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Horary Astrology is called as prasna sashtram in Hindu astrology . When certain aspects of life cannot be answered by the natal Horoscope of Birth Chart prepared for the Birth time Prashan Chart is prepared for the time the Question is asked. Prashna Sashtram is also used when the Birth time is not known. With the help of Horary chart basing on the time of the Qusestion predictions are givenSreenivas DesabhatlaCEO Sree Astro Point of India Bangalore



1. Which of the following three places, A, B, or C, is the best place to sink a well?

2. My daughter is missing. Is she all right? When will she return?

3. Who murdered the victim; what can you tell me about the murderer?

4. What shall be the result for me if I move to Los Angeles next month?

5. Should I file a legal suit against X?

6. Will the IRS come after me?

7. My health isn't good. The doctor recommended some treatment; should I do it?

8. I have lost my wedding ring; will I recover it?

9. What is the sex of my unborn child?

10. Should I take [spiritual] initiation from X?

11. Should I purchase the land in India?

12. What will be the result for me if I marry X?

Many people have heard of prasna and its power; but unfortunately they cannot always take advantage of it for two reasons:

Prashna is very difficult to perform, and it requires extensive special training. Even an astrologer capable to adequately read a natal chart will not be able to do a prashna chart properly unless trained to do so, because there are special rules in prashna that are not applicable to natal astrology, and vice versa

Prashna or Horary Astrology

The Prashna branch is another unique division of Vedic Astrology. When a person asks a question to an astrologer, based

on the time at which the question is asked, a horoscope is made for that time and date. With the help of this chart the

astrologer predicts about the events that are going to take place. There are several types of Prashna systems and it is

almost a separate science by itself. Normally the Prashna chart is studied along with the birth chart to give an additional

dimension to predict the results correctly.

Gochara or Transits

The Gochara or the constant transits of the planets in the zodiac is the other instrument used by the astrologers to time an

event. The position of the planets in your birth chart is fixed. These planetary placement and the dasas you are going

through as per your birth chart give you one set of parameters to judge the events. At the same time the planets in heaven

are constantly on the move. At any given time how these planets are positioned vis-à-vis the 12 houses and the 9 planets

in your chart also has a major bearing on your destiny. It is said that the natal chart and the dasas are what you have

inherited from your past and the gochara is the interplay of the present with your past. The 1st, and the most important

study of the positions of the 9 planets transiting in the zodiac, is done from the janma rasi or the position of the moon in

ones natal chart. After that their positions from all other planets, houses etc of ones birth chart. Based on these positions,

the gochara shastras give the detailed results.

Let me explain this with the help of the example chart and the Gochara planetary position chart as on today, 16-4-03.

Example Chart

Gochara Chart

For the native of this chart as shown in the picture above, the gochara planetary positions as shown in the charts below, is

as follows.

His Janma rasi, or the sign in which his moon is positioned in the birth chart (above), is kumbha or Aquarius. In the gochara

chart (below) sun is positioned in Aries or Mesha. Hence counted from his Janma rasi, sun is in the third house in gochara.

Similarly mercury is also in the 3rd from his natal moon. Rahu is in the 4th from moon, saturn in the 5th, jupiter in the 6th,

moon in the 8th, Ketu in the 10th, mars in the 12th and venus is in the Janma rasi. Similarly note the positions of these

planets from his lagna, i.e., sun and mercury in the 6th etc. Similarly the positions of the 9 gochara planets from the natal

position of sun, then mars, then mercury etc. etc.

The effects produced by the 9 transiting planets, placed in various houses from the 9 natal planets and lagna (Total 10x

9×12=1080 only) are given in the Gochara shastras.

To know the Gochara/transit results of planets click here

You just have to remember and recollect them and apply the relevant ones. While doing this simple task, you must also see

their transit effects as per asthakavargas (12x8x9=864rules). Then also remember the strengths, weaknesses and effects

of these planets, and the dasa, antardasa and pratyantardasa effects – based on lagna & 16 Vargas placements, shadbalas,

different rasi & house placements, avasthas etc. of the 9 planets and lagna. After that you just have to synthesize,

summarize and analyze these 25000 appx permutations and combinations, and then study the results as per Prashna also

to arrive at what is going to happen!!


Indian vedic horary astrology and Tajaka System

Tajaka aspects and tajaka yogas to answer a query

Horary Astrology is useful to answer specific queries depending on the time of the query. An Astrologer should draw horary chart depending on the time of the query and follow Parasara rules in answering the queries. Along with normal Parasara rules followed by Vedic Astrologers, it is possible to arrive at better accuracy, if ‘Tajaka’ system is also integrated. It is said that ‘Tajaka’ system of Astrology has been given by ancient Greeks.

Tajaka aspects

According to Tajaka system, there will be good or bad aspects between the planets according to their placement in the horary chart.

When two planets are in the houses 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th from each other, we can say that they are in friendly aspect. Then the planets will be cooperative to achieve success. For example, a planet is in Taurus and another one is in Virgo. From Taurus, the sign Virgo is 5th

one. So the answer for the query will be positive. It means the event will happen in a smooth way and with less effort.

When two planets are in the houses 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th from each other, then they are in bad aspect. In this case, the event may still happen, but after a lot of struggle and repeated trials only.

When two planets are in 2nd , 6th, 8th and 12th houses, then no aspect is formed between those planets. In this case, the event will not happen or there will be failure and losses.

Tajaka yogas

There are two important Tajaka combinations (yogas) which are used in horary astrology to answer the queries accurately. The Ascendant lord and the significator of the query are to be examined to understand these yogas.

1. In the Ascendant lord and significator, we should find out which planet is fast moving planet and which one is slowly moving planet. If the fast moving planet is behind the slow planet, then the event will take place. For example, the question is related to marriage. In the horary chart, the Ascendant is in Cancer and the 7th house (marriage) is Capricorn. So, the Ascendant lord is Moon and the 7th house lord is

Saturn which becomes the significator. Suppose, in the horary chart, Moon is behind Saturn. Since Moon is fast moving planet, it will catch up the Saturn soon. So, marriage will happen that year. This is called ‘Ithashala yoga’.

2. On the other hand, if the slow planet is behind the fast planet, then the event will not take place since the slow planet cannot catch up the fast planet. So, we can say that the event will not take place in the next one year. This is called ‘Ishraf yoga or Mushrif yoga’.

