Praying the ible

Post on 19-Feb-2022






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In Praying the Bible, Donald Whitney writes, “Since prayer is talking with God, why don’t people pray more? Why don’t the people of God enjoy prayer more? I maintain that people—truly born-again, genuinely Christian people— often do not pray simply because they do not feel like it. And the reason they don’t feel like praying is that when they do pray, they tend to say the same old things about the same old things” (Crossway, Kindle Edition, 95). Have you ever felt that way? Do you struggle sometimes with wanting to pray more or more effectively but feeling like a failure because your prayer life is not as dynamic as you think it should be? Most of us probably have felt this way before or do so right now. But God intends prayer to be MUCH MORE than that. HE designed it to be our lifeline, a means of fellowship with HIM, a source of strength, and a key part of our participation in HIS work in this world. Help is on the way. In fact, help is here in this prayer guide for September. This guide draws on excerpts from our 2016 40 Days of Prayer in which we prayed through the book of Ephesians. Several Harvesters wrote studies and guides on prayer based on Ephesians 1-3, and we are refreshing them for you this month. Each day, we provide some verses from Ephesians for you to meditate on. After you have spent some time thinking about them, we encourage you to allow them to guide you as you pray in three ways:

1. Praise and Thanks—What can I praise God for based on these verses? What can I thank him for?

2. Confession and Help—What do I need to confess to God as a result of these truths? How do I need to ask God to help me in applying his truth to my life?

3. Intercession—How can I use the truths arising from these verses to pray for others? And, each day we will list Harvesters and Harvest missionary partners (identified with an *) for you to include in that intercession. As you pray these biblical prayers, may God strengthen you!

13301 Eastfield Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 |

Tuesday, September 1 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:1-3 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

pray for these harvesters:

ALAMIA, Richard & Norma BANSE, Bonnie & John

Emily & Garrett

ANDRADE, Zeela & Rodney Keenan


Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank Him for?

Father, thank You that You have not withheld a single blessing from me in Christ and that as I seek You, You will continue to reveal to me the unsearchable riches found only in Christ. I praise You that You make these blessings real to me as I continue to experience the transforming power of Your love.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I admit to You that I often seek and desire blessings in worldly things and not in the priceless blessings You freely gave me in Christ. Help me to know Christ and enjoy with Him every spiritual blessing You have given me.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, please reveal to ______ all the spiritual blessings that you have given them in Christ and help them to find their true joy in discovering daily the priceless blessings found only in You. May _____ continue to be transformed into Your image as they behold You and experience Your priceless gifts.

Wednesday, September 2 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:4-6 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

pray for these harvesters:

BARBER, Jerry & Tish BECHTOLD, Phil

BARBER, Justin & Natalie* – East Asia Ayla, Judah, & Matthias

BENNETT, Jim & Jeanni

BARBER, Thelma

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, I praise you for Jesus and that in Him you have lavished Your glorious grace upon me and declared me to be holy and without blame in your sight. Thank you for adopting me and loving me as your very own child. I stand amazed in Your presence when I hear and try to comprehend the awesome truth that You chose and predestined me for these unspeakable riches before time began.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess to You that I struggle to believe Your Word especially when You declare truths to me that are too marvelous to understand because I simply do not deserve them. Help me to rest in Your truth that through Christ You have declared me, once and for all time, holy and blameless in Your sight. And help me to live in a way that declares to the world my love for the God and Father who adopted me and loves me as His very own child.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, help __________. Let _____________ trust that all their sins – past, present, and future – were forgiven in Christ and that You have chosen ___________ to be holy and blameless in Your sight. Fill ________ with Your glorious grace and help them to experience the peace and joy that comes in resting in their Father’s love.

