
Post Production Questionnaire and results

We asked 15 young teenagers which fit our target audience what they thought about our ancillary tasks.

Questions and results for the Movie

Magazine front cover

Many agreed that the front cover looked very professional and thought that it was a real movie magazine. It is clear to say that we were successful of creating a high standard movie magazine which our target audience will enjoy.

Majority of the audience do like the mast head but one problem is that it doesn't stand out as much as the rest of the magazine.

The sell lines which we have used got a good, high response from our target audience which means that they would read the magazine and the mode of address relates well with the target audience.

From the response that we got from our target audience, they all based our main image as a horror movie which means that we have succeeded in creating a horror styled front cover look.

The majority of the target audience say that the main image is the most appealing thing. They like how the image pops out and stands our from the rest of the poster. Generally, when selling magazines, the main image is what tends to catch the target audiences eye.

The majority of the audience said that they would improve the masthead as for it doesn't stand out.

Overall, for the magazine front cover, it is clear to say that we have successfully created a magazine front cover which will attract our target audience. We have followed the codes and conventions which tend to appear on a movie magazine and so this has allowed us to create a high standard media text that our audience will love to read. The improvements that we should do is fix the masthead to make it stand out more and make it more appealing to the eye.

Horror Poster Questions and Answers

The majority of the audience were able to identify that it was a horror movie and many did mention that it is a supernatural horror movie.

The majority of the audience say that they are able to understand what the narrative is and this is proven by many of the audiences' response of “possessed”. This was a success due to the fact that they have an idea of what the movie is about.

The main image was a great success! We managed to create a chilling, fearful look which our target audience have agreed that it is highly effective.

The majority of votes say that the tagline and film title are highly effective and that they would go and watch the movie. This also is a great success.

We have successfully used codes and conventions of general horror movie posters. Our target audience have managed to point this out by seeing past horror movie posters and comparing it to ours.

The fonts we used and colours were good but some of our audience said that the title had too many blood splats and the colour doesn't really relate with “darkness”.

The majority of the audience say that they wouldn't want to change anything on the poster. They mention that the colour of the masthead is too light but its not a major problem.

Overall, for the horror movie poster, our target audience are happy with the media text that we have created and from our results. I can proudly say that we have created a successful movie poster and we have fulfilled every element which our target audience would want to see on a horror poster. The only changes that would be considered is the lightness of the title and the amount of blood slats that are placed on the title.

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