall pass a resolution in this regard specifying that all 6 conditionsare fulfilled by PACSand Prabandhak shall submit the case by giving certificate to CEO who will fix salary


CEO will send the case to Auditor who will verify it.

If PACS don’t fulfill above conditions employees of it shall continue to draw consolidated pay.

No agenda will be issued regarding salary,allowance,promotion or appointment without prior approval of ARCS.

Increment and its coditions

Next increment after completion of each year of satisfactory service,shall be 3% and employees will continue to draw increment even on reaching the maximum of scale subject to fulfillment of the conditions mentioned below:-

PACS should be in profit for the last one year.

Cash recovery>60% No default of any cooperative is

applied on cases in which employee is guarentor.

Enhancement of Pay ½% enhancement per year for satisfactory previous service Dearness allowance(D.A)will be allowed as per Govt.rules Fixed medical allowance of Rs. 500/- per month Medical reimbursement shall be as per rule28(2)

HRA,LTC Rural Allowance etc. No employee will be allowed such allowance due

to local employment No ACP will be provided With permission of HARCO Bank profit earning

PACS which don’t have accumulated losses can grant business incentive to its employees.

Committee to resolve any dispute

If there is any dispute in pay fixation a committee consisting of following will decide the issue:-

DRCS ARCS Audit Officer CEO of Bank Chairman of PACS


The appointing authority or DRCS as the case may be depute an employee of PACS on deputation to any other cooperative institution or to any other agency on such terms and conditions agreed upon between the PACS and foreign institution with approval of RCS

Pay will be according to terms and conditions The committee may add or delete any category or

no. of posts according requirement of business


SR Designation of Post


1 Prabandhak Rs.25000/-cash & tangible security of 2.50 lacs

2 Clerk cum Cashier Rs.15000/-cash & tangible security of Rs 1.00 lacs

3 Salesman Rs.15000/-cash & tangible security of Rs. 1.00 lacs

4 Peon/Chowkidar RS.10000/-cash

Cash security shall be taken in form of F.D with concerned bank and shall be pledged in the name of society.

This security shall not be released during the pendency of any disciplinary,civil or criminal proceeding against him.

(9)Qualification and mode of appointmentSR.

Designation of Post

Acadamic qual & exper for direct recruitment & promotion

Mode of Recruitment

1 Prabandhak For Direct:-1. M.Com/M.A with math or economics orB.Com/B.A with math or economics/BBA/MBA/ 50% marks orGraduate with ten years experience as clerk/cashier in PACS

2. Preference will be given to the diploma holders from RICM chandigarh or junior Basic course C.C.M. Rohtak

FOR PROMOTION 1. 10 years experience as clerk/cashier/salesman in PACS having degree in Arts/Commerce/Economics

2. Prefernce will be given to the diploma holders from RICM or junior basic course from C.C.M Rohtak

By direct recruitment – 70%

By promotion – 30% amongst PACS employees

By transfer or deputation of an official already in service of any coop institutions/departments

Sr Desig Qual Mode of recruitment

2 Clerk cum cashier

For Direct Graduate Experience working and cashier/Accountant Any diploma /Course in Accountancy.Basic knowledge of computers.(DOEACC “O” level)



3.By transfer or deputation

Sr. no

Designation Qualification Mode of Recruitment

1 Peon/Chowkidar Matric Pass (1)Direct(2)By transfer or Deputation

Important Instruction for Recruitment Each employee except peon shall pass state eligibility test in

computer appreciation and applications(SETC)conducted by HARTRON or any other approved agency

2 years probation for direct recruitment

1 year probation in case of promotion

Honourable CEO of bank will prepare seniority list for promotion of Prabandhak

A committee consisting of DRCS,ARCS,Audit officer will approve this list

Appointment Probation and Trainning On the recommendations of selection committee the

appointment to the service shall be made by managing committee

No person will be appointed to the service if: Has been dismissed or removed by his department Unless he produces a medical fitness certificate from CMO Fails to produce good character certificate Fails to produce his status of married/unmarried . Employee will have to pass training within 3 years of his

appointment otherwise no increment will be granted If no eligible candidate is available,management may decide

to fill from open market 18-40 years age of recruitment

Method of recruitment

A committee of DRCS,chaiman/vice chairman of PACS and CEO will recommend the name of Prabandhak

A committee of ARCS,Chairman/vice chairman,CEO and one of auhorized committee member will recommend the name of clerk/cashier/salesman/peon cum chowkidar

By giving 30 days notice applicatons for filling the post shall be invited through newspaper(English & hindi).

