Price-setting in the Foreign Exchange Swap Market: Evidence from … · widens Covered Interest Rate Parity (CIP) deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ by up to 5 basis points.

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  • Price-setting in the Foreign Exchange Swap Market:Evidence from Order Flow

    Olav Syrstad and Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj∗

    This Draft: 22nd May, 2020


    The Foreign Exchange (FX) swap market is the most traded financial market in theworld with over 3 Trillion USD daily turnover (BIS Triennial Survey, 2019). Pricing in theFX swap market has been subject to considerable scrutiny since the global financial crisisin 2008, with non-US banks paying significant premiums to swap euros, swiss francs andyen into dollars. Since the financial crisis, dealers set the forward price by learning fromorder flow. We define order flow as net demand changes that are publicly observable andmanifest themselves in FX trading. Using a proprietary dataset on inter-dealer trades,we estimate the price impact of order flow. A 1 standard deviation increase in order flowwidens Covered Interest Rate Parity (CIP) deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$by up to 5 basis points. The price impact of order flow is more sensitive to increaseddispersion in dollar funding spreads. We then differentiate between shocks to publicinformation, such as quarter-end regulations and monetary announcements, and shocksto private information, such as central bank swap lines. We find evidence of forward pricesbeing set contemporaneously in response to public information. In contrast, forward pricesare set based on the arrival of order flow in response to private information.

    Keywords: interest rate parity, exchange rates, currency swaps, order flow, dollarfunding

    JEL Classifications: E43, F31, G15

    ∗Norges Bank ( and Warwick Business School ( respectively.We would like to thank Saleem Bahaj, Barry Eichengreen, Gerardo Ferrera,Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Ingomar Krohn, Richard Lyons, Dagfinn Rime, Andrew Rose,Andreas Schrimpf, Saskia Ter-Ellen and seminar participants at the Australasian Banking and Finance Confer-ence, the Bank of England, the Bank of International Settlements, BI Business School Oslo, Norges Bank andUC Berkeley. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those ofNorges Bank.


  • 1 IntroductionPricing in the Foreign Exchange (FX) swap market has been subject to considerable scrutiny

    since the global financial crisis, as it no longer obeys the iron law of Covered Interest Rate Parity(CIP). CIP is a constellation of four rates, the spot rate, the forward rate, and the domestic andforeign interest rates. A theory of arbitrage, CIP states that the rate of return on equivalentdomestic and foreign assets should equalize after covering exchange rate fluctuations in the FXforward market. Since 2008, CIP deviations have been large and persistent for the euro/$,chf/$ and yen/$ pairs, and have implied a systematic premium for banks to swap euros, swissfrancs and yen into dollars through the FX swap market (Figure 1). While much of the literaturefocuses on why deviations exist, and range from explanations that center on limits to the supplyof dollars in the FX swap market due to bank regulations and funding constraints, as well asfactors that lead to an excess demand for dollars in the FX swap market, less is understoodabout the role of price-setting in the FX swap market. In this paper, we examine the role oforder flow as a fundamental signal used by dealers to update the price of the forward rate. Wedefine order flow as net demand changes that are publicly observable and only impact pricewhen signals of it are manifested in FX trading.

    Prior to the financial crisis, funding spreads in dollars were relatively stable, making price-setting in the FX swap market a straightforward process. The dealer sets the forward rate tomatch customer orders for swapping euros into dollars with flows from a customer swappingdollars for euros. The post-crisis period is instead characterized by large heterogeneity infunding spreads and leverage constraints. This makes it difficult for dealers to determine theequilibrium price of the forward rate. Therefore, dealers use order flow as a signal to set theforward rate. In this paper, we argue two competing microstructural hypotheses through whichprice determination is governed by order flow.

    The first hypothesis we put forward is the private information view, in which dealers resetforward prices based on the arrival of order flow. For example, suppose in response to a shockto its access to dollar funding, a customer now obtains dollars via the FX swap market. Thedealer aims to match the customer flows of swapping euros into dollars with flows by othercustomers of swapping dollars into euros. By matching flows, the dealer aims to reduce theaccumulation of inventory. If the dealer cannot meet the customer demands for dollars withmatching flows, it submits these excess demands to the inter-dealer market. The net pressurefor swapping euros into dollars is observed as order flow in the inter-dealer market. Crucially,these excess demands can then be used by dealers to update the forward rate of the FX swapto balance customer orders. Now, let us consider the alternative hypothesis, in which theinformation is public. For example, consider a scheduled monetary announcement of a centralbank. These announcements are publicly announced and the outcomes of the meeting are


  • conveyed to all participants in the financial market. If the announcement is anticipated to raisedollar funding spreads, the dealer can reset the forward rate to equalise funding spreads indifferent currencies after hedging exchange rate risk. In this setting, dealers adjust the forwardrate contemporaneously, and avoid order imbalances.

    We formalise the hypotheses in a microstructural model of the FX swap market. The modelhas three key agents; customers, arbitrageurs and dealers. Customers are swapping domesticcurrencies, for example euros, swiss francs or yen, into dollars. Arbitrageurs provide flows tomatch customer demands by borrowing dollars and then lending them in the FX swap market.Dealers act as intermediaries and match the flows of customers and arbitrageurs. Dealerstypically try to keep their positions flat to avoid financing inventories Lyons (1995). Dealeraversion to inventory accumulation yields a price-setting condition in which the forward rate isset to correct order imbalances. The model’s primary contribution is to map a linear relationshipbetween order flow and price-setting of the forward rate. We can use this framework to studydifferent sources of shocks to customers and dealers. If the shocks are unanticipated by dealersand are based on private information, they are revealed through order flow, which the dealersuse to reset the forward rate. Alternatively, if the shock is incorporated in pubic information,dealers reset the forward rate and avoid order imbalances.

    We test our microstructural hypotheses of price-setting in the FX swap market using twoprimary sources. For order flow, we use data from the Thomson Reuters D2000-2 platform usedin Rime et al. (2017). This records inter-dealer transactions in 1W FX swaps for the bilateralpairs of euro/$, yen/$ and chf/$. The data includes detailed timestamps of the transactionprice, together with bid and ask quotes. Using this information allows us to sign trades. Forexample, if a dealer posts a market order to swap euros, swiss francs or yen into dollars, wewill record that as a buyer initiated transaction. Conversely, if a dealer posts a market orderto swap dollars into euros, swiss francs or yen, it is classified as a seller initiated transaction.Signing transactions in this way gives us a measure of order flow, which we define as the netof buyer transactions for swapping euros, swiss francs or yen into dollars at the spot leg of theFX swap. Our second data source is high frequency tick data on 1 week forward and spot ratesfrom Thomson Reuters Tick History to construct a measure of CIP deviations for the 1 WeekFX swap.

    Our empirical evidence first focuses on deriving estimates for the price impact of order flow.Since the crisis of 2008, a positive 1 standard deviation shock to order flow causes a wideningof CIP deviations by up to 5 basis points. We show that the price impact is derived from thechange in the forward premium. This is consistent with our model framework, as dealers areupdating the forward rate in response to order flow.

    To understand why the price impact of order flow is a post crisis phenomenon, we notethat since 2008 there is increased dispersion in dollar funding spreads. This makes it difficult


  • for dealers to determine an equilibrium forward price. Therefore we hypothesise that increaseddispersion in funding spreads can explain increased price impact since 2008. We measuredispersion in dollar funding spreads using the range of quotes in the Libor fixing in the interbankmarket. Our results suggest that in days of high funding spreads, which we identify as dayswith a range of libor quotes exceeding 10 basis points, the price impact of order flow increasesby approximately 3 basis points. This is quantitatively significant, and approximately half ofthe price impact of order flow can be attributed to increased dispersion in funding costs. Inadditional tests for the robustness of our price impact estimates, we control for quarter-endregulations and scheduled monetary announcements of the European Central Bank (ECB), theBank of Japan (BOJ) and the Swiss National Bank (SNB). We test for these announcementsas there is potential for price-setting to be occurring in response to order flow around theseselect events, and that is what is driving our result. We find that controlling for these events,the price impact of order flow is largely unchanged.

