
Tell us about

Your preference


Which do you prefer……

______________ OR ______________?

Which do you prefer___________ or __________?

I prefer ___________.

Why? / How come?I prefer ____ because

______ is / are

more ____ / _____er

dogs or cats?

travel by bus or train?

Which do you prefer…

Pizza or Chicken?

Beef, chicken or pork?

Which do you prefer…

Canada or America?

An apartment or a house?

Which do you prefer…

Rice or pasta or noodles?

Milk or Juice?

Which do you prefer…

McDonalds, Burger King or Lotteria?

Mornings or evenings?

Which do you prefer…

Today’s weather or yesterday’s?

Winter, spring, summer or fall?

Which do you prefer…

Watching movies in a theatre or at home?

Eating in or eating out?

Which do you prefer…

Americans, Australians or Chinese?

Ice cream, cake or pie?

Which do you prefer…

Exercising alone or with a friend?

Living in the city or in the country?

Which do you prefer…

Comedy, drama, action or horror?

Speaking or listening?

Which do you prefer…

Working outside or working inside?

Traveling alone or with


Which do you prefer…

News from the TV, Internet or newspaper?

Speaking or listening?

Which do you prefer…

Superman, Batman or Robin Hood?

Board games or playing sports?

Which do you prefer…

Paying by cash or credit card?

The stock market or real estate?

Which do you prefer…

Which would you prefer___________ or __________?

I would prefer______.

Why? / How come?I’d prefer ____ because

______ would be

more ____ / _____er

A million dollars or a long life?

Beauty or intelligence?

Which would you prefer…

A sports car or an SUV?

Your own business or

never working?

Which would you prefer…

Living abroad or living in Korea

A baby boy or a baby girl?

Which would you prefer…

To be a movie star or to be a rock star?

To be healthy or wealthy?

Which would you prefer…

Being a bird or being a lion?

Being the President or being

a sports star?

Which would you prefer…

Giving a speech or writing a long paper?

Being a man or being a woman?

Which would you prefer…

To be super strong or super fast?

World peace or a million dollars?

Which would you prefer…

A big dinner party or staying home alone?

Being God or being yourself?

Which would you prefer…


WRITE YOUR OWN QUESTION ON A PIECE OF PAPER. Do you prefer ____ or _____?

Give The survey to everybody.

Share the results. Most people prefer __________!

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