Presentazione attività gruppo facebook Premio Epsa Bussola della Trasparenza

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Presentazione attività del gruppo fb trasparenza siti web pa in occasione di un incontro nell'ambito del processo di valutazione di progetti selezionati da valutatori per il premio EPSA cui L'italia (con la Bussola della trasparenza) è stata selezionata come best practise 2013 .


TRASPAR-ENZAMonitors your Public Administration

Who we are

A group of citizens that: Keeps an eye on the transparence and accessibility of the public administrations Wants to give a tangible and effective contribution to the transparency process.

TRASPAR-ENZA Monitors your Public Administration


• Spread the theme of transparency of P.A. websites among people who are not aware of the subject• Organize participate evaluations of the P.A. websites• Solicit the administrations, that are the target of the participated evaluation, to:

• Take note of the notification that we send at the end of the civic analysis

• Produce the modifications needed to guarantee transparency

• Exchange information, updates and suggestions about the implementation of the transparency laws

TRASPAR-ENZA Monitors your Public Administration


• The Group was born as a blog, on the network, started thanks to Formez and ForumPA

• The Group was then extended and devoloped in facebook

TRASPAR-ENZA Monitors your Public Administration

TRANSPARENCY AS A CURE FOR CORRUPTION• Public Administration is, by definition, PUBLIC• P.A. manages public services and spends public money• Documents produced by PA are public and must be made available to everyone• Corruption and squandering are costly for the community• Transparency is the cure for corruption• Institutional websites of PA must be transparent and contain all useful information for the citizens, by making available both public data and services

Benefits for citizens• A citizen can access the website from home, in his car, A citizen can access the website from home, in his car, if he’s abroadif he’s abroad• He can benefit from information and servicesHe can benefit from information and services• So, he saves time, stress by avoiding long queues So, he saves time, stress by avoiding long queues at the desksat the desks• He can check how public money is being spentHe can check how public money is being spent• He can take part in the choices made by collaborating with He can take part in the choices made by collaborating with the PAthe PA

The quality of life of the citizen improves.The quality of life of the citizen improves.

Benefits for Public Administration

• Without transparency of the documents:• Collective control is not possible• So, participation can’t exist• Participation is the basis of administrative democracy

• P.A. interacts with the citizens through notifications, suggestions and complaints• P.A. collaborates with the citizens in order to improve services• Transparency

• facilitates the internal organizatonal wellbeing of the employees• Reduces conflict• is a valid solution against mobbing


The methodology is participation1) We launch a poll on facebook: “What website would you like to analyze?”2) We collect the participations and choose the site that in that moment is the most interesting3) We open a specific event in the section of the group dedicated to eventsThe participation increase as soon as the event is opened- integration: citizens, compass of transparency and public administration

Intregration between….


The Compass of Transparency

Public Administrations

Who?CitiizensThe Compass of TransparencyAdministration

The protagonists: the citizens

Citizen volunteers

The citizens are the users of public services and thus the best evaluators

Not only experts : any average citizen can make significant contributions and suggestions

Joint Transparency:Anyone can join from North to South

-the principle is of joint trasparency

-public administration belongs to all of us

- responsible spending in the South is an advantage for the North as well

-the contribution of citizens living far from the chosen administration avoids conditioning due to local interests typical of small realities which in turn limits participation

The Compass of Transparency orientates us

Simplifies civic controlInforms citizens on rules and regulations concerning transparency

An important instrument: : The Compass of Trasparency

The Compass validates our work through a standardized system made available by the governement

The validation creates an objective and an autoritative element on which to base our evaluation

After opening the event on facebook

●Check single indicators

●Examine regional legislation

●Verify accessibility

●Put together proposals , ideas, and contributions which make up the final report

The first web site evaluated was of the City of Licata: the Compass indicated 4 out of 43 – the citizens gave a seriously

insufficient evaluation







We check the structure of the site and its contents through the various emoticons of the compass

The Compass helps us by simplifying our actions. It allows us to verify if the structure of the site conforms to regulations, and if it contains information and services.It recalls the legal references and the page which contains data and services in a simplified way.

For example , let us examine the transparency regulations concerning the Sicilian region.