    We now turn to testing the microstructural hypotheses of the whether the public or privateinformation view is relevant in price-determination. First, we test the effect of Federal ReserveSwap lines during the period 2007-2010. In response to rising default risk and a shortage ofdollar funding in interbank markets, the Federal Reserve instituted currency swaps with othercentral banks at a pre-specified exchange rate. These dollar loans were then auctioned off toEuropean, Swiss and Japanese banks in need of dollar funding. Therefore, banks who resortedto the FX swap market during the crisis period, now obtain their dollars via a swap line. 1

    To identify the effect of swap lines, we use data on swap allotments, which contain the loansize and terms (typically 1 week) to counterparty central banks during the period. Based ona methodology that controls for feedback effects between CIP deviations, order flow and swapallotments, we find an increase in the flow of Federal Reserve allotments causes a decline inorder flow and a narrowing of 1 Week CIP deviations. This is consistent with the privateinformation view, in which dealers reset forward prices through the arrival of order flow. Ascustomer demands for dollars via the FX swap declines, the inter-dealer market observes thisthrough a decline in net transactions to swap euros, swiss francs and yen into dollars. 2

    We then proceed to investigate price determination in the FX swap market around quarter-ends. Agents are incentivized to deleverage in order to meet leverage constraints based onBasel 3 capital requirements. Arbitrageurs supplying dollars in the FX swap market are likely

    1Alternatively, the swap line also relaxes arbitrageur balance sheet constraints and increases arbitrageurs’ abilityto supply dollars in the FX swap market. The effects on both customers and dealers will have an equivalenteffect of reducing the relative demand for dollar funding in the FX swap market.

    2We stress that the private information is not the announcement of the swap line itself, which is known todealers, but the details of counterparties that use the swap line. For example, only a subset of banks thatdraw on the swap line may have previously been relying on dollar funding via FX swaps. Similarly, banksmay now start using these dollar funds to supply dollars in the FX swap market. Both of these outcomes areunanticipated by dealers until they revealed as higher order flow in the FX swap market.


  • to offload their dollar borrowings and holdings of FX swaps as they deleveraging. All elseequal, this causes a decline in the supply of arbitrage capital in the FX swap market. Usinghigh frequency tick data we find that CIP deviations for 1 week FX swaps for the euro/$, yen/$and chf/$ pairs spike precisely when the FX swap contracts trade over quarter-ends. Taking amicroscopic view using high-frequency evidence around quarter-ends, we conclude that there isa contemporaneous adjustment of the forward premium of approximately 30 basis points whenthe FX swap contract enters the quarter-end period. The contemporaneous adjustment of theforward rate is consistent with the hypothesis of quarter-end regulations being incorporatedinto dealer information sets. As dealers anticipate deleveraging by agents supplying dollars inthe FX swap market, they reset the forward rate to increase the premium of swapping euros,swiss francs or yen into dollars. By adjusting the forward rate contemporaneously, they avoidorder imbalances.

    Finally, we test for scheduled monetary announcements of the ECB, BOJ and SNB. In re-sponse to surprise changes in the risk-free rate, as measured by the overnight index swap (OIS)rate, we find no systematic effect of changes in the risk-free rate on the CIP deviation. Ourresults are consistent with dealers resetting the forward rate to offset any change in interestrates. As the announcements are publicly known, dealers can reset forward prices contempora-neously, and we find evidence of this using the high frequency response of the forward premiumaround monetary announcements of the ECB, BOJ and SNB.

    We now turn to related literature. The literature on post 2008 CIP violations naturallycentre on theories of what are the supply and demand fundamentals in the FX swap marketthat explain persistent violation of deviations. Theories on limits to the supply of dollars inthe FX swap market include rising balance sheet costs and regulatory requirements Du et al.(2018); Liao (2018); Bräuning and Puria (2017), the role of the dollar in constraining leverageAvdjiev et al. (2016), and rising bid-ask spreads due to limited dealer capacity Pinnington andShamloo (2016), and rising counterparty risk Baba and Packer (2009). Other factors affectingagents demands for dollars in the FX swap market include declines in bank quality, declinesin short-term funding, unconventional monetary policies, and central bank swap lines (Rime etal., 2017; Bahaj et al., 2018; Ivashina et al., 2015). This paper contributes to understandingCIP violations by understanding how constraints on changes in customer demand and supplyof dollars in the FX swap market can lead to price discovery through order flow. This is acritical component of the FX swap market microstructure and we show empirically that dealersuse order flow as a fundamental signal to update the forward price of the FX swap.

    The seminal work on market microstructure in FX has typically examined the price impactof order flow on spot foreign exchange markets Evans and Lyons (2002, 2005, 2006); Bergeret al. (2008); Rime et al. (2010); Ranaldo and Somogyi (2019). On the empirical front, theFX spot literature finds a significant price impact of order flow, with estimates in Evans and


  • Lyons (2002) suggesting a $1 Billion USD change in order flow in the USD/Deutschemarkmarket translating to a 50 basis point price move in the spot exchange rate. This literatureemphasizes that order flow has an effect on price discovery insofar in that it reflects privateinformation of customers, that are not part of the dealer information set. Microstructure modelsin Evans and Lyons (2002) have typically used simultaneous trade models in which dealers setprices, and use inter-dealer order flow following a trading round as information to reset prices.In developing our model framework of the FX swap market, we share many of the elementsin trading, however we note two clear differences in the FX swap market. The first is thatinvestors in the FX spot market compose of informed and uninformed traders, with informedtraders having an information advantage in the price of the spot exchange rate, which is treatedas a speculative asset. In contrast, customers in the FX swap market are trading for hedgingpurposes. Second, we add arbitrageurs to the framework as they attempt to make systematicprofits from the mispricing of the forward rate. We derive a price-setting relation in which theCIP deviation is linearly related to order flow. This is similar to microstructure models of theexchange rate, in which exchange rate returns are linearly related to order flow.

    Finally, we relate to a recent interest in understanding the impact of order flow in FXswaps. This has been a post-crisis phenomenon, as prior to 2008 covered interest rate parityviolations were small and the forward rate was set mechanically in accordance with the coveredinterest rate parity condition. However, since 2008, there is increasing evidence on heteroge-neous funding spreads, and the role of leverage playing a role in the ability to absorb orderimbalances. Evidence in Cenedese et al. (2019) and Rime et al. (2017) find evidence that orderflow, measured as the net of trades swapping domestic currency (euros, yen and swiss francs)to dollars, is positively associated with a widening of cross-currency basis for these currencypairs. We extend their work in several ways. Through a model framework, we derive the priceimpact of order flow on the FX swap market through an inter-dealer market that sets forwardprices to minimise inventory accumulation. Second, we test the hypotheses through which orderflow has price impact using swap repository data for the 1 Week FX swap. We find that thesource of information matters: in response to public announcements, dealers set the forwardprice contemporaneously. In contrast, order flow plays a significant role in price-setting of theforward rate in response to private information, and this is substantiated through the allotmentof central bank swap lines by the Federal Reserve in the period 2008-2010.

    The paper is outlined as follows. In section 2, we outline definitions of covered interest rateparity, FX swaps and order flow. In section 3, we develop a model of the microstructure ofthe FX swap market, and derive a price-setting rule that relates the forward rate of the swapto order flow observed in the inter-dealer market. In section 4, we outline our measurementof covered interest rate parity violations and datasets on order flow. In section 5, we firstprovide baseline estimates of the price impact of order flow. In section 6, we empirically test


  • the microstructure hypotheses of how prices are determined in response to public and privatesources of information, using the response of the FX swap market in response to quarter-endbank regulations and central bank swap lines. In section 7 we conclude.

    2 DefinitionsCovered Interest Rate Parity

    Covered interest rate parity (CIP) states that two assets with identical characteristics interms of credit risk and maturity, but denominated in different currencies, have the same rateof return after accounting for exchange rate risk using a forward contract. To illustrate, let usconsider an investor that can borrow at the risk-free rate in dollars or euros. The total cost ofborrowing 1 dollar directly is 1 + rf$ . Alternatively, the investor can borrow dollars via the FXswap market. To do so, they borrow 1

    Seuros, where S is the quotation in dollars per euro. The

    total cost in euros is then 1+rfd

    S. They then hedge exchange rate risk with a forward contract,

    which gives a synthetic dollar cost of FS

    (1 + rfd ). The CIP deviation is defined as the differencebetween the direct and synthetic dollar borrowing cost, which we formally state in equation 1.

    ∆ = 1 + rf$︸ ︷︷ ︸direct

    − FS

    (1 + rfd )︸ ︷︷ ︸synthetic


    Since 2008, European, Swiss and Japanese Banks have been paying a a higher syntheticdollar cost to borrow dollars in the FX swap market, and the CIP deviation can therefore beinterpreted as a synthetic dollar borrowing premium. We document this in Figure 1, whichplots 1 year CIP deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs.

    In this paper, we study price-setting of the FX swap. In our context, this specifically refersto a dealer setting the forward rate of the swap. In pre-crisis times, setting the forward ratewas a rather mechanical exercise, the dealer sets the forward rate so that the returns in dollarsand euros are equalized when accounting for exchange rate risk using the forward contract. Wemake this distinction in equation 2, where in the pre-crisis period, deviations were rather small,∆pre−crisis ≈ 0, and so the forward rate is set by dealers consistent with covered interest rateparity arbitrage taking place.