Thursday, September 3 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:7-10 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace 8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, 9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

pray for these harvesters:

BILLINGTON, Don BOUSMAN, Chris* - Papua New Guinea

BLYTH, Jim & Dee BRAMELL, Martin & Lisa

Sarah & Elizabeth

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, Your blessings are beyond measure. Truly my cup runs over. I praise You for You have redeemed me and forgiven all my sins. Thank You for sending Jesus to die in my place that I might have blessing upon blessing. Thank You for the unity I have with You and with my brothers and sisters in Christ and for the gift of knowing You.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I often do not live in the fullness of your blessings, especially in the truth that You have once and for all time forgiven me. Help me to live in the freedom of this priceless gift and to realize that You have not only forgiven me but purchased my deliverance from sin by the precious blood of Christ. Help me to walk in the glorious knowledge of this truth and in unity with You and my brothers and sisters in Christ, making it my desire simply to know You.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, I lift up _________ to You. Help _________ to come to know of Your grace, Your forgiveness, and Your redemption that You freely give through the blood of Christ so that _________ may know You and live in unity with You.

Friday, September 4 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:11-12 11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.

pray for these harvesters:

BROCK, Calvin & Yolanda Jizelle & Brycen

BURGER, Nick & Kaitie George Henry

BULYHIN, Andre & Luba* - Ukraine

Katya & Oskana CARPMAN, Steve & Juanna

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, I praise You that right now You are working all things out in conformity to Your perfect will. I thank You that You continue to reveal to me the unsearchable blessings that You have given me in Christ, to the praise of Your glory. Even though I may not know why and how all things work out, I thank You that my trust in You empowers me to live by faith and not by sight.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I often focus on this life and the challenges I face and not on the truths revealed to me in Your Word. Help me to understand that You not only work all things out in conformity to Your will but that the plan You are working out for me today is for my good and Your glory. Help me to trust You more each day, to know that even in times of difficulty and pain, You are God, You are good, and that Your love for me is limitless.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, I lift __________ up to You. Help __________ to trust that You are working out the situation they are facing for their good and for Your glory. Enable ________ to walk by faith and not by sight, trusting in Your love. Please use this situation to allow them to grow closer to You and to trust in the goodness of the plan You have for them.

Saturday, September 5 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:13-14 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

pray for these harvesters:

CATRI, Anthony & Jenilee Mercy

CHAN, Josey

CAVANAUGH, Will & Melissa Kacie

CHAO, Betty Matthew

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, I thank You for reminding me and continuing to reveal to me how immeasurably blessed I am in Christ.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I often lose sight of just how immeasurably You have blessed me, especially in times of trial, when I need Your truth the most. Please surround me with brothers and sisters who will continuously remind me of Your love for me, Your goodness, and the immeasurable riches of Your grace as I seek to know You more.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, please fill __________’s mind with the wonders of Your love and the truth of Your blessings. Help _________ to know that they are marked and sealed for the day of redemption and that You have guaranteed __________ the glorious inheritance of being united with Christ for all eternity. Help __________ to live this day with That Day at the forefront of their mind.

Sunday, September 6 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:15-16 15 For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.

pray for these harvesters:

CHEN, Abraham & Michelle (currently in Korea)


CHIN, Micah & Ruth Anna* – Hickory

Cove Bible Camp

Elijah, Sophie, Noah, Lilah, & Judah COSTNER, Teresa

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, I praise for using Harvest Community Church in my life. Thank you for my church family’s faith in you and love for people.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Forgive me for not having a heart of gratitude for my church family and praying consistently for them.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, strengthen my faith in the Lord Jesus to the point that it causes others to be impacted. Give me and Harvesters a deeper love for people.

Monday, September 7 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:17 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

pray for these harvesters:


COX, Marcia DARE, Brian & Janice


Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, you are glorious. You are worthy of all adoration and praise. You are the source of wisdom, and you reveal yourself so that we may know and glorify you. Thank you for being my Father and for revealing yourself to me through your Spirit.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I don’t always seek your perfect wisdom and revelation first, and that I often look to others or to the world when I should seek you first. I often do this not only in times of crisis or indecision, but also in my approach to studying the Scripture. I often seek the opinions of other believers or the commentary of Bible teachers without meditating on it first. Please help me to seek your wisdom and revelation first in all things.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I ask you to give ____________ the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they may know you better. Please help them to see that you are the only source of true wisdom and revelation. Please show them that only you can reveal truth that satisfies both their mind and heart, and show them how to apply correctly the truths you reveal to them.

