Premier Issue of EMERGENCY Magazine in English

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Articles describing ongoing medical humanitarian efforts of the NGO, EMERGENCY in regions devastated by wars.



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Training for Critical Care Units

«Falcon 4 Falcon 4… cardiac arrest in Intensive Care

Unit”. It was ten minutes before midnight, and

someone was calling me on the radio. “Start the

cardiac massage,” I replied as I ran towards the

hospital. Latif, Fahim and Samiullah, just graduated from the Government

School for Nurses at the University of Kabul, and were working the night

shift. The school curriculum offers CPR training. Unfortunately, the quality

of teaching is still very far from acceptable or satisfactory standards. This is

understandable in a country devastated by thirty years of war.

In all of its projects, EMERGENCY strives to provide intensive training for

local staff through daily hands-on experiences with highly qualified doctors

and nurses coming from other countries.

This and other targeted activities provide local staff with current medical

knowledge, and eventually lead to their autonomy. In the first months of 2008,

Daria, Elena, Debbie and I, all international nurses at the EMERGENCY

Hospital in Kabul, have established a Basic Life Support (BLS) course in an

effort to accomplish these goals.

The ABC’s of resuscitation — Airway, Breathing and CirculationBLS encompasses all cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures performed

to rescue a patient who is unconscious, or suffering from cardiac arrest.

Independently from the cause of cardiac arrest, the heart fails to contract and

pump blood to the tissues.

The lack of oxygen supply to the brain cells, known as cerebral anoxia,

causes irreversible damage within 10 minutes of the onset of circulatory

arrest. This implies that the time available to rescue a victim of cardiac arrest

is extremely short before irreversible brain damage occurs.

The goal of BLS is to maintain an “emergency oxygenation” through

artificial breathing and cardiac massage, until more efficient means can be

used to correct the factors that determined the arrest. The BLS procedures

are standardized and recognized as effective by several key international

organizations that provide constant revisions and updates.

To help with memorization, the BLS phases are schematized in three

steps, indicated by the first three letters of the alphabet.

A: Airway – Opening and control of the airway, removal of potential

occlusions (foreign-body, food, blood), and insertion of a plastic tube to keep

airway pervious.

B: Breathing – Sustain breathing by ventilation with Ambu bag (if

unavailable, proceed with mouth-to-mouth breathing).

C: Circulation – Sustain cardio circulatory function by control of carotid

pulse, and potential cardiac massage.

At each step, a vital sign (airway, breathing, cardiac pulse) is checked and

restored, if compromised.

Learning to save Minianne really means helping Gul ArifaBLS is of utmost importance in the training of health care staff. For this

reason, it is periodically taught to newly hired staff at all of EMERGENCY’s


This latest course was designed specifically for nurses newly graduated

from the University of Kabul, and working in the critical care areas (ER,

intensive care, surgery room).

It is divided in two sessions. The first session illustrates the guidelines of

the Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC), while the second, besides reviewing

previous material, allows students to practice the reanimation resuscitation

of Minianne.

Minianne is an inflatable manikin provided by the IRC. It is particularly

Basic Life Support Course in Kabul – Emergency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)


useful in the teaching of lifesaving maneuvers, since it allows effective

simulation of cardiac massage and manual ventilation.

During this session the nurses, divided into small groups, ask questions

and practice until they feel confident with all the maneuvers. The hands-on

nature of the class has guaranteed the expected results.

In fact, the staff has acquired both physical and psychological confidence

with instruments and maneuvers, and it is now ready to effectively cope with

any emergency situation.

It is midnight. Out of breath, I reach the intensive care unit. I don white

coat and shoe covers and I step inside. Latif is by Gul Arifa’s bed performing

ventilation. Samiullah is standing on a step stool, ready to administer a

cardiac massage.

Fahim, the youngest, looks at me nervously as I come closer. Together we

gaze at the monitor. Gul Arifa’s heart has resumed beating. We smile at each

other. “Great! Well done!”.

NADIA DEPETRISTranslated by Ada Buvoli



The Consequence of War

He arrived at two in the afternoon on 22 July in a car driven by his

uncle. He had been carefully laid on a thin mattress, wrapped in

a plastic cloth, with stained rags used to stop the bleeding from

his wounds.

Six year old Quadratullah is transferred to a stretcher by ER nurses. He

doesn’t utter a single word and through teary, terrorized eyes watches all the

people who are frantically racing around him.

We remove the rags from his wounds. It is a devastating image. His left leg

is gone, ending just under the knee with two bone fragments protruding from his

flesh. The right leg is still okay, but wounded. His left hand is crushed, and the

right hand is wounded. His back and pelvic area have deep wounds resulting

from the explosion.

We should be familiar with these scenes, but we’re not. Each time, the horror

of these scenes doesn’t allow us to become accustomed to them.

As soon as Quadratullah’s condition is stabilized, he is sent immediately to

the operating room.

What remain behind are two apricots, and the tragedy of a morning that was supposed to be a celebration The boy’s father’s arm (Ajimir Aziz) is wounded. When we ask him what

happened, he takes two apricots out of his pocket, and then breaks down

crying. That morning he had gone with Quadratullah to gather some apricots

in a small orchard near their home, in a village a couple of hours from Kabul.

Quadratullah was so happy because his father was dedicating the whole day to

him. It was their time to play, their moment to be together.

Then he saw some ripe apricots on the ground. The boy turned to pick them

up, meaning to take them to his mother and siblings. But, as he bent down

to collect the fruit that’s when it happened. There was an explosion. It was

instantaneous, like always.

Ajimir extends the two apricots out to me. I face him, not knowing what to

do. The nurses encourage me to take the fruit, he is offering them to me. I take

them into my hands. I look down at them, and put them into my pocket - two

apricots and Quadratullah’s life torn apart.

MARINE CASTELLANOTranslated by Paolo Chiappetta

Six year old Quadratullah, Victim of a Landmine Explosion Arrives at our Hospital in Kabul



In the summer of 2007, just after the re-opening of our hospitals in

Afghanistan, we were contacted by the representatives of the Ghazni

community from one of the areas most impacted by the war, and which

runs along the road connecting Kabul to Kandahar. They made a

request that we open a First Aid Post to be connected to our surgery center in

Kabul where high standard, free medical assistance is provided to everyone

in the area who is injured or wounded.

