
The Role of Virtual Worlds in the Success of Video Games as

Cultural Products

The Gaming Industry as an Economic and Cultural


Halo 3

World of Warcraft

170 million Sales in USD of Halo 3 in first 24 hours after release

9.7 million

Number of units sold of Halo 3 as of June 2009

1 billion Number of online multiplayer matches played of Halo 3

2 trillion Time spent in those online matches in seconds (64,000 years)

11 million Number of players to have joined World of Warcraft as of Oct 20082 billion Approx. annual revenue in USD from those subscribers

14 million Number of copies sold of software needed to run WOW

600 millionApprox. revenue from sale of WOW software in USD

World building is important in all forms of fiction

Game worlds require a unique comprehensiveness due to the self-determinacy of the player

Place vs. space

Great games usually occur in great places

Fallout 3

Fallout 3

Grand Theft Auto IV

Fallout 3

Grand Theft Auto IV


These games exist within the context of larger game franchises.

These games exist within the context of larger game franchises.

The continued development of a game franchise allows for the elaboration and expansion of the virtual world in which it takes place.

These games exist within the context of larger game franchises.

The continued development of a game franchise allows for the elaboration and expansion of the virtual world in which it takes place.

Star Wars as prime example of cross-media franchise

Online social interaction within virtual worlds is a key distinguishing characteristic of video games.

Halo is a prime example of using a single player campaign as a platform to create places that allow for online interaction and competition.

Online social interaction within virtual worlds is a key distinguishing characteristic of video games.

Halo is a prime example of using a single player campaign as a platform to create places that allow for online interaction and competition.

World of Warcraft works almost in reverse as an MMORPG based on social interaction with the capacity for individual gameplay.

The transcendant franchises are able to make those worlds persistent places with unique and deep mythologies that people have connections with and wish to return to again and again.

Games are becoming an increasingly important part of our culture and our cultural economy.

The most successful games combine compelling gameplay with elaborate virtual worlds

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