    ∆pre−crisis ≈ 0 =⇒ F = S1 + rf$1 + rfd


    In the post-crisis period, significant deviations from parity suggest dealers set the forward


  • rate in response to underlying demand and supply fundamentals in the FX swap market. Pricedetermination is complicated by the fact that there also exist substantial heterogeneity infunding spreads, leverage constraints and customer quality during this period. As we willillustrate in our model, dealers update the forward rate of the swap in response to demand andsupply fundamentals in the FX swap market.

    Foreign exchange and cross-currency swaps

    Foreign exchange swaps, also known as spot-forward contracts, are used by banks andcorporates to hedge balance sheet risk. To give perspective on how widespread it is used infinancial markets, foreign exchange swaps are the most traded foreign exchange instrumentworldwide, with a turnover of approximately $3.2 Trillion USD. This accounts for nearly halfof global turnover of $6.6 Trillion USD based on the BIS triennial survey, with spot foreignexchange accounting for only $2.0 Trilion USD.

    A bank may hedge the FX exposure due to a mismatch of their currency assets or liabilities,with evidence in Borio et al. (2016) that Japanese banks have significantly higher dollar assetsthan liabilities, causing them to turn to the FX swap market for dollar funding. 3 We illustratethe legs of the FX swap in Figure 2. The swap is a euros for dollars swap. In the first leg of thecontract, the customer exchanges a principal of X Euros at the current spot rate S dollars perEuro. The customer receives SX Dollars. Both parties then agree to re-exchange the principalsat maturity at a specified forward rate, this is known as the forward leg of the contract. Thecustomer receives their X Euros, and the dealer then receives FX Dollars, where F is theforward rate of the contract.

    At maturities of greater than 3 months, the predominant risk hedging instrument is a cross-currency swap. A cross-currency swap begins with an exchange of principals at a spot rate,which we illustrate in Figure 3. For illustration, let us suppose the customer engages in a 10year swap, with the customer receiving SX Dollars and the dealer receiving X Euros as before.For every 3 months until maturity, the customer pays 3 month USD Libor interest payments,and the dealer in return pays 3 month Euro Libor plus the addition of the cross-currencybasis. At maturity of the contract, the principals are then re-exchanged at the initial spot rate.The dealer of a cross-currency swap sets the cross-currency basis ∆, which is connected to theforward rate by equation 2.

    Order Flow and the Inter-Dealer marketBased on our preceding discussion of FX swaps, we can classify transactions based on

    whether they are "buyer" or "seller" initiated. Buyer initiated transactions are classified as

    3Similarly, a corporate may hedge the currency mismatch of their cash flows, for example if a European corporatehas profits in dollars from their offshore activities, they will hedge the Foreign exchange risk by swapping theirdollar receivables with euros.


  • customers executing a market order to swap Euros, Swiss Francs or Yen into dollars at thespot leg of the FX swap contract. Conversely, seller initiated transactions execute a marketorder to swap dollars into Euros, Swiss Francs or Yen. We will use this sign convention in ourempirical evidence. Order Flow in the FX swap market is then measured as net buyer initiatedtransactions for swapping euros, swiss francs and yen into dollars. This is the fundamentalsignal used by dealers to update the price of the FX swap.

    Dealers in our framework are intermediaries that are matching opposing flows in the FXswap market. A dealer aims to match customer orders for swapping euros currency into dollarswith flows from a customer swapping dollars for euros (Figure 4, left). In contrast, supposedealers inhibit their ability to match customer flows. In the event of unmatched customer flows,the dealer submits excess demands for swapping euros into dollars to the inter-dealer market(Figure 4, right). The net pressure for swapping euros into dollars is observed as order flowin the inter-dealer market. Critically, we assume that dealers face inventory risk, this is inaccordance with empirical evidence that dealers aim to set prices to match flows and avoidinventory accumulation Lyons (1995).

    3 ModelWe first introduce the three types of agents in the model, customers, arbitrageurs, and

    dealers. Customers include banks, other financial institutions and non-financial institutionsthat manage currency mismatch between assets and liabilities by hedging their positions via FXswaps. They submit their orders to dealers, who match customer interests themselves or turnto the inter-dealer market to match the trade. Additionally to customers, there are a distinctgroup of arbitrageurs. The arbitrageurs can step in and supply dollars in the FX swap marketto earn arbitrage profits from mispricing of the forward rate in response to underlying demandfor dollars from customer flows. The third group of agents are dealers, who set the forwardprice of the FX swap. The objective of dealers are to match customer flows of swapping eurosinto dollars with opposing flows of swapping dollars into euros by the set of arbitrageurs. Anyunmatched flows are submitted to the inter-dealer market and are observed as order flow. Thekey assumption in price-setting is that the inter-dealer market sets the forward rate to avoidorder imbalances. This is consistent with market microstructure theories of dealers keepingpositions flat and avoiding inventory accumulation (Lyons, 1995).

    The primary contribution of the model is in deriving a relationship between order flow andprice-setting of the forward rate. Additional testable implications include an analysis of thesource of shocks to order flow. Shocks to customer order flow can come from unanticipatedchanges in customer quality and access to dollar funding markets. Shocks to arbitrageur capitaltake the form of heterogeneous dollar funding spreads and leverage constraints.


  • ArbitrageursFollowing Sushko et al. (2017), we model an arbitrageur that has expected exponential

    utility over next period wealth Wt+1. Formally, we define Ut = Et[−e−ρWt+

    ], where ρ is a

    measure of risk aversion. The arbitrageur decides to lend xt dollars in the FX swap market.To do so, they first borrow at the dollar risk-free rate rf$ . The dealer exchanges principals ata specified spot exchange rate st dollars per unit of domestic currency, with an agreement tore-exchange principals at maturity at the forward rate ft. During the contract, they investthe domestic currency, at a risk-free rate rfd . The net profit they make per unit of arbitrageis defined as the cross-currency basis, ∆t,which is the excess of the forward premium over theinterest rate differential, ∆t = ft − st − (rf$ − r

    fd ).4

    While the above analysis holds for the pre-crisis period of 2008, in the post-period therehas been increased funding spreads in dollars relative to funding spreads in other currencies.For example, suppose that to raise dollar funding, the cost of dollars is the risk-free rate withthe addition of a funding cost c$,j,t. Similarly, the return on domestic currency is the risk-freerate plus the addition of a funding cost cd,j,t. Therefore, the difference in dollar and domesticfunding cost c$,j,t − cd,j,t, which we call a funding spread, is an additional cost of arbitrage.

    The arbitrageur bears exchange rate risk. In the event of a default with a given probabilityθ, the dealer does not earn the forward premium ft − st on the trade, but instead earns astochastic return based on the realized spot rate exchange rate st+1. We can write the evolutionof wealth in the next period as the sum of returns on initial wealth, CIP arbitrage profits andthe difference between the actual spot rate at t+1 and the forward rate. We capture costs toarbitrageur leverage, φt


    ), with φt (.) > 0. This is a stylized way of capturing regulatory

    factors such as requirements on a minimum level of risk-weighted capital to assets, and othercosts of scaling the balance sheet to conduct CIP arbitrage.

    Wt+1 = Wt(1 + rf$ )︸ ︷︷ ︸return on wealth

    + x$,t∆t︸ ︷︷ ︸cip arbitrage

    − x$,t(c$,j,t − cd,j,t︸ ︷︷ ︸funding spreads

    ) + θxt(st+1 − ft)︸ ︷︷ ︸counterparty risk

    − Wtφt(xtWt

    )︸ ︷︷ ︸

    leverage constraint


    Assuming st+1 ∼ N(ft, σ2s), and drawing on the properties of the exponential distribution,maximizing the log of expected utility is equivalent to mean-variance preferences over wealth.


    ρ(Wt(1 + rf$ ) + x$,t∆t − x$,t(c$,j,t − cd,j,t)−


    2x2$,tσ2 −Wtφt



    4Note that the definition of the cross-currency basis in the model is the negative of the cross-currency basisexpressed in the empirical evidence. We change the notation for the model as we are taking the perspective ofan arbitrageur supplying dollars in the FX swap market.


  • The optimal supply of dollars by an arbitrageur is given by x∗t . Dealer supply of dollars ispositively associated with the forward premium (and hence cross-currency basis).

    x∗$,t =∆t − (c$,j,t − cd,j,t)− φ′j




    In addition, we model two additional costs on the arbitrageur’s balance sheet that limit theextent of arbitrage undertaken. The first is differences in dollar funding spreads, which increasesthe effective cost of borrowing in dollars to execute the CIP arbitrage trade. The funding spreadheterogeneity is a post-crisis feature and is typically represented as higher credit spreads indollars, as well as more dispersion in Libor rates for banks (Rime et al., 2017). Second is theleverage constraint. As the ratio of debt to total assets increases with more arbitrage capital,so does the marginal cost of obtaining dollars. For example, in Bräuning and Puria (2017)they find evidence that the size of the swap position leads to higher forward premiums chargedby dealers, all else equal. This is especially heightened in quarter-end periods when leverageconstraints prevent agents from borrowing for arbitrage capital (Du et al., 2018; Cenedese et al.,2019). Both funding spreads and leverage are idiosyncratic, that is, heterogeneity in arbitrageurfunding spreads and leverage can make it more difficult for the inter-dealer market to predictorder imbalances. We elaborate on this heterogeneity further in a following section where weset out the price-setting condition in the inter-dealer market.

