P:\Power Point Presentations\Leadership Instinct

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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Leadership Instinct


100 Worst Bosses

• Written by Jim Stovall, best selling author of The Ultimate Gift and Ultimate Productivity

• Describes the characteristics shared by some of the worst bosses

• The Leadership Instinct training program is based on the lessons taught in 100 Worst Bosses

So, what’s your Leadership Instinct?

• Tiger

• Fox

• Chameleon

• Ostrich

Positive Tiger Characteristics

• Director• Driver• Decisive• Activator• Focused• Hardworking• Energetic• Likes conflict

Negative Tiger Characteristics

• Arrogant• Stubborn• Dominating• Commanding• Confrontational• Defensive• Inflexible• Blunt


• Who are the Tigers in your workplace?• What are three to five good ways to work with a

Tiger?• What positive traits do specific Tigers bring to

your company and team?• What negative tendencies do specific Tigers

bring to your company and team? • What immediate action(s) can you take to

improve your relationships with the Tigers in your life?

Key Growth Opportunities for Tigers

• Seek input from others.

• Ask people instead of telling them.

• Learn how to delegate effectively.

• Approach conflict from a win-win perspective.

Positive Fox Characteristics

• Thinking• Evaluating• Factual• List Maker• Analytical• Detail-oriented• Perceptive• Rational

Negative Fox Characteristics

• Critical of others• Pessimistic• Over-analyzing• Task-focused• Skeptical• Unsociable• Perfectionist• Resists change


• Who are the Foxes in your workplace?• What are three to five good ways to work with a

Fox?• What positive traits do specific Foxes bring to

your company and team?• What negative tendencies do specific Foxes

bring to your company and team? • What immediate action(s) can you take to

improve your relationships with the Foxes in your life?

Key Growth Opportunitiesfor Foxes

• Learn to use your intuition more often.

• Set time limits when you do research.

• Use your analytic skills to look for opportunities instead of obstacles.

• Develop relationships with co-workers.

Positive Chameleon Characteristics

• Persuasive• Intuitive• Social• Fun• Friendly• Warm• Enthusiastic• Inspiring

Negative Chameleon Characteristics

• Over promises• Under delivers• Talkative• Emotional• Unreliable• Flaky• Procrastinating• Easily distracted


• Who are the Chameleons in your workplace?• What are three to five good ways to work with a

Chameleon?• What positive traits do specific Chameleons

bring to your company and team?• What negative tendencies do specific

Chameleons bring to your company and team?• What immediate action(s) can you take to

improve your relationships with the Chameleons in your life?

Key Growth Opportunitiesfor Chameleons

• Stick to schedules.

• Reign in emotions at work.

• Practice basic time management skills.

• Be realistic about what you can accomplish.

Positive Ostrich Characteristics

• Easygoing• Laid back• Peaceful• Amiable• Agreeable• Trustworthy• Compromiser• Problem solver

Negative Ostrich Characteristics

• Avoids conflict• Indecisive• Ignores problems• Soft-spoken• Non-confrontational• Resists change• Enabler• Pushover


• Who are the Ostriches in your workplace?• What are three to five good ways to work with an

Ostrich?• What positive traits do specific Ostriches bring to

your company and team?• What negative tendencies do specific Ostriches

bring to your company and team? • What immediate action(s) can you take to

improve your relationships with the Ostriches in your life?

Key Growth Opportunities

• Voice your opinion.

• Allow constructive conflict to happen.

• Set timelines for making decisions.

• Address problems immediately.

I’m a _____. Now what?

• Learn more about your strengths and weaknesses.

• Discuss your leadership instinct with your co-workers.

• Develop a Leadership Instinct action plan.

Leadership Instinct Action Plan

• What are your top three action items for improving your Leadership Instinct within the next month?

• What are your top three action items for improving how you work with your manager within the next month?

• How do you plan to improve your Leadership Instincts over the next year?

• Who will help keep you accountable for improving your Leadership Instincts?


• Learn about your own Leadership Instinct.

• Learn about your co-workers’ Leadership Instincts.

• Explore our other resources:• MyLeadershipInstinct.com• RefreshLeadership.com

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