Potty Train Your Child by NOON and Have FUN Doing It! · potty training method – the same method that she had used successfully to potty train her THREE children. And once I heard

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Potty Train Your Child by NOON... and Have FUN Doing It!

“The proven, fast, fun, EASY way to rid your life of messy diapers once and for all!”

Written by Kim MacPherson Published by 29-Minute Books

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Congratulations! You’re about to take a fun, important step in your child’s


And believe me, the pride that your child will feel when he or she starts going

to the bathroom like a big kid is NOTHING compared to the happiness that you’ll

experience when you transition away from diapers – forever!

My name is Kim MacPherson, and let me tell you...I STRUGGLED the first time

I tried to potty train my son, Ian. Let’s just say it didn’t work out so well...

It was after that miserable failure that I was determined to find the PERFECT

method of potty-training my son. I spoke to a lot of Moms, I did a lot of research, and

I read a number of books.

It was during that process that one of my friends passed along her “secret”

potty training method – the same method that she had used successfully to potty

train her THREE children.

And once I heard it, I knew that my research was over. It all just made perfect

sense to me.

You see, this method works because kids learn really quickly through role-

playing and copying. They also seem to learn best and fastest when they’re having


Now, I know you’re probably in a hurry to get to the good part, but I strongly

suggest you read this book in its entirety before getting started. As with all 29-

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Minute Books, it was written to be a quick read that will give you everything you

need to know in less than half an hour. Not a long time, right?

So, get comfy...spend a few minutes with this book...and get ready to say

goodbye to diapers – forever!

All the best!

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Are YOU Ready?

I can laugh about it now, but let me tell you, it wasn’t funny back then: The

first time around, the very thought of trying to potty-train my son was agonizing, to

say the least.

I had heard a number of horror stories, mostly from parents whose kids just

weren’t “getting it” – kids who were either stuck in diapers for longer than they

should have been, or who were having way too many accidents.

And on top that, there was also the added pressure from a couple of my son’s

friends who were potty-trained almost instantly, sometimes when they were exactly

two years old.

“Oh, Ian’s still in diapers? Well, my Jimmy has been potty-trained for months

now! Such a smart little boy, my Jimmy...”


And because I was so sure that potty-training would be torture for both Ian

and me, I put it off...and put it off...and put it off.

Then finally I decided that it was time to take the plunge. One of my

girlfriends had just potty-trained her two-year-old son, although her method was a

bit – well, let’s just call it unconventional, shall we?

Her method – and don’t worry, it’s not the one I’m going to share with you

here – involved letting her child run naked around the house and backyard. When

nature came inevitably calling, she’d scold her son for the accident, take him to the

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potty, and tell him that “this” was the place where he was supposed to do his


This process took a few days to work, but her son was potty-trained. Of

course, she had to clean up countless accidents along the way, and it seems to me

that we should be able to potty-train our children without all that scolding.

I mean, these kids are TWO, and they’re being made to run around naked for

days! OF COURSE there are going to be accidents, and whose fault is that?

Still, the fact that her son was potty-trained relatively quickly was intriguing

to me, so I gave her method a shot – for all of about 15 minutes.

Once I had to deal with that first accident, I decided that it was not worth

trashing my home (not to mention the humiliation for Ian of running around naked

while soiling himself) to potty-train my son.

This experience, though, made me even MORE nervous about potty-training.

It took me MONTHS to rebuild my courage, and during that time my son must have

heard every potty-training book ever written and seen every potty-training video

ever produced.

You know the books and videos I’m talking about...the ones with cute shots of

happy kids...kids singing, reading, and laughing, all while sitting on the glorious

potty. Heck, those kids would probably SKIP ROPE and do a DANCE on the potty if

their parents would let ‘em.

The thing is, those books and videos really didn’t do anything to teach Ian

about going to the bathroom by himself. They were fun to watch, but none of them

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could effectively demonstrate what it felt like when he had the urge to go...or how to

control or hold his bladder.

Thankfully, it was right around that time that I reconnected with another

girlfriend whose daughter was a few months older than my son. The timing of our

reunion couldn’t have been any better.

Like me, my girlfriend had been terrified of the idea of potty-training her

daughter. Her little girl was very strong-willed, and she wasn’t in any rush to get out

of her diapers.

But when my girlfriend told me about the method that she had used to potty-

train her daughter – in just ONE day, I felt my fear melt away because I just KNEW

that this method would work for my son. I just KNEW it!

And once I had that level of confidence about the whole thing, I was back on

the path to success.

