Political science 1 vocabulary

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Vocabulary (P.96)

Verb: Affiliate

ELS is loosely affiliated with Queens university. ELS uses some of the same facilities.

N/V (Ally) The US and the UK were allies in World War II.

The US and the UK formed an alliance in WWII.

(N) Antagonist- A person who actively opposes another

(Adj) Antagonistic

(V) Antagonize

When we were younger, my brother constantly antagonized me.

(V) Argue

(ADJ) Argumentative

My mother and I had an argument about the tattoo on my wrist.


Verb) Collaborate

(Adj) Collaborative

Dr. Dre and Lady Gaga collaborated on BEATS.

(N) Commandment

A general commands the army.

(V) –Contend (2nd meaning)

(Adj) Contentious- Causing an argument:

Dokdo is one of the main islands of contentionbetween South Korea and Japan.

(Adj/V) Corrupt

Political corruption is one of the main issues with China’s development.

Decent (ADJ)

The US should have at least had the decency to admit that they were wrong for spying on Chancellor Angela Merkel.

(ADJ) Depraved

Kim Jong Il is seen as a depraved leader.

(V) discord (archaic.)

A good family who shows no signs of discord.

The disunity of the members caused the group to split.

(V) Dominate

(ADJ) Dominant

The red fighter dominated over his opponents.

(ADJ) Ethical

(ADV) Ethically

Ethics vary from culture to culture.

(ADJ) Forceful

(ADV) Forcefully

My brother forced me to eat worms when I was younger.

(ADJ) Frictional

Friction between nations can be lessened through trade.

ADJ- Harmonic

ADV Harmoniously

Amber is pleased when her students work together in harmony.

ADJ – Hegemonic

The upper class constitutes the hegemonic class.

(V) Honor

ADJ – Honorable

ADV – Honorably

Winning the Noble Peace prize is an honor.

ADJ- Hostile

ADV Hostilely

Between 1945-1990 there was a state of political hostility between the Soviet Union and the US.

To achieve harmony, we must make a joint effort on the issues.

(ADJ) Mighty

(ADV) Mightily

General Patton was a mighty general.

(ADV) Morally

Her morals won’t allow her to lie.

V- Oppose

ADJ- Opposite

ADV – Oppositely

The was a lot of opposition to the Vietnam War.

(ADJ) Righteous

(ADV) Righteously

We had no doubt about the righteousness of our case.

(N/V) Rival

There was a fierce rivalry for the new job posting at Samsung.

(V) Struggle – To make forceful or violent attempts to break free of something,

Noun- A forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint, or to overcome something.

ADJ – Strong

ADV – Strongly

The strength of the economy is the most important factor.

There was more uprightness in the past regime than there is at the present time.

My only vice is smoking cigarettes.

ADJ – Virtuous

ADV -Virtuously

In the past, women were considered virtuous if they neither drank nor smoked.

My phone is worth $200.

(ADJ) Worthy-Deserving effort, attention or respect.

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