
  • 1. Putting Your Best Foot Forward with a Presentation That Rocks Presented by Sally Ramsay Sr. Vice President Pierpont Communications, Inc.

2. Why Are We Here? A presentation is no more than a thoughtfully prepared conversation. 3. Objectives of Presentation Training This workshop will help you, as a spokesperson, to Protect your companys brand Convey key messages Effectively communicate with your audience Better understand your audiences expectations Be perceived as an expert 4. Keys to Public Speaking You have what they want: Information Remember: Youre talking to the public, not just your audience Stakeholders Regulators Employees Customers Competitors Three Principles of Success 1. Comfort 2. Plan 3. Credibility 5. Five Steps to Presentation Success 6. Step 1: Building a Relationship Make a good impression Assume youll see each other again Give them something they can use State your intentions 7. Step 2: Speaker Essentials Credentials Credibility Content Examples Stories Anecdotes Analogies Be The Expert! 8. Step 3: Preparation Think Who are you talking to? What is your objective? What do you want the audience to know, think, feel or remember? What does the audience want to know? (Why are you there?) Rehearse Create your presentation Practice, Practice, Practice Turn it into bullet points Practice with your visuals Practice, Practice, Practice! 9. Step 4: Talking Without Words 38% 7% 55% Visual Presence 55% Voice Quality 38% Content 7% When an audience senses inconsistency in a speakers message, what do they rely on for the truth? 10. Step 5: Dress For Success What you wear is pure nonverbal communication Complement your audiences manner of dress Use color psychology to create the desired impression Dont try to project a personality that isnt you be comfortable 11. Body Language Eye Contact Facial Expression Posture Movement Gestures Appearance Fidgeting 12. Body Language: Stage Fright Sweating Palms Dry Mouth Wavering Voice Fidgeting Playing with Hair Feeling Faint Upset Stomach What are your symptoms? 13. Q&A Best Practices Use bridging to turn a negative into a positive Bridging is a three-step process: 1. Acknowledge the topic raised 2. Use phrases to bridge from the question to your key messages 3. Provide critical supporting data points or stories Bridging phrases that help: The most important thing is Before we change topics Let me add What that means is Thats a good point, but... What concerns me even more is 14. Message Delivery Tips Tried-and-true Triad 1. Tell them what youre going to tell them (intro) 2. Tell them (body) 3. Tell them what you told them (conclusion) Flagging Emphasize an important point with tone of voice, hand gestures or facial expression Examples: There are three new programs weve started this year (holding up three fingers) Did you know(leaning forward) 15. Message Delivery Tips, Cont. Self-deprecation doesnt work Avoid touchy subjects: Politics, religion, off-color jokes Test your humor on colleagues to be sure it comes across correctly 16. Sample Presentation Outline Open (23 minutes) Transition Body (1520 minutes) Point 1 (include stories/examples) Point 2 (include stories/examples) Point 3 (include stories/examples) Transition Close (12 minutes) 17. You Know What they Say About First Impressions Share a personal experience or story Ask a question Mention something in the headlines Describe something new or dramatic Make a controversial or counter-intuitive statement 18. But Last Impressions Count Too! Call to Action Predict the Future Challenge the Audience Use a Powerful Quote

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