Presentación encuestas grundtvig

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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S ein S egeQuestionaryResults

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Average age of parents is 46 and has university studies

Each family has around 1.72 children

¾ of parents has a high or very high knowledge about internet

Just 4% has no PC at home.

Just 6% has no internet at home

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S ein S ege

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Every four parents, three are mother

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S ein S ege

More than 50% of cases, PC is shared by the family. That is one of the reason there is parental control on its use

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S ein S ege

Every 100 persons, just 10 unknowns the risks of the

communication with strangers

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S ein S ege

- No one accepts its knowledge about internet.-Almost the half has learnt internet by him/herself.- Majority connects less than 3h. per day

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S ein S ege

- The most common use of internet is searching and mailing.- Less than the third part use social networks.

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S ein S ege

-A huge percentage of parents has discussed with their children about internet risks.

- Almost never, youngsters informs parents about dangerous suffered on the net.

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S ein S ege

Age of youngsters is mostly 15 years old. They connects afternoon

Youngsters are connected less than 3h. per day and from home

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Parents delegates on antivirus software the control of the different accesses.Almost any father or mother thinks that total protection on internet is possible.

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¡Thankyou for your attention!.

La Tierra Verde

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