    CustomersCustomers, typically banks, use the FX swap market to swap domestic currency (euros,

    swiss francs and yen) into dollars to hedge their dollar asset positions. We capture customerdemands by the following stylized function, where banks are in a continuum [0,1] indexed bybank quality θb and the cross-currency basis ∆. Importantly, xD$,t is a measure of the net demandfor dollars at the spot leg of the FX swap.

    xD$,t =∫ 1

    0f(θb,∆, A$ − L$)db (6)

    The first determinant of net demand for dollars in the FX swap market is θb, which measuresbank quality. All else equal, banks with higher quality are more likely to obtain dollars directlyvia commercial paper markets or bank deposits. Therefore demands for dollar funding via FXswaps is inversely related to bank quality. The decline in bank quality and the correspondingincrease in counterparty risk are key determinants of the increased demand for dollar constrainedbanks in the FX swap market in 2008 (Baba and Packer, 2009). The second determinant ofnet demand is the cross-currency basis ∆. All else equal, a higher cross-currency basis impliesa synthetic dollar borrowing premium. This increases the net cost of swapping euros, swiss


  • francs and yen into dollars, all else equal. Evidence in Eguren Martin et al. (2018) suggeststhat in response to shocks to the basis, banks’ net demand for dollars in the FX swap marketdeclines. Our last determinant is customer hedging demands, which is determined by thedifference in dollar assets and dollar liabilities. More concretely, if the difference between assetsand liabilities denominated in dollars is positive, A$ − L$ > 0, the bank hedges the currencyexposure by dollar funding via a FX swap. This is consistent with evidence that countries witha larger dollar funding gap, like Japan, are associated with wider CIP deviations (Sushko etal., 2017).

    Inter-Dealer MarketWe have defined customers and arbitrageurs. Each of these agents are price-takers, and go to

    a market-maker to find a counter-party to take the other side of the trade. The market-maker isthe dealer in our model. The dealer’s objective is to match flows of swapping domestic currency(for example euros, swiss francs, yen) into dollars with opposing flows. This is consistent withtheories of market micro structure where dealers are sufficiently risk averse to holding inventory(for eg. see Lyons (1995). We denote the net dollar demands by customers to dealer j by xD$,j.Denote the net supply of dollars by arbitrageurs to dealer j by x∗$,t,j. Unmatched flows in dollarsare submitted to the inter-dealer market. We illustrate the unmatched flows of a dealer in Figure5. The dealer submits the excess demand for dollar funding to the inter-dealer market, and thisis observed as OFt,j in the Figure. Aggregating across all dealers, we obtain an expression forinter-dealer order flow OFt, in equation 7. Inter-dealer order flow is equal to the net buyingpressure of swapping euros, swiss francs or yen (domestic currency) into dollars. ‘Net customerdemands for dollars at the spot leg of the FX swap is equal to xD$,t. Net supply of dollars by Nsymmetric arbitrageurs in the FX swap market is given by ∑Ni=1 x∗$,t.

    OFt = xD$,t −N∑i=1

    x∗$,t (7)

    To illustrate the timing of customer-dealer trades and price-setting, Figure 6 depicts a twoperiod model, in which customers and dealers trade at the beginning of each period. Immedi-ately after each period of trading, the inter-dealer market observes order flow. Dealers then setthe forward rate of the FX swap, and hence the cross-currency basis ∆, to set expected orderimbalances to zero for the next period of trading.


  • Definition [Price setting]: The inter-dealer market sets a forward price to set inter-dealerorder flow to be zero, based on an information set that includes information on current andpast prices, and customer and arbitrageur fundamentals.

    Et [OFt(∆t)|It] = 0 (8)

    The price-setting condition is implicitly assuming an inter-dealer market that sets a commonprice for all dealers. This is a simplifying assumption, as if dealers set different prices, this wouldnot be a sustainable equilibrium as customers will only execute swap trades with the dealerthat sets the most favorable forward price. Combining equations 7 and 8, we can rewrite theorder flow in period t as the unanticipated components of customer demand and dealer supplyof dollars in the FX swap market.

    OFt = xD$,t −E[xD$,t|It



    (x∗j,t −E



    In the model, order flow responds to changes to demand fundamentals that are not fore-cast by dealers. This provides a simple decomposition of order imbalances into unexpectedidiosyncratic shocks to customers and dealers, shown in equation 10. The first term reflectsunanticipated shocks to customer type and funding spreads. For example, the inter-dealermarket may not directly observe customer types, such as credit ratings and their ability to bor-row dollars in alternative markets. The second term reflects unanticipated changes in fundingspreads. The third term reflects rises in the cost of leverage.

    OFt =∫ 1

    0f(θb, .)−E [f(θb, .)|It] db︸ ︷︷ ︸

    customer type and funding spreads

    + 1ρθ2σ2


    c$,j,t − c$,d,t −E [c$,j,t − c$,d,t|It]︸ ︷︷ ︸funding spreads










    ︸ ︷︷ ︸leverage constraints


    Finally, we can solve for the equilibrium cross-currency basis ∆, can be derived from settingexpected order flow to zero, in equation 11. Intuitively, an increase in customer demands,an increase in dollar funding spreads relative to domestic funding spreads, or a tightening ofleverage constraints on dealers, leads to a widening of the basis.

    ∆t = E [c$,j,t − cd,j,t|It] +E[φ′j,t




    + ρθ2σ2


    ∫ 10E [f(θb, .)|It] (11)


  • We can use the framework to study the price impact of order flow, as well as the propagationof shocks to customer demands and dealer supply on price-setting in the FX swap market.

    Proposition 1: price impact of order flow

    A positive shock to order flow in period t implies a widening of CIP deviations, with theprice sensitivity β = ρθ2σ2


    ∆t+1 −∆t = βOFt (12)

    The price impact of order flow is seen in equation 13 is governed by β, which is relatedpositively to variance of the exchange rate, counterparty risk, and negatively related to thenumber of arbitrageurs N . This contrasts to the β in microstructure models of the spot FXmarket, which typically measures the relative share of informed traders (Evans and Lyons,2002). We differentiate our price impact equation in that FX swaps do not feature uninformedtraders, and rely on customers that use FX swaps for largely hedging purposes. One importantimplication is an efficient market with no limits to arbitrage, N →∞ and there is a zero impactof order flow. In this case, a dealer will always have matched flows, as there is an elastic supplyof arbitrage capital to take the other side of customer trades. We can use this framework toanalyse sources of information shocks to customers and dealers, which we outline in propositions2 and 3.

    Proposition 2: price impact of customer order flow

    A positive shock to bank quality θb causes a decline in bank demands for dollar funding inFX swap market, a decrease in order flow in period t and a narrowing of CIP deviations inperiod t+ 1.

    ∆t+1 −∆t = β∫ 1

    0f(θb, .)−E [f(θb, .)|It] db︸ ︷︷ ︸

    customer type and funding spreads


    An example of a shock to bank quality that we test empirically is the introduction ofcentral bank swap lines, which provides an alternative source of dollar funding for banks facinga dollar shortage (Bahaj et al., 2018). Central bank swap lines by the Federal Reserve provideincremental dollar liquidity to sufficiently dollar constrained banks. As banks of low quality aremore likely to use central bank swap lines as a way to meet dollar funding, we can interpret thisas reducing customer demand for dollars via FX swaps. Crucially, if the swap line auctions todollar constrained banks are private information, this results in a decline in order flow, causing


  • a decline in the forward premium of the swap trade.

    Proposition 3: price impact of arbitrage capital

    A positive shock to dollar funding spreads or leverage constraints causes a decline in supplyof dollar funding in FX swap market, a rise in order flow in period t and a widening of CIPdeviations in period t+ 1.

    ∆t+1 −∆t =1N


    c$,j,t − cd,j,t −E [c$,j,t − cd,j,t|It]︸ ︷︷ ︸funding spreads

    + φ′j,t(x







    ︸ ︷︷ ︸leverage constraints


    Proposition 3 shows that a reduction in arbitrage capital due to an unanticipated rise infunding spreads and leverage constraints increases order flow and has subsequent price impactin the FX swap market. Limits to arbitrage capital are particularly pronounced during quarter-end regulations, and there is micro level evidence suggesting dealers that are more leveraged aremore sensitive to order imbalances and demand a higher forward premium on the contract (Duet al., 2018; Cenedese et al., 2019). Another feature of proposition 3 states that an increase inheterogeneity of funding spreads or leverage constraints can also lead to price impact, a featurethat is consistent with the empirical findings of Rime et al. (2017). If there is an increaseddispersion of funding spreads, dealers will use order flow as a signal to update the price of theFX swap. To conclude, the model has provided a framework to show how unanticipated shocksto customer demand, funding spreads and leverage constraints can translate to an increase ininter-dealer order flow. This causes dealers need to reset the forward premium of the FX swapto offset order flow, resulting in a widening of the cross-currency basis. This is consistent withmicrostructure theories on inventory control; dealers are sufficiently averse to holding inventoryand update the forward rate as a response to avoid inventory accumulation. We test threepredictions in our empirical evidence. First, we test equation 13 directly to measure the priceimpact of order imbalances. We then test for order flow and price effects following quarter-endregulations, and central bank swap lines.