You see, there’s little doubt in my mind that if you are anxious or stressed

about potty-training, the more trouble you’re going to have with it, and the less

successful you will be.

Kids are super-perceptive, and they can sense your own anxiety or stress, so

don’t even think of trying ANY potty-training method – even this one – until you are

in the right frame of mind.

Of course, you’re not the only one who has to be ready, so in the next section

I’ll share with you some of the key signs that your child is ready to be free of


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Key Takeaways

ü You need to be ready for the task – on a mental, emotional, and “gut”


ü Potty training videos and books are good for preparing, but not for


ü Go with your gut instinct; if a method doesn’t feel right, ditch it!

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Is Your Child Ready?

Here’s the thing: Most likely, your child doesn’t want to be in diapers the rest

of his life. Or, if it seems like he does, then he just doesn’t know what he’s missing.

That’s why YOU need to be the judge of when he’s ready. He can’t make that

decision for you, and he’s certainly not going to tell you. (However, I have known a

few Moms who claim their 2-year old has shouted out something along the lines of,

“Get me out of these things!”

How can you tell he’s ready? Thankfully, our little cherubs DO give off some

signs. For example, if he lets you know he needs to be changed – by either pointing

to his diaper or by telling you – that’s a sure sign.

If he tells you things like, “I want to do it myself” (even if what he’s doing has

nothing to do with the potty), that’s another good sign that he’s becoming


If he’s a good listener, and can do as he’s told (OK, well...at least MOST of the

time), that’s another indicator of his potty-readiness.

Also, his poop (don’t you love the technical jargon?) should be less runny and

more well-formed. And by the way, he should be able to distinguish between “pee”

and “poop.” If he doesn’t, you might be in for some trouble.

Last and perhaps most important, you should be seeing dry diapers for hours

when you check them periodically... followed by one huge dumping of urine (or

poop) at a time. This is different from when he was younger with a smaller, weaker

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bladder. Remember those days? That’s when changing a wet diaper every 20

minutes or so was all too common!

There are other signs that the “experts” will have you look for, but honestly,

these were the only things that I looked for, and when they were there, he was

clearly ready.

In hindsight, I realize that Ian was probably ready months before I was. I

mean, all of his “ready” signs were there. However, I truly believe that had I gone

through this process any earlier (when I wasn’t ready!), it just wouldn’t have

worked. At least he wouldn’t have been fully potty-trained in one morning, which is

how it worked out.

I truly believe that my positive attitude about it that day made it so much

more fun for both of us... and everyone knows how having fun promotes learning. It

was a morning I’ll never forget!

Key Takeaways

Most important signs to look for to make sure your child is ready...

ü He’ll tell you he has a dirty diaper.

ü He’s becoming independent... with everything he does.

ü He does as he is told (at least most of the time)!

ü He has non-runny, well-formed poop consistently.

ü He can tell #1 from #2... and can call each by name.

ü He has hours of dry diapers.

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Other things that will also tell you he’s ready (but are not critical for him to

have mastered)...

ü He can pull his pants up and down.

ü He doesn’t like the feeling of a wet or dirty diaper.

ü He grunts or makes a face when he’s having a bowel movement.

ü He can sit quietly for several minutes at a time without getting


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What You’ll Need Before “The Big Day”

First of all, don’t ditch the diapers, at least not just yet...especially those

overnights. Ian was a quick learner and “got it” right away (even with going #2 on

the potty), and there are plenty of children who do get it right away. However,

there’s no guarantee that there won’t be an accident here or there, especially in the

beginning. So hold on to those diapers for at least a few days (even if there aren’t

any accidents)!

What you WILL need is plenty of good, old-fashioned underpants. Get some

“fun” ones with your child’s favorite characters on them.

For example, Ian was really into Thomas the Tank Engine back then, so I

picked up several pairs of those. I actually purchased too many – I think I had about

20 pairs!

In hindsight, we probably would have been fine with five or six pairs. If you

follow this method correctly (and, again, if both you and your child are completely

ready – I can’t emphasize that enough), you should be fine with that amount of

underpants for “The Big Day.” (I’ll go into how you’ll use them a bit later.)

Another thing you’ll need is either a favorite doll or even a stuffed animal. It

should be a decent-sized doll, but it doesn’t have to be as large as your child. Just

make sure it has a head, two arms, and two legs! (And please note, it does NOT have

to be a so-called “potty” doll that actually wets when you drink. Those kind of dolls

are expensive and, in my opinion, completely unnecessary. Not to mention your

child will probably never play with it again.)

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We used a regular stuffed Elmo from Sesame Street. Ian was never into dolls

or stuffed animals, but he kind of liked Elmo. And he already had this doll, so we

didn’t have to buy a new one. Just go with whatever your child likes. Whatever doll

you choose, keep in mind it will be your child’s “role model” for pottying properly!

You’ll also need a sweet-flavored drink of some kind... but something

different than what your child normally has to drink and something he’d consider

really yummy.

So, if you give your child sweet juices at full strength, go for something

different and fun. If you normally give him water or milk, go for a sweet juice. On

most days, we usually gave Ian either water or a diluted apple juice. So on potty

training day, we gave him a super fruity, colorful juice at full-strength. He loved it,

and that is key... you want your child drinking a lot that morning. And I mean a LOT.

The last thing you’ll need is a plastic cup that you can bring to the bathroom

with you. Believe it or not, that is the entire list of things required for potty training

day! I’ll show you how you’re going to use all of these things in the pages to come...

(You won’t believe how easy it is!)

Key Takeaways

Here’s the quick and dirty list of EVERYTHING you’ll need for the big day:

ü Several pairs of clean underpants in your child’s size.

ü A favorite doll or stuffed animal (it need not be new OR expensive).

ü Yummy drinks (for example, sweet juices at full strength).

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ü Plastic cup.

ü Child’s potty training seat (either self-standing or the one that covers

your toilet).

ü Stool (if you use a potty cover for your existing toilet).

Yes, that is it!

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“The Big Day”

Nervous? Don’t be! If you and your child are both in the right mental state,

and if you have all of your “props” from the last section at the ready, you’ll be fine.

You’ll probably look back on this day, as I do, with nostalgia. After all, you’re helping

your child cross a major milestone in his young life. And don’t worry...you’re both

going to have a ton of fun today!

First off, make sure he has a good meal before he starts. Actually, same goes

for you. You’re both going to need some energy today for all of the running (and

skipping and hopping and twirling – oh yes, there’ll be twirling!) that you’ll be doing

as you go back and forth between the kitchen and the bathroom.

If your child is an early riser, just start this series of steps as soon as you’re

both done with breakfast. If your child typically sleeps late, make sure he’s up and

around so you can get started by 8:30am or 9 o’clock at the latest.

If he’s already had a dirty diaper or two before you get started, not to

worry. In fact, it’s better if he has “purged” before you start the process. Once you

start and help him forget old “habits” (and help him also forge new ones), the slate

will be wiped clean – so to speak! – for the day.

This part’s important, though. After breakfast, take off your child’s diaper and

put on a clean pair of new underpants. Tell your child that these are “big boy” (or

“big girl”) undies, and that you think he’s ready to wear them today. Make a big deal

out of it. Chances are, even if he’s attached to his diapers, as long as he’s wearing

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something down there, he’ll feel secure and this won’t phase him. In fact, it’ll likely

make him proud.

Step 1: Get Your Child to Drinkin’!

When the breakfast dishes are done, and shortly after his last diaper change

(preferably a full, wet diaper), have your child sit down at the kitchen table to enjoy

some of his delicious drink that you’ve concocted for him.

Introduce your prop doll to the mix. If the doll is large enough, ask your child

if he’d like to share his drink with the doll. Hopefully he’ll respond positively. If not,

get the doll its own glass, and fill it up with the same drink.

Hold the glass up to the doll’s mouth and pretend as if the doll is drinking

from it. Keep doing that as you enthusiastically talk about how yummy this drink is

– for both the doll and the child. (You may want to drink some, too.)

At this time, whatever your morning routine is with your child, include the

doll in the routine. If you sing songs, hold the doll and make him dance around, too.

If you do puzzles or play games, have the doll participate in that activity by making

his hand move pieces, etc.

Remember: On this particular morning, it’s all about your child AND the

doll, meaning that the doll is an important part of what will happen today. Integrate

the doll into your entire morning. (Note: If your doll is large enough, you may want

to put the big kid underpants on it, too. However, I don’t think this is a necessary

part of the equation.)

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So, picture this: The three of you (including the doll) are sitting around the

kitchen table. You’re making sure that both your child and the doll are getting plenty

of liquids. You’re playing your usual games, singing your usual songs. In other

words, your morning routine isn’t changed, but your child is drinking a lot more

fluids, and the doll is part of everything that happens.