The marks to be allotted at the time of interview shall be as per directions issued by RCS from time to time.


The competent authority to sanction leave of Prabandhak shall be Chairman/vice chairman.

The Prabandhak will be competent to grant leave to his staff.

The leve is not a matter of right.Granted leave may be cancelled.

Earned leave will be as under:- 1/24 days upto 10 years 1/18 days upto 10to 20 years 1/12 days above 20 yaers. Earned leave can be granted maximum for 120 day.

LeavePeriod of service

Granted casual leave for male

Granted casual leave for female

First 10 yrs of service

10 20

11-20 years 15 20After 20 years 20 20

Maternity leave

The competent authority will grant meternity leave to its female employees for a period not exceeding 3 months,leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave shall be paid during maternity leave

Medical certificate should be attached It is applied upto two children Maximum 45 days maternity leave can be granted

in case of miscarriage including abortion

Extraordinary Leave

When no other leave is by rule admissible or When other leave is admissible but employee

concerned applies in writing for garnt of such leave

Not entitled for leave salary This period shall not be treated as qualifying

service for any service,promotional benefits.


58 years age 60 years in case of peon-cum-chowkidar If date of birth is 1 of a month,he will be retired on the

afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of 58 or 60 years,as the case may be.

For the extension of service beyond the age of 55 years the committee shall review and decide the case.

The committee has absolute right to retire an employee by giving him noticeof not less than 3 months in writing or 3 months of pay and allowances in lieu of such notice.

Maintenance of Service Record The Prabandhak of society shall maintain the

service record of employees and maintain service book at H.O level

Date of Birth of employee shall be that as entered in the Matriculation certificate or birth certificate issued by the Registrar,Birth & Death

Resignation,Termination,Retrenchement or Reversion

In event of any case pending against the employee ,the committee shall not accept the resignation.

Service of an employee can be terminated by the appointing authority;

During probation if his work and conduct is not found satisfactory,by giving notice as per terms and conditions of the appointment

On the basis of misconduct of the employee by issuing charge sheet,holding an inquiry and by providing opportunity of hearing to the delinquent employee.

Temporary employee can be terminated by giving one month notice by giving reasons of termination.

In case of retrenchment or reversion due to abolition or reduction in the number of posts,the employee whoever is the last person to be employed in that category shall be the first to be retrenched or reverted,unless for sound reasons to be recorded in writing ,the appointing authority may otherwise retrench or revert any other employee.


The concerned DRCS may suspend the prabandhak after enquiry or on the recommendation of the committee.

The Prabandhak may suspend employees of PACS . If committee/Prabandhak fails to take action aginst

employees who are involved in case of embezzlement/misappropriation as pointed out by Auditor or disobeying the higher authorities or convicted by any court,DRCS shall have power to palce the concerned employee under under suspension

During the period of suspension the employee will be eligible for subsistence allowance as per Govt. instruction

Gross Misconduct

Dishonesty,fraud,misappropriation,embezzlement and misutilization of the funds of the society or commiting any offence under Indian Penal Code

Engaging in any trade or business outside the scope of duties. Drunkenness or riotous or disorderly indecent behavior in

publicplace and in the premises os PACS Willfull damage or attempt to damage the property of PACS Willfull insubordination or disobedience Giving or taking bribe Lowering down the performance of work. Playing cards/gambling in premises of PACS Taking part in any political party Willfull absent Collecting money in premises of PACS without permission of PACS

Penalties for Gross Moisconduct Barring of promotion Withholding of promotion Revision to the lower post Termination Recovery on account of loss to the PACS

Minor Misconduct

Irregular attendance Commiting nuisance Entering or leaving the premises except by

providing for purpose Canvassing for union membership or collection of

union dues within the premises

Penalties for minor misconduct Warning or Warning with a copy on the personal

file Censure Withholding of annual increment for a period of

not more than 6 months

Procedure to be adopted for punishment No penalty shall be imposed on any employee other than employee on deputation

unless the charges have been communicated to him in writing and he has been given full reasonable opportunity if showing cause against the action proposed

A chargesheet must be served and a date of inquiry be set in case of gross misconduct.