Tuesday, September 8 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:18 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

pray for these harvesters:


DOIG, Richard & Ann FELEKE, Zelalem & Emnet

Christian & Betselot

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, when life gets me down, I thank you that this world is temporary. My home is Heaven with you. I thank you for all the riches of being in your glorious presence for all eternity. I can’t even imagine how wonderful it will be. I will praise you forever.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Sometimes I get discouraged with things in my life when they don’t go the way I think they should. Reading the news can be frightening and depressing. Father, forgive me for letting these things discourage me, when I have the hope of the glorious inheritance from you because I am your child. Open my eyes to see the unseen hope of your glory and my inheritance in Christ.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

I have often prayed for physical needs to be met for others, or for them to come to know Jesus. Today, Father, I also pray for the eyes of their hearts to be enlightened to the hope that only Jesus brings. We all need hope just to get up in the morning. Father, my fellow believers need a fresh reminder of hope – please enlighten us so we can know our inheritance. Father, for the unbelievers in my life, they need to be introduced to Jesus, the One who brings hope. Use me or others to help bring them your hope.

Wednesday, September 9 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:19-21 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

pray for these harvesters:

FORD, Adrian & Jennifer Aidan

FRETHEIM, Peter & Miriam* - Nigeria

FRANKA, ONDREJ & MILINA* – Serbia FRITZ, Ed & Jennifer

Phoebe & Daphne

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Praise God that his power is available to believers in Christ!

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Pray for times we have not understood or tapped into God’s power for those who believe in Christ.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Pray for other believers to live under the influence of God’s power, and for those who don’t know Jesus yet to be influenced to salvation by God’s power… the same power that saved the Ephesian people when they turned to Him!

Thursday, September 10 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 1:22-23 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

pray for these harvesters:

GARROTT, Dave & Carol GILLESPIE, Phil & Julie* – Michigan State


GATEWOOD, Ann & David GILLESPIE, Walt & Janet

GERRARD, Colt & Andrea

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, I praise you because you are sovereign over all things. You are wise, and in your wisdom you chose to appoint Jesus to be the head of the church.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I want to put myself first. I willfully choose to do what I want to do, instead of what Jesus would have me be doing. I rebel against the authorities you have placed over me and try to separate myself from the head you have put over me.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I want to pray for ____________ to grasp this truth in their life. Please help them to know that You have established authorities over them. Help __________ to understand that they are part of Your body. Help them to embrace Your priorities and not to insist upon their own ways.

Friday, September 11 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:1-3 1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.

pray for these harvesters:

GIUSINO, Hannah Anita Erika GODSHALL, Leslie

GLASSMAN, Glendyne GOINS, Pete & Becky

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Jesus, I praise you for loving a sinner like me. Before knowing you, I was helpless in my sin and a slave to my flesh. In light of my depravity, your mercy is unfathomable and glorious. Though I am deserving of wrath, you chose to show me love and forgiveness.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Lord, these verses remind me that as a believer, I have been transformed from my old way of life. No longer am I a slave to sin and my flesh. However, I still seem to battle the wants of my flesh each day, particularly my prideful thoughts. Please help me to resist temptation and be obedient unto righteousness.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Please help my close friend from high school realize the truth in these verses. She does not realize her desperate need for a Savior and sees her life of sin as acceptable and comfortable. Please open her eyes to the truth so that she might receive your grace beyond measure and live a life far more satisfying than what she is experiencing now.

Saturday, September 12 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:4-5 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.

pray for these harvesters:

GOMEZ, Noel & Reina* - Honduras GRANATA, Cory & Amy

Bryce, Addy, & Ty

GOULD, Lorraine GRANDE, Mike & Paula

Levi, Megan, & Jenna

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Thank you, O Lord, for your great love and the mercy you have bestowed on me. Just as you raised up Christ from the dead, you have also made me alive so that I might know you personally and glorify your name. I praise you for your saving grace and pray that I will never take it for granted.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

God, I confess that I do not show grace and mercy to others like you have shown me. Even while I was still a sinner, you chose to love me and bestow grace on me. I pray that you will help me to do likewise and give mercy to those who wrong me, even if they do not acknowledge their wrong. May you receive the glory in my actions.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I pray that the truth of your grace and love is heard and received by all people groups. Specifically, will you open the hearts of our community here in Charlotte that they might receive your salvation and put their faith in you rather than the things of this world? I pray that you will deafen their ears to what our culture says and fully accept the truth of your Word.