    4 Data

    4.1 Covered Interest Rate ParityTo compute deviations at the 1 week maturity, we use Thomson Reuters tick history which

    contains historical data on spot and 1 week forward prices of the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs.Swap points, also referred to as pips, are used to get the forward exchange rate, F = S + sp104 ,


  • where we express S and F as dollars per unit of domestic currency, and so the dollar is classifiedas the quoting currency. The CIP deviation we calculate in equation 15 is expressed as thedifference between the local dollar borrowing rate less the synthetic dollar borrowing rate, whereiq is the US interest rate, ib is the base interest rate (denominated in euros, swiss francs or yen),Sa is the spot rate at ask and Fb is the bid forward rate. A negative ∆ indicates that syntheticdollar borrowing costs exceed local borrowing costs, and this is indeed the case for the euro/$,yen/$ and chf/$ pairs. For a measure of risk-free rates, we use the 1 week Libor in the quotingand base currencies. In constructing the CIP deviation, we convert our forward premium F


    to annualised percentage points in order to construct a measure of 1 week CIP deviations inannualised terms.

    CIPt = 1 + iq,t −Fb,tSa,t

    (1 + ib,t) (15)

    Summary statistics for the three pairs are provided in Table 1, for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$pairs respectively. CIP deviations are much wider in the post 2008 period, with an average of30 basis points for all pairs. Average deviations are negative, suggesting that on average, theUS dollar libor rate is less than a synthetic libor rate based on borrowing in euros, swiss francsor yen and swapping into dollars using a forward contract. The range of CIP deviations alsoincreases significantly with measured spikes of up to -300 basis points. These spikes correspondto quarter-end periods, which we investigate empirically in following sections.

    4.2 Order FlowOrder flow is defined as the net of buyer initiated transactions. We define a transaction as

    buyer initiated if it is initiated by a counterparty swapping euros, Swiss francs and yen intodollars. Conversely, a transaction is seller initiated if the transaction is swapping dollars intoeuros, swiss francs and yen. To measure order flow at short-term maturities, we use the ReutersD2000-2 trading platform available at Norges bank, which contains inter-dealer trades from 2005to 2017 in FX swaps for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs. We use the 1 Week maturity as itis the most liquid and traded pair at maturities less than 1 month. This dataset is also usedto construct order flow for FX swaps in Rime et al. (2017). The dataset has quotes in theinter-dealer market, with columns indicating bid price, ask price, a timestamp of the quote tothe nearest second, and a column for the market price when a trade has occurred. Using thisdata, we can match transaction prices to the bid and ask price quotes at the timestamp of thetrade. We follow the algorithm provided in Lee and Ready (1991), which is commonly used tosign transactions as buyer or seller initiated based on bid and ask quotes.

    Formally, let us define pT is the transaction price, pa is the ask price and pb is the bid price.The algorithm is designed to sign the transaction as buyer (seller) initiated if the transaction


  • price is closer to the ask (bid). We illustrate more formally the algorithm below. 5

    1. If pT,t < pa,t+pb,t2 , transaction is seller initiated

    2. If pT,t > pa,t+pb,t2 , transaction is buyer initiated

    The measure of order flow is then given as the net of buyer initiated transactions, wherebuyer initiated transactions are signed +1 and seller initiated transactions are signed -1.

    OF countt =k=t∑k=t0

    1[Tk = B]− 1[Tk = S]

    Summary statistics of order flow using the inter-dealer trades are provided in Table 2. Themean of net buyer initiated trades is close to zero, and the standard deviation of trades rangesfrom 2-5 net buyer transactions per day. The euro/$ pair has the highest range of order flow,with a range of [-30,+30]. We provide plots of daily order flow, cumulative order flow and the1 Week CIP deviation in Figure 2.

    In addition to data on FX swaps, we also use data on cross-currency swaps at longer matu-rities of greater than 3 months. This data is obtained from a swap repository facility availableat Bloomberg SDR Terminal, recording a set of customer-dealer transactions in cross-currencyswaps for financial institutions that are compliant with the CFTC. This captures a subset ofthe market insofar as they are institutions that report to the Bloomberg SDR facility, and isavailable since 2013. We report summary statistics and plots of order flow for the 1 Year Cross-Currency Swap in the Appendix A. We treat our data on cross-currency swaps as a secondarysource in our empirical evidence because we have customer-dealer trades instead of inter-dealertrades for the 1 Week FX swaps.6

    5 Price Impact of Order FlowBaseline specification

    In this section we take the testable implications of the model framework to the data. First,we examine the price impact of order flow based on the price-setting equation outlined in themodel. Based on our model, we concluded that a rise in order flow is consistent with excessdemands for swapping domestic currency into dollars. As dealers are averse to holding inventory,the inter-dealer market resets the forward rate to offset order flow. This leads to an increase in5In the event that the transaction price is at the mid point, the past history of bid and ask prices are used toinfer the sign of the trade. Alternatively, if there is no past history of bid and ask prices, the trade cannot besigned.

    6Issues of sample selection can be a problem. If the swap repository includes a subset of customer-dealer trades,results are subject to idiosyncratic liquidity needs of customers, and order flow measures constructed from thisdata are less likely to correlate with a measure of inter-dealer order flow.


  • the forward premium and a widening of deviations of covered interest rate parity. Our baselinespecification in equation 19 is measuring the price impact of order flow. On the left hand side,we measure the daily change in covered interest-rate parity violations using end of day prices.The order flow for 1 week FX swaps are measured in counts as we do not have trade volumein the TR D2000-2 database. We run the specification for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairsseparately, and divide our sample into two periods, the pre-2008 period (which runs from 2005to end of 2007), and the post 2008 period (which runs to the end of the sample in 2017).

    CIPt − CIPt−1 = α + βOFt + �t (16)

    Our results for the 1 week euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ bilateral pairs are estimated in Table 3. Wefind that order flow has significant price impact in the post 2008 period for all 3 pairs, with a1 standard deviation change in order flow widening covered interest rate parity violations byapproximately 5 basis points. In contrast, there is no significance in the pre 2008 period. Theinsignificant price impact of order flow in the pre 2008 period is intuitive as covered interestrate parity held tightly during this period, with average violations bounded within transactioncosts.

    Effects on Forward Premium

    Our theory of price-setting in the FX swap market states that dealers update the forwardrate of the swap in response to order flow. Decomposing the 1 week cip deviation into a forwardpremium component and an interest rate differential, we expect that all of the price impactof order flow is observed only in the forward premium. Restricting the sample to the post2008 period, the regression results for the forward premium and interest rate differential arepresented in Table 4. In columns 1, 3 and 5, we find that the reaction of the forward premiumto the order flow explains the entire reaction of the change in the covered interest rate parityviolation, whereas in columns 2, 4 and 6, we find a weak statistical effect on the interest rates.

    This means the forward rate is set mechanically to make the covered interest rate parity hold.Second, in the post 2008 period, there is increased variability in funding spreads and leverageconstraints, complicating price determination in the FX swap market. Therefore dealers in thepost 2008 period are using the order flow as a public signal to update the forward rate of theswap.

    Dynamic effects

    In addition to measuring the contemporaneous price impact of order flow, we test for dy-namic effects using a structural vector autoregression (VAR) framework. We use this method


  • as equation 19, while capturing the contemporaneous price impact, does not examine effectson covered interest rate parity violations at longer horizons. Following the work of Hasbrouck(1991); Ranaldo and Somogyi (2019), we estimate the following bivariate VAR, illustrated inequations 17 and 18.

