port inner harbor 84 naikō kōnai - York Universitybuna.arts.yorku.ca/japanese/ajlt/kanji_list/hs_kanji_681...port 内港 naikō inner harbor 84 港内 kōnai in the harbor 84 港町

Post on 04-Feb-2020






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内港  naikō inner harbor 84

港内  kōnai in the harbor 84

港町  minatomachi port city 182

WAN – bay

東京湾  Tōkyō-wan Tōkyō Bay 71, 189

湾曲  wankyoku curvature, bend 367

港湾  kōwan harbor 680

港湾労働者  kōwan rōdōsha portlaborer, longshoreman

680, 233,232, 164

台湾  Taiwan Taiwan, Formosa 501

SAI, tsuma – wife

夫妻  fusai husband and wife, Mr.and Mrs.


妻子  saishi wife and child/children,family


後妻  gosai second wife 48

良妻  ryōsai good wife 321

老妻  rōsai one's aged wife 552

SEI – awful, tremendous, terrible

凄惨  seisan ghastly, gruesome, lurid 1843

凄絶  seizetsu ghastly, gruesome 755

BŌ, [MŌ] – die na(i) – dead, deceased

死亡者  shibōsha the dead 85, 164

亡父  bōfu one's late father 113

亡夫  bōfu one's late husband 315

未亡人  mibōjin widow 306, 1

亡命  bōmei fleeing one's country,going into exile


BŌ, MŌ, nozo(mu) – desire, wish, hope for

志望  shibō wish, aspiration 582

宿望  shukubō long-cherished desire 179

要望  yōbō demand, wish 425

失望  shitsubō despair,disappointment


大望  taimō great desire, ambition 26

SEI – holy

聖人  seijin sage, holy man 1

神聖  shinsei sacredness, sanctity 310

聖書  Seisho the Bible 131

聖堂  seidō Confucian temple; church 505

聖母  Seibo the Holy Mother, theBlessed Mary


KIN – a cloth, rag, towel

雑巾  zōkin wiping cloth, mopping rag 584

頭巾  zukin hood, kerchief 276

赤頭巾  akazukin red hood 207, 276

赤頭巾(ちゃん)  Akazukin(-chan)Little Red Riding Hood

207, 276

巾着  kinchaku moneybag, purse 668

FU – spread; cloth nuno – a cloth

財布  saifu purse, wallet 562

布巾  fukin dish towel, dishcloth 687

毛布  mōfu a blanket 287

分布  bunpu distribution, range 38

公布  kōfu official announcement,promulgation


KI – hope, desire; rarity, scarcity

希望  kibō wish, hope 685

希少  kishō scarce, rare 144

希少価値  kishō kachi scarcity value 144, 427, 431

メーカー希望価格  mēkā kibōkakaku manufacturer's suggestedprice, list price

685, 427, 653

I, koromo – garment, clothes

衣類  irui clothing 226

黒衣  kokui black clothes 206

法衣  hōi priestly robes, vestment 123

衣食住  ishokujū food, clothing, andshelter

322, 156

羽衣  hagoromo robe of feathers 600

I, [E] – depend on, be due to; request

依存(度)  izon(do) (extent of)dependence

269, 378

依然として  izen toshite as ever, asbefore


帰依  kie faith, devotion; conversion 317

SHO – first; beginning haji(me) – beginning

haji(mete) – for the first time hatsu-, ui- –first -so(meru) – begin to

最初  saisho beginning, first 263

初歩  shoho rudiments, ABCs 437

初演  shoen first performance,premiere


初恋  hatsukoi one's first love 258

SHOKU, SHIKI, o(ru) – weave

織機  shokki loom 537

組織  soshiki organization, structure;tissue


織物  orimono cloth, fabric, textiles 79

毛織(物)  keori(mono) woolenfabric

287, 79

羽織  haori haori, Japanese half-coat 600

SHIKI – know; discriminate

意識  ishiki consciousness 132

知識  chishiki knowledge 214

常識  jōshiki commonsense/knowledge


学識  gakushiki learning 109

識別  shikibetsu discrimination,recognition


HEN – compile, edit a(mu) – knit, crochet

編集  henshū editing 442

短編小説  tanpen shōsetsu shortnovel, story

215, 27, 404

編成  hensei organizing, formation 261

編み物  amimono knitting; knittedgoods


手編み  teami knitting by hand 57

FUKU – clothes, dress; obey, serve; dose

衣服  ifuku clothing 690

洋/和服  yō/wafukuWestern/Japanese clothing

289, 124

心服  shinpuku admiration anddevotion


着服  chakufuku embezzlement,misappropriation


服役  fukueki penal servitude; 376

military service

KŌ, saiwa(i), shiawa(se), sachi –happiness, good fortune

幸運  kōun good fortune, luck 445

不幸  fukō unhappiness, misfortune 94

HŌ – news, report; remuneration muku(iru) –reward, requite

情報  jōhō information 209

報道機関  hōdō kikan news media,the press

149, 537, 402

天気予報  tenki yohō weatherforecast

141, 134, 397

報知  hōchi information, news,intelligence


急報  kyūhō telegram 303

SHITSU, SHŪ – carry out, execute to(ru) –take, grasp

執行  shikkō execution, performance 68

執権  shikken regent 335

執心  shūshin devotion, attachment,infatuation


執着  shūjaku, shūchaku attachmentto; tenacity


執念  shūnen tenacity of purpose;vindictiveness


JUKU – ripe; mature u(reru) – ripen, come tomaturity

円熟  enjuku maturity, mellowness 13

成熟  seijuku ripeness, maturity 261

未熟  mijuku unripe, immature, green 306

半熟  hanjuku half-cooked, soft-boiled (egg)


熟語  jukugo compound word;phrase


JI – word; resignation ya(meru) – quit, resign

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