Sunday, September 13 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:6-7 6 God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

pray for these harvesters:

GRANT, Veronica GUERRA, Diana Gabriela Giraldo

GREEN, Roy & Susan HALL, Jordan & Margaret

Thomas, Peter, & John

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Thank you, Lord God, for your overwhelming blessings. Being seated with Christ, we are partakers of His kingdom and have our sights set on things above. I praise you for the promise of your incomparable riches and anticipate your coming, when I will fully experience your presence.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, help me to remember that my salvation is not my right. It is by your kindness and Jesus Christ’s obedience to your command that I am saved from my life of sin. I am unworthy of you, Lord, and am grateful that your love covers my guilt and shame.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, help us to set our sights on things above and look forward to receiving your incomparable riches of grace. Specifically, help myself and my family not to get caught up in material things. Let us find our identity in you and store up treasures in heaven.

Monday, September 14 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

pray for these harvesters:

HANCOCK, Bob & Cheryl HARDENBROOK, Nathan & Becky

Lydia, Luke, Joshua, Samuel, & Ezra

HANCOCK, David & Jenny* – Peru HARRELL, Tim & Carolyn

JJ, Mike & Amy

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Thanks be to God for His saving grace! I praise you for this invaluable gift. I am so thankful that my salvation does not depend on my works, but on your grace alone, Heavenly Father.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Lord, help me to remember that my good works do not add anything to my salvation. Though I seek to worship you with my life, my salvation is only based on your grace alone. Help me to grasp this truth more and more.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, please capture the hearts of my “religious” friends with this truth. Specifically, I pray for my friend who believes doing community service and being accepting of everyone will help her find favor with You. I pray she would know and believe that salvation only comes through faith. Equip me to talk with her about the truth of your gospel.

Tuesday, September 15 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

pray for these harvesters:

HILL, Don & Sai* - Thailand HUTCHINSON-LAFLEUR, Grace

HOWARD, Seth & Jamie Ann, Charlie, Elliot, Nelson, & Lionel

HUYHUA, Bryan & Evelyng* – Peru David & Nathan

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, thank you for being detailed and sovereign. I am honored to be your handiwork and am humbled to think that you have predestined work for me to do in your Name. Thank you for your provisions and for allowing me to be a part of your kingdom at work here on earth.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Dear God, I confess that I am not normally intentional about doing good things. Many days I am complacent, going through my normal routine without being prepared to do the work that you have predetermined for me. Please help me to focus on You throughout my day and look for ways to glorify you in my thoughts, words, and deeds.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I pray for the church body at Harvest, that we will work together to do Your good work in our community. I pray that our hearts will be in tune with yours so that we might see the needs of others and be compelled to share your love with them.

Wednesday, September 16 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:11-13 11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands) — 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

pray for these harvesters:

JAMISON, Anne JOLLY, Mike & Jennifer Wesley, Ella, & Charlotte

JOHNSON, Chris & Debbie* – Eastern

Europe KARIM, Sheriffe & Hardaye

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, thank you for welcoming me into your family. I was once separated from the blessing of your covenant, but through Christ, I am counted one of your children. I don’t deserve this, but I praise and thank you for your grace.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I take for granted my status with you. I often forget how amazing it is that in Christ all are welcomed, not just one special group. Help me to remember this daily.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I want to pray for those that are not a part of your family. We grieve for those that do not love or follow Christ and we plead for mercy on their behalf. Father do not forget those in my family that do not know you. Do not forget my neighbors or my coworkers. We ask for grace and mercy on their behalf and that you would intercede and reveal yourself to hardened hearts – especially to those who have rejected you. We know they don’t deserve it, but neither do I. You sought me when I was astray and we beg that you do that for those that remain lost today.

