Pre-Production Tools

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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This is my Pre-Production Tools which higlights what the paperwork is and how it helps with the production.


Pre-Production Tools

StoryboardStoryboarding is to break down each scene into shots with additional information that tells you the camera shots that are being is used, timings, location, screen action, camera movement, transitions, post production effects and sound be it dialogue, sound track, diegetic or non-diegetic sounds.

This is helpful for the cameraman and director as it gives a general idea of the advert and how the scenes/shots will be combine together to tell the story.

This is important stage of planning because they can plan what the requirements are going to be to obtain the shot/sequence.

This assisted me in my production by pulling my ideas into a sequence so I could visual see how it would look and use as a guide when shooting each shot.

Proposal A proposal is used put forward an Idea.This would normally to a client who has set a brief or to convince possible investors to back a project.

researchTarget audienceBudgetSummary walkthrough of ad

Feasibility study Storyboard

•Who is the proposal for?•What should in include?•What was your experience of making a proposal pitch?

Gantt ChartA Gantt Chart is used to summarize when all work was done, and to see if all work was up to date, also to show the production is going according to the time that it is needed to be completed.

This helps keep track of any work and to see if it was actually done.

This stage requires thought of when all work can be started and finished and to see if all paper work is done before entering production.

This part of the paper work helped by figuring out if I was on schedule and that I had achieved all my tasks to date.

ScriptThe script is used to control all of the dialogue for the production, this helps with the on-screen action, and the dialogue to match, so that the actors know all the action that is happening while saying there lines, and that helps the acting become more convincing.

This stage helps all the actors to memorize their lines, and know in advance the screen actions to match their dialogue.

I found this stage very helpful as the crew though everything that they needed to do in advance, so there would be less mistakes

Shot ListThe shot list breaks down all the shots , and describes the on screen action in full, with the duration of each shot, and gives a rough estimate of the run time of the advert.

This helps the director with each shot being planned in advance, and if it doesn’t work it can change without to much trouble , also with the duration already written down the amount of work required would have already been decided beforehand.

This stage helped with the planning as each shot would have a full detail , so the only thing needed to do would be shooting the scene with the duration being roughly right.

Shooting ScriptThe shooting script is used to indicate all the on screen action in better detail then in the script, also describes the camera shoot to counter act the on screen action.

This helps the actors & director know how present themselves, and were the camera will be for each shot.

This helped less then I thought that it would as I already had all the shots and action on screen on other paperwork, the only good thing this sheet had both together as during production I always had to think what screen action was happening, and what shot would be used for this

Risk assessment

The Risk assessment is to identify any possible risks that could occur during production , and to counter act any situation that would happen.

This helps figure out what to do if anything were to happen during production, also helps know the risks before hand so that I would know what to do before things got serious.

I found this before production helpful to figure out what to do if anything were to happen, however during production I found this quiet useless as All the crew knew not to do anything stupid, that would be a risk.

Location Reece The location Reece is to highlight the location in which the advert would be filmed at located and any possible problems with that place/area. Also to give a rough idea of what the advert may look like, and if it doesn’t you can change it.

This helps because of the fact that it shows the general area in which filming would occur, and you can see from the photo’s if there would be any risks that could happen.

This I found not very helpful, as Before I started filming I already knew any problems that could occur as I knew the area well, however for other people like my cast and the client.

Over-Head Diagram The over-head diagram is used so that the client knows the area were production will begin and know each camera shot and were it will take place, and the numerical order of shot so the director knows each shot for post-production as well.

This helps you know the surrounding area of the filming location, and this again helps with the location reece & the risk assessment.

This I found very helpful with before production I didn’t think about the surrounding area and problems that normal would happen around those particular areas.

Call Sheet

The Call Sheet is so the entire cast & crew know when they are needed, Date & time, location of filming and if anything else exterior is needed.

This helped with all the knowledge of anything or everyone that was needed on the day of shot, and was much easier to read with all the cast & crew detail, and expected weather and props, lighting and more.

I found this very helpful as it was very simple to understand, and mixed other items from previous paperwork into, making it simpler, and if you need a better understanding of a certain thing just go the the paperwork of that subject

BudgetThe budget is used to evaluate the estimated amount that would be spent for the production and used to keep track of the total amount that would be spent over the course production.

This helped calculate the amount that would come from the client, and showed how much is needed for a small production, with directors & cameramen costing some of the most.

This helped me though the normally amount for all the items that would be requried for my production, however less items were needed then I originally thought for the shoot.


The requirements is a checklist of all items that are needed for production & post production, and to see if everything is ready both hand, so the director can be prepared and know if any equipment is needed on the day of shoot.

This helps with the knowledgement if any items were needed and if transportation was needed, and much like the call sheet helped know what actors would be needed on either day of shoot. This assisted me with any technology that was needed, and made me think what programs that I would needed to use in post, and that again helped with the budget.

This I found less useful then the Call sheet’s as it near enough summarized what was needed for production, and gave info on transport, however it was the only thing that talked about any equipment that would be needed for post.

Release Agreements The release agreement is so that you can get a agreement from any participants that all footage can be used in any situation, and if they don’t sign all footage can’t be used.

This helps the client know what rights are in the agreement, and what purpose that person footage has to the production, and that any footage can be used in future projects if needed.

This stage of paperwork was very useful much like the the Location release helps let know the client know if they own the footage and and work that has to be done if the agreement was not signed.

Location ReleaseThe location Reece is much like the Release agreement as it is used so not production can occur somewhere that the director or the client doesn't own, and if not signed the client could be sued if any footage was taken from the premise.

This helps the client know what rights are in the agreement, and what can and can’t happen for the production on someone else’s premise.

This I found very helpful, as without it production can be shut down for any footage taken without permission.

Footage LogThe Footage Log is used to keep track of the in’s and out’s of shots as it describes the shot type’s and a description of the actual shot.

This helps keep of anything that needs to happen to the footage during post And helps with the necessary shots ins and outs codes so if the footage needs to found the client can see the specific footage.

This I found very helpful to keep track of each shot and help me know each shot very well, also assisted me with the footage I needed much quicker then It would take if I looked through all the footage.

Asset LogThe Asset log is used so all exterior assets can be located at one point, and so if a asset is needed it can be called upon.

This helps to describe the asset and what purpose it has to the production.

This helped me locate all my assets due to lose of work, so that production could keep to it’s schedule.

EDLAn EDL is used to keep track

Viability study The viability study is the list of idea’s for the final advert, this helps keep track what all my idea’s were and what I would have needed for all the idea’s to work as my advert

Research Market

This is the the research that had to be done for the pre-production unit of our advert’s as it is preparation, as it gives a rough idea of the history and facts about the product

Legal, Ethical and Regulatory issues

During the process of a advert being made you have to be sure it doesn’t interfere with any legal or even ethical issues that may arise

BCAP codes is about maintain The UK Codes of Broadcast Advertising, while the CAP is known for the rulebook of the UK code of Non-broadcast Advertising, sales promotions & Direct Marketing.

There are more certain rules for advertising any food/drink product, while any type of media or interactive media are all done by the BBFC

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