PPRNet CCDA Export Instructions (eMDs- Practice …academicdepartments.musc.edu/PPRNet/members/CCDA Export_Upload...PPRNet CCDA Export Instructions (eMDs-Practice Partner): *****If

Post on 17-Jun-2018






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PPRNet CCDA Export Instructions (eMDs-Practice Partner):

********If this is your initial CCDA extract, please follow from Step 1, for all others, please skip to Step 5 ************

1. Login to the PPRNet Data Portal using your PPRNet ID and password. Select Download

Upload Utility (pprnet-upload-utility.jar) and save the file to your existing ppart folder.

2. Download the FixPatientsLastActiveDate.exe to your PPART folder. **This fix MUST be run EVERY time before running the CCDA export. Please see Step 5 for instructions on “running” this executable file.

3. Confirm that you have Java JRE 7 (or later) installed

a. To see which version of Java you currently have installed, go to https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1 It should indicate that your Java is up-to-date, or recommend the latest version for you to download. If you’re running any version of 7 or 8, an update is not required, though it is recommended. If no version of Java is found, you may have to download and install the JRE.

b. To download the JRE directly, go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html

Click Accept License Agreement, and select the proper link below:

1) For Windows XP/Vista/7/8 32-bit, click on the jre-7u67-windows-i586.exe link next to Windows x86 Offline.

2) For Windows XP/Vista/7/8 64-bit, click on the jre-7u67-windows-x64.exe link next to Windows x64.

3) To confirm which Windows version you have: Go to the system tray at the bottom of your screen, click on the windows icon (bottom-left corner), right-click on Computer, and click Properties. In the screen that appears, under System >> System Type It will indicate either “32-bit Operating System” or “64-bit Operating System”.

4. Create a new folder in your existing ppart folder >> Name it “PPRNetData”. ***********************************************************************

START FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS HERE (if not initial CCDA extract) ***********************************************************************

5. Run the fixpatientslastactivedate.exe that has been previously saved in your ppart folder.

To “Run” the fixpatientslastactivedate.exe >> Navigate to your ppart folder and double click on the fixpatientslastactivedate.exe. If this does not open the command prompt window stating “Started Fixing Patients Last Active Date”, please right click and select “Run as Administrator”. (If you receive the ERROR: “The program can’t start because PPUtilities.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”- then please move the fixpatientslastactivedate.exe to your PPART folder and try again. NOTE: This will take a few minutes to run. Once completed it will display the message “Finished fixing Patients Last Active Date” as show below. You can close out of the Command Prompt window and move on to Step 6.

6. Clear all contents from your “PPRNet Data” folder (found in your ppart folder). 7. Run the Export Medical Summary:

On the Practice Partner menu, Select Reports >> Patient Records >> Export Medical Summary

*NOTE: Practice Partner Immunizations, Laboratory Results, and Vital Sign data is limited to dates that fall within the extract date range entered into field: “Export only patient data from ____ until ____”. If you’ve entered back dated data, you will want to use a longer date range that encompasses the date of Immunization/Lab. Additionally, you will want to be sure that the Immunization Report Status Default includes all statuses indicating the vaccine has been administered [See Fig. 1].

In order to run this export for ALL providers at ONE time: First, click the Provider ID field and click the blank provider code. The Provider’s Name should now be blank. Second, Enter the date range.

Use 1 full year, using TODAY as your end date

*NOTE: If this is your initial PPRNet extract- Please use 5 full years (or date you began using PP as start date), and using TODAY as your end date.

>>Select the blank Provider ID

Document Type>>Select CCDA- Clinical Summary Type

*Use 1 full year, using TODAY as your end date

Select the option for “Patients last seen on specified dates, optionally by provider.”

Leave all boxes checked on this screen and press ‘OK’. When the window opens to say ‘Done Exporting Files’ press OK.

Navigate to and select your PPRNetData folder in your ppart folder >> Select OK

8. Navigate to you “PPRNetData” folder. If your .xml files were individually zipped upon export, please follow steps 8a-8e below to unzip them, if not, please skip to step 10.

a. Download to install FREE 7-ZIP Software from your internet browser. b. Open the 7-ZIP File Manger >> Navigate to the zipped files you want to extract >> Select

the files >> Select the “Extract” button.

c. An Extract window will open >> click the button next to the “Extract to:” field.

d. Create a New Folder in your ppart folder by clicking “Make New Folder” button and Name it “PPRNet Data_unzipped” >> Select this newly created folder>> Select “Ok” button

e. An extracting progress window will open. When it reaches 100% the window will close, and your file will be extracted to the location you selected (“PPRNet Data_unzipped”).

9. If after running steps 8a-8e, your .xml files are still contained in individual folders, please complete the steps 9a-9d before proceeding to step 10:

Removing CCD files from individual folders

a. Open the folder containing the CCD files.

b. In the Search field (top right) type an * (asterisk).

c. Click on the Type tab. Scroll down to the first xml file and click once to highlight it.

d. Scroll down to the last xml file. While holding the shift key down, click the last xml file once to highlight all the xml files. Type control-C to copy them and then paste them into a new folder.

10. Transfer files to PPRNet using upload utility file.

a) Navigate to your ppart folder >> double click pprnet-upload-utility.jar to open the screen below

NOTE: It may take a couple of hours to process through the files, but as long as the progress bar is moving, it is still working. The Upload button will become enabled once all files have been processed, and it will ask for your user ID and password to submit the files. **If at any point the utility has closed without prompting you to enter your user ID and PW, your files were not successfully transferred to PPRNet The utility creates temporary files on your C:, so if it runs out of disk space before processing all files, the utility will close without completing. Please clear some space on your C: and try re-running the utility.

11. To check on the status of your upload: Login to your PPRNet Data Portal account >> Select “View Activity Log”- at the top you will see a log titled “PPRNet Upload Utility

Navigate to the folder containing your unzipped C-CDA xml files.

Select Upload

Activity”- this displays the number of files submitted as well as the date of submission- be sure that the number of file submitted matches what is contained in your PPRNet Data folder, and that this number is equivalent to the number of patients seen during the time frame specified in export (screen shot w/ specifics on page 4 of these instructions).

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