Before observing these yogas, we should assess whether there is any aspect between the Ascendant lord and the significator. If there are good aspects (3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th) between the Ascendant lord and significator, then the event will happen with less effort. If there are bad aspects (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) then the event will happen after a lot of struggle. If there is no aspect between the planets, then there is no way for the event to take place.

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Apart from these Tajaka yogas, there is another important factor which is the 11th house and its lord. Since 11th house is considered the house of profits and success, a good relation between its lord and the Ascendant lord will give success. For example, a querent wants to know whether he is going to get the job or not. In the horary chart,

suppose the Ascendant lord is Venus, and the 10th lord is Saturn. When counted from Venus, Saturn is in 4th house. So, there is a bad aspect between Venus and Saturn which represents some obstacles and struggle. But 11th house lord is Jupiter who is in 5th from Venus. So, there is good aspect between Venus and Jupiter. This is an indication of fulfillment of objective. So, the querent will definitely get the job, but only after making some trials.

Case I: A person visited me on July 8th, 2003 at 6.15 PM, Hyderabad. He wanted to know whether he can go abroad or not. Since he did not have date of birth, time etc. details, it was not possible for me to erect his natal chart. So, I have decided to answer the query with the help of horary astrology.

vedic horary astrology case In the horary chart, the Ascendant is in Sagittarius which is 9th sign in the natural zodiac which represents foreign country. Ascendant lord is Jupiter, posited in 8th house, a house of obstacles. But Jupiter is exalted and hence powerful. To judge foreign journey, we should consider lords of 9th and 12th houses from the Ascendant. Here, the 9th lord is Sun and 12th lord is Mars. Mars is forming 5th aspect to Sun and 6th aspect to Jupiter. Also, Mars is fast moving planet which is behind Jupiter which is slow planet. So, Mars can join Jupiter soon. It indicates that the person can go abroad that year, but after a lot of struggle and trials. More over, Sun is with Saturn. Since Saturn indicates delay, there would be at least one or two trials which fail. Saturn is being 2nd and 3rd house lord, representing speech and communication who joined with 10th

lord Mercury who is natural lord of communication representing the job or profession. These factors indicate that the person will go abroad on account of a job which involves communication like sales, teaching, writing or mass media.

There are 6 signs when counted from Mars to Jupiter. Since Saturn will make delay, these signs represent months. So, I predicted that the person will go abroad on job within 6 months from that date.

The person visited me again during December 2003, and informed me that he was selected as a teacher by African Government and was going to leave by the end of December. He told me that he was unsuccessful in the first attempt in the interview with the foreign delegates but somehow he managed the manager of the consultancy company to arrange the interview the second time. The manager had arranged the interview after a fortnight and he was able to fare well.

Case II: On November 21st, 2005, at 10.55 AM, Hyderabad, I received a phone call from a college going girl. She was in tension and wanted to know about her friend. She said that her friend was missing for the past 3 days. Her friend’s parents contacted this girl saying that their daughter did not come back from the college.

vedic horary astrology case I have drawn horary chart for the time and place immediately. The Ascendant Capricorn represents the girl

(querent) who was inquiring about her friend. The Ascendant lord Saturn is in 7th house with Moon, representing the mental tension of the girl.

Since the query is related to her friend, the 11th house lord Mars becomes the significator. Mars posited in 4th house and in retrogression. It represents that her friend was in a house. 11th house is occupied by 8th lord Sun representing that her friend is in some trouble. Also, the 11th house is aspected by Rahu representing a thief stealing some thing. More over, Saturn and Mars had mutual aspects. So, I announced that her friend was kidnapped and was kept in a house.

Now I should tell whether her friend comes back or not. The aspects between Mars and Saturn represent police. So, I said there would be involvement of police in this case. She said that her friend’s parents had lodged a compliant with the police.

There are two factors in this chart which are favorable. The significator Mars is aspected by Jupiter and Mars posited in its own place representing enough strength. So, I predicted that her friend would definitely come back.

The next step is to assess how many days or months it will take for her friend to come home. Here Ascendant lord is Saturn and

significator is Mars. But Mars is retrograde representing meeting with Saturn by its backward motion. The number of signs between Mars and Saturn are ten. So, I predicted that her friend would come back in another 10 days. After 2 days from my prediction, the kidnappers made a phone call to her friend’s parents and demanded a ransom of Rs. 5,00,000. The police had taken up the investigation and finally traced the kidnappers within a week. Thus the girl had joined her parents on the 9th day.

Fundamentals of Horary Astrology

Last Updated: 4/16/2012 12:31:32 PM

By S N Rao

A Horary Chart is a chart cast for the moment that a question is asked. It is calculated just like a Natal Chart but at the moment the specific question is asked and not at the time of birth. Horary is a predictive branch of astrology, meaning, it can make predictions with amazing accuracy. This highly specialized astrological application is very ancient. It deals with specific questions and replies with specific answers. The basis of the horary chart is the time your question is put to the astrologer, and from this a map of the sky is erected. Personal details, such as your date, place and time of birth, are not needed and so, for those who do not have this information, horary provides a method of dealing with problems with difficult situations. Horary astrology is different in another way. The chart that is calculated is for that question only and will show the background of the question (what led up to the question) what is going on at the present time and how the future could turn out if you let nature run it's course. The fascinating thing about horary is that we have a choice in the matter. If the chart shows that things are going to turn out well then we can leave them alone and relax. But if the chart shows potential problems we can choose not to continue or choose to do something in a different way which can give us a different outcome.

The principles behind the analyzing the horary chart is different in vedic astrology and in western astrology. This article is written to explain both the methods that is used. The results are amazingly accurate for both the methods.

