Pret érito v. Imperfecto

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Pret érito v. Imperfecto. Escrito por Mayeken Kehr. Repeated Action, Imperfecto. When I was five years old, I would always dress like Belle. Cuando tenía cinco años, siempre me vestía como Belle. Mental Activity, Imperfecto. I was so angry, I thought about leaving! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Pretérito v. Imperfecto

Escrito por Mayeken Kehr

Repeated Action, Imperfecto

1. When I was five years old, I would always dress like Belle.

2. Cuando tenía cinco años, siempre me vestía como Belle.

Mental Activity, Imperfecto

1. I was so angry, I thought about leaving!

2. ¡Estaba tan enojado, pensaba en salir!

In Process, Imperfecto

1. I was writing an essay.

2. Escribía un ensayo.

3. I was eating my ice cream.

4. Comía mi helado.

Physical Descriptions, Imperfecto

1. It was sunny and windy.

2. Hacía sol y viento.

1. The mountains were huge!

2. ¡Las montañas eran enormes!

Time in the past, Imperfecto

1. It was early in the morning.

2. Era temprano en la mañana.

3. It was five.4. Eran las cinco.


Single Event, Pretérito

1. One time, I ate this delicious dessert.

2. Una vez, yo comí un postre tan rico.

3. When I was five, I broke my arm.

4. Cuando era cinco, me rompí el brazo.

Physical Action, Pretérito

1. She slept.2. Ella durmió.

3. They came, they ate, and they left.

4. Ellos vinieron, comieron y salieron.

Beginnings/endings, Pretérito

1. She began to cry.2. Ella empezó a llorar.

3. Yesterday, we played basketball and we won.

4. Ayer, nosotros jugamos y ganamos.



Imperfecto is the process or ongoing action.

Pretérito moves in like a bulldozer to interrupt the ongoing action.

Ongoing action & Interrupting action

1. I was reading when my friend called.

2. Leía cuando mi amigo llamó.

Ongoing action & Interrupting action

I was reading . . (ongoing action) = IMPERFECTO

Leía . . .

Ongoing action & Interrupting action

when my friend called. (interrupting action) = PRETÉRITO

. . . cuando mi amigo llamó.


Leía CUANDO mi amigo llamó.



¡Yo soy Señor Pretérito! ¡Voy a interrumpir el imperfecto! JAJAJAJA

Ongoing action & Interrupting action

1. Ronaldo was running and suddenly he fell.

2. Él corría y de repente se cayó.

3. We were eating when the bell rang.

4. Comíamos cuando la campana tocó.

Dive = echarse/tirarse a la piscina

“Pacha y sus hijos” Un mito de creación

¨Pacha y sus hijos¨ is a myth that explains the origin of people, culture, and language.

– Are there parts of the story of Pacha and his children that remind you of stories you´ve heard in English?

– Why do you think they are similar? Or why not?

“Pacha y sus hijos” Vocabulario

Quito, Ecuador (capital de Ecuador) La selva = jungle La montaña = mountain El guerrero = warrior (la guerra = war) Dejar de + verb = to stop El cuervo = crow Los idiomas = languages

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