We had to wait a few months before starting a new initiative and fulfilling

this request since we had to be sure that the entire Afghanistan Program was

back on track.

In April, a delegation form EMERGENCY completed a first assessment of

the city of Ghazni, capital of the province, to select an appropriate location for

the new project. However, the local authorities had no appropriate building

to offer, and to build a new hospital would take too long given the urgent

needs of the population. The generosity of a wealthy individual provided

the solution. The owner of a small supermarket donated the building, to be

remodeled for the FAP. After a couple of months under construction � tiling,

windows and doors, painting, construction of lavatories, and the selection of

the appropriate personnel � the Ghazni FAP became operative on July 20th.

The official inauguration took place on August 10th at 2:00 PM. Many officials

were present; the vice-governor of the Ghazni province, a member of the

national parliament, the mayor of the city of Ghazni, the director of the Ghazni

hospital, the community leader and many local citizens. Due to worsening

security along the road connecting the capital with the south of the country, no

one from EMERGENCY was able to participate in the opening ceremony.

The distance from Kabul and Ghazni is about 120 miles, and is normally

about a two hour drive. In recent months, with the increase in military conflict,

the travel time has more than tripled to cover that area (the official delegation

that came to Kabul to thank us for the new facility took seven hours), and the

frequent attacks have made any travel extremely dangerous.

In spite of the fact that the media and the international community seem to

have forgotten, the war in Afghanistan continues, along with our commitment

to mitígate, if only in part, the suffering of the victims.

RMTranslated by Michele Isernia


Restarting and expansionIn Ghazni, 120 miles south of Kabul, the local population asks for a new FAP (First Aid Post)


A Flower in the Midst of WarAmongst the Victims Many Children Are Admitted to the Lashkar-gah Hospital

The corridors of EMERGENCY’s hospital in Lashkar-gah remind us

of the human cost and consequences of the war in Afghanistan.

Over the past thirty years, more than one and a half million people

have been killed, the majority being civilians.

Our hospital is the only one in the region which provides completely free-of-

charge surgical interventions.

For the most part, the patients suffer injuries sustained while caught in the

middle of military combat, while stepping on one of the many landmines

spread throughout the region, or as they become victims of violence

associated with the drug trafficking trade. Others are wounded by air raids

conducted by international forces.

NATO asserts that troops do their utmost to take precautions to avoid

civilian casualties. In the cases of civilian casualties, an investigation is

conducted, and under the best of circumstances, civilians become eligible

for compensation.

Our patients come not only from the city, but from all over the region. In

order to reach our hospital, they travel on damaged roads on a journey that

can last days.

Some arrive at the First Aid Post in Grishk thanks to an ambulance service

which is open 24 hours a day. Many never arrive, partly because they die en

route, and partly because after aerial bombing raids the Afghan army blocks

the roads not allowing the injured to pass through.

As in all of EMERGENCY’s hospitals, a red and white sign greets the

public as they enter, “We inform that all medical and surgical assistance is

free of charge for the patients”. The treatment is completely free, only a blood

donation from the families of patients admitted to the hospital is requested.

For victims who are severely wounded, numerous blood transfusions are

required, and the hospital’s blood bank needs to be continually replenished.

Usually after making their donation, parents or siblings of patients often return

a few hours later with friends and relatives to also give blood.

Gullandam, beautiful like a flower, in a Helmand that can no longer claim to be a gardenYesterday, an Afghan nurse presented us with paperwork that we had not

seen before. The father of Gullandam, a young girl who was under our care

for the past few days, asked us to complete the paperwork out as soon as


He is required to present the filled-out forms to officials in order to receive

compensation for the explosion that destroyed his family’s home.

We take all the paperwork, and of course will help. As soon as it is filled out

with the relevant information regarding the young girl’s condition, we go with

Paola back to D-Ward, the children’s ward, where we locate the girl’s father,

and return the papers to him.

Gullandam means beautiful like a flower, in Pashtun. She is in the garden

playing amongst the other hospitalized children. At 6 years of age, she has

already bravely faced the amputation of one leg, and many painful medical

procedures to save the other.

And sooner or later, she will have to be told that she has also lost her

mother, and that she no longer has a home to return to.

NADIA DEPRETISTranslated by Roland Swan




Our Idea of Peace

O ver 1.5 million people live in Nyala, most of whom are

refugees who fled the war. They live in camps surrounding

the city. Following a request by the local Ministry of Health,

EMERGENCY decided to build a paediatric centre to offer high

standard free of charge medical care 24/7 to children under the age of 14.

The Centre will address prevalent illnesses such as malnutrition, respiratory

infections, malaria, and gastricgastrointestinal infections.

It will implement immunization programs, and preventive efforts to combat

diseases such as rheumatic fever, in addition to providing health and hygiene

education for families.

The Centre will provide screening for patients suffering from heart disease

potentially requiring transfer to the Salam Cardiac Surgery Center in Khartoum

to undergo heart surgery. Post-operative monitoring and care will also be


The Centre in Nyala will be part of EMERGENCY’s Paediatric and Heart

Surgery Regional Program, with the Salam Centre as its hub. Collaboration

with the Sudanese authorities – both Federal and South Darfur – has been

essential for this project.

The Paediatric Centre will be built on land offered by the South Darfur

authorities, in collaboration with the local Ministry of Health.

Last summer EMERGENCY carried out a feasibility study and assessed the

estimated costs for the structure and start-up costs at 600,000 Euros. This total

became the target amount for our text message fundraising campaign.

The results coming in from the participating phone companies seem

to confirm that we’ve reached the targeted amount. This is an important

achievement since it will help us continue our mission in Sudan and the

neighboring countries. As soon as we have the final results, we will publish the

final tally of funds raised.

In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone who has decided to

participate in helping us build this paediatric centre, working together with us to

concretely achieve Our Idea of Peace.


A Paediatric Centre in Darfur, Another Goal to Reach

The Our Idea of Peace fundraising campaign to begin construction of another EMERGENCY health care centre, this time in Nyala, southern Darfur, for children under the age of 14, ended last October. The Centre in Nyala will further expand EMERGENCY’s Paediatric and Heart Surgery Program in Africa during 2009.