In Vedic astrology - Horary Astrology is based on Hora or Hour. Its principles are similar to the principles of Natal Astrology. Horary Astrology or Prasna Shastra in Sanskrit (Sanskrit Prasna, question) has been practiced in India for centuries. It is a branch of Vedic astrology, which is still widely used across the Indian subcontinent. Horary Astrology is a unique way of is first and only GPS enabled Horary Astrology Software/ Prashna Kundali Software. It detects your latitude, longitude, time zone and DST so that you do not need to enter anything. This is probably the fastest way for casting horary and time charts. It also supports KP System (Krishnamurti Paddhati) based 1-249 Horary charts. For this free Horary Astrology Software, please vist - Online Horary Astrology Software.

providing astrological predictions on any subject from event horoscope. It is based on a chart that deals with specific questions. To answer the questions, this ancient astrology doesn't require details like date, place and time of birth, it as an alternative answers the queries based on the time they were placed to the astrologer. On the basis of the queries laid down, a chart is formed. This chart shows the details like - what is going on at present, how could the future be affected, etc. It, therefore, provides solutions for dealing with critical situations. This helps one decide whether to continue with a particular course of action or not. Horary Astrology helps one to predict the longevity, health, success, failure, love, time of marriage, divorce, result of examination, job, gain by lottery or stock market, success in litigation & legacy etc. This is perfect for person who may not have his time of birth.

IN KP astrology the Horary method uses 4 Basic Points - the Base Ascendant, the Rising Ascendent, Veedhi & Chatra. The zodiac is divided into segments based on the Rashi lord, Nakshatra lord and sub lord in this method of Astrology. So, there are 249 segments in the zodiac, and when a querent (the person who ask the question) comes with a question, they are asked pick a number between 1 and 249. This determines the ascendant and the planets are placed in the chart for the time of query (disregarding the actual ascendant for the moment). So when a querent gives a number between 1 and 249, he/she is actually identifying a particular Sub Division, which is later, used to draw a horoscope. In this method Time of Query and Place of Query is important.

In western astrology the horary method is now being re-discovered by modern astrologers, enriching and improving how astrology is being practiced today.

After the chart is calculated we must first examine it for judgment. The rules for prediction are as follows:

1. If the degree of the rising sign is less than 3ø, then the querent does not have enough information.2. If the degree of the rising sign is more than 27ø, then the matter is out of the hands of the querent.

3. If the Moon is ‗Void of Course‘, that is the Moon making no more aspects to any planets before it goes into a new sign, then the matter proceeds with great difficulty.

4. If Saturn is in the first or the seventh house, the Querent does not fully understand the situation.

5. If there are any eclipses in the chart (e.g. Sol conjunct Luna, et al), then the question needs to be revised.

6. If Mercury is ‗Retrograde‘ (moving in reverse as it seems from our view due to being on the other side of the Sun) then the Querent will change his or her mind about the desired outcome as plans will come to nought.

7. If there is a ‗Besiegement‘ (the Moon is between the two malefics; Mars and Saturn, by either a conjunction or a square) then the Querent is in a no win situation with trouble at every turn.

The rules for prediction is given below

1. Determine the principal Significators:

A. The Querent is represented by the planet ruling the ASC.

B. The Moon co-rules the Querent

C. The Question is represented by the planet ruling the appropriate house.

2. If one or both of the co-rulers apply in benefic aspect (Conjunction, Trine and Sextile) to the planet ruling the appropriate house for the question, then there is a positive outcome to the question.

A. Only faster moving planets can apply in aspect.i. The order of moving planets from fastest to slowest is:

Luna, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sol, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto

B. Planets Applying in a Square indicate that the question is more trouble than it is worth.

C. Planets applying in Opposition indicate that there will be much negotiating or arguing before a positive outcome will be established.

i. An Opposition in Mutual Reception is an exception to this as it gives a positive answer based on compromise.

3. If the planet ruling the house of the question is in the first house (representing the querent), then there is a positive answer.

4. If the planet ruling the ASC is in the house of the question, then there is a positive answer.

Finding lost articles through horary astrology

Last Updated: 12/5/2010 11:43:00 AM

Subscribe Magazine on email:     S N RaoFinding lost articles is one of the most exciting areas of horary astrology in which this technique truly shines its brightest. When casting a horoscope for a client you must use the time that they contacted you and you understand their query. Doing a horary chart for yourself can be tricky because of the timing factor. If you notice that your keys are missing and you draw a chart on the computer chances are that the chart will not give correct answers. Why? Horary makes you work for your answers! And it requires an emotion behind a query. So I suggest that you first search in every possible place where you think you could have lost the keys. Only when you have exhausted all possibilities use that time to calculate the horary chart. Remember horary works best when there is that emotional charge behind each question. Moon is the most important planet which much relate to the question for getting an accurate answer.

Determine the house for which the article is related. All personal possessions are ruled by the second house. All articles related to communications like papers, books etc are related to the third house. Stolen vehicles will relate to the 4th house etc.  The placement of the planet in the sign will determine the significator. This will determine the direction and the place where the article is located.


This place might be a bakery, barbershop, foundry, sports arena, sports club, hardware store, butcher shop, and the dentist's office. If the article is indoors it can be in or near a chimney, stoves, furnace room, room wheremachinery and tools are kept, room with locked doors or closets, places where iron or junk is stored, area where guns and ammunition are kept, under ashtrays, hat boxes, near ceilings, roofs or doorways, in rooms predominantly red in color, tool closets and a room with fireplaces. If the article is outdoors it can be near or on sandy grounds, newly opened tracts of land or land recently plowed, virgin land, burned land or barren hills, tool sheds, near a pine tree, storage place for a lawnmower. Aries indicates direction East and color red or red/orange.TAURUS

This place might be a bank, jewelry store, gift store, carpet store, music hall, stable, opera house, loan office or

company, dancing hall, clothing store. If the article is indoors it can be in a basement, room with tile floors, a lower or middle level room, storage room, a quiet room that is dimly lit with low ceilings, a dark closet, trunks, a cash box or safe place where cash is kept, storage place for furniture, music room, near a piano, safe deposit box, chest of drawers, wallet, handbag, suit of clothes. Look for the item close to the ground or the floor. Also, be sure to look in the bag or box in which the item was purchased. If the article is outdoors it can be on or near a recently cultivated meadow or field, a cattle pasture, the garden, a tree near the house, a shady area, a well-groomed lawn, and an attractive landscape. Taurus indicates direction South East and color shades of blue.


This place might be a bookstore, bus station, service station, library, railroad station, subway, school, and other place of learning, post office, storehouse, and office building. If the article is indoors it can be in an upstairs bedroom, hallway, stairway, study, trunk, chest, desk, briefcase, luggage, a room where books are kept, bookshelves, a place where reading or studying is done, a drawer where a person keeps pens and pencils and office supplies, filing cabinet, in a magazine rack, in the vestibule or entrance to a home, place where importantpapers or records are kept (i.e. birth certificates, contracts, cancelled checks, legal documents, etc.), an area near the telephone or radio. If the article is outdoors it can be on or near a hill or other high place, the side of the driveway, barren ground, a place where one might take a daily walk, an area where the mailbox is, a brother or sister's home, a neighbor's home, a car, bus, telephone booth, side of the road, or in or near a garage. Gemini indicates the direction South West and color yellow.


This place might be a grocery store, bakery, saloon, tavern, cafeteria, dairy barn, lodges, public buildings, restaurant, nursery school, laundry facility, and reservoir. If the article is indoors look in a dining room, kitchen, laundry room, linen closet, nursery, cellar, pantry, kitchen, room with ordinary and inexpensive furnishings, room where the family gathers to discuss family matters, a room where articles of sentimental value are kept, room with the most windows, areas where fishing equipment is kept, area where china, silverware or kitchenware is stored, near a sink, pump or plumbing. If the article is outdoors it might be near or in a brook, lake, canal, ditch, river, ocean, pool of water, well, outside fountain, vegetable garden, swimming pool area, around a fire hydrant, picnic tables, active stream, a relaxing spot where one might nap for a short time. Cancer indicates direction North and colors green, pearl, silver, or cream.


This place might be a gambling house, betting parlor, bar, sports arena, theatre, dance hall, circus, poolroom, places of amusement, tavern, government building, golf course, race track. If the article is indoors the item can be in a sun porch, a room in a house where you have more windows, play room, den, living room, room where children spend time playing, room or place lacking orderliness, place where gold plated articles are kept, room or places belonging to your children, room with expensive furnishings, a toy chest, pool and game room, children'sbedroom. If the article is outdoors look for the item in a park, playground, forest, desert, high steep hills, front yard, public beach, resorts, area close to a sandbox, gym, corner of a year where games are setup, terrain with rocky area, jungle-like areas, outdoor fire places or barbecue pit. Leo denotes the direction North West and colors yellow, gold, or orange, shades of bright gold.


This place might be a doctor's office, health spa, veterinarian's office, nursing home, dry cleaners, grocery store, accountant's office, pharmacy, zoo, police station, nursery, tenant place. If the article is indoors it can be in a clothes and food closet, pantry, bookcase, desk, study, exercise room, filing cabinet, servant's quarters, room where pets are kept, room used as an office in the home, rented room in the home, sick person's room, storeroom study room. If the article is indoors it can be on or near a meadow, land that is level and fertile, gardens,and grazing land for domestic animals, garage that is rented, part of the yard where pets are kept, a dog house, grain field, orchard, and store house. Virgo indicates the direction South West and colors yellow-green or violet, earthy tones and autumn colors.


This place might be a ballroom, places of entertainment, hotels, motels, theatres, beauty salons, banks, dressmakers, art galleries, or furniture stores, boutique. If the article is indoors look in a bedroom, music room, studio, dressing room, upper level room, cabinets, dressing table, wardrobe, luxurious furniture (especially cushioned), jewelry box or case, top drawers of a chest, top piece of furniture, a broom closet, room where you may find objects of fine art, linen closet, on a shelf, among your partner’s belongings, under a bed, or with hobby supplies or in an attic, guest room. If the article is outdoors search on mountaintops, sides, or top of a hill, hunting ground, flower garden, gravel field, close to lawn furniture. Libra points the direction west corner and colors deep blue, light blue or pastels shades, green.


This place might be a butcher shop, collection agency, dentist office, public restroom, abandoned house, cesspool, funeral parlor, graveyards, rest room, rubbish dump, massage parlor, insurance building, surgeon’s office, pharmacy. If the article is indoors it to can be in a bathroom, toilet, next to water pipes, in a dirty part of the house where rubbish or junk is kept, trashcan, a part of the house where it gets rotted or mildewed, room or desk where unpaid bills are kept, in an empty room, wash room, medicine cabinet, secret drawer orchest, in a hiding place. If the article is outdoors it can be in or near a swamp, stagnant pool, locations subject to flooding, in or near a garbage can, near cesspools, a vermin infested area, next to an evergreen tree, in an orchard near muddy ground, or near or in a river. Scorpio indicates direction North East and colors dark red, burgundies, shades of wine and purple.


This place might be a banquet hall, temple, courthouse, gambling hall, doctor's house, stable, racing track, college, and university, places of public function, lawyer's office, bookstore, and lecture hall. If the article is indoors it can be in an upper room, near or in the fireplace, the largest room of the house, places where entertainment of guests is held, rooms where insurance policies are kept, a room where pets are allowed in the house, place where prayer books and college books are stored, among college memorabilia, place where woolen products are stored, room where very expensive furniture or imported things are. If the article is outdoors It can be on hills and highlands, near or on land which is best seen by raising your eyes to view it, near a maple or an oak tree, places wherehorses are allowed to graze, where horseback riding is done, on sloping grounds. Sagittarius indicates the direction South East and colors blue violet, magenta, wine.


This place might be a church yard, cemetery, cave, city dump, business place, brick building, city hall, police station, funeral parlor, court house, the parent's home, brick building, corner building, abandoned building If the article is indoors it can be in a basement, disorderly room, rooms with leather or plastic accessories or furnishings, room with old worn furniture or sparsely furnished, a room where an old person stays, in or near garage, near a refrigerator or freezer, dark places that are hard to reach, a shelf where there are ceramics, next to an air conditioner, places where wood is stored, a corner. If the article is outdoors it can be in or near a thorny, open country area, rocky and uncultivated barren ground, places where lumber is stored, fallow ground, neglectedland, gravel pits, next to anold tree that is struggling for survival, near a tar or cement driveway, near the foundation of the house, near a gate, fenced or roped in area, a shaded area, a thorny or bushy area, next to a large rock, abandoned places or fields, a place with a bad smell, a vacant house or lot, near Pine trees.Capricorn indicates the direction South and colors black, browns, and dark colors.


This place might be an airport, club house, factory, garage, gas station, highway, railroad station, public places a friends house, If the article is indoors it can be in or near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room or a room with barely comfortable furniture. If the article is outdoors it can be in or near places recently dug up, uneven ground, in or next to a garage, places

where you park your car, in or around an automobile, on land that has been changed from farming to residential, in a wooded area with trails. Aquarius indicates the direction North West and colors turquoise and aquamarine.


This place might be a hospital, convalescent home, jail, convent, Tavern, a dock, secret place, drugstore, liquor store, shoe store, gasoline station, photo store, retirement community, asylum. If the article is indoors a closet, by a fish tank, wine cellar, the bar, a bedroom, bathroom, washroom, cold or damp floor, medicine cabinet, near photographic equipment, secret hiding place, part of the house where the well or street water comes in.If the article is outdoors near a fountain, a fishpond, a brook, or river, on the beach, a low place that is prone to flooding, remote places. Pisces indicates direction North West and colors blue violet, magenta, wine.  

How to interpret employment through horary astrology

Last Updated: 11/15/2010 1:40:35 PM

Subscribe Magazine on email:     S N Rao

One of the facets of modern life that affects most of us in some form or the other is employment. Employment gives us a framework around which we schedule and build our lives; and it is the direct route to solving many of our material and social problems.

Astrologically, employment is seen from the 6th house. It is also seen for the health of our physical body. As we all know, a troublesome job can make us physically ill. To understand the mental and physical health we should look in to the divisional charts also. Anyone trained in horoscope interpretation will find job charts fun to read and a source of some very useful information.

A chart cast for the time when an employment begins is a viable horary chart that can be used for both analysis and prediction. The easy availability of exact times for these charts is remarkable when you consider how difficult it is to get reliable times for other kinds of charts, such as those for countries or individual births. In many cases, this horary chart can be dated by a time clock. In other cases, you can simply note the time at which one began to get paid.

The exact time that a job really starts is the critical moment. Interviews don't count, for they only exist in the realm of possibilities; the start of the paid job is the real thing. There can be a discrepancy, however, regarding the actual moment that one begins the job experience and the moment from which one gets paid according to the financial records. My experience indicates that the critical moment is when the actual work experience begins -- not any pre-work socializing, but when training, or problem-solving, or the activity of the job begins. Most jobs will have a specific start time in the job description (which is recorded), and most people will remember their first day of work. Because of this, job charts are often easy to obtain.

This horary horoscope can give insights into several things. First, it describes the job experience in the widest possible sense. It shows how the job grows, changes, and functions in general. The horary chart will describe the degree of compatibility with others at work, and it will point out problem areas on the job. For example, a strong Saturn in the horary chart will coincide with a work situation that is dominated by the rules made by old men, or something along those lines. If this Saturn is afflicted, it could mean that these rules and old men are a real pain

in the back. With a powerful transit to this job chart's Saturn, a real crisis could arise, one in which a definition of reality is probably being forced onto the relatively powerless person who is the employee.

Horary charts allow for the prediction of promotions, raises, conflicts, and social events that occur during the employee's job experience. The transit of Jupiter over the horary chart's 10th cusp brings promotions during the job tenure. Thus, if you or your client were considering asking for a raise or promotion, this kind of information would be quite helpful. With it you could select a favorable and appropriate time to spring such requests on the boss. Like other astrology charts, this horary chart can be analysed with various astrological techniques, such as divisional charts and dasha prediction system.

For analyzing employment by horary horoscope, the following is a list of the houses and how they might be interpreted:

1st house - The general conditions of the job; the social and physical environment.

2nd house - The paycheck, payments, and available funds; afflictions here may indicate problems such as pay cuts or no raises. The sign on the cusp may say much about the regularity of the paycheck. Fixed signs suggest a stable pay schedule; mutable, irregular pay; and cardinal signs, frequent alterations in pay.

3rd house - Communications on the job, use of the telephone, computer, etc.; commuting and other transportation issues.

4th house - The building or location of the workplace; the office space itself; weather conditions on outside jobs.

5th house - Recreational and creative aspects of the job; possibilities of income growth and earning power.

6th house - Scheduling; disruptions due to illness and technical problems; subordinates, such as secretaries, who produce work that is necessary for the job to move forward.

7th house - Significant colleagues who must be partnered with during the course of the job; partners and cooperation in general.

8th house - Others' resources; the psychic or emotional integrity of the social scene on the job; secret financial schemes; hidden power agendas.

9th house - Long-distance travel and communications; teaching and instructing; advertising and promotional activities.

10th house - Management; the boss; the objectives of the job; public relations.

11th house - Group activities; teamwork issues; friendships on the job; clients and customers.

12th house - Submission of one's ego to greater powers; hidden activities; regrets about the job; the job as "doing time"; detention.

In regard to the 12th house, we also have to consider the fact that most jobs begin when the Sun is in the 1st or the 12th house. Until employers allow more employees to start at odd times of the day, most people will experience work as if it were a kind of mild prison experience.

This horary chart has a life of its own and as such can be compared to the natal chart of the employee. All the standard techniques seem to work. It is such an accurate indicator of the job experience itself, why not manipulate the time that a job begins? As a practitioner of muhurta astrology, I do this for my clients when it is appropriate. Often, the best that I can do for a client is to simply find the best day out of the two or three that the

employer wants the new employee to start. In terms of time, there is some lack of flexibility since most jobs start at the same time as a regular workday-- in the morning when the Sun is in the 1st or the 12th house.

Importance of astrological aspects in Horary Astrology

Last Updated: 11/24/2010 2:12:40 PM

S N Rao

In astrology, an "aspect" is a geometric relationship between two planets.  Aspects are important in analyzing a horoscope because they seem to make the two connected planets function together or be linked. An aspect is an angle that the planets make to each other in the horoscope, and also to the ascendant, midheaven, descendant and nadir. The aspects are measured by the angular distance along the ecliptic in degrees and minutes of celestial longitude between two points, as viewed from the earth. They indicate focal points in the horoscope where the energies involved are given extra emphasis. The astrological aspects are said to influence affairs on people according to their placement in the birth chart. In Vedic astrology the aspect is measured between two full signs.There are 4 important factors to consider in analyzing the astrological aspects in horary astrology namely:

1. Applying or separating aspect or “Ithasala and Easarapha”. When the faster moving planet is behind the slower moving planet then it is known as applying aspect. When the faster moving planet is ahead of / already crossed the slower moving planet then it is known as separating aspect. This is the most important factor determining whether the event will take place or not. Applying aspect between the significator planets means the event will likely take place while separating aspect means the event had already occurred, was a preceding event in the past and the event will not be likely to occur in the future

2. Positive or negative aspect. The positive aspects are trine (120 deg), sextile (60deg), conjunction (0 deg) and semi-sextile (30 deg) while the negative aspects are opposition (180 deg), square (90 deg) and quincunx (150 deg).The conjunction of two malefic planets are nasty, between two natural benefic planets is good while between a natural benefic and natural malefic is neutral and depends on applying or separating aspect factor. The quincunx implies external assistance and quincunx between natural malefic planets implies failure while it is successful if otherwise and also depending on whether it is applying or separating aspect. Positive aspects implies ease, spontaneity, naturalness and flowing events while negative aspects implies obstacles and obstructions, stressand tension, anxieties and worries

3. Dignity of aspecting planets – fallen (debilitated planets) or detrimental (placement of planet in opposite to its own house) planets are malefic. Malefic planets give strong negative results when exalted. Planets which are placed in own signs are beneficent and benefic. Debilitated planets imply lack of strength or will to attain objective

4. Natural benefic or malefic planets – Aspects between two natural benefic planets implies success while between two natural malefic planets implies failure while it is neutral between a natural benefic and natural malefic and depends on other factors. 


In Tajika Astrology planets which have a kendra relationship to each other have a hostile relationship. Kendra relationship means they are either in the same sign, four, seven or ten houses from each other.

Planets which are 3 signs or 11 signs from each other have a friendly relationship.

Planets which are 5 or 9 signs from each other have a very friendly relationship.

Planets which are 2/12 or 6/8 signs from each other have a neutral relationship.

However, they only form aspects if they are within a certain orb of influence from each other.

Contrary to modern Western Astrology the orb depends not on the nature of the aspect, but on the planets which are making the aspect. It is interesting to know that this system was also used in Medieval Western Astrology.

This is an overview of the orbs of influence: Sun 15 degrees, Moon 12 degrees, Mars 8 degrees, Mercury 7 degrees, Jupiter 9 degrees, Venus 7 degrees, Saturn 9 degrees.

In traditional Vedic Astrology Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not used. However, if you use them I would advice an orb of 7 degrees.

Now the maximum orb that an aspect between two planets is allowed to have is calculated by adding the two orbs of influence and then dividing it by 2.

An example: for the Sun and the Moon to have an aspect the maximum orb should be (15+12):2= 13.5. For the Sun and Saturn to have an aspect the maximum orb is: (15+7):2=11.

A relationship between two planets is an aspect if the orb between the planets does not exceed the maximum orb.

In that case we can compare the kendra relationship to the conjunction, square and opposition we know in Western astrology.

The 2/11 relationship is comparable to the sextile.

And the 5/9 relationship is comparable to the trine.

Planets which are 1/12 signs or 6/8 signs from each other can never have an aspect. Although there is some difference of opinion between astrologers about this particular matter.


For planets to make a yoga in Tajika astrology they should make an aspect. In addition to that they should meet some criteria which are different for each yoga. Not only the aspects are beneficial or malefic, but so are the yogas. Only when the yoga AND the aspect are beneficial good results can be anticipated. If the yoga is beneficial but the aspect is malefic, then also some results may be anticipated. However, the results will not be reached easily and may be disappointing.

Ithasala yoga: This yoga is made if a faster planet has a lesser longitude than a slower planet. This yoga is beneficial, because the planets approach each other and in the future the aspect will be exact. This is the moment when the promise of the aspect will be fullfilled. In Western astrology this is called an applying aspect.

An example: Let us say we have the Moon at 6 degrees Taurus and Saturn and 10 degrees Capricorn. The Moon is the faster planet, because of this there will come a time when the aspect will be exact (probably when the Moon has reached 10 degrees Taurus). In this case the aspect is a trine (beneficial) and the yoga is beneficial. Yoga and aspect are beneficial, therefore good results may be expected. The results are even better because the two planets are in good shape. The Moon is in its sign of exaltation and Saturn is in its own sign. Therefore the results may be outstanding.

If Saturn would be at 10 degrees in Leo, then we also have an Ithasala yoga. However, the aspect is a square and therefore not beneficial. The results will be reached with more difficulty. It is also

notable that Saturn is not in its own sign and therefore in less good shape than in the previous example. Some authors feel that if the aspect would be an opposition results may be even more difficult to obtain, because the opposition is considered by these authors to be the most malefic aspect.

Easarapha yoga: This yoga is formed when a faster moving planet has a greater longitude than a slower moving planet. In this case the planets are seperating (in Western Astrology this is called the seperating aspect). Because the planets are seperating loss is indicated. This is a malefic aspect.

An example: If the Moon is at 6 degrees Taurus and Saturn is at 2 degrees Capricorn we have an Easarapha yoga, because the Moon is seperating from Saturn. Maybe in the past there have been positive developments but not much new developments are indicated. Some authors feel that if the orb is less than 1 degree developments are possible. That means that if the Moon is at 6 degrees Taurus and Saturn at 5 degrees Capricorn good results may be expecte, especially since in this case the aspect is a trine and is beneficial. If the yoga and the aspect are good than outstanding results are possible.

Nakta yoga: Now we come to yogas which are a bit more complicated. It is possible that there is no aspect between two planets but that a faster moving planet, in most cases the Moon aspects them both. Especially if these two aspects are Ithasala Yogas results may be expected.

An example: If we have Saturn and 10 degrees Capricorn and Jupiter at 11 degrees Aquarius then there is no aspect between these planets. However if the Moon is at 7 degrees Taurus the Moon makes a trine to Saturn and then a square to Jupiter.

This particular situation may indicate success but also some struggle and disappointment because of the square which the Moon makes to Jupiter.

In horary astrology the Moon may represent a third party which tries to help. However, the result will not be fully satisfying because of the square aspect.

Yamaya yoga: This is the opposite of the Nakta yoga. In this case a slower moving planet makes aspects to two faster moving planets that do not aspect each other.

Suppose we have Saturn at 10 degrees Capricorn. The Moon is at 5 degrees Taurus and Mars is at 6 degrees Aries. The Moon and Mars do not aspect each other, but they do aspect Saturn. The Moon makes a trine to Saturn and Mars makes a square.

Again in horary astrology Saturn may represent a third party but especially in this case it is doubtful whether he will succeed because the square between a strong Mars and a strong Saturn may suggest a fight.

There are all kind of special cases, which also have their own yogas. However, the principle is always the same. It is auspicious if somehow energies of two planets come together. Especially if this happens by making auspicious aspects. Although the conjunction in Tajika astrology is not regarded as favourable I do think that in the astrology of questions we can consider the conjunction cases as favourable.

I do not intend to pay attention to all the Tajika yogas as this is mentioned to be an introduction only, but pay attention to the following cases:

- Watch whether planets are going retrograde or change direction in the near future. It is possible that because of this an Ithasala yoga develops in an Easarapha yoga or the other way around.

- It may be possible that planets make an auspicious aspect and that this aspect is an Ithasala yoga, but that before this aspect is full a third planet makes inauspicious aspects to both. Especially if that third planet is a malefic the ‘intervention’ of the third planet may cause failure. Maybe you know the experience that you were planning a date with someone but before the date materialized he or she ran off with someone else.


What is important in a horary chart is that the first dasa or bhukti is auspicious. This is not always done when a question is answered, but it is when we have an election chart. It is important that the first dasa or bhukti is not too bad. That means the dasa and bhukti lord should be strong in the chart (not combust, in fall, in dushtana houses or badly aspected) and they should rule good houses, which preferably have something to do with the activity for which the electionchart is made.


Below you can see an example of a horary chart. This is the horary of the attack of Iraq on Kuwait City. It is not the horary of the attack on Kuwait, but a horary of the attack on the capital. The attack on the capital symbolizes the fall of the country.

+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Name: Attack on Kuwait City Prepared By: Roeland De Looff || Birth Date: 02-08-1990 Weekday: Thursday || Time: 2:00:00 GMT: 2:00:00 || Time Zone: 0 West TZ Name: Greenwich Mean Time || Latitude: 29 20'00" North Location: Kuwait || Longitude: 47 59'00" East Ayanamsa: Lahiri 23 43'46" || || Rasi Angle and Sign Nakshatra, Lord, Pada, Sound Velocity || -------------------------- --------------------------- -------- ||Ascendant: 13 08'28" Cancer Pushyami Saturn 3 HO 0.86 || Sun: 15 49'05" Cancer Pushyami Saturn 4 DA 0.96 || Moon: 24 08'23" Scorpio Jeyshta Mercury 3 YE 0.91 || Mercury: 11 18'24" Leo Makha Ketu 4 MAY 1.30 || Venus: 21 53'35" Gemini Purnavasu Jupiter 1 KAY 1.21 || Mars: 19 35'42" Aries Bharini Venus 2 LU 1.15 || Jupiter: 2 45'23" Cancer Purnavasu Jupiter 4 HI 2.65 || Saturn: 26 57'16" Rx Sagittarius U. Ashada Sun 1 BAY -2.03 || Rahu: 13 37'40" Capricorn Sravana Moon 2 JAY 0.16 || Ketu: 13 37'40" Cancer Pushyami Saturn 4 DA 0.16 |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+|9th Pisces |10th Aries |11th Taurus |12th Gemini || | Mars 19 36' | | Venus 21 54'|| | | | || | | | ||-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------||8th Aquarius | | Jupiter 2 45'|| | | Ascendant 13 08'|| | | Ketu 13 38'|| | Rasi Chart | Sun 15 49'||-------------------| for |------------------||7th Capricorn | Attack on Kuwait City |2nd Leo || Rahu 13 38' | | Mercury 11 18'|| | | || | | ||-------------------|-------------------+-------------------|------------------||6th Sagittarius |5th Scorpio |4th Libra |3rd Virgo || Saturn Rx 26 57' | Moon 24 08' | | || | | | || | | | |+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+------------------+

+------------------------ Highlights from the Comments ------------------------+|Sunrise at 2:12:46, sunset at 15:35:52. ||Birth occured at 3 ghatis 11 vighatis and 44 paras after sunrise on the || previous day. ||The Moon is waxing and 71% full in the Nakshatra Jeyshta of class Rakshasa. ||The Moon is in Ekadasi, the 11th Tithi of Shukla Paksha. ||The Soli-Lunar Yoga is Indra (Chief) -- interest in education and knowledge; || helpful, well-off. ||Sagittarius and Pisces are Dagdha Signs. ||The Yoga Point is 13 17'27" Gemini, the Yogi is Rahu, the Duplicate Yogi is || Mercury, and the Avayogi is Venus. ||Rahu and Ketu are in forward motion, and thus are unusually benefic. ||The Moon in Scorpio is 21 08' after its point of deepest Fall. ||Mercury is in Leo, the sign of a great friend. ||Venus is in Gemini, the sign of a great friend. ||Mars is in its best Dik Bala placement. ||Mars in Aries is in its Moolatrikona sign. ||Jupiter is in its best Dik Bala placement. ||Jupiter is in Vargottama -- in Cancer in both the Rasi and Navamsa charts. ||Jupiter in Cancer is Exalted within 2 15'. ||Saturn is in Vargottama -- in Sagittarius in both the Rasi and Navamsa charts.||Rahu is in Capricorn, the sign of a great friend. ||Ketu is in Cancer, the sign of a great enemy. ||Mars creates a Raja Yogakaraka in the Tenth house. |

+------------------ Dasha Periods for Attack on Kuwait City -------------------+| MERCURY Rahu beginning on 02-08-1990 at birth for 30m 5d || MERCURY Jupiter beginning on 07-02-1993 at age 2y 6m 5d for 27m 6d || MERCURY Saturn beginning on 13-05-1995 at age 4y 9m 11d for 32m 9d || || KETU Ketu beginning on 22-01-1998 at age 7y 5m 20d for 4m 27d || KETU Venus beginning on 19-06-1998 at age 7y 10m 17d for 14m 0d || KETU Sun beginning on 19-08-1999 at age 9y 0m 17d for 4m 6d || KETU Moon beginning on 25-12-1999 at age 9y 4m 23d for 7m 0d || KETU Mars beginning on 25-07-2000 at age 9y 11m 23d for 4m 27d || KETU Rahu beginning on 22-12-2000 at age 10y 4m 20d for 12m 18d || KETU Jupiter beginning on 10-01-2002 at age 11y 5m 8d for 11m 6d || KETU Saturn beginning on 16-12-2002 at age 12y 4m 14d for 13m 9d || KETU Mercury beginning on 25-01-2004 at age 13y 5m 23d for 11m 27d |

In a horary chart the first house symbolizes the person who takes the initiative. It can be the questioner, the person who pays you a visit or in this case the attacker.