Thursday, September 17 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:14-16 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.

pray for these harvesters:

KEENAN, Todd & Amy Cohen, Luke, & Mae


KIRST, Mark & Gratia Ryan

KRUSE, Ryan & Maggie Reagan

KISIAH, Candie

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, thank you for sending your one and only Son to die on the cross for us. Thank you for breaking down that wall that divided who we were and uniting us as one within your eyes. I praise you Lord, for your never-changing grace that your give to me each day.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Lord, I confess that I am judgmental of others. Please forgive me for forming an opinion of someone so hastily. Please help me to see the intentions and opinions of others as positive and to seek out your Word whenever in doubt.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I want to pray for _____ to understand that the laws on this earth carry no merit in heaven. Please help them to see that your Kingdom is the true prize. Father, continue to bless them even when evil is done and help them to put aside their petty differences and see that we are all one in the eyes of Christ.

Friday, September 18 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:17-18 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

pray for these harvesters:

LEHMAN, Vicki MADEIRA, Brian & Becky

Brody, Cole, Weston, Riley, Gray, & Mae


Allie, TJ, & Amelia

MACEK, Nick & Amanda Jackson & Cora

MARKOVICH, George & Gail

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, thank you that we have a right relationship with you because of what you have done for us. Thank you that we can come before you openly in your presence. Thank you that you have created a way for us to draw near to you and that we have full access to you.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Lord, I confess that even after being given full access I sometimes run from your presence. I allow hardness to enter into my heart. I rebel against your direction and seek out my own path.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, please give ____________ the understanding that they need access to you, that in you is life, and life abundant. Help _______ understand that no sin is too great to discredit the access that comes through the Holy Spirit because of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Saturday, September 19 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:19-20 19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

pray for these harvesters:

MARTIN, Dan & Jennifer MEERS, Chad & Kacie

MCKENZIE, Jeanette

MERCER, Sandra


Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, today I praise you for letting me be one of your children. Thank you for letting me become a citizen in your kingdom. I worship you for being my Savior.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess that I am distracted and tempted by the things of this life almost every day. Please forgive me for spending more time watching TV last week than I did with You in prayer and in your Word. Please help me to really live like a citizen of heaven every day all week long and not just on Sundays.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I want to pray for _________ to grasp the truth of these verses in their life. Please help them to align their life to the cornerstone. Please remind _______ of who they really are in Christ. Help _______ to set their mind on heavenly, eternal things and embrace YOUR priorities for their life, not to be shaped by those who are living just for now.

Sunday, September 20 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 2:21-22 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

pray for these harvesters:

MOORE, Gary & Paula MUMA, Tom & Sheri* – Chad

MOTT, Joe & Jan MURPHY, Delon & Brenda


MUHOKA, Naomi Michelle, Scott, & Micah

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, I praise you I am part of a greater body of believers where God's Spirit dwells.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, forgive me for forgetting that I am part of a greater body of believers where your Spirit dwells. Forgive me for being self-consumed and focused on me and my little kingdom.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, I pray that Harvest would be a people that walk in unity and love so that your Spirit would bear more fruit. I pray that I, along with other Harvesters, would see ourselves and the universal church as a temple where your Spirit dwells.

Monday, September 21 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:1-6 1 For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles—2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, 3 that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly. 4 In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, 5 which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. 6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.

pray for these harvesters:

NANNINI, Craig & Flora Sam & Andrew

NYSTROM, John & Bonnie* – Papua New


NIEMAND, Anton & Lynette PAGUNURAN, Gina

Gabriel & Griffin

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

What do you appreciate about...God's revelation, the gospel, being heirs with the Jews, being members of one body? What do want to thank God for in light of his inclusion of you into His family?

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Where do you want to confess being "entitled," like you are owed something from God? Ask God to help you see your status and place as sharers in His promise.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Pray for others as God leads you.

Tuesday, September 22 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:7 7 I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power.

pray for these harvesters:

PAYEN, Francois & Ameante Emilie, Esther, & Elisabeth

PICKENS, Dennis & Lois

PEAGLER, Terry & Brenda PICKETT, Bonita

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Thank God for the way He used Paul to bring the gospel to you. Also thank God for the fact that, if you are a Gentile, you are welcome in God's family too! What attributes can you praise God for that enable to you participate on both ends of the gospel (receiving and giving)?

