

GLOCAL Initiative is a project that seeks the promotion of local development, as well as the promotion and support to sustainable entrepreneurship. !

It was co-financed by the EQUAL Programme and began in 2002, with 2 distinct phases. !

In general, the geographic scope of the project’s intervention is the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Region. However, through its dissemination activities and networking, its activity has extended to the entire Portuguese territory. !

Because of its extraordinary results in terms of dynamic and innovation, it has been acknowledged both nationally and internationally. !

Main goals

‣ Promote entrepreneurship culture in rural areas

‣ Improve participation and creativity both individual and collective of local communities;

‣ Identify and explore market/business opportunities by using local resources;

‣ Support entrepreneurs by training and mentoring, institutional and adequate financing facilitation;

‣ Promote inter-entrepreneurial, inter-institutional cooperation nets, and cooperation between enterprises and institutions, namely university-enterprises;

‣ Find competitive solutions in global markets, respecting the specificities of “Local” and contributing to the territory communities self-determination.


Good practices for mainstreaming

‣ YES – microcredit system for self-employment and business start-up is an integrated solution for assistance to entrepreneurs that combines micro-financing along with entrepreneurial training.

‣ PREMIUM PROGRAMME – Creativity, Abilities and Sustainability – global and integrated intervention to the advancement and assistance to local entrepreneurship and a simultaneous preparation programme of the entrepreneur and his/her business, together with awards and prizes.

‣ Based on the concepts of the company’s social responsibility and economic solidarity, the E2E (ENTERPRISES TO ENTREPRENEURHSIP) – Voluntary Mentoring Programme and Business Funding/Sponsorship System – allows for the introduction of a new player – the enterprise – in the local development and social inclusion initiatives.

‣ Inter-entrepreneurial cooperation networking – successful practice in the advancement, creation and promotion of inter-company and entrepreneur cooperation networks in a rural environment.

‣ GoToBusiness 1º virtual training center for entrepreneurs in Portugal that’s allows training and support foreign/urban entrepreneurs that want to come to rural territories.


Our project partner: Cristina Coelho GLOCAL Iniciative coordinato !

More information:


Investition in Ihre Zukunft! Gefördert vom Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Frauen und Familie des Landes Brandenburg aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg.