Praise & worship encounter

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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The Praise team ministry ushers in the presence of the Lord, by creating an atmosphere of Praise & Worship.

We engulf the congregation to come together in unity and acknowledge our Lord & Savior Jesus, through song.

We minister in song to the heart and soul. As a result this ministry brings joy, healing and deliverance with hopes of the person encountering God’s presence each time.

As we start out in praise the main goal is for the

percipients to experience the joy of the Lord through

exuberant praise. We give thanks to God for all that

he has done. Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with

thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to

him and praise his name

•Entering into worship allows you to be intimate with God. • His love is poured on you drawing you to have a closer relationship with him. •He desires your worship. In the midst of worship many are encounter a presence unknown to an, which is the Holy Spirit. • John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.


• Praise & Worship leaders are expected to hold a tune in your vocal range (Experienced)

• Musicians should be skilled players of their instruments (Experienced)

• Media and sound should be able to work various electronics (Some Experience)

• Be able to commit to practices and on time every Thursday night

• Expected to minister in song, play instruments & Media/Sound every Sunday and at events, etc.

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