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Where have you put up roadblocks in the way of the Lord trying to reach you with the message of Christ? How can he help you to understand, live, and communicate the gospel to others? What attribute will you let God develop in you so that you are a more effective "tool" in His hands?

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Pray for others as God leads you.

Wednesday, September 23 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:8-9 8 Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, 9 and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.

pray for these harvesters:

PIERCE, AJ & Ruthie PORTER, Bruce & Karen

PITTER, Moses & Shelly PORTNER, Mike & Coni

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Where has God given you "grace" to do something you can't do on your own? Have you ever considered what your life would be like if you still didn't know the "mystery" that has been revealed to us? How would your life be different? Take a few moments to praise God for revealing this mystery to you, for giving you the chance to understand it like no one before Christ could. How much do you appreciate His "boundless riches?"

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Are there any of His riches you would like to understand better? If so, take a few moments to jot them down, as well as some things you can do to understand them. Where do you need God's help to understand His revelation better? What role is He asking you to have in bringing the gospel to others? Take a few moments to confess, ask to experience his forgiveness, and decide to be different – where you’ve taken his riches for granted, where you've not taken the opportunity to understand His revelation, where you've missed opportunities to share the gospel with those in your life. Ask for His help to be different in any or all of the above.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Pray for others as God leads you.

Thursday, September 24 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:10-11 10 His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

pray for these harvesters:

POWELL, Gary & Gloria RANDLE, Richard & Lynn

POWERS, Steve & Niki Evan

RECKARD, Stan & Heidi

PREWITT, Tim & Carol* – World Reach

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Do you appreciate your role in carrying the message first given to Paul to preach to the Gentiles? Thank Him for this amazing privilege!!! God is intentional. He has a purpose that Christ accomplished, meaning it's DONE! Praise Him for His completed work, and for the fact that you can rest in the promise that there's nothing more for Him to do to save you! REALLY?? I can have access to the wisdom of an eternal, all-powerful God? Thank Him right now for making that wisdom available to you.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Where have you taken His wisdom for granted? What do you want to admit to God about wherever you've failed to take advantage of this amazing wisdom? Often, we have trouble trusting Him, especially in our thinking there is something more we or He has to do to save us. Thank Him right now that your salvation was completely paid for, available as His gift. Then, ask for His help to trust Him to work in you on the “basis” of your permanent relationship with Him.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Pray for others as God leads you.

Friday, September 25 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:12-13 12 In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. 13 I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.

pray for these harvesters:


RICKENBACH, Will & Danese Oliver, Paisley, Vivian, & Max

RODRIGUEZ, Jessica Daisy

RIDDICK, Esther Maxwell & Madelyn

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Take a moment to develop AWE that this amazing God is also directly accessible. Thank Him that you can talk with Him directly, and that you don't take that personal access for granted. Also feel free to praise Him for the freedom He gives you, especially freedom FROM sin and judgement.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Where do you have doubts when you approach God? Tell God about any doubts you have when praying. Tell God about any doubts you have in your daily life, where you should be trusting Him.

Now, ask God to help you approach Him with confidence. Also, ask God to grow any seed of faith you have in Him, to

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Pray for others as God leads you.

Saturday, September 26 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:14-15 14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.

pray for these harvesters:

SEIDEL, Barb SINGERLE, Greg & Linda

Reece & Seth


SHOENFELD, Jon & Kathleen

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father I praise you for your incredible plan of redemption that includes me, that includes men and women of every nation, tribe, people and language. Thank you for including me, for paying for my sins on the cross, and for putting me in your family. I kneel in reverence to your holy name, in awe of your great love, wisdom and power.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, forgive me for when I forget who I am in Christ or take for granted the great salvation you have purchased for me. Help me to respond more often to your revealed truth in ways that honor you and show my appreciation for your great love and grace.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, I pray for my brother/sister ___________. They are a part of your family and are called by your name just as I am. Please help me to love them in real, practical ways, and I pray that they would respond to your goodness and live in a manner worthy of your name.

