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Presentation on eTwinning Work Shop in Budapest


Norwegian Center for ICT in Education

Lisbeth Knutsdatter Gregersen Torbjørn Drotninghaug Moe

mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

”You aren’t always as anonymous as you think”

mandag 4. april 2011

"Digital judgement"

PrivacyIntellectual Property Rights (IPR)Ethical considerations


mandag 4. april 2011

Privacy - three main questions

• How to take care of your own privacy?

• How to respect others privacy?

• How may others challenge your privacy


mandag 4. april 2011



mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you• Cyber bullying


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you• Cyber bullying• Safety and anonymity


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you• Cyber bullying• Safety and anonymity• Parents and rules


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you• Cyber bullying• Safety and anonymity• Parents and rules• Critical source evaluation


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you• Cyber bullying• Safety and anonymity• Parents and rules• Critical source evaluation• Ads and commercial pressure


mandag 4. april 2011

PrivacySafe on net• You are your own editor• Do you know who can see you• Cyber bullying• Safety and anonymity• Parents and rules• Critical source evaluation• Ads and commercial pressure


mandag 4. april 2011

Privacy in the digital era

mandag 4. april 2011

The Norwegian Data Inspectorate

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

Norwegian Board of Technology

Three partners

mandag 4. april 2011


• Create an engaging and non-moralising campaign

• Get students to reflect on privacy issues


mandag 4. april 2011

You Decide for ages 13-17


mandag 4. april 2011

You decide what others should know

mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

Look up information about yourself• Use a search engine• Check your profile on social web

Did you find something you didn’t know was on the Internet?

Is the information you found correct and true?

Did you find anything that made you uncomfortable?


mandag 4. april 2011

You Decide for ages 9-13


mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

Teacher evaluation of «You Decide»

• 78 % rank the campaign ”good” or ”very good” as a useful teaching tool

• 96 % want to use the campaing again at a later stage

• The films were very useful to start off the discussions


mandag 4. april 2011

eTwinnning - eSafety✓Find the eTwining group - «Internet Safety»

✓The Quiz•


mandag 4. april 2011

CopyrightThe content on may be used non commercially by any partner country in eTwinning

• text• translated to any language and nationally harmonized

• films• may be subtitled or dubbed

• illustrations used as is• your own version based on our ideas

as long as the three partners are attributed due to the manner required by proper usage


mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

What do you think?- What information about yourself would you never publish

on your profile? How about on your home page or in a chat room?

- Have you ever "talked" with someone on the Internet that you didn’t know the identity of in real life? Do you think any of them could have been using a false identity?

- Is it easier to insult someone on the Internet when you don’t know each other? Is it more acceptable?


mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

Intectual Property Rights

mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education


• What is protected?• The right to attribution• The right to make copies• Time of protection• Private use• The persons right to control publishing of picture of one



mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

What is protected


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

What is protected

1) writings of all kinds2) oral lectures3) works for stage performance4) musical works5) cinematographic works6) photographic works7) paintings, drawings, graphic and similar pictorial works8) sculpture of all kinds9) architectural works, drawings and models as well as the building itself10) pictorial woven tissues and articles of artistic handicraft and applied art11) maps, also drawings and graphic and plastic representations or portrayals of

scientific or technical nature12) computer programs13) translations and adaptations of the above-mentioned works


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

The right to attribution

Both when copies of a literary, scientific or artistic work are produced, and when it is made available to the public, the author is entitled to have his name stated in the manner required by proper usage


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

The right to make copies

copyright shall confer the exclusive right to dispose of a literary, scientific or artistic work by producing permanent or temporary copies thereof and by making it available to the public


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

Protection time


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

Protection time

Copyright shall subsist during the lifetime of the author and for 70 years after the expiry of the year in which the author died


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

Protection time

Copyright shall subsist during the lifetime of the author and for 70 years after the expiry of the year in which the author died

Photographic picture shall subsist during the lifetime of the photographer and for 15 years after the expiry of the year in which he died, but for not less than 50 years from the expiry of the year in which the picture was produced


mandag 4. april 2011

Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

Photograph of a person

Photographs of a person shall not be reproduced or publicly exhibited without the consent of the subject of the picture, except when

a) the picture is of current or general interest,

b) the picture of the person is less important than the main contents of the picture

c) the subject of the picture is a group assembled for a meeting, an outdoor procession or situations or events of general interest


mandag 4. april 2011

eTwinning & proper use


mandag 4. april 2011

eTwinning & proper use• You have to respect others privacy!


mandag 4. april 2011

eTwinning & proper use• You have to respect others privacy!

• You have to respect copyright attached to the resources!• Even if eTwinning partly is a closed digital environment, the property

rights issues have to be respected!• You have rights to what you produces!

• Creative Commons might be an alternative!


mandag 4. april 2011

eTwinning & proper use• You have to respect others privacy!

• You have to respect copyright attached to the resources!• Even if eTwinning partly is a closed digital environment, the property

rights issues have to be respected!• You have rights to what you produces!

• Creative Commons might be an alternative!

• As a member of a digital community (as eTwinning) you have to consider what you might do and not do!


mandag 4. april 2011

mandag 4. april 2011

What do you think?

Students have a tendence to share information about themselves as where they live, hobbies, photos and so on.

How do you guide your students on these matters?

What about sharing on eTwinning web?


mandag 4. april 2011

Work in groups• When is it OK to publish pictures on the Internet?

• What can be problematic about publishing pictures of small children (1-2 years old), how about 5 years old? 12 - 15 or 18??

• What about pictures taken at the beach, at a party or at a football match?

• Find out what is legal and what is illegal when it comes to publishing pictures of other people.

• Can you think of cases where someone might have good reason not to want their picture or other information published on the Internet?


mandag 4. april 2011


mandag 4. april 2011

In groups

What considerations is important for collaboration in



mandag 4. april 2011

Creative commons

36 Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

mandag 4. april 2011

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