Step 2: Take the Doll to the Bathroom

After about 15-20 minutes, your child should have had at least two kid-sized

glasses of his drink. Same goes for the doll. Ten minutes after that, put the doll’s

mouth up to your ear, and pretend like the doll is telling you something. Say to your

child something like, “Oh, guess what? Elmo [or whatever your doll’s name is] just

told me he has to go potty. But he’s not wearing his diaper, so let’s take him to the

bathroom and see what happens!”

Whatever you say to your child to coax him to the bathroom with you and the

doll, say it very enthusiastically. Then add something like, “Let’s skip our way to the

bathroom now!” And then skip happily with the doll in hand, with your child

skipping happily beside you. Note: This is the time you’ll need that plastic cup prop.

Bring it with you to the bathroom!

Step 3: Have the Doll “Go,” then Celebrate!

When you first get to the bathroom, fill the cup up with water. (Or have it

sitting there on the back of the toilet tank waiting for you if that’s easier.) If the doll

is wearing underpants, pull them down and have the doll “sit” on the toilet. Be sure

to use the same potty that your child will end up using -- whether it’s a self-standing

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potty trainer or the removable toilet seat that a child’s bottom won’t fall through.

Obviously, if the doll is very small, you’ll have to hold it up so it doesn’t fall in!

As the doll sits on the potty, carefully pour the cup of water behind it so the

water pours into the toilet and the sound of it is evident to your child. Pour the

entire cup.

Congratulate the doll for going potty on the toilet and encourage your child to

congratulate it, too! Then let your child flush the toilet and dance around the

bathroom holding hands. Be sure to include the doll in the festivities as you all sing,

“Yay! Elmo used the potty! Elmo used the potty!” Then skip (or hop or twirl) back to

the kitchen, where more juice is waiting for all of you.

Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 with the Doll

Go back to your kitchen games and continue to have your child and the doll

drink plenty of juice (or whatever beverage you decided upon). After about ten

minutes, run the same routine of taking the doll to the potty again: Pretend the doll

is telling you that it has to go to the bathroom... inform your child of this... skip to the

bathroom and have the doll actually “pee” in the potty... dance the happy

congratulatory dance... then skip back.

You’re going to do this one or two times until a full hour has passed since you

started. During that time, your child should have at least two or three more glasses

of his drink.

So if you and your child began drinking your beverage of choice at 9am,

repeat this modeling/role-playing process until approximately 10am. It may sound

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like it’ll become dull and repetitive, but trust me – once you make a game of it like

this, you and your child will enjoy all of the singing and dancing and skipping

around. (And if you need motivation to press on, just think of how your life will

change once your child is potty-trained!)

Step 5: Repeat Steps 1 through 3 with Your Child

At approximately 10am (or after an hour of drinking), you’re going to switch

things around. The doll will STILL “talk” to you... but this time, it is telling you

something altogether different. After the doll whispers in your ear, tell your child

something like, “Now Elmo says that YOU may need to go to the potty! Let’s see if

you do!” And, again, the more enthusiastically you go from kitchen to bathroom, the

more fun this will be and the higher your chances of success.

When the three of you (doll included) arrive at the toilet, take your child’s

underpants and put them down to his ankles (and tell him how and why you’re

doing this and also remind him how he can’t do this with diapers). Then have him sit

on the toilet.

Then wait and see. Don’t tell him to relax – in fact, don’t put a lot of emphasis

on what he’s about to do. Instead, focus back on the doll and say something like,

“Wasn’t that SO neat how Elmo went on the potty? That was exciting!”

If your child has had the full amount of liquid in that last hour (all totaled, it

should have been approximately four to six glasses or more), you should hear a little

tinkle in a matter of seconds. Don’t scare him by shouting out with happiness,

though. Instead, just smile and try to contain your excitement. Chances are good that

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your child will be smiling, too. Then, after he’s done, shout out with joy and hold the

doll while you sing your congratulatory song. Then have all three of you dance

around the bathroom (after you’ve pulled your child’s underpants back up, of

course!), and race back to the kitchen.

When the Pee Doesn’t Come...

If your child didn’t pee at that time, don’t worry. It either means he didn’t

drink enough OR he has a very big bladder. Keep the process going (integrating the

doll’s going to the toilet per previous sessions) every ten minutes or so. Eventually,

you’re going to hear that tinkle in the toilet.

