Present Perfect & Past Perfect Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ November 8, 2011.

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Present Perfect &   Past Perfect

Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ

November 8, 2011

Let’s begin with small conversation Have you ever been to any foreign countries? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever stayed up all night?

stay up all night = 徹夜する Where do you live? How long have you been

there? What is your hobby? How long have you

been interested in it? Have you decided what to do in the future?

Tense and Aspect (Chap.5)

Tense(時制)Present TensePast TenseFuture Tense

Aspect(相)Perfective←今日のポイントContinuous / progressive

Tense and Aspect (Chap.5)

Tense (3: past / present / future)


Perfective (2: Yes / No)


Progressive (2: Yes / No)

= 12 patterns

Present perfect(現在完了) The present perfect is formed with the

present tense of have + the past participle: I have worked etc.

Present perfect may be said to be a sort of mixture of present and past. It always implies a strong connection with the present and is chiefly used in conversations, letters, newspapers and television and radio reports.

Exercise 2 (p.61)

(1) I (live/lived/have lived) here for 10 years.

⇒ have lived

(2) I (write/wrote/have written) this essay three days ago.

⇒ wrote

(3) (Has/Does/Did) Edward finished his work?

⇒ Has

(4) (Have/Do/Are) you been to Africa? ⇒ Have(5) My friend has (been/gone/left) to

India and she is not here. ⇒ gone(6) I have not finished eating my lunch

(already/soon/yet). ⇒ yet

(7) When (have/do/did) you read that novel?

⇒ did

Spot the Difference 3

Frank does the housework every Saturday morning. In picture A Frank is just starting to tidy up the kitchen. Picture B shows Frank still hard at work one hour later. What jobs has Frank done and what jobs hasn’t he done yet in picture B?

For example:

He has washed the tea towels. He hasn’t done the washing up yet.

Word list

put away = 片付ける、収納する、しまう do = hang up = ~を掛ける sweep = ~を掃く、掃除する clear = ~を片付ける、きれいにする clean = ~を掃除する、きれいにする empty = (中身を)出す、~を空にする vacuum = ~を電気掃除機で掃除する 


He has vacuumed the floor. He has hung up his jacket. He has done the ironing. He has put away the dishes. He hasn’t cleaned the stove yet. He hasn’t emptied the rubbish bin yet. He hasn’t swept the stair carpet yet. (He hasn’t swept the stairs yet.) He hasn’t cleared the table yet.

BBC Grammar Challenge

The present perfect is a verb form which links the past and present. We use it when we talk about an action or state which started in the past and which continues up to the present time.

For example: I‘ve lived in London since 1994.

I started living in London in 1994 and I ⇒still live in London now.

Take care of yourself!Take care of yourself!

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