LEGGE 5 aprile 2011, n. 5.Disposizioni per la trasparenza, la semplificazione, l’efficienza,l’informatizzazione della pubblica amministrazione …......eArt. 12 Trasparenza e pubblicità degli attiComma 3Tutti gli atti della pubblica amministrazione sono pubblici ed assumono valore legale dal momento del loro inserimento nei siti telematici degli enti, a tal fine opportunamente pubblicizzati.

The citizens make the evaluation more effective with their contributions and their suggestions.

I would like a tree structure where the trunk is transparency, the branches are the minimum content and the fruits are the various departments. The seeds are the documents. (Calogero C.)

Observation taken from “Sicily event”

We would like a Glossary

Many terms or abbreviations used in the language of public administration are not comprehensible to the average citizen. Bureaucratic terminology such as the abbreviations used for legislation for example D.P.Reg. or others for many user citizens may mean nothing if there isn't anyone to explain them.

One citizen suggests the problem could be solved by the creation of a glossary.

(Maurizio G.) (observation taken form “Sicily event”)

Attention: the publishing of documents does not always mean transparency

A document can be publishd but difficolt to find. In order to be transparent .....

the viewing of documents must be made easy


Accessibility assessment - 1

L'accessibilità, as defined by Italian laws and in particular by L. 4/2004 and by the Italian e-Governement Code (CAD, Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale) is a fundamental requirement for trasparency , since it makes up the essential, constitutionally guaranteed foundation: that is, allowing anyone –personal conditions and physical state notwithstanding –equal access to the services provided and to the information published, in the public interest (articolo 3 Italian Constitution, mentioned by art. 1, L.4/2004)The accessibility assessment was performed according to the general criteria defined by Law n. 4/2004 and by its corollary regulations, according to the Official Guidelines for Governement Web Sites, version 2011, and according to other legal documents provided by the Public Function Office (Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica)


The accessibility of the Sicilian Region website was evaluated by making a distinction between infrastructure accessibility and content accessibility.By infrastructure accessibility we mean interface accessibility of services provided or of relative functional automatisms presented on internet and usually realized using formal language which makes use of markers. (HTML, XHTML etc.)By content accessibility we mean the ability to access documents made public through the infrastructure as previously specified; documents which in conformity with art. 8 commas 3 and 4 of CAD, the guedelines require to be drawnup in the ISO 32000-1:2008 format. (a particular PDF version)

Taken from the evaluation of the Sicilian Region website


The result of the accessibility evaluation of the Sicilian Region website was disappointing. Although infrastructure accessibility presented some anomalies, all in allthey were not serious, and can be quickly corrected using a limited amount of resources. On the other hand, the accessibility of public documents is seriously deficient since:

●None of the public documents are in the open and accessible format as prescribed by law 4/2004, of the CAD, by the prescribed provisions and by the guidelines;

●All lthe deliberations of the Counciil are totally inaccessible;

●The GURS is essentially inaccessible. Except for the fact that the sanctions for similar violations have recently been toughened up in the “decreto sviluppo 2.0”, since over 10% of the Italian special needs population lives in Sicily, the situation must be urgently addressed. (Piero Draghi)

The observations and the proposals are included in a final Report which, supplemented by the contributions of all, is then formally sent to the Administration, to Civit , to the Ispettorato Funzione Pubblica via email , fax, or certified registered mail

This is an example


Spett.liSig Presidente della Regione SiciliaPresidente

Con richiesta di inoltro della presente a Sig. Segretario GeneraleAi Sig.ri Dirigenti dei DipartimentiAi Sig.ri componenti dell’OIV

Alla Commissione per la Valutazione, la Trasparenza e l’Integrità delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche, Roma

Fax: (+39) 06 6834039 Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica Piazza Sant'Apollonia, 14 - 00153 – RomaAlla c.a. Ispettorato Funzione Pubblica, Dott. Vincenzo Conte Fax: 06.58324118 PRESIDENZA CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI  

The traffic warden Traspar-Enza has given a virtual and a real fine

Time has expired …Your time is everyone's money A lack of transparency creates difficulties for citizens. The only thing to do is ….. to solve the problem with the utmost urgency

What happens during the evaluation ?