If charge is proved the employee shall be advised in writing of the nature of punishment proposed and he shall be given a personal hearing

On the direction of committee prabandhak will be competent to issue chrge sheet,obtain explaination,appoint an enquiry officer and serve a notice for showing cause aginst the action proposed

The final punishment shall be imposed by the committee The prabandhak may suspend or reinstate employee in writing and the agenda be

put in next B.O.D meeting Suspension order must be served through registered post. If exonerated,employee shall be entitled to full salary and allowance of suspension

period.If not completely exonerated,the competent authority shall specify in the order of reinstatement as to how the period of suspensionbe treated and also the amount of pay and allowances to be paid to him for such period.

Penalties and AppealSr. no.

Nature of penalty Competent authority

Appellate authority

1 2 3 41. Censure/warning &

minor penaltiesPrabandhak

Managing committee

2. With holding of incrementwith or without cumulative effect,fine and recovery of loss or damage caused

Managing committee

Concerned ARCS

3. Reversion to the lower post,Barring of promotion to the higher post,Dismissal,Removal and Termination

Managing committee


Penalties and Appeals

In case of prabandhak,the competent authority to imposed penalties in given coloumn no 2…….for minor penalties will be the committee and appellate authority will be DRCS.

In case of major penalties DRCS will be imposing authority and and RCS Haryana shall be the appellate authority.

Appeal should be made in 60 days. 90 days in case of sufficient cause for not

submitting the appeal. No revision shall lie against the order passed under

the appeal.


At the rates specified by the Registrar

15 days shall be counted for complete 1 year satisfactory service subject to maximum 12 months.

(28)Employees Welfare Fund 5% of net profit of PACS Financial assistance to the amount of Rs 2.5 lacs on

death of en employee Every PACS shall contribute Rs.100000/- every year

under head ‘medical reimbursement’ Rs.25000/- may be reimbursed for individual case

within a span of 1 year Managing committee is the competent authority. PACs shall be at liberty to adopt health insurance

scheme for the families for maximum upto Rs.10000/- in a year

The committee will be the competent authority.

Uniforms and Liveries To be paid per year to peon-cum-chowkidar

In summer Rs.300/- In winter Rs.500/-

Group Insurance

The Bank shall work as Nodal agencies between Insurance companies and PACS employees.(RCS letter memo no 53/14/93/credit-1 dated 25.06.1993) or as per instructin issued by RCS.

Loan facility

Sr no

Purpose amount

1 Construction of housePurchase of a plot

Rs.3.5 lacs or equal to 24 months salary whichever is less.After 5 year of service

2 Repair of house Rs.1 lacs or salary of 12 months whichever is less

3 Purchase of two wheeler

Rs.40000/- or cost of vehicle whichever is less

4 Marriage loan Rs.100000/- or salary of 12 months whichever is less

5 Education loan As above

Condition for loan

Subject to availability of funds created out of the profit

PACS should be in profit The rate of interest and other terms and

conditions will be as per instructions of RCS

Provident Fund

As per RCS instruction from time to time

(33)Ex-gratia Assistance

An Assistance of Rs.2.5 lacs shall be provided to the dependent of deceased or as per instruction of RCS

See rule no 28 of employee welfare fund

Travelling Allowance

DA is paid if journey is made out of area at the rates fixed by RCS


Committee with resolution Through DRCS. DRCS Should send resolution with opinion within

15 day to RCS.

(37)Residuary Provisions

Matter shall be referred to the RCS RCS will take final decision.


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