Positioning for Market Optimization: GenAssessmentCo Excerpts from Strategic Positioning Project.

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Positioning for Market Optimization:

GenAssessmentCoExcerpts from Strategic Positioning Project

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Call to Action for Management Team:

UnderstandGenAssessmentCo’s Customers

UnderstandGenAssessmentCo’s Competition

Executive Summary

That Was Then, This Is Now

How to Proceed

Executive Summary

Positioning for Market OptimizationAllows GenAssessmentCo:

To Leverage its Strengths

To Refine its Product

To Perfect its Value Proposition

To Establish the Direction for Sustainable Growth

Executive Summary

A “best-kept secret” misses opportunities

Executive Summary

GenAssessmentCo management and customers describe the tool as:

Powerful Comprehensive Challenging Flexible Well Respected Overwhelming Illustrative Detailed Complex High-Quality Insightful Daunting Reliable Multi-layered Best-Kept Secret

Executive Summary

Synopsis of Findings:

A best-kept secret becomes a market liability as competition looms larger. Missed opportunities become

permanently lost opportunities for sustainable revenue.



Similar themes in management and customer opinions regarding threats and areas for improvement.


Lack of clear/consistent vision/focus/ commitment/follow-through/communication

Pricing Complexity Lack of branding Cost for GenAssessmentCo to be a player Market perception re: value Competition: products, pricing, packaging,

distribution, aggressive sales & marketing Limited opportunities for employee growth/

development Unclear lines of authority Lack of customer focus


Company inconsistencies, frequent changes, insufficient lead-time

Cost for reports Complexity Lack of branding Report interpretation is labor- and time-

intensive Lack of immediate feedback Lack of strong support from staff Treat consultants as if they’re competitors Training required is expensive in terms of time,

money, travel


The majority of customers surveyed have very little, if any, interest in

other assessment tools.




“We rely on consultants to get business.”

“Consultants are our assets and our liabilities.”


“I can’t download a report, email it and let my client link directly to the site.”

“I can’t export groups into anything I can manipulate. I have to enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet so I can sort.”


The Winning Value Proposition:

CONSULTANTS Value Thoroughness, depth Credibility of tool and

vendor company Proven accuracy Easy to use Business expertise Leadership

effectiveness components

Show specific applications

Can download/email reports

Prescriptives Equal treatment of

customers Company integrity

LARGE COMPANIES Certified training Thoroughness Allows for in-house

expert Can score own reports Results-oriented Easy to use &

understand Numerous applications Depth Competitive price/value No gender/racial bias Prescriptives

VAR’S Not complex Includes today’s

occupations Credibility Accuracy Non-judgmental Good

support/customer service

Good credentials

GENERAL PUBLIC Business-based Adopted by major

corporations Measurable Proven impact on the

bottom line Modern Gets people



GenAssessmentCo, three ways: Choosing a model

“LEXUS MODEL” Price is part of cache Investment For the elite Classic design Highly specialized sales Limited distribution Indulgent, relationship-based

service Premium product

“TIMEX MODEL” Price point within “everyone’s”

reach Short-term purchase Accurate, reliable No specialized sales Bare bones, mass market

design Wide distribution Minimal service Commodity

“L’OREAL/CLINIQUE MODEL” More expensive, but we’re worth it Special—stands out from the pack Dependable Knowledgeable, well-trained sales

force Creates desire for long-term

relationship Excellent customer service Stylish Discriminating, targeted


Survey Says

Survey Says

Word-of-mouth works, but that will never get you where you want to be.

Survey Says

1. 86% of those who responded to the survey learn about GenAssessmentCo through word-of-mouth. Internet and advertising have virtually no impact.

Survey Says

When they “get it,”

it’s worth it.

Survey Says

2. 90% somewhat to strongly agree the GenAssessmentCo Method is an excellent value for the money.

Survey Says

Look—even the consultants wantself-interpretative


Survey Says

3. 81% call for self-interpretative reports. “People like to be able to absorb information themselves— that’s not what GenAssessmentCo provides.”

~ Customer

Survey Says

It’s an open field.There are opportunities,but maybe you should play in another field.

Survey Says

So many reports, so little time:

Simplify, Merge, Discontinue

Repeat as Needed

Survey Says

3. Of the ten reports listed, GenReport was the overwhelming “most useful.”

The reports with less than 10% should be evaluated re: updating/revamping/ folding into another report/eliminating.

GenAssessmentCo Must Do’s

Must Do #1 The Tool

Just do it: re-tool the tool

“Immediate feedback is the key.”“What’s missing is the immediate experience/ understanding.”

~ Customers

Must Do #1 The Tool

It’s unanimous: The tool needs a makeover

Reduce total number of reports: Eliminate the superfluous.

Simplify reports and interpretation requirements.

Create 1-page report that includes GenAssessmentCo depth and insight: Basic grid, components, interests.

Update the occupational list.

Include opportunity for “immediate” feedback.

Must Do #2 Master Mentor

Be THE Business Diagnostician:Connect the dots for your customers, so

they can be successful.

“GenAssessmentCo isn’t very helpful getting the most out of the product.”

“It’s too complicated—it has too many pieces.”~ Customers

Must Do #3 Customer Support

Provide the kind of support that will make

a difference to the customers.

“I would like to be able to talk to someone about how to use tools, how to do team consulting.”

~ Customers

Must Do #4Quality Consulting End-to-End

Be the Best. Pick the Best. Support Them

to the Max.

“They shouldn’t just certify anyone—they have to get it.”“They [GenAssessmentCo] don’t have the business savvy to know

how to use the tool.” ~ Customers

Must Do #5New metrics for market credibility

Get The MetricsFor Your Market

You don’t have the metrics your market needs“Organizations want ROI information.”

“Having those kinds of numbers would answer client questions; it would be a much easier sell.”

~ Customers

Must Do Summary Positioning in a Nutshell

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