A Flower in the Midst of War


A Comparison Between Goals and Results

Khartoum, July 2008. The temperature outside is about 45°

Celcius (113° Farenheit). The dry heat makes it a bit more

tolerable, but it is certainly not advisable to dwell too long

outside, even in the garden of the Salam Centre — a place

that brings healing to the heart.

This is a familiar place even to the patients of the Centre, who have organized

a creative alternative to ‘outdoor activities’. Every afternoon, once clinical

activities quiet down, a ‘parlor room’ is created alongside the large window

which separates the patients’ wards from the outside world.

The patients awaiting surgery, and the post-op patients who are able to

mobilize, pull up some chairs near this large window, and spend the afternoon

chatting there. Beyond the window, one can see the colorful seasonal flowers,

the trees, the green lawn and bushes. Beyond, it is known that the Nile flows,

and although it cannot be seen, it is “sensed”.

From this large window overlooking the garden, light comes in as gazes go outFor all of those who have followed the progress, and believed in this hospital

from the very start, from when it was only a ‘crazy’ idea, it has confirmed the

transformation of a utopian dream into a reality - one rooted in the daily lives

of hundreds of people.

I am talking to Raul about this large window.

As the architect, he designed the window with the intention of bringing light

to the long corridor which faces the patients’ rooms.

Now, the patients have chosen it as a place of gathering and relaxation. It

has become a case, one could say, of unplanned consequences to calculated

actions. This novel use was approved and appreciated by the designer

himself, who for the time being does not delve too deeply into discussion

about the ‘diverse nature’ or ‘outcome’ of intended purposes.

Fifteen Months after its Opening — An Update on the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery in Khartoum



This space was transformed by the patients into an area for chatting, a simple act which lightens tensions, favors understanding, and fosters friendships. It is where we often stop to talk with the guests of the Salam Centre

Barring complications, the average length of stay here in the hospital is

about 10 days, which is sufficient time for people to get to know each other.

It is amazing to see the behavioral transformation of the patients after just

the first few days in the hospital. Initally, everyone looks lost, almost afraid.

For many, the arrival to the Centre is like being left stranded on the moon.

No relatives or ‘co-patients’, as they are called here, are allowed to visit

except on the consented days and times.

In the other local hospitals co-patients provide most of patient care, from

food to laundry, from personal care to even medications.

Here, on the other hand, clean pajamas and showers in the rooms, three

free full meals per day, doctors and nurses, are all available 24/7.

The omnipresent white faces of the khawala (‘white’ people) administer to


After a few days, patients memorize names, begin to feel comfortable, and

even begin to trust the khawala.

Children, in particular, are the ones who develop the most immediate

rapport. And there are many children in our hospital, about 25% of the 937

patients hospitalized at Salam through the end of July 2008 have been

younger than 15.

There is a long list of cases, difficulties and problems, and many solutions that have been researched and foundThe small group of teenagers who have been treated at the hospital since

the beginning of July has truly been diverse.

Wail, 14, arrived from Port Sudan. In addition to his young heart struggling

from the damage of recurrent rheumatic heart disease, he suffers from kidney

and lung problems, so we anxiously await definitive signs of healing.

Enas, is an 11 year-old girl, who weighed just 17 kilos (37.5 lbs) when she

was hospitalized. Our cooks prepared a special diet for her over several days

to help her gain a body weight which she probably never had before…and at

any rate, also to help her gain a few kilos before surgery.

Osman “One” (to distinguish him from Osman “Two”), despite being only

10 years old, is a veteran of the Salam Centre. He has been with us since

February, and has had treatment for his right ventricle. The right half of his

heart wasn’t functioning.

Blood taken from the right atrium through a cannula was channelled back

with a pump to the pulmonary artery, to reach the lungs and to oxygenate.

Now he is ready, well enough to go back home to the state of Sinnar, south

of Khartoum. He will be accompanied by his grandfather, who was staying in

the centre’s guesthouse during his grandson’s hospitalization.

Then there is the trio from Darfur. Saddam, 15, of Genina, West Darfur,

urgently hospitalized for a serious heart problem that was treated via

replacement of the mitral valve and surgical repair of the tricuspid valve.

Curly haired, darke eyed Osmad “Two”, 9, is shy and introverted, and was

one of the last of the group to be operated on.

After surgery he was received with a round of applause when he was

transported from the operating room to the intensive care unit where some

of his friends who had already undergone surgery the previous days were


Ali, the smallest of the group, and only nine years old, is from a small village

near Al Fashir, North Darfur. He also needed a mitral valve replacement and

surgical repair of the tricuspid valve.

Araghes the Ethiopian and Sarawit the Eritrean: distant is the world that would like to see them be enemiesThe unique atmosphere of the Salam Centre makes sure that not only

do ethnic barriers disappear between the beds in the ward, but that also the

linguistic difficulties due to the different nationalities be overcome.

Proof is the story of Sarawit, a very young girl from Eritrea, hospitalized for

a mitral stenosis, and Araghes, an Ethiopian child brought here thanks to the

initiative of a group of Italian volunteers who collaborate with a hospital from

the congregation of Mother Theresa of Calcutta in Addis Ababa.

Araghes speaks only Amarico, hence she had difficulties comunicating with

the foreign doctors and nurses, as well as with the Sudanese personnel. But,

her problems are solved thanks to the help of Sarawit who, besides Tigrino,

also spoke Araghe’s language, and she becomes her interpreter.

They were apart only during surgery and immediately afterwards.

We suggested that they become ambassadors of their respective

governments, which have been at war for about ten years now.

We may have been joking, but… their relationship is no longer a joke,

it is real.

A lesson from our first balance sheet — something we ‘believed in’, is incredibleAfter a little over a year since its opening a draft of the activity summary for

the Salam Centre is available.

Despite the continual necessity for precautions to be taken, and with the

inevitable problems encountered, we are pleased with the initial results.

Under the circumstances and given the difficulties, in 15 months time we

have been able to progress from one to three open heart operations per day.

About 30 patients are examined daily for triage.

A third of these patients will then need a specialized visit with the

cardiologist. Paradoxically, given the enormous distances in this country,

news ‘by word of mouth’ has produced unexpected results.

