

Taking Control of the Silent Killer

Blood Pressure Definition Adult Blood Pressure Categories Detection  Hypertension Prevention Tips References

Blood Pressure Definition

Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the principal vital signs. During each heartbeat, BP varies between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure. The mean BP, due to pumping by the heart and resistance to flow in blood vessels, decreases as the circulating blood moves away from the heart through arteries. Blood pressure drops most rapidly along the small arteries and arterioles, and continues to decrease as the blood moves through the capillaries and back to the heart through veins. Gravity, valves in veins, and pumping from contraction of skeletal muscles, are some other influences on BP at various places in the body.

Force of blood on vein wallsPressure units: milligrams of mercury (mgHg)

Defined by two numbersSystolic: pressure during beats

Diastolic: pressure between beats

Read as the systolic over diastolic level

Example: 120 over 80

Adult Blood Pressure Categories

Normal Systolic < 120 - 139 Diastolic < 80

Pre-12hypertensionSystolic 120-139Diastolic 80-89

HypertensionSystolic >140Diastolic >90


No symptoms Pressure must be tested

Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope used

Hypertension Prevention Tips

Eat Healthy Fruits and

vegetables Low fat diet

Maintain Weight

Exercise regularly


National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute American Heart Association

Thank you!

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