
  • 1. Nervous Video

2. The Handshake 3. Posture 4. Eye Contact 5. Facial Expressions 6. Gestures 7. Body Movement & Stance 8. Breaking Bad Habits 9. Posture Dont try to stick your chest out, instead keep your shoulders perpendicular to the ground Dont slouch or stick your chin out when sitting for long periods of time Dont try to stand too straight, keep your shoulders straight enough to wear you are comfortable and confident 10. Body Movements & Gestures Dont lean to one side when presenting, keep your feet symmetrical Dont over use your hand motions to where they over power what youre saying 11. Facial Expressions Dont scowl, look stressed, or unhappy. Leave your problems at the door and focus on your interview, presentation, ect 12. Eye Contact You do not have to stare someone down, but frequently glancing away or refusing to make eye contact may be interpreted as weakness, disinterest, or as being disrespectful. 13. Handshakes Dont have a limp handshake, but also dont squeeze the other persons hand too hard! Dont do the two-hander handshake, where you shake their hand and place your other hand on top of it Add your first and last name when shaking the other persons hand and most importantly: a smile! 14. Grooming Dont have any visible piercings, tattoos, or undergarments Girls: Dont have hair habits: twirling hair, distracting hair colors, this will distract people from what youre trying to say Do not wear flashy jewelryBoys: Do not wear white socks with your shoes Do not chew gum, have mints instead! Dont forget to iron your ALL clothes the night before! 15. According to Forbes Magazine About 10% of the population loves public speaking. Another 10% are genuinely terrified. The rest of us roughly the 80% in the middle know that were going to live through it. Its just not much fun. 16. Fear & Adrenaline Definition of fear: the anticipation of pain When we get on stage, we fear failure so much that it hinders our capacity to succeed.Fear, anxiety, and other emotions all stem from the same source. Our body produces excess adrenaline, which we do not know how to handle. 17. 1 ACKNOWLEDGE REALITY Understand that its going to be rough. Your knees will shake, your hands will shake, you will feel the adrenaline. 18. 2 PRACTICEDUH Talk to a wall, a friend, stuffed animals, etc. Practice at the spot where you will present your speech 19. 3 CREATE A PRE GAME WARM-UP Examples: Listen to music Eat a snack Walk aroundDO THE SAME ROUTINE! 20. 4 Practice the Rule of 5 Simulate Eye Contact Pick 5 people throughout the audience that you always make eye contact with 21. My Goals Help you feel more comfortable speaking in front of groups with little preparation. Give you some tips and strategies to use when you do find yourself in this situation. Show you some ways to reduce your stress and/or nervousness level when you are called upon to speak. 22. Before You Speak Deep breaths before going out to speak Keeping positive thoughts in your brain Im excited to be here.Dont be in a rush when you walk to the podium; use the time to collect your thoughts and somewhat plan your speech. Think about your opening sentence. 23. Quick Tip! You do not have to start the speech immediately. Take your time. 24. Beginning Your Speech Introductory remarks great way to collect your thoughts and get comfortable. EX: Thanks Jennifer for your introduction. Im happy to be speaking on thisTake notice of your body language: Appear confident and calm. If there is a podium, remember the guidelines for handling the podium. Remember to smile. Make eye contact with audience. Stand tall. 25. The Speech The introduction should give context on your topic. Explain your topic and why youre talking on it. Use as many personal stories that relate to the topic as possible. Personal stories keep the audience engaged because they feel like youre being open and genuine with them. Maintain a steady pace. Many peoples adrenaline gets pumping, causing them to talk fast. Avoid this by pausing in between paragraphs and/or pausing to let something sink in. 26. The Speech Contd. Incorporate humor Effective humor wins every time. If possible, use your personal story as a point to add humor. Focus on the main topic Dont ramble. Be brief. Reduce the number of fillers that you use. EX: umm, uhh, or ahhs. 27. Format of Your Speech Think about which format you want your speech to be: Topic block: Break your speech into several of the most important topics. Chronological block: Arrange information into components. Controversial blocks: Think of any areas where there is a disagreement. Hierarchical blocks: From easy to hard. Question blocks: Ask the audience a challenging rhetorical question and then spend time answering it for them. 28. Concluding The Speech Briefly review the main points you made. Conclude with a strong statement. If possible, tie it back to what you said in your introduction Full circle ending. 29. If you know nothing about the topic Stay calm and collected. Spin the topic to fit what you do know. We know it as a politicians trick, but it as actually a very effective way to get around a blank moment. Ask the audience a question. Perfect example: Can everyone in the back hear me ok? Go over what you have already said. Just to recap what Ive said so far. 30. Lets test what you learned 31. Q&A Time!

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