Sunday, September 27 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:16-17a 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

pray for these harvesters:

SMITH, Stan SNYDER, Eric & Sandy


Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father, I praise you that we don't have to try to live for you out of our own strength since that will fail miserably. I praise you that you have not left us as orphans but you have taken up residence in us individually and corporately, empowering us to be more and more like Christ Jesus, your Son. Thank you for giving us everything we need for life and godliness.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I confess I don't always live by faith, nor do I always submit to you as rightful Lord in my life. Forgive me for my selfishness at times and for taking my eyes off Jesus. Forgive me for hearing your Word but not always obeying it. Please strengthen me, my family, and my brothers and sisters in Christ to live out the life of Christ in us.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father I lift up my family at Harvest Community Church and ask that out of your great storehouse of riches you would empower all of us with inner strength by your Spirit so that Christ's life will be evident in our innermost beings as we trust him.

Monday, September 28 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:17b-18 And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

pray for these harvesters:


STONE, Laura TANNER, Peggy

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Lord, I praise you and thank you for rooting me and grounding me in love. Thank you for saving me and putting me into your family. Father thank you for the love that I have seen expressed in our church for one another. Thank you that that kind of love comes from your work in our hearts.

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, I want to be like Jesus and love as he loved, and I want our church to grow in this love so that the watching world will see that we are like your Son. Please work in me by the power of your Spirit so that my love (and our love) is more and more unconditional and sacrificial – like yours.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord God I pray for _______, that they would be deeply impacted by your love for them and that by your Spirit's power _______ would desire to know and love you more and to be in fellowship with other believers where ______ can give and receive your agape love.

Tuesday, September 29 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:19 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

pray for these harvesters:

TORRES, Scott & Andrea Boston, Bryce, Bailey, & Brooks

TRUITT, Ben & Michelle Lilly, Heath, Violet, & Parry

TREADWELL, Dean & Nancy TSUTSEROV, Sasha & Natasha* – Russia

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

God, I am in awe of your great love for me – it is beyond my ability to fully comprehend. I praise you that you are the author and perfecter of my faith. Your love drew me to yourself and your love motivates me to know you better and to want to please you. Thank you for loving me while I was

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, forgive me when I fall short of your glory and fail to love like you. Forgive me when I focus more on knowledge than on the application of that knowledge to know you better and build others up. Please strengthen me in my inner being to know your love in greater ways and to respond in kind.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Lord, I call upon your name and ask for you to open up ___________ eyes to your great love for them so that they will be filled with all your goodness and character and be more and more like Christ. I ask that ______ will grow toward maturity and experience unity with other believers, and that their life will more and more express your love to others.

Wednesday, September 30 — Scripture to meditate on: Ephesians 3:20-21 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

pray for these harvesters:

VELEZ, Angel & Lucy Eliel, & Elian


WATKINS, Basil WILSON, Lee-Ann & Ian

Amber & Jade

WEBSTER, Mark & Dani

Praise & Thanks What can you praise God for based on these verses? What can you thank him for? Write out some things here.

Father in heaven, nothing is too difficult for you. Thank you that your power is at work within me and within your church. And you are able to do more than we ask or imagine. Jesus praise to you for your amazing work of redemption in Paul to change him from a persecutor of your church to an apostle of Jesus. And thank you for your no less amazing work of redemption in my life. Lord, you deserve all praise and all glory for all time!

Confession & Help Based on this passage, what do you need to confess as sin to God? What do you want to ask Him for his help in obeying?

Father, forgive me for when I am more concerned with my kingdom and plans than your kingdom and will, for when I pray small prayers and don't ask you to do great things because I lack faith. And for when I depend upon my wisdom or strength or anything else that you have given me and which did not originate in me. May you be praised and glorified in my life and in your people whom you love. Lord, help us to grasp not just the depth of your love for us, but also the height – and the length and width as well – that we would see it by faith even in times when it is difficult to see due to circumstances. Thank you that nothing can separate us from your love.

Intercession Based on the passage, how can you pray for others? What truths does God bring to mind that you want to see come to pass in someone’s life?

Father, I pray for your church at Harvest, that we would continue to grow toward maturity and unity in the faith. Lord, I ask that you would be fully glorified in us and in your Son Jesus as He fills and directs us into all your will. I also pray this for all believers in Christ around the world.

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