    CIPt = α1 +L∑k=1

    γ1,kCIPt−k +L∑k=0

    β1,kOFt−k + �1,t (17)

    OFt = α2 +L∑k=1

    γ2,kCIPt−k +L∑k=1

    β2,kOFt−k + �2,t (18)

    In our baseline specification, we use L = 7 lags. we assume that shocks to order flow areimpounded in the price contemporaneously, however shocks to price affect order flow with alag. The identification assumption is consistent with causality running from order flow to price-setting of the FX swap. Therefore in equation 17, a contemporaneous shock to daily order flowis impounded in the closing price, which is consistent with the price-setting equation derivedin our model framework. Conversely, we only allow for shocks to prices to affect order flowwith a lag. Based on our specification, we test the effects of a 1 standard deviation shock toorder flow on the CIP deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs in Figure 8. On theleft panel, we test for effects during the pre 2008 period, and observe no systematic effect oforder flow on the cross-currency basis for all 3 pairs. In the post 2008 period, we find thecross-currency basis widens by approximately 3-5 basis points contemporaneously. Howeverthe price impact of order flow decays to zero for all pairs after approximately 3-5 days followingthe shock to the order flow. this is intuitive as a shock to order flow is impounded in the pricecontemporaneously, and it contains less relevant information over a longer horizon. Crucially,the contemporaenous price impact of order flow is consistent with estimates in Table 3. Fordynamic effects of order flow shocks for cross-currency swaps (swaps at longer horizons rangingfrom 1Y to 10Y), we refer the reader to Appendix B.

    5.1 Robustness tests

    Price Impact around high dispersion in funding costs

    This means the forward rate is set mechanically to make the covered interest rate parity hold.Second, in the post 2008 period, there is increased variability in funding spreads and leverageconstraints, complicating price determination in the FX swap market. Therefore dealers in thepost 2008 period are using the order flow as a public signal to update the forward rate of theswap.

    In the model, order flow arises as unanticipated changes in customer demand, due to changesin bank quality, or unanticipated changes in arbitrage capital from leverage constraints or


  • funding spreads. We use the daily quotes by banks to construct a proxy for funding spreadsin dollars, as the difference between the daily maximum and minimum Libor quote. The Liborfixing is set at approximately 12 noon in London each day, and the range of quotes on agiven day provides us an approximate measure of the spread in funding spreads facing agentssupplying dollars in the FX swap market. Therefore, to test this formally, we divide our sampleinto days where the range of minimum and maximum libor quotes is less or greater than 10basis points.7

    Table 5 presents results of the price impact of order flow. Consistent with our theory, wefind that the price impact of order flow is significantly higher during periods of high dispersionin Libor quotes, with the price impact increasing. The results are suggestive that as thereis more heterogeneity in funding spreads, order flow conveys more information to dealers inupdating the forward price of the FX swap.

    Price impact around quarter-ends

    We test for the impact of quarter-end regulations on the pricing of short-term FX swaps.At quarter-ends, there is an incentive for financial institutions to window-dress balance sheetsin order to meet leverage requirements imposed by Basel 3.8 To test the effects of quarter-end regulations, we augment our price-setting equation with variables that account for thequarter-end period. Our variable of interest is Qend × post2015 × OF , which captures anyadditional price-impact of order flow during the quarter-end period. Results of the specificationare provided in Table 6. We find, firstly, that the unconditional price-impact of order flowcoefficient β is unchanged from before. This shows that the price impact of order flow is robustto the jumps evident during the quarter-end period.

    CIPt−CIPt−1 = α+β1OFt+β2Post2015+β3Qendt+β4Qend×OFt+β5Qend× post2015×OFt+�t(19)

    Price impact: monetary announcements

    A final robustness test is examining whether the price impact of order flow is impacted dif-ferently during scheduled monetary announcements. We augment our specification in equation20, with 1[MPt] a dummy variable for scheduled announcements of the ECB for the euro/$,BOJ for the yen/$ and SNB for the chf/$ CIP deviation respectively. In Table 7, we test forthe price impact of order flow. With respect to each currency pair, we find the price impact oforder flow after accounting for monetary announcements are similar, with etimates between 3

    7We choose this as the threshold as it is the median range of libor quotes during this period8Basel 3 requires a minimum risk-adjusted capital to assets ratio.


  • and 4 basis points.

    CIPt − CIPt−1 = α + γ1[MPt] + βOFt + δOFt × 1[MPt] + �t (20)

    6 Microstructure Tests: Public vs Private InformationShocks

    In this section we test our microstructural hypotheses of how price-setting is determinedin the FX swap market. Our two hypotheses reflect the differences in price-setting based onwhether the shock to customer demands or arbitrage capital is based on private or publicinformation. To illustrate the two hypotheses, we document the response of order flow andthe CIP deviation to a shock to customer flows In Figure 9. Under the hypothesis of publicinformation, dealers reset the forward rate contemporaneously. In contrast, if the shock isprivate information, dealers set the price of the forward in response to order flow. In this section,with reference to examples, we examine how price-setting in the FX swap market is determinedin response to central bank swap lines and quarter-end reporting requirements. We find evidencethat central bank swap lines constitutes private information: swap line allotments cause price-setting through the arrival of order flow. In contrast, as quarter-end reporting obligationsconstitute public information, we observe contemporaneous adjustment of the forward rate.

    6.1 Central Bank Swap LinesCentral bank swap lines provide incremental dollar liquidity to sufficiently dollar constrained

    banks. Banks who resorted to the FX swap market for dollars in the crisis period now obtainedtheir dollars via a central bank swap line. The effect of these policies are to reduce the demandfor dollar funding in the FX swap market. Price effects, in reducing CIP deviations, have beenwell documented, with the rate at which the Federal Reserve lends to counterparty centralbanks enforcing a ceiling on CIP deviations (Bahaj et al., 2018). We use the central bank swaplines to test the following microstructure hypotheses of how price-setting is determined in theFX swap market. If swap lines are public information, price effects are contemporaneous. Incontrast, if swap lines constitutes private information, price effects are due to the arrival oforder flow.

    We now illustrate the hypothesis that the swap lines constitutes private information. TheFederal Reserve extends a swap line to the ECB. The ECB then auctions those dollars toEurozone banks. While the size of allotments are made publicly available, the details of whichbanks have access to the swap line are unknown to the dealers in the FX swap market. Therefore,


  • under the hypothesis that the information is private, dealers can only update forward pricesonce they observe order flow. Swap lines can either be extended to customers swapping eurosinto dollars, or arbitrageurs supplying dollars in the FX swap market. The effect of swap lineson customer demands is therefore revealed through a decline in buyer initiated transactions fordollars in the euro/$ FX swap market. Alternatively, if the central bank swap lines are insteadallocated to arbitrageurs supplying dollars in the swap market, we expect an increase in sellerinitiated transactions for dollars in the euro/$ FX swap market. In either case, we predict anincrease in allotments to reduce order flow, which we document schematically in Figure ??.

    To test this, we use data on Federal Reserve swap line allotments to counterparty banksduring the period of 2008-2010. The data contains a record of every transaction made, withboth amounts and maturity listed. The maturity of a swap line can range from one week to 1month. At a daily frequency, we compute the total stock of allottments as the total amount ofall loans made by the Federal Reserve to counterparty central banks, less any loans that havematured. The daily change in stocks provides us a flow measure of allotments. This is the mostdirect measure of incremental liquidity provided by the Federal Reserve to foreign (non U.S.)banks. We construct a measure of total allotments for the central bank swap line. Figure 10plots the total allotments outstanding to the ECB, BOJ and SNB, as well as loans made tobanks in the Eurozone, Japan and Switzerland. At the height of the crisis, in October of 2008,allotments peaked at approximately $250B to the ECB, and approximately $100B to the BOJ.The sharp rise in allotments was due to a move by the Federal Reserve to raise the ceiling onallotment amounts. To construct a global measure of total loans to banks in the Eurozone,Japan and Switzerland. We add the total amounts outstanding for lines extended to the ECB,BOJ and SNB, and TAF loans extended to the Eurozone, Japan and Switzerland.

    Following Hasbrouck (1991), we test for the impact of the constructed measure of swap lineallotment flows on the covered interest rate parity deviations and order flow for 1 week FXswaps. The selection of the 1 week maturity is consistent with the majority of swap allotmentsbeing of 1 week maturity. The multivariate VAR framework is summarized in equations 21,22 and 23. As well as the measure of CIP deviations CIPt and order flow OFt, we augmentthe bivariate VAR in section 4.2 with a measure of swap allotment flows At. The identifyingassumption is that shocks to swap line allotments can have contemporaneous effects on thecovered interest rate parity deviation and order flow. In contrast, swap line allotments areonly affected by lagged order flow and cip deviations. We hypothesize that a positive shock toswap line allotments causes a decline in order flow, as banks substitute toward the swap linefor additional dollar funding. Similarly, banks that now receive dollar funding can use theirarbitrage capital by supplying dollars in the FX swap market. The decline in order flow thennarrows deviations of covered interest rate parity.