The Administration is notified and when made aware of the non-compliance takes steps to intervene.

The Administration ignores us until the press intervenes and is then forced to justify itself.

The Administratin collaborates with us.

Osservazioni tratte dagli eventi conclusi

The forwarding of the group’s report to the City of Licata receives media attention: we are invited to the TV program “Il Punto”

In Licata, Nazzareno Prinzivalli partecipates in a TV program dedicated to the transparency of the city's website while Davide D'Amico, Piero Draghi and I participate long distance.

A comparision of the transparency in the municipalities of Licata e Gela

An exchange with the person in charge of the website for the Sicilian Region

During the evaluation of the website of the Sicilian Region I was invited by the Formez contact person for the project “Etica pubblica per il Sud” to present the proposals published in the ideario for Sicily with regard to the transparency of the website of the same region . On this occasion on behalf of the group I presented the partial contribution of the evluation in itinere regarding the transparency of the site..

Answers from the city of Licata

The answer to Licata from the Sicilian Region

The CIVIT answers the group regarding the report on the Sicilian Region

«In verità sono pervenute diverse comunicazioni da parte di un gruppo di cittadini che si relaziona attraverso i social network, in raccordo con gli uffici della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri–Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica per il monitoraggio dei siti delle pubbliche amministrazioni.»(….) «Oggetto: richiesta di trasparenza e accessibilità del sito web del Consiglio della Regione Campania.Si sottopone all’attenzione delle SSLL la valutazione del sito web istituzionale di codesto Consiglio, effettuata mediante “la Bussola della Trasparenza” (Strumento di misurazione del Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica), integrata nel corso di una valutazione pubblica organizzata nell’ambito del gruppo TRASPARENZA SITI WEB PA su Facebook (con la creazione di un Evento ad hoc).» (….) (The transparency Commission is forced to meet after our Report)


(per la trasparenza, per il controllo delle attività della Regione e degli enti collegati e dell’utilizzo di tutti i fondi)

Resoconto Integrale n.268 IX Legislatura 14 novembre2012

Media attention on the group

The attention of the press following the forwarding of the report: Il Fatto Quotidiano on the site of the Campania Regional Council

A petition was started to spread transparency in Public Adminisration and to request more sanctions from the Ministry

Licata Reloaded : an event to support and aid the person in cherge of the website of the City of Licata

Licata Reloaded : an ad hoc collaborative event

Dynamic Transparency“Open PA: here are the admnistrations and the associations which work for “Dynamic Transparency”

Gruppo Facebook “Trasparenza siti web Pubblica Amministrazione”The group which counts more than 1.300 members, was set up to create a public evaluation of the transaprency and of the accessibility of Public Administration websites through on-line evaluations (carried out with the aid of the compass of transparency, civic monitoring of transparency, virtual fines and real complaints through notifications agreed upon within the group.


We citizens can do a lot!It is our duty tp contribute

Transparency International Italia has launched a survey among members and supporters and, to the question “Who should lead the fight against corruption?” almost 30% answered “the citizens”, followed by the Government (25%) and trailing at a distance, the Judiciary (14%).(2012)

The comments of those responsible for the Administrations.

Your appearance was like a blow to the back of the neck: “this is all we need!” But your intentions werei mmediately revealed and from being a potential disturbance you became a precious supporter. Today, our website has made undeniable progress. The credit is also yours”.Giovanna Incorvaia pro-tempore Manager responsible for the website of the City od Licata.

Following our suggestions the website of the Sicilian Region set up an ad hoc work group.

We're here ….( Report Regione Sicilia)

Little by litle we're getting organized

Site administrators : Laura Strano, Flavia Marzano, Nazzareno Prinzivalli, Roberto Scano, Piero Draghi.

For the various regions many have given their availability and expressed a willingness to collaborate.Ours is an open group and we hope the contributionscontinue to increase.


Next event : the evaluation the website of the city of Genova


Ours is a dutiful and passionate contribution to an important cause which our future, that of our children and future generations depends upon.“Transparency is a question of survival”“Warren Bennis”

Thanks for your interest and attention ! Laura Strano


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