pre production 2nd draft

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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pre production 2nd draft


Examination of pre production tools

storyboardA storyboard is used in pre production after the initial ideas have been completed and chosen. After an idea is chosen it is storyboarded to show the ideas and to show each individual shot that is planned, it will also show, for example if any lighting or special effects is used. This is important for a production as a storyboard gives the director a clear idea of each shot that will be used making it easier on the day of shooting by knowing each shot and what is needed.

I used the story board in order to help present my best initial idea in a higher quality way.

ProposalThe proposal in pre-production is used to introduce added ideas to the advert, such as a target audience and a feasibility study. This is presented in a presentation pitch to, for example a company, in order to gain funding for a advertisement production. A proposal is important in pre-production as it helps to introduce new ideas for the advert and also shows ideas in a clear and understanding way.

This was used for me to help present my initial idea to an potential audience.

Gantt chartA Gantt chart is used in pre production in order to track and schedule all pre and post production tools that will be completed and when they shall be completed.

This is important in pre production as it will mean that mistakes will not be made when it comes to shooting or pre production E.G. doing something more then once. And it also means that I can see a timescale of my work and how long is left to work with.

I completed my own Gantt chart which meant that I knew what still had to be completed and what I have accomplished so far, this also means that I could see if I was meeting timing limits.

Shot ListA shot list in pre production is used to explain an advert shot by shot, this is done by documenting each shot in chronological order, the camera angle used, the actions on screen and length of scene.

This is important in pre production as it explains the advert in more simpler terms compared to another pre production tool such as a storyboard.

I used this in order for it too be easier on the day of shooting. As I knew what scene would be shot next and what angle would be needed.

Shooting Script

A shooting script in pre production is very similar to another pre production tool, a shot list. This is because they both show what will be happening on screen and how long this will be. But a shooting script also shows the camera angle that will be used for each shot.

A shooting script is important as when it comes to a day of a shoot, it will be simple to set up for filming by looking at the shooting script.

This was used by me in order to make it easier when it came to the day of shooting by myself knowing what will be shot next.

Risk AssessmentA risk assessment is used to determine any problems or risks that might happen during the days of shooting for the advert, it also shows how big a risk this could be and what to do to stop this from happening.

This is important as to make sure nobody suffers injury that would disrupt the shooting of the production, by eliminating risks it also makes sure shooting goes as slowly as possible.

This was used by me in order to make sure the day of shoot did not involve any problems making sure that the day of shoot would run as smoothly as possible.

Location Recce

A location recce is used to help show the location in which the adverts shooting will be taking place. It also explains the factors In the different locations and any risks or problems that may occur.

A location recce is important as this means that because of it, problems can be kept to an minimum during the day of shooting as you know the areas you are shooting in and can highlight and solve any problems, E.G. items in the way of shot space.

This was done by me in order to understand the location of my advert in more depth as I looked at the locations ahead of shooting their, instead of turning up on shooting day and finding out any problems then.

Over Head Diagram

An over head diagram is used to help explain the location of the advert shooting, this is done by showing what parts of the scene is filled by objects where the actors (if any) are positioned and where the cameras will be facing.

This is important to pre production as it will make shooting easier on the day of filming and help explain the locations used.

This was used by me in order to understand the space needed and available for shooting.

Call Sheet

A call sheet is used a given to all actors and crew working on the production. It includes an date, time and location. What uniform will be needed and what actors will be involved on that day.

This is important as this is a vital way of showing what will be shot and when, without a call sheet it would be very difficult for all actors and crew to know where to be and when.

This was used by me in order to make shooting easier by the actors having all the information of, for example, when and where they needed to be.


A budget is used to help accumulate how much money will be spent on different parts of the production, EG renting equipment for shooting.

It is important to have a budget in order to make sure the production does not go over budget, which could mean the production stopping completely.

A budget was used in order to price anything that would be needed for shooting, this can also be linked to the visibility study

RequirementsThe requirements documents the different factors needed in order for the advert to be produced, EG camera men.

Requirements are important for pre production as without it the producers of the advert would not know what is needed for the advert, meaning that a advert cannot be produced.

This was undertaken by me in order to show what was needed for production, but it also gave me time in order to acquire everything that is needed.

Release AgreementA release agreement is used in order to go along with copyright laws, this means that the ownership of the advert is the maker. This has to be signed by, for example, by one of the actors involved.This is impotent as without a release agreement it could lead into legal implications by not having a release agreement signed, means not having permission.

This was one of the last pieces of pre production I conducted as it was a short piece to complete and also this could not be completed until a actor/actors could be confirmed as being involved.

Location releaseA release agreement is used in order to receive permission on a certain location if you do not own the location yourself. E.G. gym space.

A release agreement is important as filming can not commence without a release agreement as you do not have permission to film their, if you do film without permission you could come into legal issues such as trespassing.

The release agreement is one of the last pieces of paperwork I completed as it was not needed until a short period of time before shooting.

Footage LogA footage log is done in order to show the footage which also shows the quality of shot, the description of shot and the time codes on camera.

This is important as it shows all shots used and can keep track all shots. And can also help with editing as it describes each shot’s quality.

This is done after all footage is completed and is also done during editing or after the editing process.

Asset LogAn asset log is used in pre production in order to list anything that has been used in your advertisement that has come from the internet. E.G. soundtrack

This is important in pre production as it can help keep track with everything that has been taken to be used in purpose for your advertisement

I made my own asset log in post production of my advert, but this was relatively short as I only used one soundtrack and one image.

EDL (Edit Decision List)An EDL is used in post production, it includes each shot of footage that has been recorded, the time codes from the camera, what audio and effects have been used and comments from myself about the shot.

This is used in pre production in order to save time on the editing process and help decide which shots to use.

I used my own EDL, and because of this I could choose the best shots available and then save time to focus on any more editing.

Viability studyA viability study is used to to give the initial ideas for any advertisement and then describe the strengths and weaknesses.

This is important in pre production as it can make the deciding process of choosing an idea for a advert more simpler as it will show that some ideas are easier to create a project into then others.

I used a viability study for my initial ideas and it shows that some of my ideas, I would be unable to do some of them due to constrictions. E.G. hiring actors.

Research brand/marketResearch in pre production includes, product history, target audiences for the product and past advertisement examples.

This is important as it will help with your original advertisement ideas and to also help improve my own original ideas, this can also mean it can help make sure I'm not just coping other examples.

In my own research I backed up any ideas I had to my research, to make sure it could fit in with other adverts lucozade has produced, without plagiarizing them.

Legal, Ethical and Regulatory issuesRules are put in place to make sure that certain thing can and cannot be shown on TV. For example you cannot say that your health can be effected by not eating.

This is important in pre production as too make sure the advert produced does not contain anything illegal or rule breaking.

I conducted research into these issues in order to make sure my ideas would be able to continue without breaking any rules or regulations.

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