And worst case, if your child actually soils his underpants at some point

during that first hour or so of watching and congratulating the doll on going potty,

that’s okay, too. That’s why you have the extra underpants. Simply remove the dirty

ones, clean up your child and replace with another pair. Then continue on with the


More times than not, however, this method works either the first or the

second time you take your child to the bathroom. With Ian, he started going the very

first time... and it was thrilling for both of us, let me tell you. We made a big scene of

it, and we danced around and were practically screaming with delight when he was


The Poop Factor

Now you may think that this just applies to pee, but actually, a funny thing

happens (at least with most of the moms who have used this method). Once your

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child gets used to wearing underpants and gets used to “holding it” to go to the

potty, they somehow realize that #2 should be saved for the potty, too.

Ian had to get used to pooping on the potty, though, and your child might

also. It was just a much more physical act, I think, and it kind of scared him.

Don’t worry! If that happens to you, your child will get it eventually. It may

take a couple of days, though. Just talk to him about it and help him through. For

example, we never pushed or prodded Ian. Instead, we just gently reminded him

that we all (Elmo included) go poop on the potty.

In the meantime, if he poops in his underpants, it shouldn’t make a huge

mess because a child’s stools at this age are usually not runny or messy. (Don’t you

just love the visual here?)

If he does go #2 in his underpants, simply show him the poop and let him

watch as you toss the stools in the toilet. Eventually, he’ll recognize the urge and

while he still might be afraid to let go in the potty for a few days, he’ll realize what

he needs to do.

We did this with Ian for a few days after potty training day... even though he

learned how to pee in the potty in just one hour! When he finally pooped in the

toilet, we all celebrated again!

At the End of the Morning...

For some children, it takes less than an hour to go from diapers to potty by

using this method. For others, it takes the entire morning. Either is fine (heck, either

is AWESOME!), and there’s no “right answer” because every child is different.

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After your child pees in the potty the first time, keep giving him things to

drink and keep “practicing” using the steps above. Repeat the steps at least two or

three times before lunchtime. By that time, believe it or not, he’ll likely be able to tell

you (prompted or unprompted) when he needs to go!

Key Takeaways

In a nutshell, this is approximately what your schedule for “The Big Day” will

look like:

9-9:15am Ply your child with delicious drink (and have him watch the doll also “drink”). Play games, etc. — whatever your morning routine is.

9:15-9:20am Pretend the doll is telling you it has to go to the bathroom. Then skip merrily, accompanied by your child, to the potty. After the doll “goes” (with you pouring water into the toilet behind its back), celebrate! Then skip happily back to the kitchen for more drinks.

9:20-9:35am Continue as you did from 9-9:15am.

9:35-9:40am The doll has to go again. Pretend as you did from 9:15 to 9:20.

9:40-9:55am Same as 9-9:15am.

9:55-10am This time pretend the doll “tells” you that your child has to go to the bathroom. Take both the doll and your child to the potty, wait and celebrate!

10am-noon Continue in this manner, alternating between child and doll. Most of all, make each “trip” to the potty fun for your child.

If your child doesn’t pee the first time you take him to the potty, don’t worry.

Just continue the drinking/skipping to the potty/waiting game with both doll and

child until he finally is ready.

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If your child pees or poops before you take him the first time, don’t worry

then either. Simply be patient, continue the process and eventually he will go on the

potty that morning.

If your child won’t poop on the potty, relax. Talk him through it, be patient,

let him watch you toss his stools from his underpants into the toilet, if necessary. He

will poop on the toilet eventually... usually within days.

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Overnight Diapers and Pull-Ups

Deciding whether to have your child wear diapers overnight or training

underpants (“pull-ups”) is a personal decision. We decided not to because we were

afraid he’d get used to wearing them again and would fall back into that comfortable

routine that he knew for 2-½ years. We figured if he had an accident in the middle of

the night, we’d just clean it up.

And wouldn’t you know it – he was dry that whole first night, and really just

about every night since (he’s five now).

So go with your gut instinct and what you feel comfortable with... especially

that first night. You don’t want to have any regrets and, especially if it would

traumatize your child, it’s better to play it safe and use the pull-ups. Chances are he

either won’t need them at night... or if he does, it won’t mess up his daytime routine.

So good luck (even though you won’t need it!) and remember to make the

process fun and enjoyable. You and your child will be glad you did. Enjoy!

Potty Train Your Child by NOON...and Have FUN Doing It!

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Recommended Resources

These are all good books to read to your child in the months that you build

up the courage to potty train him (or her):

A Potty for Me! A Lift-the-Flap Instruction Manual. Karen Katz.

Too Big for Diapers. Random House.

The Potty Book (one for boys and one for girls). Alyssa Satin Capucilli.

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