More than 43% of the Sudanese patients in our hospital do not live in

Khartoum, but arrive from one of the 25 states that make up the federation.

Even going beyond the Centre’s data and statistics, and the daily operational

routines, the “life” of this hospital suggests a very comforting evaluation.

From the examination rooms to the office administration, from the labs to the

wards, from the kitchen to the laundry rooms, from the operating rooms to the

pharmacy, one can clearly feel that the premises itself suggests the sense of

being in a special place, in so many unique ways.

More often than not, ‘Incredible!’ is the comment heard over and over by

visitors to the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery, from the Sudanese, as well

as from foreigners passing through Khartoum for work or vacation. For us this

expression ’incredible’ reminds us of a daily effort, which began with an idea,

went on to be built, fully equipped and furnished and ultimately completed

with the search and assembly of personnel.

It is an effort that continues on with a myriad of new and diverse problems

(sanitary, logistical, technical) to be overcome each day.

But, after a brief pause by the large window that overlooks the garden, and

an exchange of a few words in bizarre, improvised “mixed” languages with

the national staff and patients, we all become part of the incredible vision

sensed by all visitors.

ROSSELLA MICCIOTranslated by Rosalba Perna



First the Children

S ince the EMERGENCY Paediatric Centre first opened its

doors in December 2005, the camp has expanded and is now

surrounded by new homes, at best made from mud and plastic

sheeting. They belong to new refugees from Darfur, and to old

residents driven away from areas that are increasingly urbanised - always a

source of homelessness.

From the hospital’s water tower, the grim view of the camp is a vast sea of

shacks, extending as far as the eye can see, with dust and dirt everywhere.

Although only a mere 12 km from dowtown Khartoum, we are very far from

the skyscrapers dominating the heart of the city.

Our Centre is situated in an area of the camp called Angola, which is

populated by roughly fifty thousand people, fifty per cent are children. When

it first opened three years ago, the Centre’s objective was to guarantee free

medical treatment to the more immediate community in the area.

Now, patients arrive from the rest of the refugee camp as well as far off

neighbourhoods. In the Outpatient Ward, three nurses and two doctors work

with a pharmacist, along with a lab technician who performs urgent blood

tests -- all under the supervision of an international paediatric nurse.

Mothers and children arrive at six o’clock in the morning and are seated

under a protected outdoor veranda.

As they await their turn, they are neat, poised and beautiful in their colourful

clothing. Attilia, the international nurse, together with the local nurses carry out

a rapid triage to evaluate any urgent care cases. Patients with malnutrition,

loss of consciousness, fever and severe respiratory problems are given high


It seems as if it were summer. There are clear skies and the temperature

is a dry, 28 degrees Celsius.

But, this is their winter, and illnesses such as bronchitis and asthma are

common, just as in any outpatient ward in Italy during this time of year.

Many are suffering the consequences of living under inhumane conditions

in the camp.

Malnutrition, conjunctivitis, and urinary tract infections are among the most

common maladies. Diarrhoea is a consequence from drinking the water from

the donkey tank. Water is sold and distributed house to house from a large

tank transported by mule. It costs between 200 and 300 dinar depending on

the vendor. Daily wages are roughly 1000 dinar.

An Urgent Transfer Leaves Us With More Questions Than HopeEvery day our staff examines fifty children, and those requiring observation

stay in the ward until closing time. “The Centre has to close at 4:00 PM due

to security reasons”, explains Attilia. “At night the men get intoxicated on

araki, a distilled alcohol with an extremely potent effect, and it is better not to

stay around the area”. The more severe cases are transferred to the two city

In Just Over Three Years More Than 56,000 Patients Have Been Treated in the Mayo Refugee Camp


hospitals, the Khartoum Hospital and the Bashir Hospital. Thanks to the

working experience with the Mayo EMERGENCY Paediatric Centre, the

government of Khartoum passed legislation that all care for paediatric

emergency medical cases be provided free of charge.

A mother brings in her child wrapped in a colourful cloth. As soon as she

opens her little bundle, his emaciated face reveals that we are clearly faced

with a very ill infant. “He’s not well, he hasn’t been eating for the past week”,

she says. But the skeletal body, and lack of strength confirms evidence of

long term malnutrition. At forty days old, the baby weighs only 2 kg. The infant

is suffering from an infection, running a 40 degree fever, and does not even

have the strength to cry.

“After the operation, he stopped eating, and is becoming more and more

lethargic”. The operation she refers to is the procedure performed by one of

the twenty tribes living in the camp which believe that by cutting the uvula

and palette of a newborn, regurgitation can be prevented. Every newborn

undergoes the procedure. “Imagine a procedure of this sort, most likely

performed in the middle of the street in a place like this, with instruments

being washed in the camp’s water”, says Attilia, who periodically sees these

cases. The ambulance is ready to go, and we immediately transport mother

and child to the Khartoum Hospital.

During the trip, Attilia asks me to try to stimulate the infant by stroking a pen

along the bottom of his feet, while she keeps the oxygen mask ready for use.

No reaction, he keeps his eyes half closed, and does not even whimper. We

arrive at Khartoum Hospital, a chaotic and dirty place where, even for Attilia

who comes here often, it is difficult to orient oneself.

In a large, half lit room, five doctors seated at their desks examine their

young patients surrounded by a throng of mothers coming and going with their

children. One female doctor quickly checks the baby and asks the mother and

Attilia a few questions. He will be admitted and undergo an antibiotic and an

intensive nutrition treatment.They assure us that “he will make it.”

I ask myself how many more times will this little baby have to “make it”

in order to survive life in Mayo Camp to reach age 5, and survive the infant

mortality statistics of this country.

SIMONETTA GOLATranslated by Roland Swan



Good Morning BanguiNews in the Regional Programme for Paediatric Care and Cardiac Surgery

Each day the staff at the Paediatric Centre in Bangui provides free specialized assistance to forty children. Thanks to periodic visits to the Centre by the international cardiologists, patients can be screened to determine whether they require surgery at the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery. The required post-operative follow-up care is also guaranteed.