  • CIPt = α1 +L∑k=1

    γ1,kCIPt−k +L∑k=0

    β1,kOFt−k +L∑k=0

    δ1,kAt−k + �1,t (21)

    OFt = α2 +L∑k=1

    γ2,kCIPt−k +L∑k=1

    β2,kOFt−k +L∑k=0

    δ2,kAt−k + �2,t (22)

    At = α3 +L∑k=1

    γ3,kCIPt−k +L∑k=1

    β3,kOFt−k +L∑k=1

    δ3,kAt−k + �3,t (23)

    In our baseline specification, we use L = 7 lags. We document the impulse response toa 1 standard deviation shock in swap line allotment flows in Figure 11. Consistent with ourhypothesis, there is a contemporaneous decline in order flow for the euro/$ and yen/$ pairs.xThe effect on order flow is strongest for the euro/$. This is intuitive, given the majority of swapline allotments were extended to the ECB, which then auctioned funds to European banks thatrelied on dollar funding in the euro/$ FX swap market.

    Examining price effects, we see that there is a peak narrowing of CIP deviations by 5 basispoints for each pair, with the peak effect occurring 2-3 days following the swap line shock.The delayed price adjustment is attributed to the timing of swap line allotments; allotmentsoccur in periods of extreme dislocation in FX swap markets, and are responding to periods oflow liquidity, high counterparty risk, and significant dollar shortages. While the effect of swaplines on reducing CIP deviations has been the focus of Bahaj et al. (2018), we contribute tothis literature by showing that the price impact of central bank swap lines occurs through thechannel of order flow.

    6.2 Quarter-end effectsSince 2015, there have been increasing limits to arbitrage in financial markets through

    regulations on bank leverage. Basel 3 requires a minimum risk-adjusted capital to assets ratio.At quarter-ends, there is an incentive for financial institutions to window-dress balance sheetsin order to meet leverage requirements imposed by Basel 3. Quarter-end reporting obligationsare known publicly to dealers, and in accordance with our microstructure hypothesis, we findevidence of contemporaneous price-setting in Figure 12, which plots the 1 week CIP deviationfor the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs. We can see regular spikes in CIP deviations at quarter-ends, stemming from resetting of the forward rate in the FX swap market. The right panelof Figure 12 shows the reaction of the 1 week CIP deviation at the quarter end in September2016. Contemporaneous adjustment of the forward rate of these contracts prior to one weekprior to quarter-end is due principally to the inability of leverage constrained agents fromborrowing dollars and supplying those dollars in a FX swap. Once the quarter-end period


  • ends, the forward rate contemporaneously adjusts back to its pre quarter-end level. The spikesin quarter-ends are a post 2015 phenomenon as we summarize dynamics of CIP deviationsaround all quarter-ends in Table 8. Dividing our sample into pre and post 2015, we observe asignificant contemporaneous adjustment of the forward rate in the post 2015 period. Once theFX swap enters the quarter-end period, CIP deviations widen by approximately 35 basis pointson average for the euro/$ and yen/$ pairs, and 20 basis points for the chf/$ pair.

    Given there is contemporaneous adjustment of the forward rate, we test for whether thereare any significant effects on order flow during the quarter-end period. For example, if thereis delayed price-setting, we expect to see a significant positive rise in order flow. In equation24, we test for the sensitivity of the 1 week CIP deviation and order flow in response to thequarter-end adjustment. Qendt is a dummy variable for quarter ends, and is equal to 1 in thelast week of the months of March, June, September and December.9Controls Xt include thetrade weighted dollar exchange rate, VIX volatility index and the USD libor-ois spread.

    Yt = α + βPost2015t + γQendt + δQendt × Post2015 +Xt + �it (24)

    The coefficient of interest in the regression specification is δ which measures the interactionof quarter-ends with the period since 2015 when spikes in CIP deviations are more apparent.The results in Table 9 are for the regression specification in equation 24, with the first 3columns run for CIP deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs respectively. In line withestimates of contemporaneous CIP adjustment at quarter-ends, we find a sustained wideningof CIP deviations during quarter-ends.10 Columns 4-6 include the order flow effects, which arestatistically weak for all pairs. This suggests that dealer pricing is efficient, and are able toprice the forward rate in a way that is consistent with minimising order imbalances.

    6.3 Monetary AnnouncementsCIP deviations are decomposed into a forward premium and the interest rate differential.

    In response to a change in the risk-free rate, we hypothesize that the forward premium reacts ina systematic way to offset the change in the interest rate differential. The dynamics of forwardrate adjustment is dependent on the source of information. We argue in this section that as

    9The beginning of the quarter-end period is typically the 22nd for months with 30 days, and the 23rd for monthswith 31 days. The reason for this is the convention that a FX swap contract begins 2 days after it is agreedupon. For example, in September, a FX swap trade on 22nd September will begin on the 24th, and expire onthe 1st of October.

    10A concern with estimates of CIP deviations during quarter-ends is that it may be due to time trends or othervariables that are unrelated to the quarter-end period. To address this concern, we have a more robust designin Appendix C which reports a regression specification that uses a set of control maturities that are greaterthan 1 year.


  • monetary announcements are public information, we expect contemporaneous adjustment inthe forward rate. Scheduled monetary announcements of the European Central Bank, Bank ofJapan and Swiss National Bank.

    In Figure 13, we plot the forward premium of the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ in responseto scheduled monetary announcements of the ECB, SNB and BOJ. The ECB announcementwe consider is the September 14th, 2014 announcement where the ECB lowered the depositfacility rate by 10 basis points.11. The SNB policy announcement is on January 15th, 2015,where the interest rate target is lowered by 50 basis points to -0.75%, and the SNB lifts thefloor on the Chf/Euro exchange rate.12 Finally, the BOJ announcement we document is the29th January, 2016 announcement when the central bank introduces a negative interest rate of10 basis points on current account that financial institutions hold at the central bank.13 Foreach announcement, we observe a widening of the forward premium of approximately a similarmagnitude In Figure 13, with most of the adjustment occurring within an intra-day window ofthe announcement. The increase in the forward premium in response to a decline in the risk-freerate is intuitive: dealers offset the change in the risk-free rate with a change in the forwardpremium, keeping the CIP deviation constant. We illustrate this hypothesis in equation 25,where a decline in the risk-free rate rfd is met by an offsetting increase in the forward premium,preserving the cost of swapping euros into dollars.

    ∆ = 1 + rf$︸ ︷︷ ︸direct

    − F ↑S

    (1 + rfd ↓)︸ ︷︷ ︸synthetic


    We test the hypothesis in equation 25 more concretely through an event study analysis ofscheduled monetary announcements. For our measure of monetary surprises, we calculate thedaily change in the announcement as measured by the change in the 1 month overnight indexswap (OIS) rate. The surprise rate is a proxy for the surprise component of the interest ratechange around monetary announcements based on a measure of the risk-free rate. We run thefollowing event study for days of scheduled announcements, by regressing the change in theCIP deviation and order flow on the surprise measure of interest rates. Our event study resultsin Table 10 show that monetary announcements have no statistical effect on CIP deviationsor order flow. The results are consistent with contemporaneous adjustment of the forwardpremium as dealers offset changes to the interest rate differential.

    11See ECB monetary policy decision here:

    12see SNB press release here:

    13For BOJ press release here:


  • 7 ConclusionPrice-setting in the FX swap market in periods where covered interest rate parity holds is

    simple: dealers price the forward rate in a mechanical way to ensure parity of the arbitragecondition. However since 2008 price determination in FX swaps is complicated by heterogeneityin funding spreads, leverage constraints, and other factors inhibiting the free flows of arbitragecapital required to make the CIP condition hold. In periods where price determination is com-plicated, dealers can use order flow. This measures underlying demand for swapping domesticcurrencies, such as euros, Swiss francs and yen into dollars.

    In this paper we detail a new channel for price discovery in FX swap markets. Dealers learnabout fundamentals through order flow to update the price of the forward. Through a modelframework, we outline a price-setting rule for dealers, where dealers update the forward price tooffset changes in order flow. Underpinning the price-setting equation is that dealers are averseto accumulating inventory, and seek to set a forward price that equates customers net demandfor dollars in the FX swap market with the supply of dollars of agents with arbitrage capital.

    We test the framework empirically, using data on inter-dealer trades from the TR D2000-2to construct a measure of order flow for 1 week FX swaps. We estimate a price impact of orderflow on the order of 5 basis points in response to a 1 standard deviation increase in order flow.The price impact is observed in the post 2008 period, when deviations of covered interest rateparity persist, and is quantitatively more significant in periods of increased heterogeneity ofdollar funding spreads, as measured by the range of USD Libor quotes.

    We then proceed to take the empirical framework to understand price-setting in the FXswap market in response to shocks to public and private information. We find evidence that thechannel of price-setting through order flow occurs in response to a shock to private information.We illustrate this hypothesis with an analysis of central bank swap lines during the financialcrisis. Our hypothesis is that the details of which banks draw the swap line are unknown to theinter-dealer market. Therefore, as banks that initially relied on dollar funding via FX swaps nowdraw liquidity from the swap line, we expect a decline in net demand for pressure for swappingeuros, swiss francs and yen into dollars in the FX swap market. Empirically, we find support forthe private information view: positive shocks to swap line allotments lead to a decline in orderflow and a narrowing of CIP deviations. In contrast, sources of public information, such asmonetary announcements and quarter-end reporting obligations, are incorporated into dealerinformation sets. Using high frequency tick data on forward and spot rates, we documentcontemporaneous intra-day adjustment of the forward rate as 1 week FX swaps enter thequarter-end period, and in an intra-day window around monetary announcements, supportingthe public information view.


