Present Subjunctive A verb is characterized by its mood and its tense The tense indicates the time of the action The present, preterite, imperfect and.

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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Present SubjunctiveA verb is characterized by its mood and its tenseThe tense indicates the time of the actionThe present, preterite, imperfect and the future are tensesThe mood indicates the attitude of the speakerThere are three moods, indicative, imperative, and subjuntive

Drivers of the truck: Impersonal expressions Verbs of doubtOjal and verbs of hope Verbs of emotionVerbs of influence

Subjunctiveverbs of influenceWe already know how to use the subjunctive after verbs that express hope.You also use the subjunctive after verbs used to influence the actions of othersFor example:SuggestingProhibiting an action

Subjunctiveverbs of InfluenceIn English, you can use the infinitive or the subjunctive after verbs that are used to influence the actions of others. In Spanish, if there is a change of subject, you must use the subjunctive.His parents allow him to drive.Sus padres permiten que conduzca.They demand that we be on time.Ellos exigen que estemos a tiempo.

Subjunctiveverbs of influenceSugiero que llegues temprano.I suggest that you arrive early.

The indicative is used for the first verb because it states a fact. The subjunctive is used for the second verb because it expresses a possibility rather than a fact, and because there is a change of subject.IndicativeSubjunctiveSubjunctive verbs of influenceVerb of influence

Subjunctiveverbs of influenceVerb of influence

+ queSubjunctiveverbs of influenceVerb of influence+ que+ different subject + subjunctiveSubjunctiveverbs of influenceAconsejar que = to advise thatDejar = to allow thatExigir que = to demand that (pres yo = j)Insistir en que = to insist thatMandar que = to order or command thatPedir que = to ask (for) (e,i)Prohibir que = to prohibit thatRecomendar que = to recommend that (e, ie)Sugerir que = to suggest that (e, ie)(e, i)

Subjunctiveverbs of influenceDont forget indirect object pronouns. Many of the verbs of influence use an indirect pronoun.menosteosleles



ExijoexigimosExigesexigsExigeexigenSubjunctiveverbs of influenceVerb of influence+ que+ different subject + subjunctiveInsisto que te comportes bien.I insist that you behave well.Tus padres te piden que saques buenas notas.Your parents ask that you get good grades.Les aconsejo que no sean desagradables.I advise them not to be disagreeable.Yo exijo que hagan la tarea.I demand that they do the homework.

Completa la nota que la mam de Marta le escribi . Usa la forma correcta del subjuntivo.Marta, tengo que trabajar hasta tarde; por eso te exijo que hoy (llegar) _________ temprano a casa. Hay muchas cosas que hacer. Te sugiero que (leer)_____ la lista de tareas que te dej sobre la mesa. Te aconsejo que (hacer) _____ primero las tareas ms difciles. Luego, recomiendo que (descansar)______ unos minutos. Hay que ir a buscar pan y leche al supermercado, pero te prohbo que (ir) ____ en bicicleta. Hay mucho trfico a esa hora. Tu ayuda es muy importante.Un beso, Mam

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