News in the Regional Programme for Paediatric Care and Cardiac Surgery I t is Friday, 6 March 2009, 9:30 AM. “The promise has been kept,”

declares Francois Bozizé, the President of the Central African

Republic. Together with the Prime Minister, the President of the

National Assembly, and the foreign ambassadors present in the

country, Bozizé attended the inauguration of the Paediatric Centre in Bangui,

a new development in EMERGENCY’s Paediatric Care and Cardiac Surgery

Programme in Africa.

The government of the Central African Republic had immediately provided

aid and support for the project, granting EMERGENCY use of a centrally

located plot of land near the Parliament buildings. This is where the Paediatric

Centre would be built. Construction began in March 2008. The project was

assigned to a Central African company that carried out the plans to perfection,

respecting the deadlines and the predetermined budget.

Finally, the Paediatric Centre was ready for its inaugural opening. With

its red and white coloured external walls, its surface area covers 550

square meters. It includes an internal patio transformed into a play area

with an imaginary grassy plains mural filled with toy crocodiles, rhinoceros,


The Centre, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offers

medical assistance to children up to 14 years of age. Immunisation and

health and hygiene education programmes are also offered.

During periodic evaluation missions, in the cardiology ward EMERGENCY’s

international specialists come to screen and evaluate patients suffering from

heart disease to determine those in need of transfer to the Salam Centre

in Khartoum for treatment. After surgery, the patients are guaranteed post-

operative check-ups at the Centre in Bangui.

In Bangui, Like Goderich and Khartoum: Malaria and Diarrhoea are the Most Common DiseasesNews of the opening of the Bangui Paediatric Centre spreads rapidly by

word of mouth. In a scene similar to those in other EMERGENCY Pediatric

Centres - such as in Khartoum, Sudan and in Goderich, Sierra Leone - from

the early morning hours mothers and children crowd the entrance of the

hospital, awaiting their turn to be examined.

Each day, Paola a paediatric nurse, and Mariella a paediatrician, assisted

by local doctors and nurses, examine forty children on average. With six

beds in the Centre, the doctors are able to admit serious cases overnight,

as needed. Just one day after its opening, the first patient was admitted.

His name was Jonathan, who at 22 months was weighing in at only 7 kilos.

He arrived suffering from dehydration due to severe persistent diarrhoea. As

soon as he reached the Centre, doctors immediately initiated oral rehydration

treatment, and proceeded with blood tests for Malaria, which came back

positive. Together with his father who accompanied him, Jonathan will

christen the clinic’s new toys with the hope of going back home soon.

PIETRO PARRINOTranslated by Roland Swan



Cambodian Triptych

Against Violence, Landmines and Accidents — Three Stories of Human Resistance

A plastic surgeon details his encounter with a few patients he treated during his work at the Surgical Centre in Battambang bringing to awareness the difficulty of living the consequences of war, and facing new cruel realities.

Three girls — three stories from this ill – fated country’s history

spanning half a century.

The experiences of these three girls would be very unlikely to

happen in Italy, but if they were to occur, the detrimental effects

of the injuries sustained would be treated through an advanced health care

system, and their lives would be supported by social and public assistance.

In Cambodia these social infrastructures do not exist, at best there might be a

fragile, and not always available family support system to help.

Already faced with difficult lives, these three young women, having

undergone physical surgical reconstruction and prosthetic rehabilitative

training now find themselves facing the added burden of not having full use

of their own bodies. EMERGENCY assisted them in their rehabilitation, and

then when feasibly possible, in job placements, or by some small donations.

But the biggest feats were overcome by their own courage, which was key

to their recovery.

A disfigured face due to jealousy —Then surgery and a job towards a new lifeWhen I first saw Nhom Vun in the front garden of the emergency department,

only half of her face was visible. Like most young Cambodian women, she

had fine, gentle features. She kept the other half of her face oddly concealed

with a towel which she uncovered as soon she entered the examining room.

What was revealed was a disfiguring two centimeter thick scar, banning

any type of facial movement. Her eyelids were now non-existent due to the

disabling scar, and the eye was wide open, with no protection of an eyelid,

and already covered with sores. Her lower lip was fused to her chin, as was

her upper lip to the side of her nose.

She was only 19 years old. Three years ago, Nhom was raped and

impregnated by a man in her village, who then decided to marry her. In the

two years following the birth of her first child, there were two more births.

And then, all of a sudden the man announced that he was going to Thailand

to find work. Left alone, Nhom Vun found work in the rice fields. But once

the harveting season ended, she had to find other work. She began to pack

and sell sweets, and earn good wages compared to the average Cambodian

salary. The husband, who had actually moved in with another woman in

a nearby village, now revealed a renewed interest in Nhom, and her new


In order to prevent any type of reconciliation between the two, the jealous

lover attacked Nhom by thrusting a bottle of acid over her face. At our initial

consultation, I informed Nhom right away that one procedure would not be

enough to restore a normal physical appearance, and that there would really

be no hopes to totally erase all the effects resulting from the acid burns. I

began the surgical intervention with the reconstruction of her eyelid, in order

to try to avoid loss of the eye. Removing the scar tissue, I realised that some


that some of the muscles of the eyelid had been damaged, but still existent.

So I began to reconstruct the eyelid with strips of tissue and cartilage from

behind the ear. The few remaining muscles would allow movement of the

eyelid, thus restore opening and closing of the eye.

The second procedure began by removing the scar tissue over the lips,

where I would have to proceed with a skin graft taken from the back of the

undamaged ear. Her lips began to regain some mobility, even though she

would need further corrective surgical intervention on her lower lip.

Returning to Battambang this year, I encountered Nhom Vun in the hospital.

She wasn’t there for a check-up, but as an employee. She was hired there

as an orderly. EMERGENCY frequently employs its patients to help them

socially reintegrate, especially those patients having undergone particularly

traumatic experiences.

The medical coordinators say that everyone is extremely happy with her

work, and the patients really appreciate her. Every time we pass each other in

the corridor, she shares with me the gift of a beaming smile. The reconstructed

half of her face is not as graceful as the other [undamaged] half, but mobility

is close to normal. I am happy to have been able to contribute to providing this

young woman with the chance to a social life.