  • Figures

    Figure 1: Covered Interest Rate Parity Deviations for euro/$, yen/$ and chf/$ pairs

    Note: This Figure plots the 12M Cross-Currency Basis measured in basis points, obtained from Bloomberg.This provides a measure of CIP deviations based on a LIBOR benchmark rate. Negative deviations indicate adollar borrowing premium for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs. Sample period is 01/00-11/18.

    Figure 2: Foreign exchange swap

    Customer Dealer

    Customer Dealer

    X Euros

    SX USD

    X Euros

    FX USD

    Spot Leg

    Forward Leg

    Note: FX swap is typically for maturities at less than 3m. At the spot leg, domestic currency and dollars areswapped at the prevailing spot rate. At maturity, the principals are then re-exchanged at the forward rate.


  • Figure 3: Cross-currency swap

    Customer Dealer





    X Euros

    SX USD

    3m USD Libor

    3m Euro Libor+ ∆

    X Euros

    SX USD

    Spot Leg

    Interest Rate



    Note: The Cross-Currency Swap is typically for maturities >3m. In the spot leg, dollars are exchanged at spot.The bank and dealer then engages in an interest rate swap, in which the bank pays 3m USD LIBOR, and thedealer pays 3m LIBOR in domestic currency with the addition of the cross-currency basis ∆. At maturity theprincipals are re-exchanged at the initial spot rate.

    Figure 4: Dealer-Customer Trading in FX Swaps Left: Matched Flows, Right: Unmatchedflows go to inter-dealer market

















    Note: Left: the dealer matches swap of euros to dollars from one customer with swap of dollars to euros fromanother customer. Right: Both customers swap euros into dollars. The dealer submits excess demands forswapping dollars into euros to the inter-dealer market.


  • Figure 5: Schematic of the interactions between customers, dealers and the inter-dealer market



    Dealer 1


    Dealer 2









    Note: This schematic illustrates the structure of the dealer-customer and inter-dealer market. Each customerhas a net demand for dollar funding in the FX swap market, which we denote xD$ . The excess demands fordollar funding that cannot be met by the dealer’s supply of dollars, is in turn submitted to the inter-dealermarket. Aggregating net orders for swapping domestic currency into dollars gives rise to inter-dealer order flowOF which is observed as a public signal by the inter-dealer market for setting the forward rate.

    Figure 6: Timing

    Note: This schematic illustrates the timing of the model. The customer-dealer trading is done at thebeginning of each period. Following customer-dealer trading, there is an inter-dealer market which sets the

    forward price following the customer-dealer trading. Critically, dealers use inter-dealer order flow at the end ofthe period OFt+ in order to set the ∆t+1 for the following period.


  • Figure 7: Daily and Cumulative Order Flow 1 Week count measure- euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$
















    Net B







    OF: eur



















    n (B




    Cumulative OF and Price: eur












    OF (N

    et T




    CIPCumulative OF (Net Transactions)


















    Net B







    OF: chf




















    n (B




    Cumulative OF and Price:chf











    OF (N

    et T




    CIPCumulative OF (Net Transactions)

















    Net B







    OF: jpy




















    n (B




    Cumulative OF and Price: jpy












    OF (N

    et T




    CIPCumulative OF (Net Transactions)

    Note: Daily count order flow for euro/$, yen/$ and chf/$ pairs using the TR D2000-2, for FX swap maturitiesat 1 week. Order flow is given as the net of buyer initiated transactions, where buyer initiated transactions aresigned +1 and seller initiated transactions are signed -1. OF countt =

    ∑k=tk=t0 1[Tk = B]− 1[Tk = S]


  • Figure 8: Response of Euro/$, Yen/$ and Chf/$ 1w cross-currency basis to unit shock in countorder flow in pre 2008 (left) and post 2008 (right)

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days










    Pre 2008 CIP Response to 1 std OF Shock: EUR

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days










    Post 2008 CIP Response to 1 std OF Shock: EUR

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days













    Pre 2008 CIP Response to 1 std OF Shock: CHF

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days








    sis P



    Post 2008 CIP Response to 1 std OF Shock: CHF

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days












    Pre 2008 CIP Response to 1 std OF Shock: JPY

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days











    Post 2008 CIP Response to 1 std OF Shock: JPY

    Note: This Figure plots the impulse response of the change in CIP deviations to a 1 standard deviation shockto order flow for 1 week euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ FX swaps, based on a bivariate VAR following Hasbrouck(1991). Standardized order flow OF is measuring the net buyer transactions of swapping euros, chf and yeninto dollars, and is sourced from TR D2000-2 inter-dealer trades, and CIP deviation is calculated using TR tickhistory quotes on 1 week forward rates. We condition our sample into two periods based on pre 2008 and apost 2008 period. The left panel shows response of euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ in the pre-2008 period, and theright panel shows the response in the post-2008 period. Total sample period is from 01/2005-07/2017. Grayarea denotes a standard error band equivalent for statistical significance at the 10% level.


  • Figure 9: Response of order flow and CIP deviations to a shock to customer demands in FXswap market

    Note: Time series response of order flow and CIP deviations in response to a demand for dollar funding bycustomers. If the shock is based on private information outside the dealer set, order imbalances rise, and thereis a delay in price-setting where dealers raise the forward premium (and hence the cross-currency basis). Incontrast, if the shock is public information, then prices adjust contemporaneously and order imbalances remainunchanged.

    Figure 10: Loans outstanding: Swap line allotments

    Note: This plots total allotments by the Federal Reserve to counterparty central banks of the ECB, BOJ andSNB in the period 2008-2010. The total allotments outstanding are constructed by aggregating all new loansto each counterparty central bank, less any loans that have matured. Data obtained from the Federal ReserveBoard of Governors.


  • Figure 11: CIP and OF Response to 1 std change in Swap Line Allotments

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days






    Net T




    OF Response to 1 std Swap Allotment: EUR

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days













    CIP Response to 1 std Swap Allotment: EUR

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days







    Net T




    OF Response to 1 std Swap Allotment: CHF

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days









    sis P



    CIP Response to 1 std Swap Allotment: CHF

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days








    Net T




    OF Response to 1 std Swap Allotment: JPY

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30days










    CIP Response to 1 std Swap Allotment: JPY

    Note: This Figure plots the impulse response of the change in CIP deviations and order flow to a 1 standarddeviation shock in swap line allotments for 1 week euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ FX swaps, based on a multivariateVAR following Hasbrouck (1991). Standardized order flow OF is measuring the net buyer transactions ofswapping euros, chf and yen into dollars, and is sourced from TR D2000-2 inter-dealer trades, and CIP deviationis calculated using TR tick history quotes on 1 week forward rates. Swap line allotments measure aggregateflows of dollar loans from the Federal Reserve to counterparty central banks. The left panel shows order flowand the right panel shows the response of cip deviations of euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ respectively. Total sampleperiod is from 01/2007-12/2011. Gray area denotes a standard error band equivalent for statistical significanceat the 10% level.


  • Figure 12: Left: 1 week euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ CIP deviations, full sample, Right: 1 weekeuro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ CIP deviations during quarter-end in September 2016



















    1 Week CIP Deviation eur/usd
























    1 Week CIP Deviation eur/usd- Quarter End






















    1 Week CIP Deviation chf/usd
























    1 Week CIP Deviation chf/usd- Quarter End





















    1 Week CIP Deviation jpy/usd



























    1 Week CIP Deviation jpy/usd- Quarter End

    Note: Left panel: This plot constructs 1 Week CIP Deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs. Rightpanel: This plot examines 1 week CIP deviations for the euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs around the quarter-end period in September of 2016, with contemporaneous adjustment of the forward premium as the FX swapcontract enters the quarter-end period. The CIP deviation is computed using 1 week forward, spot and domesticand dollar LIBOR rates. The sample period is 2004-2019, using intra-day data from Thomson Reuters TickHistory


  • Figure 13: Response of the forward premium of euro/$, chf/$ and yen/$ pairs to scheduledmonetary announcements of the ECB, SNB and BOJ

    09-03 00

    09-03 12

    09-04 00

    09-04 12

    09-05 00

    09-05 12

    09-06 00











    1 Week Forward Premium eur/usd

    01-15 00

    01-15 03

    01-15 06

    01-15 09

    01-15 12

    01-15 15

    01-15 18

    01-15 21

    01-16 00











    1 Week Forward Premium chf/usd

    01-29 00

    01-29 03

    01-29 06

    01-29 09

    01-29 12

    01-29 15

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