The attacker is symbolized by a lot of planets which contain different messages. First we see an exalted Jupiter in the first. This could symbolize the fact that Iraq was stronger than Kuwait and captured the city quickly. However, Iraq is also represented by a Sun/Ketu conjunction. This symbolizes mistakes, deceipt and wrong decisions. Especially since Ketu is close to the ascendant and therefore has the strongest influence of all the planets in the first house. Iraq is also symbolized by the lord of the first house, which is a fallen Moon in Scorpio.

Kuwait is symbolized by Rahu in the seventh house, which is not great either and by Saturn (lord 7) in the sixth, a dushtana house. The country seems to be in a poor condition and was not able to

resist the attack. Saturn seems to be an appropiate planet to symbolize a rather conservative country. Saturn is retrograde. Kuwait cannot do anything about the situation.

The first dasa-bhukti is Mercury-Rahu. Mercury is lord of the twelfth (loss) and third (energy and courage). Of course in an attack a lot of energy is being used, but in this case it only led to loss. Mercury, the lord of the twelfth, is in the second. Yes, the attack meaned a waste of resources and money.

Rahu in the seventh is appropiate for a country (Kuwait) which is more or less raped.

If we look at the aspects it is interesting that a strong Mars in the tenth makes an Ithasala trine to Saturn (lord 7). Therefore help is on the way for Kuwait in the form of a strong Mars (maximum orb for aspect made by Mars 8, for aspects made by Saturn 9, therefore the maximum orb is 8.5). The aspect is within orb, but it is also quite wide. Therefore the Allied Forces could not prevent the fall of Kuwait City, but could liberate it later.

It is notable that for Cancer ascendant Mars is the Raja Yoga planet.

I think that Mars represents the Allied forces, because if we see the fourth as representing the soil of Kuwait (the ground on which the battle was fought). The seventh from the fourth which is the tenth represents ‘partners or open enemies’ of the Kuwaiti soil. In this case it is a friend. Mars being a temporary benefic (Raja Yoga planet) might have something to do with this.

The Sun, which is a factor that symbolizes Iraq, will also make an Ithasala Yoga with Mars, but this yoga will be a square and is therefore inauspicious. A square represents ‘a struggle’.

The Sun in the first house makes a trine to the Moon (lord 1). At first sight this seems to be good for Iraq, but this trine is an Easarpa yoga and therefore symbolizes loss. Therefore it is not helpful and symbolizes only losses.

An interesting Ithasala yoga is the Ithasala yoga between Venus (lord of the 4 in the 12) and Saturn (lord of the 7 in the 6). Becaue

this is an Ithasala yoga it tells therefore about the future. However, it is not auspicious since it is an opposition. The opposition is the worst aspect.

Venus is lord of the fourth house and symbolizes the soil and environment of Kuwait. We all know that when the Iraqi army retreated they opened the oil wells which created an enormous polution. This seems to be described by this particular aspect. Especially since loss, polution and fluits all have to do with the twelfth house in which Venus is located.


At the end of this lesson I would like to tell you my personal point of view about horary astrology and in particular about elections.

The goal of life is that we will remove our bad karma, learn our lessons so that we can join the source and reach moksha.

To pay our ‘karmic debt’ it may be necessary to undergo unpleasant circumstances. I do not think it is right to try to avoid these circumstances by artificial methods like choosing auspicious times. In fact if we do that karma is not removed, but it is only postponed. Maybe to a later time in this lifetime, maybe to another lifetime. I rather pay off my karmic debts immediately. This may mean uncomfortable situations in the short run, but it may also mean that moksha will be reached earlier, because the bad karma is not postponed. Therefore I will probably be able to finish my task on this earth sooner.

I believe that life will give me spontaneously what is good for me, although most of the time I might not be able to see it. Probably the universe (God) knows best what is right.

I also feel that thinking a lot on whether the time of day is good for a certain activity makes life rather tense. I am one of those persons who wants to live spontaneously. Although I am an astrologer, I believe that there are moments when you also have to relax and forget about astrology. I strongly believe that whatever menu the universe gives to me it is the right menu, even if it is sometimes hard to digest.

The techniques described here are useful, if you use them with care.

When something strange happens I like to look at what was going on in an astrological sense. This enables me to understand the meaning of what happened better and this I think is very useful. As far as analyzing questions I am not looking for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ by making use of the above techniques, but they give me valuable insights into a situation. Therefore I use these techniques to gain more insight. I do not use them to plan the future.


We are going to practize ‘a question chart’. Before you proceed, be sure that you have a clock with the right time within reach.

You may ask yourself the following questions: How will my studies of astrology proceed? Immediately when you read these words write down the exact time and make a chart. If you do not have any software send me the details and I will make a chart for you.

Try to make an interpretation. It is useful to know that the YOU in any chart is the first house. Most likely, the study of astrology is a ninth house matter. However, there is a chance that for you it is different depending upon what astrology means for you. Maybe you see it as a hobby in that case it is a fifth house matter. You may also see the system of astrology as a storehouse of traditional knowledge in which case it falls under the second house. If you are mainly interested in this course because it enables you to get a certificate, it may even fall under the fourth house. Moreover, if you see as astrology mainly as being ‘an occult science’ it may fall under the eighth house. Therefore, before you start making the exercise comtemplate on what astrology means for you.

Interprete the chart!

Keep in mind that especially when we are dealing with subjects which have to do with spirituality (for most however not all people astrology is a spiritual discipline) the 8th and 12th houses are not completely inauspicious. Indeed, they are moksha houses and can bring spiritual liberation. They may not be easy houses for daily activities, but in this case if you encounter them during the

interpretation do not see them as just inauspicious. For an astrologer these may be very valuable houses

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