An accident at the beginning of a new life —Landmines don’t know when war has endedDen Srey Mao is 20 years old, and she has only been married for a few

months to a man so tall and athletic that he does not seem Cambodian. Their

families had given them a small parcel of land with a few animals (chickens,

ducks and goats) as a wedding gift in order for them to begin their new lives

together. They were farming vegetables on the land to sell at the market so

that they could earn enough to buy a pig at the end of the year.

One day while walking to it along the pathway which had undergone

landmine clearance two years earlier, and which she had passed through

countless times before, the young woman saw something strange on the

ground. It was too late, she was unable to avoid stepping on it. It was a

landmine which had been washed onto the path by heavy rains in the previous

days. Dan Srey arrived at the hospital with traumatic amputation of both her

lower limbs, loss of an eye and various wounds to her face.

The amputations were corrected by our orthopaedic surgeons in order to

allow fitting of prosthetic limbs. I was responsible for the reconstruction of the

orbital cavities. Two operations would be necessary: removal of scar tissue,

and enlargening of the ocular cavitiy for fitting of a prosthetic eye.

Three days before my departure Den Srey received her prosthetic eye,

a necessary step in restoring her face with a certain degree of physical

normalcy. While waiting for her leg stumps to heal so she can be fitted with

prosthetic limbs, her husband takes her home - where another new beginning

awaits them.

Two wigs for ProeungEven hair becomes a form of treatmentProeung Sreyrotha was 16 years old when I met her last year. She was

harvesting rice when she got too close to the fanbelt of a threshing machine.

Her entire scalp was ripped from her skull - from her eyebrows to her cervical

vertebrae. In the West, depending on how intact the affected skin is, we

treat these cases by surgically reattaching the ripped scalp, and through

microsurgical anastomosis, re-establish the blood circulation to the damaged


However, in Cambodia, the proper surgical apparatus for microsurgery is

unavailable. So in order to treat Proueng’s condition, she had to undergo

several skin graft surgeries to the damaged area, a method no longer practiced

in Europe for over 40 years. After 6 operations and much painful medication,

we finally managed to cover Proeung’s skull with a layer of hairless tissue.

Some time later, in a very moving and emotional ceremony of sorts, we

presented her with two gifts. We gave her two wigs - one with short and the

other with long hair - so that she can continue to carry out her life as a normal

young girl.

PAOLO SANTONI-RUGIUTranslated by Roland Swan


Worldwide Malnutrition Malnutrition and undernutrition are some of the effects of a global imbalance that has caused recent alarm in the political world (under pressure from the speculative push to finance raw material and consumer markets) especially among those where access to basic food resources has been undermined.

When the cost of bread rises excessively, revolts break out

for tortillas in Mexico, and mud cookies are baked in Haiti,

then we know that we are facing the disastrous effects of

a global financial manoeuvre that threatens the health and

even the lives of a large portion of the global population.

Even now, according to the Health World Organization, half of all human

beings – about 3 billion people – suffer from some form of malnutrition, a word

with various, but always worrisome, meanings.

In fact, this term is used to indicate an imbalance in the absorption of nutrients

and other factors necessary for a healthy life; this could be undernutrition – lack

of proteins vitamins or minerals, or overnutrition. In developing countries, one

person in five suffers from the worst form of malnutrition: hunger.

Grains produced for livestock feed rather than human consumptionIt is well known that malnutrition is due mainly to unequal access to food

resources rather than to insufficient food production. In fact, current agricultural

production could easily nourish the entire world population. The problem is

certainly underestimated, considering that a large portion of food resources is

diverted to animal feed instead of being utilized as food for the hungry.

Agricultural strategies adopted in recent years have resulted in complete

failure. Public and private institutions have actively promoted large-scale cattle

ranching in developing countries for production of meat and milk, without

considering that farmed animals consume more calories than they produce in

the form of meat, milk and eggs.

When the quarrel about biofuels and conversion of crops for their production

had not yet started, it was already evident that cereals were produced and

introduced in the market in large part to raise cattle rather than to satisfy

human nutritional necessities.

Official statistics, from FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the

United Nations) and WHO (the World Health Organization) in particular, clearly

point out that a shift in cereal production for human consumption to animal feed

has forced developing countries to import grains at high cost, greatly worsening

the problem of malnutrition. In fact, in developing countries, staple foods are

mainly cereals and legumes, which provide the majority of carbohydrates and

proteins necessary for survival.

In a paradox, this diet that could be adopted in industrialized countries with

great health advantages, is now overlooked even in its traditional countries

of origin. Those who can afford it prefer a more occidental diet, where the

majority of the protein requirement derives from meat.

Food subsidies help donor countries and undermine local economiesNon-governmental international organizations that fight world hunger are in

ferment to counter the steady increase in basic food prices.

Oxfam and CARE, for example, are running worldwide campaigns to raise

awareness and increase political pressure.

In fact, the forecasts of their experts indicate that predicted Eastern and

Western African tragedies could be avoided by immediate action on the part of

governments of wealthy countries.

“Food aids can save many lives”, says Ariane Arpa, responsible for

the Spanish Intermón Oxfam, “Unfortunately, the interests of Western

governments, tied with those of powerful agricultural groups and packaging/

shipping companies, frequently cause aid to arrive too late, at very high prices,

often destabilizing weak local economies”.

The humanitarian organization Oxfam has posted suggestions to remedy

these issues at

In summary the suggestions are: increase donor as well as local

governments investment in small-scale agriculture (especially in sub-Saharan

African countries), cut incentives for biofuel production, and convince the USA

and EU to review their emergency food aid policies and focus assistance on

countries suffering the most serious consequences.

ANGELO MIOTTOTranslated by Ada Buvoli




EMERGENCY ITALYvia Meravigli 12/14, 20123 Milano Tel. 02 881881 Fax 02 86316336 E-mail http

via dell’Arco del Monte 99/a, 00186 RomaTel. 06 688151Fax 06 68815230E-mail roma@emergency.ithttp

EMERGENCY USA4910 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 300Washington, DC 20016 – T +1 888 501 -

EMERGENCY UK PO Box 62437, London, E14 1GAT +44 (0) 333 340 -

Every year war and poverty destroy the lives of millions of people. In contemporary conflicts, 90% of the victims are civilians.Since 1994, over three million patients have been treated in EMERGENCY’s clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation centres located in war-torn areas.

