Prayer Calendar February '15

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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At Water Street Mission, we believe nothing is more powerful than prayer when it comes to restoring lives through rescue and renewal.



1 Praise God that the open staff position in our Access Center you prayed for in January has been filled! Pray for Greg as he transitions into the Water Street family.

2 Pray for God’s leading on several open staff positions.

3 Pray for a guest whose mother was recently diagnosed with cancer.

4 Pray that people would continue to remember the homeless and hungry during the cold, winter season.

5 Praise God for the beautiful baby girl born into Gio’s family, one of our staff here at Water Street.

6 Pray for staff to continue to keep the heart of serving at the forefront of their day-to-day work.

7 Pray for good attendance at the new classes we’re offering in our Enrichment Center.

8 Pray that God would lead people to us to volunteer in our Access Center to help welcome guests, conduct intake interviews and answer phones.

9 Pray for a woman in an abusive relationship. Pray she will have the courage to receive the help she needs.

10 Praise God for a man who picks up a guest every day for work and mentors him professionally, personally and spiritually.

11 Pray for business mentors to help our guests develop skills and grow professionally.

February 2015 Prayer CalendarSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12 Pray that those who enter our doors may experience love, peace and a sense that their prayers for help have been answered.

13 Pray for wisdom as we continue to take a fresh look at how we do ministry and strive for continuous improvement.

14 Praise God for love: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us,” 1 John 3:16a.

15 Pray for volunteers to help prep food on weekends.

16 Pray for wisdom as our CFO leads us through the upcoming budget process for fiscal year 2015-2016.

17 Praise God for a good response to the urgent plea for volunteers in Winter Shelter, a program run by a partnering agency.

18 Pray for the individuals and families who will become homeless for the first time this month.

19 Praise God for a mom and her two kids who are particularly thankful for meals at Water Street.

20 Pray for the students who knew some of the young people involved in Lancaster’s recent gun violence. Pray for protection, safety and for their hearts to be captured by the Lord.

21 Pray for the children who come home to the shelter after school. Pray for strength and joy despite their current situations.

22 Praise God for several youth at Teen Haven who have connected with local churches.

23 Pray for the Princess Experience happening this month at Teen Haven. Pray for the staff and the 20+ teen girls who will be gathering weekly to go through a course that focuses on purity, identity, and morals.

24 Pray for a 14-year-old who is facing criminal charges and may be expelled from school. Pray for the Lord’s will to be done and that this would be a wakeup call.

25 Pray that students in Wonder Club will be open to receiving God as their forever friend.

26 Pray that lives will be restored.

27 Praise God for one youth in Teen Haven who learned he really loves praying for people as we went on an evangelism Search and Rescue walk.

28 Praise God for two individuals who got saved and three who rededicated their lives to God during Teen Haven’s recent prayer walk.


Invite a Friend to Become a Prayer Partner

Help change one life at a time by inviting a friend to join the 600+ individuals who faithfully pray for the ministry.

To receive this prayer calendar by email or the US Postal Service, call Sharon at(717) 358-2028 or email

Water Street MissionPO Box 7267, Lancaster, PA 17604Phone: (717) 393-7709 Fax: (717) 393-4966Email: Web: WSM.orgFacebook: Twitter:

Renee’s Story

When Renee began Wonder Club as a preschooler, she was shy and withdrawn. She had just been placed in a foster home and was waiting to be adopted. Through the love and prayers of the staff and her foster family, Renee began to learn and grow. She went from knowing six letters in the alphabet at the beginning of the year to 20 by the end of the year, and her counting improved from one to five to one through 15. Renee started praying her own prayers, and she invited Jesus into her heart. When she left Wonder Club at the end of her preschool year, she was a different girl; and in October of 2014, Renee was embraced into her forever family through adoption. Praise Jesus with us for Renee’s earthly adoption and her spiritual adoption! Pray that even more children would receive Christ as their Savior through this ministry.•

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