EMERGENCY is an independent, neutral and non-governmental organisation that provides free medical and surgical care to the victims of war, landmines and poverty worldwide.

All EMERGENCY hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centres are designed, built and managed by international personnel committed to professionally train national staff.

The articles featured in this issue were translated from articles that appeared in EMERGENCY’s magazine, issues 48, 49 and 50:

Training for Critical Care Units, September 2008 (48): 2-3The Consequence of War, September 2008 (48): 4Restarting and Expansion, September 2008 (48): 5A Comparison between Goals and Results, September 2008 (48): 8Worldwide Malnutrition, September 2008 (48): 14-15Our Idea of Peace, December 2008 (49): 12Good Morning Bangui, March 2009 (50): 2-3A Flower in the Midst of War, March 2009 (50): 9First the Children, March 2009 (50): 10-11Cambodian Triptych, March 2009 (50): 14-15

Data Protection Notice — USA

EMERGENCY USA – Life Support for Civilian Victims of War and Poverty, with registered offices at 4910 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20016, USA, in its capacity as owner of the data processing, will process your personal data manually and in electronic form for the purposes of informing on its institutional activity and for administrative reasons as a result of your donations to the organization. The provision of your personal data is not mandatory. However, the failure to provide such data or the subsequent withdrawal of the authorization to process your personal data will prevent us from processing your data for the purposes indicated above. Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties, also in foreign countries and outside the European Union, only in connection with the purposes indicated above. You will be entitled to exercise the rights granted to you by law by addressing your request to EMERGENCY USA, 4910 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20016, USA, ATTN: Ms. Graziella B. Costanzo.

Director Carlo GarbagnatiEditorial Office Simonetta GolaCollaborators on this issue Marco Antonsich (MA), Ada Buvoli, Marina Castellano, Paolo Chiappetta, Graziella B. Costanzo, Nadia Depretis, Maureen Cairns, Robert Dvorak, Janet Garcia, Anna Gilmore, Simonetta Gola, Michele Isernia, Rossella Miccio (RM), Angelo Miotto, Rosalba Perna, Dada Pisconti, Paolo Santoni-Rugiu, Roland Swan.Images Emergency’s Archive, Piergiorgio Casotti, Cosimo Maffone, Samuele Pellecchia, Naoki Tomasini.Graphic and pagination Angela Fittipaldi, Guido Scarabottolo.

Data Protection Notice — ITALY

EMERGENCY – Life Support for Civilian War Victims ONG ONLUS, with registered offices at Via Meravigli 12/14, 20123 Milan, Italy, in its capacity as owner of the data processing, will process your personal data manually and in electronic form for the purposes of informing on its institutional activity and for administrative reasons as a result of your donations to the organization. The provision of your personal data is not mandatory. However, the failure to provide such data or the subsequent withdrawal of the authorization to process your personal data will prevent us from processing your data for the purposes indicated above. Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties, also in foreign countries and outside the European Union, only in connection with the purposes indicated above. You will be entitled to exercise the rights granted by Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 by addressing your request to EMERGENCY ITALY, Via Meravigli 12/14, 20123 Milan, Italy, ATTN: Ms. Mariangela Borella.

Data Protection Notice — UK

EMERGENCY UK, with registered offices at Flat 58, St. David’s Square, E14 3B London, U.K., in its capacity as owner of the data processing, will process your personal data manually and in electronic form for the purposes of informing on its institutional activity and for administrative reasons as a result of your donations to the organization. The provision of your personal data is not mandatory. However, the failure to provide such data or the subsequent withdrawal of the authorization to process your personal data will prevent us from processing your data for the purposes indicated above. Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties, also in foreign countries and outside the European Union, only in connection with the purposes indicated above. You will be entitled to exercise the rights granted to you by law by addressing your request to EMERGENCY UK, P.O. Box 62437, London, E14 1GA, ATTN: Mr. Gianluca Cantalupi.

Worldwide Malnutrition

For more information contact:



Gruppo del Canton Ticino



Gruppo Aosta



Gruppo di Torino


Gruppo di Pinerolo - TO


Gruppo di Alessandria Casale

335/7182942 - 0142/73254

Gruppo di Asti

0141/853487 - 348/5131104

Gruppo di Biella


Gruppo di Cuneo


Gruppo di Novara


Gruppo di Arona - NO

335/6005077 - 328/8229117

Gruppo di Verbania


Gruppo di Lago D’Orta VB



Gruppo della Brianza - MI


Gruppo del Naviglio Grande - MI

339/8364358 - 334/3175776

Gruppo di Cinisello Balsamo - MI


Gruppo della Valle del Seveso

- MI



Volunteering is a fundamental and essential component of EMERGENCY’s work. Volunteers work to inform

the general public and promote a culture of peace through participation in conferences, meetings and workshops

in schools and in workplaces. Volunteers are key to fundraising by hosting dedicated events, presenting specific

projects to local agencies, organisations and businesses, or manning booths at larger events.

Gruppo di Cologno Monzese - MI



Gruppo di Magenta - MI


Gruppo Martesana - MI

393/2736362 - 02/9504678

Gruppo di San Giuliano - MI


Gruppo di San Vittore Olona - MI


Gruppo di Saronno - MI


Gruppo di Sesto San Giovanni - MI


Gruppo di Settimo Milanese - MI

02/3281948 - 333/7043439

Gruppo di Usmate Velate - MI

039/673324 - 039/672090

Gruppo di Bergamo


Gruppo di Isola Bergamasca - BG


Gruppo di Brescia

335/1767627 - 333/3289937

Gruppo di Crema - CR

335/6932225 - 335/7119651

Gruppo di Como


Gruppo di Lecco - Merate


Gruppo di Lodi

340/0757686 - 335/8048178

Gruppo di Mantova

0376/223550 - 320/0632506

Gruppo di Monza


Gruppo di Pavia


Gruppo di Vigevano - PV

0381/690866 - 328/4237529

Gruppo della Valtellina - SO

0342/684033 - 320/4323922

Gruppo di Varese

334/1508540 - 333/8912559

Gruppo di Busto Arsizio - VA



Gruppo di Venezia


Gruppo delle Città del Piave - VE

335/7277849 - fax 0421/560994

Gruppo di Spinea VE

041/994285 - 339/3353868

Gruppo di Belluno


Gruppo di Padova


Gruppo di Rovigo


Gruppo di Treviso

333/4935006 - 340/5901747

Gruppo di Verona


Gruppo di Vicenza


Gruppo di Asiago - VI


Gruppo di Thiene - VI



Gruppo di Trieste


Gruppo di Udine

0432/580894 - 339/8268067

Gruppo dell’Alto Friuli - UD

0433/51130 - 347/3172702


Gruppo di Trento


Gruppo dell’Alto Garda - TN


Gruppo di Rovereto - TN


Gruppo della Valli di Fiemme

e Fassa - TN


Gruppo di Bolzano



Gruppo di Genova


Gruppo del Tigullio - GE

0185/288400 - 349/4525818

Gruppo di Riviera dei Fiori - IM


Gruppo di La Spezia


Gruppo di Savona



Gruppo di Bologna


Gruppo di Imola - BO

0542/42448 - 339/7021931

Gruppo di Ferrara


Gruppo di Forlì - FC

338/4822684 - 335/5869825

Gruppo di Cesena - FC


Gruppo di Modena

059/763110 - 347/5902480

Gruppo di Fanano - MO

348/4446120 - fax 0524/680212

Gruppo di Parma

0521/873235 - fax 0521/371631

Gruppo di Piacenza

0523/617731 - 339/5732815

Gruppo di Faenza - RA


Gruppo di Reggio Emilia

0522/555581 - 348/7152394

Gruppo di Rimini



Gruppo de San Marino



Gruppo di Firenze


Gruppo di Empoli - FI

338/9853946 - 333/3047807

Gruppo di Rignano sull’Arno - FI

339/1734165 - 338/4609888

Gruppo di Sesto Fiorentino - FI

055/4492880 - 339/5841944

Gruppo di Arezzo


Gruppo di Grosseto


Gruppo di Follonica - GR


Gruppo del Monte Amaita - GR

347/3614073 - 347/6481865


Gruppo di Livorno

333/1159718 - 346/2318650

Gruppo di Piombino - LI

329/8741625 - 380/2599437

Gruppo di Lucca

0583/578318 - 349/6932333

Gruppo della Versilia - LU


Gruppo di Massa Carrara

349/8354617 - 329/5733819

Gruppo di Pisa


Gruppo di Volterra - PI


Gruppo di Pistoia


Gruppo dell’Altopistoiese - PT


Gruppo di Prato


Gruppo di Siena Valdelsa



Gruppo di Tivoli - RM


Gruppo dei Castelli Romani - RM

328/2078624 - 347/5812073

Gruppo di Rieti


Gruppo di Colleferro - FR


Gruppo di Cisterna - LT


Gruppo di Formia - LT


Gruppo di Monte San Biagio - LT


Gruppo di Cassino - FR

339/7493563 - 347/5324287

Gruppo di Vetralla - VT



Gruppo di Ancona


Gruppo di Fabriano - AN

0732/4559 - 335/5753581

Gruppo di Jesi - AN

349/4944690 - 0731/208635

Gruppo di Ascoli Piceno


Gruppo di Fermo


Gruppo di Fano - PU

0721/827038 - 338/2703583


Gruppo di Perugia


Gruppo di Città di Castello - PG


Gruppo di Foligno - PG


Gruppo di Gualdo Tadino - PG


Gruppo di Spoleto - PG


Gruppo di Terni


Gruppo di Orvieto - TR



Gruppo di L’Aquila


Gruppo dell’Alto Sangro - AQ


Gruppo di Avezzano - AQ


Gruppo di Pescara


Gruppo di Teramo



Gruppo di Isernia


Gruppo di Campobasso



Gruppo di Napoli


Gruppo di Avellino - Benevento

347/1621656 - 329/2047329

Gruppo di Caserta


Gruppo dell’Altocasertano - CE


Gruppo di Pagani - Salerno

338/6254491 - 347/9105378

Gruppo di Agropoli -

Vallo di Lucania - SA

339/1222497 - 339/3335134


Gruppo di Latronico - PT

339/7980173 - 339/2955200

Gruppo di Matera


Gruppo di Policoro - MT



Gruppo di Bari

340/7617863 - 329/9493241

Gruppo di Bitonto - BA

080/3744455 - 333/3444512

Gruppo di Molfetta BA


Gruppo di Foggia

340/8345082 - 0881/756292

Gruppo di BAT


Gruppo di Pr. Brindisi - BR


Gruppo di Lecce

328/6565129 - 349/5825203

Gruppo di Nardò - LE


Gruppo della Valle d’Itria - TA

328/7221897 - 328/6990572


Gruppo di Cosenza

338/9506005 - 349/2987730

Gruppo di Catanzaro



Gruppo di Cagliari


Gruppo di Serrenti - CA


Gruppo di Budoni - Nuoro

329/4211744 - 347/6416169

Gruppo dell’Ogliastra


Gruppo di Milis - OR

0783/51622 - 320/0745418

Gruppo di Macomer - OR


Gruppo di Sassari

079/251630 - 339/3212345

Gruppo di Alghero - SS


Gruppo di Olbia - SS

0789/23715 - 347/5729397


Gruppo di Palermo

320/5592867 - 091/333316

Gruppo di Campobello di Licata


Gruppo di Catania

348/5466769 - 339/4028577

Gruppo di Caltagirone - CT


Gruppo di Piazza Armerina - EN


Gruppo di Messina

090/674578 - 348/3307495

Gruppo di Vittoria - RG


Gruppo di Siracusa


Gruppo di Trapani

0923/539124 - 347/9960368


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Northern California

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London, UK


Atlanta, GA

Nicole Dubruiel

Boston, MA

Soumya Ganapathy

Boulder, CO

Dada Pisconti

Chicago, IL

Geraldine Gorman

Denver, CO

Jason Bosch

Los Angeles, CA

Marco Rambaldo

Northern California

Jake Nicol

New York, NY

Eric Talbert

Pittsburgh, PA

Chiara Megighian Zenati

Washington, DC

Shiva Sharif


London, UK

Gianluca Cantalupi

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